Book Read Free

Being Their Baby

Page 7

by Korey Mae Johnson

  Sophie wasn’t sure what she’d landed in the middle of, but she had a feeling that she wasn’t done falling down this rabbit hole.

  Charlie was the worst; the man had easily gotten under her skin. She’d had enough with rotten men telling her what to do all the time. It was different when Elizabeth did it. Sure, Elizabeth’s dominance made Sophie’s stomach clench with worry and even now she couldn’t help but notice that she was lying on her stomach, but she did believe that Elizabeth loved her.

  Even if Elizabeth didn’t love her, she loved Elizabeth. Besides, Elizabeth seemed to understand that Sophie could walk out the door at any time, that she was still an adult with her own life. It didn’t seem like Charlie understood that.

  As for Josh—Josh was actually okay. She liked him, but only because she had a feeling that he didn’t have a filter. His lack of not holding anything back made him seem trustworthy, at least.

  As Sophie lay there, Elizabeth eventually quietly entered into the room and slowly, gently lay down next to her. She pulled Sophie up against her body, then petted Sophie’s thigh with her long fingers.

  She began to explain things a little more, with a very clear, gentle voice, immediately bringing up Charlie.

  Charlie, Elizabeth tried to explain, was supposedly just “dominant in nature” and he tried to control everyone, not just Sophie. Elizabeth kissed Sophie’s shoulder and said, “To him, you’re just a little girl that he wants to play daddy to. That’s the only part he knows how to play.”

  Elizabeth found the edge of Sophie’s skirt and slowly began to push it up her thigh. Sophie took in quiet, measured breathes as she continued to let Elizabeth talk and pet her, feeling her hands pressing her skirt higher and higher, until Elizabeth stopped talking. She felt Elizabeth kiss her shoulder again, and then Elizabeth’s hand crept toward the inside of Sophie’s thighs.

  Sophie closed her eyes, savoring the touch and the way it made her whole body tingle. Slowly, she opened her thighs to Elizabeth’s hand until the woman brushed against the cloth of her panties, her knuckles rubbing across her vagina.

  Elizabeth pulled Sophie from her side and onto her back then, and kissed her mouth. A tingling and burning heat began to quickly build in Sophie’s loins, and she kissed back hungrily, lapping at Elizabeth’s tongue and letting her direct every move of the kiss. Elizabeth pushed at Sophie’s thighs until she was spread wider, and then she slipped her hand around the edge of her panties. She ran her hand over her mound and then cupped her. “My, my,” Elizabeth finally teased, her voice low and sultry. “We’re just sopping wet, aren’t we, baby girl?” Elizabeth nibbled on Sophie’s upper ear, then kissed her again.

  Sophie’s heart had nearly stopped beating when Elizabeth said, “Do you want Mommy to take these wet panties off, baby?”

  Sophie’s clit pulsed violently at the words, making her thighs twitch. She took an excited breath; she couldn’t help it, but she felt something built within her that made her feel like she was going to bust. All she could do was nod and murmur, “Uh huh…”

  Elizabeth did, slowly sliding Sophie’s borrowed panties down her hips until they bunched around her knees, then Elizabeth reached up and took her own shirt off.

  Elizabeth’s breasts were ridiculously large, amazingly soft, and pillowy. Sophie had a moment of both complete wonderment and green jealousy. Elizabeth snapped the front hook of her bra open and exposed her white, luscious breasts and her swollen, red nipples. “Come to Mommy, baby. Suck Mommy’s nipples for her.” She pulled Sophie’s head to her breasts.

  Cautiously, Sophie kissed Elizabeth’s nipples and then awkwardly put out her tongue, swiping it across the hard little gem. Elizabeth gave a loud, heated moan and writhed over her, then fell to the side and pulled Sophie on top of her body, petting her head as Sophie continued to give her breasts every attention.

  Feeling much more confident, Sophie flicked her tongue against Elizabeth’s nipples again and was rewarded by Elizabeth moaning gutturally. “Open your mouth, baby. I want you to suck on me. Don’t you want to?”

  Sophie, finding herself delighted for the instruction and the invitation, opened her mouth, took Elizabeth’s breast in, and sucked hungrily on it, rubbing the back of her tongue against the taut nipple.

  Elizabeth was going crazy, but eventually she seemed to pull it together enough and began to concentrate on Sophie, finally taking advantage of how Sophie’s panties no longer covered her mound.

