The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles

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The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles Page 6

by Sarah Hite

  Kym tiredly stood up as Akina returned to her, she seemed exited. “Mother, come look at what I made!” Pai had taken the young adolescent dragon and had designed specialized lessons for her. These lessons were created to teach her the basics and give her an understanding of their history and culture.

  “I’ll be right there,” she said gently, and then turned back to Ania. “She likes to learn, and learns quickly. As far as Kyeon goes, I should tell him myself.” Ania nodded and went to see if Chekal could ask the king to come down at the queen’s request, and went to check on the boat that would take them to the islands.


  The air was clear, crisp, and the sun shone brightly, casting blinding reflections off the snow. Pai stood in the center of the courtyard and waited for the others to join him. He did not have to wait very long. Shaelynn leapt into a pile of snow at his feet, throwing the white powder in his face, before popping out again. Kym and Akina joined them in a minute; Akina was still limping, and her wing was not quite healed. Kym helped her through the snow, some of the piles were half as tall as she was. They were going hunting today, and this would be their last hunting trip together until the envoys returned from the Southern Kingdom.

  They had decided to hunt in the forests north of the province capital and were planning to make a day of it. After a short flight to the forest, the group split up. They would meet in a small clearing to eat their catch, and enjoy each other’s company. Pai followed the scent of a herd of deer, and allowed it to lead him farther north. After a few minutes, he spotted a small heard and dove after them. They caught his scent and ran; he grinned and chased them. For him, the chase was most of the fun.

  The herd ran into a clump of trees too dense for him. He pulled up and flew over them, looking for the herd. He spotted them amongst the branches and growled to scare them out. They tore from the trees and ran through another clearing. He dove after them and plowed one of the deer into the snow, breaking its back. He snorted with a sense of finality, pleased with the hunt, and bent to pick it up so he could join his friends in the proposed clearing.

  He looked up as a shadow passed his vision. A small dragon Akina’s age stood about twenty feet away. He had a solid coloration of a basic red, similar to the shade of red the king’s brown and red coloration held. The young dragon was looking at the deer Pai had just brought down, and the scout could tell he was hungry. He was about to ask the boy if her would like the deer, but he did not get the chance. The youngster lowered his head, mantled his wings, and challenged Pai for his dinner.

  Pai looked at the boy in disbelief, was he really going to challenge a full grown dragon for a deer? He quickly told the other dragons about the boy, and they turned toward his location. Akina asked a few more questions and he could sense her rising excitement. They both thought this young dragon could be the brother Akina spoke of frequently. When they had asked about him, she told them what she could, but she did not know where he was; she had not seen him since early last fall.

  Akina was the first to arrive. She dove between them and landed hard, throwing snow everywhere. She looked at the other young adolescent, somewhat uneasily. He was very thin and was covered in scars. He also had a few open wounds. He stepped back, surprised to see her. She took a step forward and spoke to him. Torak? What happened to you?

  He stared at her, almost not believing she was there. Akina? Where… where did you come from?

  She cocked her head and studied him. I have been with him. She looked back at Pai, who had sat down, and watched them from a distance.

  You know him?

  Yes. I got hurt, he helped me; he’s a shaman. He can help you too.

  He snorted. I don’t need his help. I don’t need anyone’s help. Let’s go.

  No. I’m not leaving.

  He looked at her, stunned. Why not? What about him is so special?

  He’s my teacher, and a friend. Besides, I’m not leaving Mother; she needs me.

  Mother? He looked at her, confused. We don’t have a mother.

  Yes, we do. She lost our eggs in a flood and thought we had died. When I told them about how we grew up, she started taking care of me. He stared at her, too shocked to speak. Akina looked over at the tree line, where Kym and Shaelynn had stayed after they landed.

  He looked over at them, then back over at Pai. Pai stood up and brought the deer over. “Here, I think you need this more than I do.” He eyed the boy for a minute and added, “Next time, just ask. There’s no need to challenge someone for food.”

  Torak lowered his head and nodded. “I’m sorry… I let my hunger take over.” Kym came over and inspected the youth. Shaelynn joined Pai and watched as they talked. He tore into the deer, but continued their conversation. Kym looked over at Pai and said, “I think we should get him to Sheadod. I can take him there if you want to hunt some more.”

  He shook his head. “No, that’s alright. I can get something in town if I get really hungry. Besides, the humans might make him nervous; we both should be there in case something happens.” The queen agreed and led her children back to the city. Not long after they were back in the Guest House, and his wounds were cleaned and dressed, the young dragon fell asleep curled up with his sister. The two older dragons watched as they settled down.

  Pai looked over at the queen. “Are you tired?”

  She nodded. Her pregnancy was progressing, and caused her to tire easily, and after the day’s events, she had reason to be tired. He suggested she rest, and she agreed. He would talk to her again when she woke. After she had fallen asleep, he and Shaelynn went to see if Lukair had had any luck. It had been three weeks since Ania had gone to check on the boat, and had not come back; no one was having luck finding her. Pai wanted to check again because he, Shaelynn, and Alamine were leaving for the Southern Kingdom in the morning, knowing that this would be their last chance to find out.


