Hot Damn

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Hot Damn Page 9

by Carlysle, Regina

  Scarlet buried her nose against his chest. “I forgot him a long time ago.”

  “You’re upset.”

  She gave him a watery smile. “Too much has been going on lately. It’s not him. Maybe it’s just a mood.”

  A couple of tears dashed down her face. “I-I need to go to the ladies room. I don’t want anyone to see me like this.”

  He drew her in close and they headed off toward the back of the cavernous old honky-tonk. A group of rowdy men shot pool near the bathroom doors. Behind them, a neon beer sign flashed red against the wall. He stopped near the door marked “cowgirls” and pressed a kiss to her mouth. “Take your time. I’ll be right here.”

  Nash leaned against the wall for a minute or two, listening to the clank of balls smacking against each other and finally decided he’d take care of some business in the men’s room while he waited for Scarlet to pull herself together. Right now, he thought it might be best to take her home. Time to face the cold hard truth. He didn’t want to share her with anyone else. Every minute had become important.

  In front of each bathroom was a small partition, and Nash went around the wall and stepped into the men’s room. Minutes later, he stepped out the door but stopped when he heard a familiar voice.

  “What’s she doing, hanging out with some rodeo cowboy, Patti? I thought Scarlet had better sense than that?”

  “After what you put her through, I think it’s about damn time she had some fun.”

  “With this guy?”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, this guy is smokin’ hot!”

  Nash heard shithead snort. “She can’t be serious.”

  “I’ll tell you what she’s serious about, Cole. She’s serious about having some fun for a change. I know her. Scarlet’s not looking for long term with anyone after what you put her through but if she wants to make a memory or two, then more power to her. She needs to go for it.”

  “She’s just trying to piss me off by making out on the dance floor in front of God and everybody. What’s she doing? Trying to prove to everybody in Sweetridge that she’s not a total loser?”

  Nash saw red. He burst around the corner and went straight for Cole Thomas. He only had time to see the Cole’s eyes go wide, before he slammed his fist into the man’s nose.

  It felt good.

  He punched him again.

  Blood gushed from Cole’s nose and splattered over the front of his starched white shirt. As if from a distance, Nash heard the rumble of voices but he was lost to his rage. Patti yelled something and Cole lurched forward.

  “Nash! No!” Scarlet’s husky voice stopped him as several men grabbed Cole to hold him back. The man was breathing hard, enraged. Nash knew he was no better. Every muscle in his body vibrated with the force of his anger but then he felt Scarlet’s weight against his chest. Her arms went around his neck and he concentrated on unclenching his fists. “Stop, Nash! He’s not worth it.”

  Cole’s face was red with rage. “Stay away from him, Scarlet. He’s no account. He’ll never be anything more than he is right now. You think he’ll hang around? No way.”

  Scarlet glanced at him. “You don’t know anything.”

  Cole jerked against the hands that held him. “Ask him. He’s leaving and never coming back and you’re crazy if you think anything else.”

  Scarlet unwound her arms from around his neck and faced her former fiance. “What I do and who I spend time with is none of your business. You made your choice a long time ago. Go back to your girlfriend. I’m sure she’s looking for you.”

  Then she turned and looked straight into his eyes. “Let’s get out of here, Nash. Take me home.”

  Chapter Seven

  Nash was standing quiet and still behind her as she slipped the key into the front door and stepped inside. Yeah, she knew he’d lost his temper but this quiet was unnerving. He’d hardly said a word the entire drive to her house.

  Tension vibrated off his big body and caused her own nerves to shiver to life. Realizing that he was just standing there on her front porch, she turned and she looked back. “Aren’t you coming?”


  He came inside and settled his hat on the stand but didn’t look at her. He was withdrawing from her already. It didn’t take a genius to figure he was pulling away because he knew he was leaving. He was probably already thinking about the trip ahead and the next rodeo.

  He was a temporary man.

