Sheltering Emma (Police and Fire: Operation Alpha): Finding Shelter #1

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Sheltering Emma (Police and Fire: Operation Alpha): Finding Shelter #1 Page 9

by Drake, Aspen

  “That’s it, baby. I want you to let go.”

  The first wave of my orgasm comes before he even says the words. But whether he wants me to or not, the momentum can’t be stopped. All I can do is hold tight and let the urgent sensations crash over me. I can’t speak or move or think. I just feel and gasp, trying to draw enough air into my lungs to stay conscious for the most intense sexual experience of my life.

  I’m vaguely aware that Hunter has locked his hips to my ass and is probably shooting his load into me, but I don’t care. This particular moment is about me. I know it, and he knows it. He wanted me to experience something I’ve never experienced before and… Damn.

  This is definitely an experience of a lifetime.

  After my breath slows down and my brain is working again, I sigh at the pressure of Hunter’s chest hovering above my back. I’m not taking his full weight, but his skin is pressed to mine as if he’s spooning me from above. “That was…different.”

  Hunter laughs and presses a kiss to the side of my head. “Yeah, I’d have to agree.”

  My stomach chooses that second to growl loudly, reminding me that I’m actually starving. “Do you think our food is ready?”

  Hunter lifts off me then pulls me into his arms. He kisses me softly then rests his forehead on mine. “Only one way to find out.”

  * * *

  We finish dinner in record time. Partially because I’m still mortified that all the diners sitting near the back hallway looked right at us with knowing smiles when we walked back to our table. And partially because I really was starving and can’t pretend to be a polite flower when I’m hungry.

  There’s also the question of what happens after dinner. Since we skipped ahead to sexy time for our appetizer, does that mean we won’t have any sexy time dessert? Hunter was still half-hard when he tucked back into his pants in the office so I’m holding out hope for another round.

  When we get into his waiting car, I slide across the leather seat and try to behave. I really do. But that need to feel him inside me is back with a vengeance, and I can’t ignore it any longer. As soon as the car is in motion, I slide closer to Hunter and reach for his cock. I’m not disappointed when I find it rock-hard and pointing straight at me through his pants.

  “Can I talk you into coming up for a while?” I whisper right before Hunter wraps one hand around the back of my neck and pulls me in for a hard kiss.

  “I’ll come anywhere you want for as long as you want.” He rocks his hips so his cock rubs across my cupped hand. I take the hint and grab him, creating a fabric sheath for him to thrust into while his tongue mimics the motion in my mouth.

  “Even if I want you to come in my mouth, right now?” I ask against his lips.

  Hunter kisses me harder and presses his hand over mine so I’m holding him with a firm grip.

  I’ll take that as a yes.

  With one hand, I release the zipper on his pants and free his cramped dick. I only stroke him a few times before I feel a bead of moisture pooling at the tip. That’s my cue.

  Without another word, I drop my head into his lap and take him into the back of my mouth, wishing we had a longer drive back to my place but knowing I won’t need it.



  I doze off for about an hour with Emma wrapped around me. Her smooth skin feels like velvet draped across my body. I briefly consider staying until morning, but a text from Travis has me getting dressed and slipping out the door before she notices I’m gone.

  I call him back before I hit the street.

  He answers on the first ring. “Hunter, sorry for calling so late.”

  “It’s fine. What’s up?”

  “We found some info I thought you might want to hear.”

  “Good. Lay it on me.”

  “Turns out, an ad was placed on Craigslist in January with similar language to the one we have a copy of. At first, we thought it could be coincidence, even though it was posted around January fifth.”

  “Well, that definitely sounds like a link since the first missing woman was reported on the seventh.”

  “True, but then we couldn’t find anything from March during the two-week period that women started disappearing again.”

  “Okay...” My mind is processing what he’s saying and suddenly disappointed that ad in January must have been a fluke.