  Sophie gasped when Elizabeth cupped her bare pubis and started to stroke her delicate, untouched inner folds. She began to moan and simper out sexy, naughty words, “That’s it…” she murmured. “Mommy loves her little baby girl. She loves making her feel good because she’s making Mommy feel so good. You’re so wet, honey…”

  Elizabeth flicked her finger across Sophie’s clit, and Sophie bucked, then clamped her legs closed. She was stunned by the feeling, and felt like she’d been zapped with a bolt of electricity. Elizabeth held her close and coaxed her to spread her thighs again. “I’m just making you feel good, honey. Just relax,” she cooed to her. “Haven’t you orgasmed before?”

  Sophie barely had the opportunity. She slept on the sofa at home, where five siblings under the age of ten and her parents were constantly sitting or walking about, and like hell if she’d risk any of them walking in on her touching herself. Even if she had found the time to try it, she’d never have been able to make herself come to any sort of finish or relief. Though Sophie had certainly had never been this aroused in her entire life.

  Sophie shook her head honestly, and Elizabeth giggled with joy and kissed her. “You’re just too much. I’m having too much fun with you. Spread your legs wide and Mommy will take care of everything for you.”

  Again, Elizabeth explored and tickled Sophie’s outer lips, then inner folds, and then she pressed her thumb right onto Sophie’s clit again. This time, Sophie couldn’t move; she could just whimper as Elizabeth moved the swollen little nub back and forth, up and down. “Nipples, baby,” Elizabeth reminded, and Sophie went back to sucking deeply on them, kneading the spare one desperately with her hand.

  “Oh, God… Yes…” Elizabeth moaned, her voice sounding deeper and silkier than ever before. “You’re such a good baby. Yes… Suck mommy’s nipples… Harder…”

  Sophie suddenly let go, her body jerking uncontrollably. Elizabeth held her tighter, stroked her clit faster. “You like that?” Elizabeth asked her, determined. “Call me Mommy,” she demanded, “and tell me how much you like that.”

  Her cheeks were red, but she thrust her hips up. “Oh, Mommy… Mommy, yes! Yes!” Sophie’s eyes fluttered open, and she felt short of breath. She felt out of control of her muscles, as if they were being stretched or moved when they’d never even been used before. “Oh… Wait… Wait! Stop! Oh… !”

  “Relax, angel, and let go,” Elizabeth ordered.

  “Mommy…” Sophie suddenly bellowed, followed by tears. Her inner muscles were clenching and clenching, and it felt like every muscle in her body was ticking, too; even muscles in her knees seemed like they were twitching in reaction to the explosion in her core.

  Sophie felt like she was in the middle of a white, cotton haze. Her hearing seemed like it was coming and going, as well as her sight. She couldn’t even think, her brain feeling quite mushy and dreamy…

  Finally, her mind cleared, and Elizabeth was there, petting Sophie’s hair. “You’re a good girl,” she cooed.

  Sophie swallowed and croaked, “What? What…”

  Elizabeth kissed her mouth again, and then stroked her forehead, lovingly leaning her body over her. “You liked calling me Mommy, didn’t you, baby girl?” Elizabeth said, rubbing her inner thigh. “I liked it, too. I’m going to make a new rule for you—when we’re in this house, that’s what you’ll call me. I want you to have it in your mind that I’m in charge, I love you, and you need to depend on me. In return, I’ll give you everything you need, won’t I?”

  Shame reemerged. D
id she seriously mean for Sophie to call her that outside of the bedroom? Inside, it was pretty hot, even taboo and forbidden… But outside? That would mean… “No, not in front of the guys!” Sophie pleaded. “Please? Please?”

  “There aren’t any secrets between me and them,” Elizabeth assured. “You need to realize that we’re all a family here. You will call me Mommy in front of them, is that clear?”

  Sophie puffed her cheeks out. “No,” she said defiantly, even though she did like saying it in bed. She wasn’t even sure why, or what she was thinking, but it seemed to right and natural to do so. “No,” she said again, more firmly. It would be just too humiliating. She was even embarrassed for liking how calling her that had hardened her nipples and excited her.

  Elizabeth shifted and lifted Sophie’s chin up. “Sophie, that’s a rule. I mean it. If you don’t follow a rule, you’ll get a spanking. Is that clear?”

  “It’s embarrassing, though!” Sophie complained, pouting.

  “I don’t care, it’ll make me happy,” Elizabeth said, grabbing her chin tighter. “Sophia Lynn? Do we need to have this conversation over my knee? Ma’am or Mommy are the only things you can call me.”