  An older man walked into a darkened room, barren of furniture, and all else, except for one small window. Light streamed through the glass, illuminating the worn wooden floor, and the single thing the room possessed. Bound and gagged, she lay on the floor. He sat down beside her and removed the gag. He took a bowl of broth, and carefully spooned the liquid into her mouth. After several minutes he laid her back down and left. He set the bowl down on a countertop and joined two other men. One had red hair, while the other was bald. “I thought you said you were only gonna drug her? That girls almost dead.”

  “Don’t exaggerate Benik. She’s fine. She’ll be fine,” one of the men said. Benik shook his head, “I don’t know. She’s not looking too good.”

  “Ah, she’ll be fine,” the other said, waving his hand. Benik did not stop. “You abducted the king’s girl, and I suppose that, or the fact that she’s the leader of the Dragon Guard doesn’t matter?”

  The bald headed man stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. “You worry too much, besides, she won’t be here long.” He and his companion laughed and Benik shook his head. He did not believe them.


  Pai, Shaelynn, and Alamine left Sheadod for the isles at dawn, when the air was cool but not too cold, and the sky was clear, perfect for flying. Lukair had elected to stay in Sheadod to search for Ania, while Kym stayed not only because of her pregnancy, but also because of her children. The children had lived on their own their whole lives; living with humans, as well as other dragons would be a big change. She was also waiting for Kyeon’s answer.

  When the dragons had left that morning, they passed a group of teenage boys who were going fishing. The boys had started their trip close to the city, but as the day wore on, they traveled farther down the beach, hoping to find better fishing ground. Early into the afternoon, the boys stumbled upon a small cove with crystal clear water off of a white sand beach. The white sand was unusual for the area, normally the sand would be a light brown. As they entered the cove, which they had named White Shore, they made an unexpected discovery.

  On the edg
e of the beach, more than half submerged, was a pale blue dragon with vibrant violet and silver markings. This dragon was different than the ones they knew. It was longer, thinner, more like a snake, and it did not have front legs. Instead, midway down its wing bones was what appeared to be a paw, right where the wing folded.

  They quickly decided that Lord Mychal-- who had only arrived that morning-- should be told. Two of the boys were chosen to tell the council, while the rest stayed and watched over the dragon. They ran back to their horses and spurred the animals back toward the city. They reached the gates in about an hour, and slowed the horses before entering the busy city streets. They maneuvered the animals through the crowd and toward the palace gates. When they reached the palace, they told the guard that they needed to speak with Mychal; it was urgent. The guard sent word to the palace and soon returned with permission to enter. They were told they could find Mychal at the Guest House.

  When they arrived at the dragons’ quarters, they were surprised to find Kym and Lukair still there. However, they decided that this was a good thing. As they dismounted Mychal said, “Well boys, what can I do for you?”

  They quickly introduced themselves as Jorden and Lance, and explained that they and their friends had gone fishing and came across the cove. “When we entered it, we found a dragon unconscious on the beach. They were different,” Lance said. He turned to Kym and added, “They weren’t like you. This dragon was long and thin. They didn’t have front legs, but looked like they walked on their wings.”

  Jorden nodded. “Their coloration wasn’t the same either. I have seen quite a few dragons in the last few years and have not seen a coloration like that. The dragon was a very pale blue, almost like the sky, and had streaks of bright purple and silver. It kind of reminded me of brightly colored fish.”

  Kym had remained silent. The description of the dragon gave her a good idea of who it was. Mychal looked up at her and prompted, “Your Majesty, do you know who they might be?”

  Kym looked down at them, “This dragon sounds like an Ocean dragon from the islands. I think I might know who it is.” She turned to the boys, “Show me.” While the boys took her to the cove, Mychal and Lukair went to look for Layon. As one of Pycan’s Dragon Guard, he had taken an interest in dragon medicine. He had talked Henreth and Kei-ata Lorbrein into to teaching some of the Guard and healers to tend dragon injuries, and since his mother had been Pycan’s healer, he seemed to have a natural talent for it.

  Kym followed the boys until she saw the cove and turned to land on the shoreline. She saw the dragon slowly rise, and back away when they saw the group of boys. The dragon looked as if they were not sure if they should run, or try and fight them. Kym deepened her dive and called to the other dragon, Alani! Don’t fight them, they will not harm you.

  Alani looked up as Kym landed between them. She seemed confused, and only nodded before collapsing back onto the sand. Kym turned to the boys. “Thank you, for looking after her.” She turned to the boys who just arrived on the beach and added, “You boys would make good Guardsman.”

  Lance smiled back at her. “In a few years we’ll be old enough to join them.” The rest of the boys agreed.

  Kym smiled down at them, “I’m sure Ania would be glad to have you.” She turned back to Alani. She had an odd burn on her left side, that was quite large, and her left wing had been punctured with considerable sized holes in several places. It was obvious that the southern queen was in great pain, and very week. “You will be alright Alani; your people will be alright. Kyeon is preparing the army, and will be at the Islands soon. We already have a group there.”

  Alamine, she made it? Her pain clearly cut through her mental voice.

  She got close. She was found wounded outside of the humans’ capital city. Her wounds have been taken care of, and she will be alright.