  Ah, she should’ve known better than to fall so hard and fast for a man who wouldn’t hang around. Dumb! Hurt was waiting right around the corner and she knew it. She should have played it cool, keeping a level of distance from him, and just enjoyed their time together. A fine trembling set up deep inside her and she had no one to blame but her stupid, gullible self. Scarlet fisted her hands hoping to calm the shakes that threatened to send her over the edge.

  What a way to end their relationship. She replayed the night’s events in her mind as she turned on a floor lamp sending soft light through the living room.

  Scarlet thought about the fight at bar and mentally shook her head. Cole had some nerve commenting about anything she did. He had no right.

  Confrontations frazzled her and she was downright touched that Nash would rush to her defense that way. It wasn’t all that surprising. She’d learned quite a bit about him over the past few days. He was a gentleman to his bones. Being a pushover had never been part of her DNA and she had no problems defending herself but it was unique in her experience to see a big, strong, handsome man jump in and take charge. The only problem now was this awful silent treatment she was getting from Nash.

  Gathering her courage, she turned to face him.

  “I’m sorry about what happened tonight,” she said reaching out for his hand. She saw him flinch and looked down. Gasping at the sight of his scraped knuckles, she drew him further into the room. “Oh, honey, your poor hand.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  Would he stop with the stoic deal already? Scarlet couldn’t take much more of it. His tension was riding a sharp peak. It felt real and strong, blasting her from every direction.

  “Here, have a seat.” She led him to the couch in her living room. “Let me fix you up.”

  “Not necessary.”

  “Hush! You obviously don’t know what’s good for you. I’ll be right back.” She dashed into her bathroom from some antibacterial spray and cotton balls and returned to find him leaning forward on her couch. He’d removed his boots and they were sitting side by side on the floor. His hands dangled over his knees. A muscle jerked in his jaw.

  Anxious to soothe, she dropped to her knees in front of him and took his poor battered hands in hers. “Here now,” said whispered. “Big old dumb man getting in a fight. Let’s get you all fixed up.” She sprayed the medicine and dabbed at the excess with the cotton. Finally, she finished and glanced up at him. His face could’ve been carved from stone. “Where you heading tomorrow?”

  He gave her a long look. So serious. Scarlet prayed she didn’t look as devastated as she felt. “Houston.”

  “I see,” she whispered. Houston was at least a seven hour drive from Sweetridge.

  “Big purse. Lots of good competition.”

  Being clingy wasn’t her style, but, ah man, it was hard. She wanted to leap into his lap, wrap her arms around his neck and start begging.

  Nope. Not her style. Instead, she reached out to place the medicine on the coffee table before glancing up at him. “I was proud of you today.”

  A muscle worked in his jaw. “Good to know.”

  Suddenly, Nash stood and looked down at her. His eyes had gone all dark and sexy and his features could’ve been carved from granite. He held out a hand.

  “Come here, Scarlet.”

  Her mouth went dry. She took his hand and let him draw her to her feet. Nerves shook her but when she opened her mouth, he shook his head. “No talking. Not now. It’s not going to change a damn thing.”

y, her eyes filled. Nash groaned and took her face between his hands. “I’m leaving tomorrow. Got nothing to offer a woman like you and I’m not about to ask you to wait until I do. I can offer you tonight, though.”

  With another deep groan, he took her mouth, sweeping across the surface of her lips, tugging her bottom lip between his teeth to nibble and play. He drank her trembling sigh, and took the devastating kiss deeper, sweeping this tongue into the depth of her mouth, stroking her tongue. Nash’s fingers dipped up through her hair as he changed the angle and Scarlet felt her body move in, desperate to feel his chest against her breasts.

  Her nipples ached, throbbed, as they brushed against him. A tiny whimpering sound rose up and Nash drew back with a gasp.


  A whip of despair through her mind but then he swooped her up in his arms and Scarlet clung. Hanging on for dear life, she buried her face against his throat. Could he feel her tremble? Did he have any clue what he did to her?

  No man before and she was sure, no man in her future, would ever affect her as this man did. Through it all, all the feelings and emotion that swept her, was the gnawing, aching knowledge that she might never see him after tonight.

