Fight 4 Us (Book 2)_Reunited

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Fight 4 Us (Book 2)_Reunited Page 9

by Brian Grenda

  Phil interrupts, “We will be fine with the babies.”

  I feel the tension that Phil displays after Buck’s remarks and decide to change the subject.

  “Buck. I see you have solar panels on your house.”

  Buck replies, “Yeah. They aren’t working and haven’t for a while now.

  “What’s wrong with them?”

  “I don’t know. They try to work but the converter needs to be changed out or something. I had the solar company come out months ago, and they said it would cost about 500 bucks.”

  I look at Buck and ask, “When they did work though, did they power the whole house?”

  “Yeah. When they were working, it was great. I couldn’t afford the 500 bucks at the time to fix it though,” replies Buck.

  “You mind if Phil and I look at the solar panel converter.”

  Buck stands up from the recliner chair and says, “No. Go right ahead. The converter is in the garage.”

  Buck walks Phil and I into the garage. Buck’s garage is a two-car garage, that is holding his yellow sports car inside the garage on one side of it. We walk over to the converter and try to power it on.

  The converter tries to power on, but it won’t stay on. The converter needs to be changed out, but everything else looks to be working fine. The electrical wires are fully connected, but the converter is definitely broken.

  “Buck, what was the name of the company that sold you this unit?”

  Buck replies, “Solar Energy of Tampa.”

  “Do you have a card with an address on it?”

  “Yeah, I have a card inside the house. I’ll be right back,” says Buck.

  Buck runs into the house to get the business card. Phil sees a boxing heavy bag hanging in the garage. He jabs the bag with his left hand. Followed by a punch with his right hand. He transitions into a combination of punches with his left and right hands.

  As Phil is hitting the punching bag, I am making a mental image of the converter setup and installation. I look at the model number, but can’t full make it out. The unit number has partially worn off the cover. I believe the converter model is a BG34, but it’s hard to tell.

  After about 10 minutes, Buck finally comes back into the garage with the business card. Phil stops hitting the punching bag. Buck hands the business card to me. The card has some dirt on it, and is somewhat hard to read. I rub the dirt off and look at the address. I know the location of the company, and it’s not that far from the house.

  “Thank you, Buck.”

  Buck replies, “No problem. Are you thinking about getting some solar panels?”

  “Yeah. We have a generator for now, but we know that solar energy is a must. Especially since we live in Florida.”

  Buck responds, “Yeah. Solar panels are great when they work.”

  Buck, Phil, and I leave the garage and walk back into the house. Buck seems to be hanging on in this new world, but only time will tell for how long.

  “Thank you for this information. I’m going to check out the company and see if I can get some solar panels on my house and a new converter for you.”

  Buck replies, “That would be great. Thank you, Ryan.”

  Phil and I excuse ourselves from Buck’s house. We exit the house and Buck closes the front door behind us.

  As I walk back to my house, I look at the business card and think of how solar panels could improve our situation.

  Florida has more sunny days than any other state in the United States. I wish I would have installed solar panels on my house years ago, but they are very expensive and take years to recover the initial cost.

  None of that matters now, as we are on our own to survive. No solar companies will be coming around trying to get our business now. It’s up to Phil and me to get the solar panels set up and harness the power of the sun.



  The sun is glaring down on the highway. Several cars are speeding down an open stretch of highway. As the cars speed down the highway, they pass a sign.

  The sign reads:

  I-95 South.

  Matt is leading the way in his sedan followed by Shaun in his jeep. The guys have been driving for several hours now and are close to the I-95 South connection with I-4 West. The trip has been uneventful up to this point and with minimal traffic problems.

  The highway lanes going South seem to have less congestion and traffic on them. For some reason, most people are driving North on I-95.

  “I wonder where everyone is going?” asks Lisa as she looks out the window at the cars traveling North.

  Shaun replies, “No way to tell. I’m sure people are looking for loved ones, safety, food, and just something to make sense of this new crazy world.”

  Lisa replies, “I hope people find it, and that the world eventually gets back to normal.”

