Fight 4 Us (Book 2)_Reunited

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Fight 4 Us (Book 2)_Reunited Page 14

by Brian Grenda

  “Why did you attack me Chris?”

  Chris replies, “I heard gunshots, saw you, and thought you were shooting at us.”

  Another gunshot goes off. I point to the West as I hear the gunshot. The firing is not coming from this neighborhood.

  “See. It wasn’t us shooting.”

  Chris says, “I apologize. Come inside and let’s talk.”

  Phil and I follow Chris and Jamie into their home. Phil looks at me with a cynical look as we enter the home through the red front door.

  Chris and Jamie live in a modern Florida home that has the Italian decorative look to it. The house feels inviting, but cluttered with a lot of unnecessary material possessions on the walls and chachkies taking up every available space in every room. They have a set of leather sofas, and tons of pictures on the walls.

  Chris takes us to the living room. We all decide to stand, basically just sizing each other up.

  Chris asks, “Do you guys want something to drink?”

  “No thanks.”

  Chris shouts, “Jamie. Can you get me a sparkling water?”

  Jamie replies, “Yeah.”

  Chris and Jamie are what you would picture for an average Italian couple in their 30’s. Chris is a tall skinny man, with olive colored skin, and a thick head of slicked, combed back, brown hair.

  Jamie is a short, petite, cute, brown haired woman. It’s easy to tell that fitness and staying in good shape are important to Jamie.

  Chris looks at me and asks, “So, what are you two guys doing? You two trying to clean up the neighborhood or something?”

  Phil gets annoyed by Chris and says, “Yeah. Something like that.”

  “Chris. We are trying to secure the neighborhood and turn this place into a safe zone.”

  “Safe zone. Good luck with that,” says Chris.

  Jamie walks into the living room and gives Chris his sparkling water. She hands Chris the water and turns to exit the room. Before leaving the room, she clearly gives Phil an obvious look of attraction.

  Chris looks out of one of his front windows and says, “The world has gone to shit. I say let it. It ain’t my problem to fix.”

  “You would just sit by and let the world fall apart?”

  “Yeah. What did the old world do for me?” shouts Chris.

  Chris continues, “Nothing. It gave me nothing but headaches and angina. I busted my ass day in and day out and look where it got me.”

  Phil says, “Let’s go. This guy clearly doesn’t want to help us.”

  I look at Phil and say, “I guess not. I guess he doesn’t want to run this new world with us.”

  Chris becomes interested when he hears what I say to Phil. I can tell that he is interested in running things and being in a position of power. He seems like the guy who always wanted to be the boss, but was never able to actually achieve that high of a status in life.

  Chris says, “Well, now, hold on just a second. I like the idea of helping out and running things.”

  I know the type of guy Chris is. He wants all the power and for people to work for him. Chris might be useful in this new world, if we can learn to manage him just right, or he could turn out to not be worth our time, and be nothing but a huge headache.

  “If you help us secure the neighborhood and turn this place into a safe zone, then we can survive and start to branch out into other neighborhoods.”

  Chris gets a big smile on his face and sees the potential of how things can go for him.

  Chris says, “What do you need me to do?”

  “I need you to secure your home, the surrounding homes, and rally up any survivors in the neighborhood.”

  Chris replies, “Jamie and I can do that. I know a couple of people who are still alive in the neighborhood and I have some friends and family that live close by.”

  I see a picture on the wall and walk over to it. The picture is a family portrait of Chris and his family. The picture has 15 people in the picture, including Chris.

  I look at Chris and ask, “Is this your family in this picture? Do any of them live around here?”

  “Yeah that’s the Marchetti family portrait. My parents, two uncles, and cousin live close by,” says Chris.

  “Great, do you think they will be willing to help us? I am counting on you. This can prove to be the difference between life and death for us moving forward.”

  Chris shakes my hand and says, “Yeah, they will help. They will do anything for family. My family and I won’t let you down.”

  “Phil and I will be in touch, but I would start as soon as possible on gathering up the remaining neighborhood survivors.”

  I walk out of the living room. Phil follows, and we walk towards the front door. Jamie walks towards us as we exit the front door.

  As we exit the house, Phil looks back at Jamie and sees that Jamie is staring at him.

  Jamie says, “See you guys later.”

  Phil waves goodbye and Jamie shuts the door.

  “I don’t know about those two Ryan,” says Phil with a concerned tone.

  “Me either, but what other choice do we have at this point? There is strength in numbers in this new world. We will definitely have to keep a close eye on Chris though, and manage closely what he does.”

  I look at Phil and joke, “You just watch out for Jamie, she was giving you the look.”

  Phil replies, “What look?”

  “You know what look. The I want to bang you look.”

  Phil looks back at Chris’ house and says, “That ain’t good. Doubt Chris would like that very much.”

  I reply, “Yeah. Let’s not try to cause any problems with those two crazies. The last thing we need is more drama and conflict right now.”

  Phil and I continue walking through the neighborhood. We pass Martha’s house, and her big oak tree that sits in the front yard.