  Despair raked with steely claws.

  When they finally stood beside the bed, Scarlet watched him reach for the small lamp that sat upon the bedside table.


  Still bent over the lamp, he gave her a hot look over his shoulder. “I want to see you.”

  Swallowing, she gave in. It’s not that she wasn’t proud of her body but she was more accustomed to sex cloaked in shadows and darkness. If Nash wanted to take her in broad daylight in the middle of the town square, she wouldn’t stop him. She wanted him, needed his touch like the very air she breathed. Desperate for him, she stared him square in the eye and drew her shirt over her head and tossed it aside.

  He straightened, his eyes dark, as he looked at her. When his gaze paused at the tops of her breasts peeking above the top of the white demi-bra, her breath picked up.

  “You’re so pretty.”

  Scarlet bit her bottom lip then released it as he moved in. Reaching out with one finger, he traced the exposed flesh and she sucked in a breath. The barely-there brush sent shivers racing. Her nipples hardened, tightening against the satiny cloth.

  Nash seemed mesmerized. He stared at her breasts, his eyes hungry and dark. It was as if the world held its breath in anticipation when he reached up to flip open the clasp between her breasts. Sweeping his hands over the satin, he pushed the garment from her shoulders and it fell to the floor as he filled his hands.

  He made a rough sound before drawing a nipple deep into the heat of his mouth to suck. The slow, steady pressure sent pleasure spiking through her body and beneath his hands, her body responded as if it had a will of its own. Each touch, every pull, the feel of his breath against her skin proved her undoing.

  Death by slow loving.


  Scarlet sent her fingers into his hair and held on for dear life. Love punched her, carried her under, causing her belly to tighten with need.

  He released her nipple and breathed hotly against it. “Too many clothes,” he said, low and rough. “Too damn many.”

  Quick fingers reached for the snap on her jeans. She heard the rasp of the zipper and suddenly, she was flat on her back across the bed and Nash was tugging at her boots. They hit the floor, one after the other, and then he removed her jeans. The panties followed suit to join her bra on the floor.

  Naked she lay there gaping with her arms flung over her head as Nash looked at her. The decadence of the moment caught her up and Scarlet shifted her legs, opening them more. Her back arched as he gazed at her. Hot color splashed high over Nash’s cheeks. Behind the fly of his jeans, Scarlet saw, he was hard, thick and full with his need of her. An ache pounded, deep and hard, in the very core of her body. She’d never wanted a man more.

  With a violent curse, Nash jerked the shirt and jeans from his body and threw the clothing aside. “You’re killin’ me.”

  Scarlet’s breath caught and held. The man was cut, ripped with muscle from his chest to his abs. His neck and arms were corded from the tension in his body. His hands were fisted at his sides. That hardness extended everywhere and Scarlet licked her lips. His erection rose proud and thick and she longed to take that firm length in her fist, draw him into her mouth. She wanted to master him.

  With a low growl, he reached down and drew her further across the bed. The satin of her colorful comforter smoothed across her back and air from the overhead ceiling fan drifted over her warm skin like a song. She felt the mattress dip as he settled on a knee. His grip on the backs of her thighs was firm as he drew them up and out leaving her totally exposed.

  Breath heaved from her lungs. Nash’s expression tightened as he looked at her. Her face burned but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but his obvious appreciation of her body.

  She wanted him to remember her. More than anything, Scarlet wanted him to drive out of town with the taste of her ripe on his tongue. She wanted her memory to taunt him until he could do nothing but race back into her arms where he belonged.

  His gaze flicked up once then focused on the very center of her again. With a low growl, he bent over her and buried his face there. She felt his tongue stroke the length of her, dive through the petals of her sex, tease the tender, sensitive knot that pulsed with need.

  Gasping, she speared her fingers through his hair, and held on. “Nash, oh, yes.”

  She held on for dear life as he ate at her body. Arching and twisting, frantic at the feel of his tongue nibbling, stroking, sucking, she let go of his hair and stretched out her arms grabbing the bedspread with frantic fingers. She arched against the dark pleasure. Panting, moaning, her whimpers of need tore up her throat and out like a prayer.