  What… what happened to her? Again she tried to sit up, but again she failed.

  It would appear that she was attacked by an eagle, and then she got caught in a snow storm. She has already returned to your kingdom. However, right now I’m more concerned about you. We have someone to look after you while you recover.

  The humans, they are your friends? The southern queen sounded confused by the concept.

  Yes, they are our friends and allies, and are yours as well.

  She was about to say more when Lance cut her off. “Your Majesty! The tide’s coming in.” Kym looked down at the teenager, and then out at the ocean. He was right, the tide was indeed coming in, and would quickly cover the beach. Alani shuddered as a wave crashed against her damaged side.

  Kym looked back at the boys. “Lance, could one of you go out to the main beach and wait for Lukair and Layon?” He nodded and sent two of the boys to the main beach. She watched them go but quickly turned back to the other queen, who sucked in a breath as another wave hit her wound. Her breathing was deteriorating as the water caused her more pain. Kym quickly went to her and knelt down beside her. Lean on me, she said.

  Alani looked up at the larger dragon, What?

  Lean on me. I’ll help you off of the beach. When Alani understood what she meant, she slowly wrapped her good wing around Kym’s shoulders and Kym pulled her to her feet. She ignored the pain it caused her, and Kym helped steady her while she folded her wing and stood on it. She leaned heavily on Kym as they slowly made their way to the main beach.

  As they left the cove, Kym saw the boys wave to an airborne dragon, who turned and flew back toward Sheadod. She helped Alani lay back down on the higher ground, and made sure she was comfortable. After a few more minutes she heard the fast wing beats of a small dragon, as well as the slow beats of a large dragon. She looked up in surprise as Elder landed a few feet away. Little Akina landed a short distance from him and ran to her as Elder leaned as close to the ground as he could. Lukair and Layon slid off of his shoulders and came over.

  Lukair answered her question before should could ask. “He came to tell you the news himself.” He added, slightly amused, “He’s a little confused about Akina.” Layon was already assessing Alani’s wounds.

  Kym slowly stood from where she had laid down next to Alani, and greeted the elder. “Is she alright?” he asked.

  Kym shook her head. “She is in a lot of pain, and is very weak.”

  “Can she speak?” he looked down at the smaller breed.

  Kym leaned down to speak to her. “Alani, this is Elder. He is Kyeon’s chief council officer, and one of our closest friends.” Looking back at Elder, she continued, “This is Queen Alani, from the Southern Kingdom.” They were all surprised by this enouncement, especially Elder. Alani slowly raised her head and looked up at him, the pain she felt shone through her eyes, like a torch in the darkness. I can try, she answered.

  Can you tell me what happened?

  She looked at him, and slowly nodded. When…we… fell un…under attack… I was asked… to leave…for…my own…safety…but I stayed…long enough to make…sure…someone was sent to…to tell you what happened. As soon as…I knew Alamine was going to…to be sent… I lef… left with my guards. We did not get far. Our enemies found us…before we reached the end…of the island chain. They killed my guards… and took me prisoner. They wanted me to surrender; I refused. Her voice contained more anger now, than pain, and the more she talked, the angrier she got. They said they would make me surrender. I will not let my people down. I know that Aatu Haru will not hand our people over to these creatures. He… he would keep them fighting; even if it means our death, we will go out fighting.

  Elder lowered his gaze, he knew that she would do anything to save her kingdom, but surrendering to the dralics was not an option. They did this to you?

  She looked up at him, Yes. It was not fire, or venom that they, they… I have never felt such pain. It is as if it still burns my flesh.

  Elder looked at Kym. Dralics are acid spitters. If they used acid on her, the wounds will be very slow to heal, if they heal at all. Until the acid can be neutralize
d, it will continue to burn her. Kym nodded, understanding his meaning. Alani’s wounds may yet claim her life.

  What can we do? she asked.

  Elder looked at her sadly, Kei-ata is looking into neutralizing its effects, but until a solution is found, all we can do is try to make her comfortable. Kym was clearly not happy with his reply. She turned and walked over to a nearby ledge, where she stayed, looking out over the water. Finally, she sighed, and looked back over her shoulder at him. Will you help me move her back to Sheadod? At least she’ll be safe there.

  Elder nodded and turned back to Alani, who had laid her head back down. Her eyes closed against the pain. While he studied Alani, trying to determine the best way to pick her up, a soft voice caused him to look back. “Mother, will she be alright?”

  Kym looked over at the pale green dragon who had stepped off to the side. “I hope so Akina, I truly hope so.”

  Elder watched them for a moment, finally understanding what she had meant by, ‘They’re alive.’ He could easily see the resemblance between them, even the child’s facial structure was similar, and he wondered where the other was.

  “Alani?” Kym spoke softly as she returned to her side. The smaller queen opened her eyes and looked up, “We are going to move you to the human city of Sheadod. You will be safe there. However, reaching the city will not be easy for you. I fear it will only increase your pain.” Alani nodded, understanding. She closed her eyes and grimaced as Elder carefully picked her up. Lukair and Layon rode back with Kym, and the group of teens returned to their fishing trip.


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