  Then we pass my house. I realize that my house is in very good shape compared to other homes in the neighborhood. I give it a quick check as we pass by, and it looks to be pretty secure and safe for now.

  We make our way to the West entrance of the neighborhood.

  The West entrance is the main entrance to our neighborhood. The neighborhood sign is located at this entrance. The sign reads:


  One of the homes at the West entrance looks to be empty and the other is showing signs of life.

  Phil and I decide to check out the house that might have people in it first. I am more curious about who is left alive, over who is dead right now.

  Phil walks right up to the house and knocks on the white front door. I walk towards the house and can hear movement inside the house.

  The movement stops, but I hear someone at the front door. The person doesn’t open the front door, but I can feel that they are there and looking at us through the peephole.

  Phil knocks on the door again.

  “Who is it?” a man shouts from inside the house.

  “It’s your neighbors from the down the street. We are doing a check of who is alive in the neighborhood,” says Phil.

  “We are alive in here,” says the man.

  I step towards the front door and say, “Can we talk to you for a second? Can you open the door?”

  The man replies, “I prefer not to open the door. It’s not safe out there.”

  “That’s okay. We just want to know that you are okay and who lives here.”

  The man replies, “Myself, my wife, and my son life here. We are doing fine in here, but please leave us alone. We don’t want any trouble.”

  “Okay. I’m glad you and your family are safe. We won’t bother you anymore. I hope you and your family are okay in there. Hopefully we will see you around.”

  Phil and I walk away from the house and towards the sidewalk in front of the house. I feel a combination of annoyance and understanding as I walk down the concrete path away from the house.

  Not everyone we meet is going to be a hero, strong, or even useful. A strong leader knows how
to maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of everyone, everything, and anything that comes around them.

  I look at Phil and say, “I hope they are safe in that house, but I also don’t want to just barge in and risk hurting them.”

  Phil replies, “We have to trust that they are safe right now and not hurting anyone. Let’s keep an eye on this house though and remember what happened here.”

  Phil and I cross the street and walk towards the other house that sits at the North end of the West entrance. The house isn’t showing any signs that people are living inside.

  There is a car in the driveway, but the house looks to be empty. Phil checks to see if the car is unlocked. He lifts the driver side door handle, but the door is locked.

  I walk towards the garage door and try to open it. The garage door is shut and won’t manually open from the outside. Phil walks to the front door and knocks on the white door.

  No one answers the front door and no movement is heard as we are standing outside the front door.

  Phil knocks again as I keep a lookout.

  “No one is alive in that house!” shouts a nearby neighbor.

  I turn towards the house that the voice came from and see a man standing next to his car in the driveway across the street. The man waves to us and shows a gesture that he isn’t a threat.

  Phil and I walk towards the man.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I saw the lady who lives there go for a walk and die right over there in the grass.”

  I look to where the man pointed in the grass but don’t see a body.

  “Where is the body?”

  The man replies, “I took care of it. I can’t have dead bodies lying around the streets and lawns of the neighborhood.”

  “I appreciate that. What’s your name? I’m Ryan and this is Phil.”

  “I’m Tyler. Nice to meet you.”

  “I live down the street.”

  The man interrupts, “I know who you are. You live next to Martha. Well, you did live next to Martha, before she died anyway.”

  “Yeah. Do I know you Tyler?”

  “Probably not, but I have seen you around the neighborhood, and I know who my neighbors are,” replies Tyler.

  Tyler is a soft-spoken middle-aged man that seems to be very laid back and calm. He speaks in a very monotone southern manner. He is a tall skinny guy with a long white beard and long hair.

  “Are you guys really going around and checking out all of the neighbors?” asks Tyler.

  “Basically. I want to know who is alive around here, what areas are safe, and what areas need our attention.”

  Tyler replies, “That’s a good idea. Turn this place into a safe zone or something.”

  “Exactly! I want to live and try to make this place safe for us and for anyone that wants to live in this new world.”

  Tyler seems like someone we can trust, but we might need to convince him to be proactive about things. His laid-back mindset might not work in this new world as danger and chaos can come at you in an instant.

  Phil asks, “Tyler, who else is alive around here?”

  Tyler looks down the street and says, “I haven’t seen too many people alive lately. I’ve disposed of several bodies a couple days ago, but it’s been quiet lately.”

  “I appreciate you doing that for the neighborhood. Can you continue to keep an eye out for us?”

  “I reckon I can. I’ll keep watch,” says Tyler.

  I shake Tyler’s hand and say, “Thank you. I hope to see you around Tyler.”

  “I’m sure you will,” replies Tyler.

  Phil and I walk away from Tyler and head back to my house.

  As Phil and I walk down the sidewalk, Phil jokes, “I reckon I can. That guy Tyler is a character.”

  I laugh at the joke Phil made and can’t help but to wonder who we will meet in this new world. I usually enjoy meeting new people, but I am more cautious about who will come along our path in this new world now.

  I hope that we meet the right people that will help us survive and stay alive, but I also know that not everyone we will meet will be willing to join us and to help us out.