  Shaun looks at the northbound traffic and says, “I hope so too. People will be the deciding factor if we succeed or fail in this new world.”

  Shaun and Matt continue down the highway with minimal traffic going southbound, while the northbound side is showing more and more congestion and an abundance of traffic.

  The cars going North are moving very slowly if at all. People are honking their horns and yelling out of frustration and anger as they sit in traffic.

  As Matt and Shaun drive down the highway going South, they suddenly notice an annoyed northbound driver pass through a small separation between the northbound and southbound lanes.

  The pass through is designed for police or emergency vehicles to be able to pass through on the highway in an emergency.

  The car is now driving against traffic going northbound in the southbound lanes.

  The car luckily moves over into the shoulder but almost takes out a car that was driving next to Shaun going South before moving out of the way.

  Shaun sees the near collision and says, “What an idiot. People are starting to freak out and that’s when society crumbles.”

  Lisa looks back at the traffic and sees that more and more cars are now entering the southbound lanes and driving North.

  People have a funny way of joining in with people during a crisis, or when a mob starts. Mob mentalities are dangerous when they occur. People feel strength in numbers and a partial sense of no consequences when they are part of a large group.

  Matt comes up on the I-4 West exit and takes the ramp that will lead him off I-95 South and onto I-4 West. The guys should hopefully be at Nicole’s house in about an hour.

  “How are you holding up back their mom?” asks Matt.

  Ann replies, “I’m doing okay. I’m just upset about your father.”

  Matt replies, “I’m upset about losing him too, but I need you. Nicole is going to need you.”

  Ann wipes away tears from her eyes and says, “I will always be here for you and your sister.”

  Kylie jokingly asks, “What about me?”

  Ann smiles, laughs and says, “Of course Kylie. You too.”

  After about an hour and a half, Matt and Shaun make it to the exit that will take them to Nicole’s house in Orlando. Matt and Shaun exit off the highway and stop at a non-working red light.

  Matt sits at the red light for about a minute. Shaun isn’t sure why Matt hasn’t moved yet and wants to make sure everything is okay.

  Shaun drives over to Matt’s driver side door and rolls Lisa’s window down. Matt rolls his window down and looks at Lisa and Shaun.

  Shaun looks at Matt and asks, “Everything okay?”

  Matt says, “Everything is fine. Nicole’s neighborhood is at the next light. Make a right at the light and that will take you right to her neighborhood.”

  Matt is talking to Shaun to calm his nerves down. Matt is nervous to what he will find when they arrive at Nicole’s house.

  Shaun interrupts Matt and says, “Just lead the way bro. I know you are nervous about Nicole, but not knowing is the worst part.”

  Matt says, “You are right. I’m just scare
d that she won’t be okay.”

  Shaun replies, “Only one way to find out.”

  Matt nods his head, rolls up his window, and hits the gas pedal. Shaun follows behind Matt as Matt turns onto the entrance road that will lead to Nicole’s neighborhood.

  Matt drives down the entrance road, sees that the gate to the neighborhood is fully open and drives into the neighborhood.

  Shaun follows behind him, but slows down and stops as he sees a sign at the security guard station.

  Lisa sees the sign also and says, “What’s that? Stop Shaun.”

  Shaun stops at the security guard station to read the sign.

  The sign reads:

  Matt & Shaun. Meet Us In Tampa. Took Nicole & Her Babies. Left Derrick Behind. He’s A Cheating Asshole.

  Shaun looks at Lisa and says, “Holy crap. Ryan and Phil made it here.”

  Shaun looks for Matt, but he is nowhere in sight. Shaun drives through the front gate and makes a left-hand turn.

  He drives down the street and through the neighborhood. Shaun doesn’t know which house is Nicole’s and is driving through the neighborhood hoping to find Matt.

  Shaun has never been to Nicole’s house before and doesn’t know where Nicole and Derrick live. Shaun is frantically trying to find Matt’s car, but can’t.

  Lisa says, “Make a right. We should have seen him by now. This neighborhood is huge.”

