The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles

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The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles Page 1

by Sarah Hite

  The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles

  Sarah Hite

  The Dragon Guard: Moons and Sons

  By Sarah Hite

  Published by Bright Scale Publishing

  Cover Design by Justin Klett, Justice Defender Designs

  Interior Design by Bright Scale Publishing, LLC

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,

  and incidents either are products of the author’s

  imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance

  to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is

  merely coincidental.

  © 2016 by Sarah Hite

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this

  book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  ISBN-13: 978-1532950506 (paperback)



  Ania-A- nye- a

  Benik-Ben- ick

  Callen-Cal- len

  Cainen-Cane- en


  Layon- Lay- on

  Lukair- Luke- air

  Madia-May- dia

  Mychal-Mick- awl

  Ryell-Rye- L

  Silvrin-Silv- Ryn

  Thorin-Thor- in

  Middle Kingdom Dragons

  Chekal-Cheek- all

  Collina-Cole- eena

  Kei- ata Lorbrein- Key- ata Lore-brain


  Konjon-Con- John

  Kyeon Mangjul- Key- on Man- jewel


  Larnek-Lair- neck

  Lieta-Lee- eta

  Lyong Ryou-Lee- ong Rye- oo

  Milen-My- len




  Seoung-See- ung

  Shaelynn-Shey- lynn

  Southern Kingdom Dragons


  Aatu Haru-A-tou Har- oo

  Aelya-A- Lya

  Alamine-All- a- mean

  Alani-All- on-ee

  Akio-Awk- E-O


  Daro-Dar- O

  Eika-Eck- a

  Eira-Air- a

  Floren-Floor- En

  Kiela-K-eye- elle

  Marltos-Mar- L- tose

  Neela-Keel- a

  Torak-Tore- awk

  Tomel-Tow- mel

  Zema-Zae- ma


  Caegain-K- gen

  Kuyvu-Ky- voo

  Mordag- More- DAk

  Shanti-Shaun- T


  Altera-All- tera

  Eliek-El- lee- Ek

  Lao Island-L- ow

  Pailo (Peleg)Island chain-Pay- low (Pay- leg) Island chain


  Dralics-Dray- Licks

  Character Descriptions


  Aarto-A member of Queen Alani’s Royal Council.

  Aatu Haru-Chief council member and the Chief General of the Southern Kingdom.

  Alamine-The Chief Toma and a member of Queen Alani’s Royal Council.

  Alani-Queen of the Southern Kingdom.

  Akina-The daughter of Kyeon and Kym, and the princess of Dragons’ Keep.

  Akio-The nephew of Aarto and a personal friend of Prince Torak.

  Chekal Ryou-A messenger scout for the Royal Council, and the grandson of General Lyong Ryou.

  Elder-The Chief council member on the King’s Royal Council.

  Kei- ata Lorbrein-The shaman of Dragons’ Keep and a member of the Royal Council.

  Kwan Ryou-Moon’s mate and Lyong Ryou’s youngest son, as well as a member of the Royal Council.

  Kyeon Mangjul-The king of the Middle Kingdom.

  Kym Mangjul-The queen of the Middle Kingdom.

  Lang Ryou-Chekal’s sire and Lyong Ryou’s older son, as well as the queen’s primary Royal Guard.

  Pai -Kei-ata Lorbrein’s son and a messenger scout for the Royal Council.

  Lyong Ryou- The Chief General of the king, and an elder on the Royal Council.

  Saydene “Moon” Mangjul Ryou-The Princess of Dragons’ Keep and is the king’s sister.

  Sayden Ryou- Shaelynn’s brother and the son of Moon and Kwan.

  Seoung Mangjul- The king’s brother and a member of the Royal Council.

  Shaelynn Ryou- The daughter of Moon and Kwan Ryou.

  Torak- The son of Kyeon and Kym, and the crown prince.


  Ania-A member of the Dragon Guard, and leading female character.

  Cainen “Flame”-The king of the humans’ nation of Altera.

  Captain Harden- A member of Lord Ryell’s court and leading military official of the Omri Province.

  Daemon- A member of the Dragon Guard.

  Henreth- The healer of Aretell, a member of Ryell’s court, and one of the few who know dragon anatomy.

  Thorin-The former Commander of the Dragon Guard, as well as Ania’s father.

  Layon-A member of the Dragon Guard.

  Lukair-Silvrin’s second born and Ania’s best friend.

  Madia-A village elder and member of the Dragon Guard.

  Nealson- A village elder, member of the Dragon Guard, and Ania’s Grandfather.

  Silvrin- Thorin’s second in command, current captain of the Pycan Dragon Guard and the father of Lukair, Lorex, and Stone.

  Stone- Daughter of Silvrin and Madia, as well as a childhood friend of Ania’s. Married to Lord Ryell’s son.


  Caegain-Dralic warrior, second in command.

  Kuyvu-The daughter of Mordag.

  Mordag-The leader of the dralics.

  Shanti-Mordag’s mate.