  Phil and I make it back to my house. The Florida sun is beating down on us, and I’m glad to be going inside for a while and to relax for a bit.

  I walk into my house and then into my bedroom. I take off my gear and go into the bathroom. I wash my hands and face and look in the mirror.

  I feel confident that we will make it in this new world, but only if we get the right people to join us. People are usually the deciding factor in what makes things work or makes things fail. People can find success on their own, but only for so long. Long lasting success is usually a result of the efforts of many people coming together.

  As I gaze in the mirror and think about what the future might bring for us, Lauren enters the bedroom.

  Lauren sees me in the bathroom and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I grab Lauren and give her a big hug. Lauren is a great wife, and someone I know I can depend on.

  “How did it go out there?” asks Lauren.

  “Pretty good. The neighborhood is quiet, but we found some people still alive.”

  I exit the bathroom and enter my closet. I change my clothes and sit on the edge of my bed. Lauren walks out of the bathroom and sits next to me.

  “Did you find anyone that can help you secure the neighborhood?” asks Lauren.

  “Do you know a Jamie and a Chris?”

  “Oh geez. You met Jamie and her boyfriend Chris?” asks Lauren.

  “I sure did. He tried to tackle me and Jamie tried to stab Phil.”

  “That’s about right. Those two are crazy. Jamie is in my kickboxing class. She always wears these tight yoga pants and a half shirt. Her boyfriend Chris is a hot head,” says Lauren.

  “I know that first hand. He’s kind of a wuss though.”

  Lauren replies, “A couple months ago, Chris tried to beat up our kickboxing teacher. Chris thought the teacher and Jamie were sleeping together. He came running into one of the kickboxing classes and sucker punched the teacher. It didn’t work though, Mr. Dux kicked him right in the face and knocked him out.”

  “I can see that. Jamie was making eyes at Phil a couple times. Jamie might be the one that starts the problems, and Chris escalates them.”

  “Jamie definitely puts that vibe out there. She probably did sleep with Mr. Dux,” says Lauren.

  I don’t feel confident with how the survivors in our neighborhood will work out, but I have no choice. Everything happens for a reason, and the people that are still alive in the neighborhood must be alive for a reason.



  I awake from my bed and feel a sense of excitement about today. My plan is to install the solar panels on the roof with Phil and start to close off the neighborhood entrances.

  I get out of bed, stand up at the side of the bed and stretch out my back. I exit my bedroom and find Phil eating some cereal in the kitchen.


  Phil replies, “Morning. We working on the solar panels today?”

  “Yes sir. I think we can get a bunch of them up today and hopefully we will be completely setup with solar power over the next couple days.”

  I take a seat next to Phil on the other barstool seat at the kitchen countertop and make a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

  Lauren enters the kitchen and says, “Good morning guys.”

  “Morning sweetie, you sleep okay?”

  Lauren replies, “Yeah, but my neck is hurting this morning. Must have slept on it wrong.”

  “You were tossing around a lot last night.”

  Lauren walks past me and kisses me on the forehead. She exits the kitchen and goes to check on Nicole and the babies in the back bedroom.

  Phil finishes his bowl of cereal and puts the bowl in the sink.

  I look at Phil and ask, “Can you charge up the power drills on the generator and get the solar p
anel materials together.”

  Phil replies, “I already got the drills charging and will take the ladder and supplies to the backyard right now.”

  “Thank you, Phil. I will meet you outside when I finish my cereal.”

  Phil says, “Take your time for once. Enjoy your morning breakfast for more than 2 minutes. I will be fine outside.”

  Phil exits the kitchen and goes into the garage. I take a spoonful of cereal and think about what Phil just said. I tend to be proactive about getting things done almost to a fault. Once I start something, I want it done as quickly as possible. Maybe I should take some time to relax and enjoy being alive for once.

  I take my last spoonful of cereal and place my bowl in the sink. I walk into my bedroom and change my clothes. Phil exits the house through the sliding glass door and walks to the backyard.

  I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and think about the world that we are dealing with.

  I can’t help to think that it’s very strange how the world has changed so much but I feel that I haven’t changed that much.

  I’m still the goal driven guy who wants to succeed in everything I do. I guess it’s just the type of goals that have changed. Especially since the world isn’t all about paying bills, material positions, and other truly meaningless things.

  This new world is all about survival, food, water, shelter, and protection. It’s not about social media and keeping up with what everyone else is doing. It’s about keeping yourself and your loved ones alive and being around the right people.

  I finish washing my face in the sink, look in the mirror, and say, “Today is going to be a good day.”

  I exit the house through the sliding glass door and meet Phil in the backyard.

  Phil is setting up the ladder to get onto the roof. I see that the crops need water and turn on the hose. I water the rows of crows that we planted. It’s too early to tell if the crops will grow or not, but I’m counting on them providing food for us.

  I check the planted vegetable plants that we have in placed in the backyard and near the house. They are doing well, but need some water. I go back inside the house and grab some water bottles to water the vegetable plants.


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