  “But, then we checked papers from the area for the week before the kidnappings started again in March. One paper had a classified ad that practically mirrors the one from January. It promises a high salary for a position as a private assistant, requiring confidentiality of all applicants and on-call availability.”

  Bingo. “So the ad is how they’re finding their victims.”

  “That’s how it looks. And once the applicant shows up, they probably complete an application and provide their home address to the kidnappers. Several of the people we’ve spoken to mentioned hearing about the possibility of the job on the evening before the women disappeared, so I’m thinking they were likely taken from their homes. Although it seems like a risk to grab them at home.”

  “This is great work, man.” I glance at my watch and then start walking to the corner to grab a cab.

  “That’s not all. Carolina responded to the ad. The phone number is the one thing that has changed with each ad, but it’s probably a burner phone, so we can’t track who’s been purchasing them.”

  “Everyone uses a damn burner.”

  “Carolina set up an interview for tomorrow morning. We’ll have her wire tapped and wearing glasses with cameras hidden so we can see who we’re dealing with.”

  “Good. Let’s get the whole team listening in either a van close by or at the office. I want everyone paying attention so we don’t miss a thing. If the perpetrators are starting up again, we need to act quickly to protect as many potential victims as we can.”

  “Agreed. I’ve also arranged for some plain clothes guys to man the street outside the meeting place. I’m not sure if more applicants will show up at the same office building, but I want to make sure we get to each one as they come out of their interviews.”

  “That’s great. And trust me when I say this. I don’t want a single woman to disappear on our watch.”

  “Understood. I’ll make sure we have a solid game plan set before we do anything.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  * * *

  I’m exhausted as I walk in the door the next morning. Rena is at her desk and gives me a huge grin. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” I say through half a yawn. “Any fresh coffee?”

  “Just put on a pot. I’ll get you a cup.” Rena stands and moves toward the conference room where a small kitchenette is set up. It was designed for use during meetings, but I know Rena hated walking a floor down to get her coffee, so I used some of my discretionary budget to authorize a full selection of coffees, teas, and creamers within easy reach.

  That woman has been a godsend since I started here, so if a coffee bar at her disposal makes her smile, I’ll keep that baby stocked to the brim at all times.

  I sit at my computer, tapping the mouse button and listening to the hum of the CPU boot up. My screen pops up to my inbox where several new emails are waiting to be read.

  Rena taps on the door before pushing it farther open and walking a cup of steaming coffee to my desk.

  “Thanks, Rena. Has anyone reached out to you about a meeting yet?”

  “Travis said they’d be ready to go at ten. Should I get the room ready?”

  “Yeah, and did Jorgensen call back yet? Cruz said I’d hear from him today.”

  “Yeah, he wants you to call him when you’re ready. I’ll route him straight through to your office.”

  “Thanks, Rena.”

  She nods before stepping out of the room and pulling the door closed behind her. A few minutes later, my intercom buzzes and Rena’s voice comes over the speaker. “Hunter, I have Mr. Jorgensen on line one.”

  After clearing my throat, I pick up the receiver. “Hey, Jorgenson. Thanks for taking my call.”

  “Hunter, how’s it going? Have something for us?”

  “Maybe. We’re doing some reconnaissance work and have an impromptu meeting set in an hour. I thought you or Cruz might want to listen in.”

  “Yeah, I would. I appreciate you including the bureau in your efforts. Ten?”

  “Ten o’clock. We’ll see you then.”

  As soon as I hang up, I call for Rena.

  She pops her head through my door a moment later. “Yes, sir.”

  “Jorgenson is joining us at ten. Can you get order some pastries?”

  Rena looks like she’s about to ask, but I cut her off. “Just put it on my personal card.”

  “Will do.” Rena steps out.

  I’ve already blown up my discretionary budget for the month by feeding my team, so now it’s on me. But I don’t mind. A fed team in a happy team.