  Shaun makes a right onto Erial Road. He is at the very back of the neighborhood. He passes house number 2582. As he speeds down the street, he can see movement in the distance.

  Lisa shouts, “That has to be them up ahead.”

  Shaun drives down the street and sees that it is Matt. Matt is being yelled at by a man and a woman in the front yard of a house.

  Shaun drives up to Matt’s car and parks his jeep. He sees a man pointing at Matt and yelling in his face. Shaun grabs his handgun out of his glove compartment and exits his vehicle.

  “Your sister left with those assholes!” shouts the man.

  Shaun walks towards Matt and shouts, “Matt, everything okay here?”

  Matt replies, “No! Nicole isn’t here. Her husband Derrick said that Ryan and Phil took Nicole with them.”

  As Shaun approaches Derick and Matt, Shaun is holding his handgun in his right hand by his side. Derrick sees the gun and immediately gets nervous.

  Shaun says, “Hey Derrick. I’m with Matt.”

  Derrick says, “Nicole isn’t here, so you guys need to leave.”

  Shaun walks over to Matt and looks directly at Derrick and Denise.

  Denise comes over to Matt and yells again, “Nicole isn’t here, so you guys need to leave.”

  Matt responds, “I don’t know who you are lady, but I’m just trying to find my sister.”

  Matt continues, “We had a very long drive, and I don’t need to be getting yelled at right now.”

  Denise responds, “Well, she isn’t here.”

  Shaun looks at Derrick and asks, “Can we at least come in and get more information about everything? We need answers about all this. We won’t stay very long.”

  Denise is about to yell at Shaun, when Derrick interrupts her.

  “Sure. Denise and I will tell you whatever you want to know,” says Derrick.

  Shaun tucks his gun into the back of his pants and motions to Lisa to come out of the jeep. Matt walks over to his car and gets Kylie and his mother out of his car.

  Derrick sees Ann get out of the car, walks over to her, and gives Ann a hug.

  Derrick looks at Ann and asks, “Where is Michael?”

  Matt replies, “He didn’t make it, unfortunately.”

  Derrick says, “I’m sorry to hear that. Michael was a great guy.”

  Derrick and Denise escort the group into Derrick’s house. The group enters the house and Denise locks the front door.

  The house is a mess. Broken pictures are lying on the floor as you enter the home. Glass is all over the tile floor. Photo albums are torn apart in the living room and there is a huge hole in a hallway wall.

  The group walks into the kitchen. Lisa, Kylie, and Ann sit in kitchen chairs. Matt and Shaun stand near the kitchen table, while Derrick and Denise stand near the kitchen countertop.

  Ann asks, “What happened here Derrick? Why is Nicole not here?”

  Derrick replies, “They took my wife. Ryan and Phil came here, beat me up, and took Nicole with them.”

  Shaun and Matt look at each other with a look of disbelief as they hear what Derrick just said.

  Kylie asks, “Why would they just take her?”

  Derrick responds, “Nicole had the babies, that guy Phil beat me up pretty bad, and then they were gone.”

  Ann shouts in a happy tone, “Nicole had the baby? Wait. Did you say babies?”

  Derrick replies, “Yeah. Nicole had twins.”

  Matt and the group don’t know whether to be happy or concerned with the news about Nicole and the babies.

  Matt asks, “Is she okay? When did they leave?”

  Derrick shouts, “I don’t know. I can barely see out of my one eye still. I think they left a couple days ago.”

  Denise shouts, “They beat him up and took her away.”

  Lisa looks at Derrick and asks, “Who is your lady friend with the big mouth?”

  Denise shouts, “Don’t worry about who I am! I’m helping Derrick.”

  Matt immediately gets angry, walks over to Derrick, and says, “Look! I don’t know what happened here, but I’m here for my sister. I’m sorry what happened to you, but we didn’t do that to you.”

  Derrick cowardly replies, “I understand Matt. I just want your sister to be okay. I want her back.”