  Off the southern coast of Altera, lies an island chain. The islands, oddly temperate in the colder climate of the south, are mostly unknown to their northern neighbor. Not many have traveled to these islands, even with the warm, spring-like atmosphere, their sparkling brooks, and vast wild life. It is rumored that strange creatures abide in the few mountains that mark the main island’s western shore, as well as the cliffs to the east. Some call the western mountains the Crumbling Shore, as the sea bellow is met by sheer cliffs of crumbling stone. These stones are said to be so fragile, that a bird could land on them, and at his very touch, send them crashing into the waters below.

  One day, an eagle was hunting in the cliffs. It disturbed the stones, causing several of them to fall. The eagle took flight as his perch slipped from under his talons, and crashed into the surf bellow. The stones fell through the surf, and sank down to the calmer waters near the ocean floor. As the stones hit the sandy bottom, it scattered schools of colorful fish. One of these schools fled, and passed the dominate creature of the isles. The dragon snapped out with his jaws, catching several of the small fish in his mouth. He looked back at another dragon several yards behind him, and continued catching fish; he even swam after some. Several minutes later, the young dragon returned to his elder.

  How was that? he asked the older dragon.

  The bigger dragon smiled. Not bad, but it’s easy to catch small fish; it’s the big ones that take the most work.

  So, when do we go after them?

  The older dragon chuckled to himself. This is only your second lesson. I will admit, you are improving quickly, but you are not ready for that yet. We may start with the small ones, but we will reach the big fish soon enough.

  But Father-

  No. We will work our way up to the bigger fish, he said, still laughing to himself. His son was a determined one. He swam over to the boy, and wrapped one long wing around his shoulders. We will get there; there is a great deal you must learn before you can take on a barracud
a. The larger fish can harm us as easily as we can harm them, especially a swordfish. Now come, it is time we got back; your mother will start to worry.

  Together the two Ocean dragons swam back toward the southern coastline, where the waters were shallow. They did not go far when the boy’s father noticed that all the fish, and other coral life, had vanished. The older dragon stopped and looked around. I don’t like this. Go home, quickly. I will join you soon. He watched from a distance as the small, six-foot-long, deep green dragon swam away before turning around. He scanned the sea, looking for the disturbance, but could see nothing through the semi-murky waters. He continued to scan the water, and soon saw a shadow in the murk; it seemed to be moving toward him.

  The boy turned back to look at his father, and watched in horror as something very large swam out of the murky water and struck him in the side. The creature took his father in huge claws, breaking his wings, before throwing him through the water. The young dragon swam away as fast as he could. He erupted from the water, and leapt into the air, water streaming from his wings and tail. He flew the short distance to the nation’s capital; he landed just outside the main entrance and ran into the dark corridors beyond.

  He hurried to a chamber deep inside the cliff face, and only stopped when he had reached the council chamber. The guard stopped him before he could go in, but he ducked under his wing and ran into the chamber. “Uncle Aarto!” he called.

  The older, blue, and yellow dragon looked up in surprise. “Akio! What are you doing in here?” He quickly turned to a pale blue dragon with vibrant violet and silver markings. “My apologies your Majesty.”

  The queen realized that the boy was frightened. “It is quite alright,” she said, and turned to Akio, “What is the matter young one?” Akio quickly told the council about the attack. His uncle was filled with mixed emotions, since the boy’s father was his brother. He was afraid for the boy, and his brother, but was also angry with whatever attacked him.

  Aatu Haru turned to the youngster. He was a dark blue dragon with silver markings; he was also the chief council member and the chief general of the southern warriors. “What did these creatures look like?”

  Akio, shook his head, “I am not sure, I did not get a good look.”

  “That is okay, just tell us what you did see,” another council member said.

  Akio nodded, “It was big, bigger than the biggest one of us, at least twice as tall. It had huge claws on its feet. One front paw was as big as Father’s whole head. It also had the biggest horns I have ever seen. They were twisted, and curled around its head.”

  “I do not like it. Something about this creature seems familiar, but I cannot place it,” Aatu said turning to the queen. “Your Majesty, I would feel better if you went to another clan, until this threat has gone.”

  She did not get a chance to answer him, as several dragons were heard screaming, and several warriors entered the chamber. “My Lady, we have fallen under attack. We must get you to safety.”

  She looked at Aatu for a moment before responding. “If we have fallen under attack, then we must reach out to our allies for help. Who can we send the Mountain Keep?” Several dragons were mentioned, but she disagreed with them all. “No, we need someone who has met our allies, someone who has met the Queen Kym.” She paused for a moment as an idea came to her. “Alamine. Send Alamine. She may be small, but she is intelligent, and will be able to find a solution to her small size. Even if she must fly to the nearest of the Mountain clans and send a larger breed to the Keep for aid, she will do so.”

  Aatu nodded, “It will be done; now you must leave.”


  “I hope we find her soon, I’m freezing,” a young man said as he pulled his coat tighter around his shoulders and walked through the city’s main gates. He and his companion were heading into the hills beyond. His friend breathed in the crisp, fresh air, and shielded his eyes from the glaring snow. The countryside was white with more than a foot of snow that reflected the sunlight into their eyes. A chill wind blew from the south, dropping snow from near-by tree branches.