  At one minute to ten, I step out of my office and head to the conference room as everyone is filing in. Alex is up at the white board with key points written out like a power point slide.

  Once the group is seated, I recap what I know and bring everyone up to speed on the plan for the day. Even though we’re only following up on a hunch, I want to be sure we’re at the top of our game in the event we’re right.

  Most of the team is aware of the basic facts, so they don’t ask many questions. Jorgenson sits quietly, taking notes on the work we’ve done for the FBI so far. Most cops probably hate the thought of working with the Feds, especially if the bureau takes over and gets credit for all the work. But I don’t care about that.

  My bosses know the work I put in and what’s really going on. Protecting these women is more important than a tick mark on a scoresheet that says I’ve done a good job. I couldn’t give a shit about that. I just want to keep the women of my city from being kidnapped or whatever the hell is happening to them.

  When the meeting finally adjourns around eleven thirty, everyone in the room is pumped to move forward. Carolina is wired, and we’re ready to watch her from a close distance. Everything should go smoothly, and hopefully, we’ll get some answers.

  By the time I get back to my desk, I have an email waiting from Cruz.

  Jorgenson filled me in on your plan. Let me know if my team can be of any assistance. Good luck.

  Cruz doesn’t seem to be a man of many words. But short and to the point is something I can appreciate. Now if we can just pull off these meetings without rousing suspicions from our potential suspects, we may have our first opening in these cold cases.



  I’m disappointed but not surprised when I wake up to an empty bed. Again. This time, there’s a business card on my dresser and a note on the back.

  Call me sometime.

  – H

  Not exactly a love note, but I guess that means he’s open to a second date. As I’m putting his number in my contacts, Jenna texts. Can I come over?

  Sure. Just waking up.

  Good. I have donuts.

  I love that girl. I quickly slip into some leggings and a sweater then wait for Jenna to arrive with my sugary breakfast.

  When she does, she shoves her bag of donuts at me then heads straight to my couch. “You’re not gonna believe what happened.”

  “Okay, should I get some coffee going or do you want to just dive right into it?”

  She waves me toward my kitchen. “Coffee, obviously. But seriously, you’re gonna freak.”

  I get my coffee pot started then put the donuts on paper plates and head back to the couch. I cross my legs sideways on the cushion, so I’m facing her as I take my first bite. “Okay, shoot.”

  “You know that job I was telling you about?”

  “The personal assistant thing?”

  Jenna takes a deep breath and smiles. “I have an interview. It sounds amazing. Two hundred dollars a day working from home. I have to be on-call for occasional errands but otherwise, it’s mostly emails and scheduling.”

  “Wow. That sounds good, but are you sure it’s legit?”

  “Yeah, I think so. At least it sounded good on the phone.” She takes a bite of her donut right as the coffee pot dings that it’s ready.

  I run into the kitchen to pour a couple mugs and then come back to the couch. “When is the interview?”

  “I’m going in on Monday afternoon, and if it goes well, they want me to start on the first of the month. They’re looking to hire 3-4 people so they can have 24/7 coverage. If I can do the overnight shift, there’s a twenty percent premium.”

  I hold the mug of coffee in front of me and let the warm steam fill my senses. I love the smell of hot coffee in the morning. “Can you do a night shift with Ollie at home?”

  “I think so.” She curls her legs up under her body and leans against the cushion. “It’s just phone and computer work so I can work while he sleeps and then sleep while he’s at school. It’s perfect.”

  I’m a little more skeptical than Jenna, but it does sound pretty good. Probably too good, but I used to think it was impossible to get a $5,000 tip for dropping off sandwiches and I recently learned that was possible too. “Can I go with you?”

  “On my interview?” She looks at me like I’m crazy. “Isn’t that a little weird?”

  “Well, I don’t have to go in with you, but I’ll feel better about you going if I’m close by. And hell, if it is legit, maybe I’ll ask about a job too.”