  Kylie and Lisa look at each other and each give Denise a dirty look. Ann is happy to hear about Nicole’s babies, but is concerned about their safety. Matt and Shaun don’t know what to make of Derrick’s story.

  Shaun calls Matt over away from Derrick. Shaun walks Matt out the front door and out to the front porch.

  “I don’t know what to make of Derrick’s story, but I don’t think Ryan and Phil would kidnap Nicole,” says Shaun.

  Matt replies, “Me either. I don’t trust this snake Derrick and this chick Denise.”

  Shaun says, “There is a sign out front of the neighborhood on the security guard station. You must have missed it on the way in.”

  Matt says, “What sign? I didn’t see a sign.”

  Shaun replies, “It had to be from Ryan or Phil. It said. Matt & Shaun. Meet Us In Tampa. Took Nicole & Her Babies. Left Derrick Behind. He’s A Cheating Asshole. I’ll show you the sign when we leave.”

  Matt replies, “Okay. Then we leave for Tampa now.”

  Shaun says, “We have to get some gas first. I will siphon some from a couple of these cars here.”

  Matt asks, “Do you need any help?”

  Shaun says, “Just keep a lookout, while I get the supplies and the gas.”

  Shaun walks to his jeep and gets the gas containers and hose from his trunk. He looks around for any nearby cars that he can get gas from. He smiles as he picks which car to get the gas from.

  Shaun walks over to Derrick’s car that is parked in the driveway and kneels down by the passenger side gas tank.

  Matt says, “What are you doing? That’s Derrick’s car.”

  Shaun pops his head up from the side of the car and says, “I know that. You know what I’m doing.”

  Matt laughs and says, “Hurry up about it.”

  Derrick opens the front door and looks at Matt who is standing on the walk way to the front of the house.

  Matt sees Derrick looking at him and gives him a wave.

  Derrick walks towards Matt and asks, “Everything okay here?”

  Matt replies, “Yeah. I’m just trying to get some fresh air and make sense of all this new information.”

  Derrick replies, “Okay. Just making sure you are okay. Where is your friend at?”

  Matt gets a smile on his face and replie
s, “Getting gas nearby.”

  Derrick looks at the front of his house and then back at Matt.

  Derrick says, “Matt, I love your sister. I feel empty without her. I just want her back here with me in our house.”

  Matt replies, “I understand Derrick. I will find her and see that she is safe.”

  “Thank you. Are you guys going to Tampa?” asks Derrick.

  Matt replies, “Yes. Our next trip is to Tampa and to find Nicole.”

  Derrick replies, “Good. I must get Nicole back. I might come after you guys.”

  Matt replies, “I’m not sure that’s the best idea Derrick. I think you wait here and make sure you are safe. Make the house and neighborhood safe for Nicole and the babies to come back here to.”

  “I can do that. Make sure the neighborhood and house is safe for them to come back to,” Derrick repeats.

  Matt looks at Derrick and says, “I will find Nicole and do what is best for her.”

  Derrick replies, “Thank you, Matt. I appreciate that.”

  Derrick shakes Matt’s hand and walks back into the house.

  Matt turns to look at Derrick’s car as Derrick closes the front door. Shaun pops up from the side of the car with two full gas containers.

  Shaun walks over to his jeep and starts pouring the gas into his gas tank. He empties the one container fully into his jeep. Shaun then pours the remaining gas into Matt’s gas tank.

  Shaun puts the empty gas containers in his jeep and walks over to Matt.

  Shaun says, “I don’t trust this guy Derrick. Who is the chick that is with him? Denise?”

  Matt replies, “I don’t trust him either, and we know that Nicole is with Ryan and Phil. I trust them.”

  Matt continues, “Let’s get everyone out of here and move on to Tampa.”

  Shaun agrees and they both go in the house.

  Matt walks in the kitchen and says, “Thank you Derrick for your time and answers, but we are leaving now.”

  Denise says, “Good.”

  Derrick replies, “I’m sorry Nicole isn’t here, but like I said before, your friends took her away from me. I didn’t want her to leave.”


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