  His companion smiled, “The little runt will come back.” He continued to look around the hills. “She’s just upset. Give her time; she’ll come home.”

  “Home. I suppose this is her home,” the younger of the two said.

  Hearing the regret in his voice, his companion looked over at him. “We’ll fix it,” he said. Both young men had dark hair, but one was a little taller and thinner, while the other was broad-shouldered and sported a well-trimmed beard. As he continued to scan the hills, he turned back toward the city and noticed a boy leaving the gates. The boy waved, and he waved back. “Ryell must have arrived; Aram’s on his way to tell me that it’s time to return to the life of never ending meetings.”

  The younger man laughed, “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I have to be there too.”

  “Well Lukair, shall we?”

  “After you, you’re Majesty,” he said somewhat humorously, and extended his arm to allow the king to pass. Then he followed his friend back to the castle.

  At the same time, on the city’s second level, a baker and his wife were preparing to close their shop for the day. “Callen, Daize, please come here,” the baker’s wife called. She was tall and thin, with pale skin, and was preparing fresh dough for baking. The smell of fresh bread, and cakes infused the air within the warm room. A boy with scruffy blond hair ran up to the old wooden table where his mother sat. He was perhaps eleven years old, and was followed by a small, bright-eyed girl about seven. “Yes, Mama?” the boy asked.

  “Would the two of you please fetch some more firewood?”

  “Yes, Mama.” Callen replied grinning. He grabbed his coat from a hook near the door and quickly put it on. The woman took the little girl’s cloak down from the wall and wrapped it around her shoulders. Then she tied a scarf around her neck. “Be careful, and look out for each other. I’ll see you in a little while, and I’ll have supper ready when you get back.” The two children ran out the door laughing. They almost ran into a young man carrying several packages. “Sorry!” the boy yelled as they ran passed.

  The young man just shook his head and walked up to the door. He knocked on the door frame, since the children had left it open. “Daemon! Come in, come in,” the baker said, and stood from his place by the oven. “How are you?”

  Daemon set the packages on the table and shook his hand. “Fine, fine. You?”

  “Very well, thank you. What brings you down here? I thought the Guard House was on the upper level.”

  Daemon chuckled. “It is, but we thought you could use a few supplies. Silvrin sent me to give you these.” He opened the boxes revealing several new bread pans, three bags of flour, five jars of fruit filling, and one box containing various measuring and filling supplies. Daemon and the bakers spoke for a while more, before he left. The Pycan Dragon Guard had moved to Ciciana after the war, and were now the capital’s leading guard members.

  Three years had passed since the war ended. Three years since Duke Vidar had been defeated, and the land was freed from tyranny. The true ruler of Altera now sat upon the thrown, and the treaty that his ancestors had set between men and dragons was again in place. The dragons were their friends and allies. A dragon messenger was now stationed at every province capital, as well as the nation’s capital itself. They are welcomed guests of the king. Some dragons even reside in the capital. The young black dragon, a child with a selfless nature, was one such dragon. The hatchling had been willing to give her life in order to save her brother. She had nearly died, and would always carry scars from that experience.

  Callen and Daize headed for the trees bordering Ciciana. They stopped when they were far enough away to barely see the city’s walls through the trees. Callen picked up a stick about three feet long, and swung it at the trees, pretending it was a sword. He continued to play while his sister began picking up small sticks. She put them in the large burlap sack they had br
ought with them. After another few minutes, Callen took his stick, and pressed one end into the snow at an angle. He kicked the stick in the middle, breaking it in half, and handed it to Daize. She put the two pieces in with the rest, and they began to wander farther into the woods, picking up sticks as they went.

  When the bag was full, Callen set it against a tree. He picked up a handful of snow and formed it into a ball. Daize saw what he was doing and hid behind a nearby tree, where she crafted her own snowball. When Callen turned to throw the ball, Daize was gone. He looked for his target, but stopped when her snowball hit him in the back of the head. Grinning, he turned and threw the ball at her. She ducked and ran back behind the tree laughing. Callen quickly dove behind a boulder and began to make several snowballs. They played, laughing and shouting until Callen’s stomach growled. He looked up and saw that they had been out there for several hours. He threw one last snowball and hit Daize in the shoulder, then suggested that they head home.

  He picked up the bag, and turned back toward the city, only to realize that he did not know which way it was. Trying not to worry his sister, he started following what he thought were their footprints. However, it had begun to snow at the beginning of their game. Now their tracks were covered and they walked farther away from the capital. They walked for about a half hour when Daize suddenly exclaimed. She ran over to a series of pine trees; the roots of one tree had recently been uncovered, and were painted the red brown of dried blood. She knelt down in the snow and gently picked up the animal that had caused the discoloration to the roots.

  “Hey! Don’t touch it,” Callen said when he saw what she was doing. “Put it down.”

  She looked up at him and shook her head. “No. I’m going to take her home to Mama.”

  “It’s dead Daize. Put it down.”

  She shook her head stubbornly. “No she’s not!” She stood up and held the animal out so he could see. “She’s still breathing.”


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