  * * *

  Two days pass before I hear from Hunter, and then at 11:30 on Monday, I get a text from him. Join me for lunch?

  Thanks, but I’m working.

  The response bubbles pop up immediately. Are you actually going to make me order a ton of food just to get you into my office? Because you know I will.

  And I do know he will. Fine, what do you want me to pick up?

  Sushi… Sandwiches?

  I’ve been craving a BLT, so I tell him that. I’ll place an order at Bacon Bits for a twelve o’clock pick up. Does that work for you?

  Yep. That gives me time to do one more delivery before I head over there.

  See you then.

  I turn off my delivery app as soon as I finish my delivery, so I’m not called to go for another one. The best part about this job as a delivery driver for Meals2Me is that I just sign in when I want to work and sign out when I don’t.

  After picking up lunch for Hunter and me, I head straight to his office. I’ve had a busy morning, so I don’t mind taking some time to sit for a few minutes.

  Rena waves me past her desk and directly into Hunter’s office when I exit the elevator. I find Hunter sitting at a small table on the other side of his office.

  His dark eyes give me a once-over, and I shiver under his inspection. His slow smile confirms he likes what he sees. That’s good because I definitely like what I see. Seeing Hunter with his hair neatly in place instead of messy from my fingers running through it makes me want to whimper with need.

  He pulls me into a quick hug, leaning down to kiss me gently. “I could’ve had someone else deliver lunch, you know.”

  “Don’t be silly. I do this for strangers twenty times a day.” I place the bag of food on the small conference table in his office. “There’s no reason why I wouldn’t do it for you.”

  Hunter brushes a strand of hair behind my ear, slowly caressing my neck before he pulls away. “Well, thank you for picking it up.”

  “Mm hmm.” Breathing is suddenly a lost art as I try to gain control of my faculties. Why does my body go haywire whenever he touches me? During sex is one thing, but a simple hug shouldn’t turn me into a puddle of desperation. But it does. It so does.

  I accept the paper-wrapped sandwich Hunter hands me, and we both settle at the table and start eating. After a few minutes of companionable silence, I put my sandwich down on the paper it was wrapped in and take a drink of water. “So, what do you do here?�

  Hunter smirks. “I lead a team of special projects in the community. Sometimes we work with other law enforcement agencies, but it’s a new group so we’re still figuring things out.”

  I smile, kinda turned on by his power and authority. “That sounds interesting.”

  He takes a drink of water then leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. “It is. Most of the time.”

  I give him an incredulous look. “Is it dangerous?”

  “Not usually.” Hunter grins. “I’m in more danger when beautiful women deliver lunch to me and I’ve got an office full of colleagues just a few yards away.”

  A smile forms on my lips. “Well, lucky for you, I don’t have a lot of time today. I need to head out in about twenty minutes.”

  “That doesn’t sound lucky for me at all.”

  “Well, living the dream, ya know.”

  Hunter tips his head, giving me a thoughtful stare. “Are you?”

  I shrug. “Well, obviously, delivering sandwiches to people who are either too busy or too lazy to walk two doors down and get it themselves isn’t what I dreamed of doing when I was a kid.” I lean back in my chair and mimic his posture. “But it pays the bills. So, here I am.”

  Hunter grins. “Here you are.”

  A slow smile grows across my face until Hunter’s phone rings from where it’s charging on his desk.

  “Excuse me, please.” He goes to his desk and picks up his phone, glancing at me as he answers it. “Hey.”

  Hunter turns and stares out the window with his free hand on his hip as he listens to the other end of his phone call. “I see. Call me when you know more.”

  He doesn’t say anything else before he hangs up and slides his phone into his pocket, staring out the window for another minute before turning and rejoining me at the table.

  I pick up my sandwich and take a bite. Tension is heavy in the air, and I’m not sure why. Since I have no idea what kind of business drama he may have going on, I give him a minute before I clear my throat to get his attention. “So, is everything okay?”


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