  He whispered something against her, suck once more then plunged two fingers deep inside. Scarlet cried out. Tears burned damp trails over her temples and into her hair. Arching against his mouth, she went up in flames. Pleasure pulsed strong and heady, tightening her breasts, whipping through her core and into her belly. Vaginal muscles spasmed hard against his fingers.

  Nash cursed, withdrew his fingers and stared her straight in the eye. He plunged. The length of him plowed through sensitive, throbbing tissue until he was buried deep. Still riding the harsh peak of pleasure, she felt him fill her to bursting. Long ago she’d lost complete control over her body. It clutched at his erection, squeezing tight, holding on.

  Her eyes snapped open. Nash’s head was thrown back, the muscles in his neck were corded with tension. He was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. Helplessly, her eyes filled again. The pleasure was simply too much to bear.

  Nash grabbed the backs of her knees and moved her legs high and back as he plunged, deep, hard, with devastating accuracy. “Yeah,” he muttered. “That’s the spot. That’s it.”


  Orgasm crashed through her again and she cried out, alarmed at the strength of it but at the same time embracing every sensation and holding it deep within her heart.

  His curse was ripe, strong as he pounded into her, rotating against where she needed him most. Colors swirled behind her lids as her body simply let go, plummeting off into oblivion. Above her, Nash made a rough sound and she felt him stiffen. His low groan ripped through her heart and she felt his body jerk, deep inside her.

  Sinking down over her, Nash settled his face against her neck. She heard the rasp of his breath and as naturally as sunlight after a storm, she wrapped her arms around him, to hold him close. Scarlet knew then that as long as she lived, she would never forget this man. When he drove out of Sweetridge tomorrow, he would be taking her heart with him.


  In the pre-dawn hours, Nash watched her as she lay curled against him. He’d loved her until an hour ago, when she’d finally slipped into an exhausted, restless sleep. Even now she clutched at him as if she could
keep him chained to her side.

  Nash wanted to bawl like a baby.

  Absently rubbing the heel of his hand over his chest, he studied everything about her sweet face. Memorizing every detail. To him, she was perfection and represented everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. Smart and sassy. Fun and warm-hearted. She was a small town girl who faced life head-on and he admired the hell out of her.

  And though it seemed impossible after such a short time, he loved her, too.

  His heart ached.

  Love at first sight.

  Once upon a time he would’ve laughed at the idea but Scarlet had proven him wrong. He’d always been a practical man. It had been bred into his bones from the time he’d been a little kid. Nash had never believed in magic but it was time to admit he’d been wrong about that. Magic happened every time he touched her.

  Heart breaking a little, he pulled away from her. She made a little sound in her sleep and a tender feeling he’d never known sank deep into his heart. Letting out a slow breath for courage, he got out of the bed and pulled on his jeans and shirt.

  This was a shitty way to leave her but it had to be done. He’d said goodbye to too many people in his life to want to go through it again. It was better this way. Why prolong the agony a minute longer?

  Nash quietly walked to the bedroom door and stopped to look back, one last time. An ache curled through him. He was a man, damn it, but he wanted to cry like a little baby. Before he could give in to the urge, he left the room, retrieved his boots and walked out of the house.


  Scarlet heard the roar of his truck in the drive and knew he was leaving. Sorrow grabbed her by the throat. At this moment, it felt like someone had died. She had died, or at least a part of her had.

  He was a bigger than life man who’d broken her heart into tiny pieces. And she’d let him do it, damn it. She’d thrown herself into this affair with both eyes open knowing full well she treaded dangerous ground.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she looked around the shadowy room. It was almost dawn and pretty soon this little room would look completely different. It would seem raw and harsh when compared to the way it looked and felt now. Nash’s scent and hers were ripe in the air. The bedclothes were mussed and tangled. It all seemed beautiful and soft, a gentle blue haze over everything. Would she ever be able to walk into her own bedroom again without thinking of what had happened between them?


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