  Sophie’s mouth felt dry as she imagined how odd the men downstairs would think she was, but it was quite apparent that Elizabeth wasn’t going to argue about it. Sophie grimaced for a second, but then said, “Y-yes… Mommy.”

  “Good girl.” She kissed her again and let go of her chin. “I’m sorry I’m so strict. You should realize I’m big on being in charge. Are you sure you want a relationship with me?” Elizabeth blinked at her, seeming prepared for any response.

  Adamant over Elizabeth believing her, Sophie cried, “I do! I do!”

  Elizabeth smiled with delight and rubbed her thigh. “I love you, my little Sophie-kins,” she said, which was the first time she’d ever called Sophie by any name less formal than “Sophia.” Sophie smiled at the affectionate term, and how Elizabeth kissed her on the nose afterward, but then Elizabeth slowly sat up and began to put her bra and her shirt back on.

  “Mommy,” Sophie said, trying the word to see how it felt on her tongue, “where are you going?”

  “To go see Josh, honey,” Elizabeth replied with a warm smile. “I’ve wanted to do something to him all morning.”

  Sophie pouted, knowing that Elizabeth meant that she was going to go have sex with Josh. “I can take care of…” she offered, feeling humiliated in not being able to bring Elizabeth pleasure.

  “No, honey,” Elizabeth chuckled softly. “You don’t understand; I like you playing with me before I go see Josh or Charlie, and they feel the same way. Josh is probably waiting for me as we speak.”

  Sophie pursed her lips, not feeling any better about sharing Liz in this very intimate session. “What’s next?” she muttered. “Will you make me call him Daddy?”

  “Oh, no,” Liz laughed. “That would make Charlie jealous. He likes to be Daddy. Josh just likes to be ‘Uncle Josh.’”

  Sophie’s jaw dropped. She felt like her mind just exploded.

  Elizabeth leaned forward and closed Sophie’s mouth with two of her fingers. “One day you might think about calling them that. It would make them very happy, baby girl. They so want to be invited into our play.”

  Despite her shock and even her jealousy, Sophie felt her cunny begin to pulse and heat again at the thought. Sophie couldn’t understand what was wrong with her; why would such a thing excite her? The whole idea was so weird. Sophie put her hands over her eyes. “This is all really weird. Right? It’s weird?” Sophie wasn’t even sure anymore.

  Liz leaned over and petted Sophie’s hair for a second, looking at her sympathetically. “Sit tight,” she suddenly said, and then disappeared from the room. She came back in a minute later with a book in her hand. She passed it over, and Sophie eyed the cover with curiosity.

  The cover had a girl in her mid-twenties dressed in a pink, ruffly jumper like a toddler might wear, with her hair up in pigtails and oversized ribbons, sitting on an older man’s lap and kissing him. The title read, Age-play Lifestyles for Dummies with a little subtitle toward the bottom that boasted, So easy to read a vanilla could understand it!

  “Now, read this and we’ll talk. It’s what we usually are used to here, but if you’re uncomfortable with it and hate everything about it, then we’ll just get used to something else. Even with the mommy thing, I’m just letting you try it out—see if you find you like it.” She smiled a bit. “I know it sounds a little weird, but trust me—there are some lifestyles that you don’t know you like until you’re living in them.”

  “I’ve never even heard of anything like this…” she admitted, feeling her face heat. “I mean, spankings, yeah. But…” She looked at the cover and swallowed, feeling intimidated.

  “Take a deep breath, sweetheart,” Elizabeth tapped her playfully on the nose with her manicured finger. “I’m just opening the curtain and letting you see what’s out there. It’s all up to you to experience it. But you strike me as someone who would love it if you gave it a chance.”

  “So this is what you’d prefer that I like?” Sophie asked, pointing at the cover.

  “Sweetheart, I prefer you. It’s up to you to realize what you want.” With that, she stood up. “Be good. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  Sophie looked at the door after Liz closed it, and then she opened the book she was given and looked down.

  She had gone right to the chapter called, Infantilism: Diapers, Discipline, and Constant Care.” Sophie immediately closed the book as if she’d just read something extremely naughty. She even looked over her shoulder, then at the door, before she braved opening it again.

  She saw a little drawing of a woman dressed in diapers sitting on her boyfriend’s lap, getting bottle fed. A swarm of emotions felt like they were flying around in her tummy, and she couldn’t pull her eyes away.

  Was this what they wanted? Excitement and horror welled up so strongly in the pit of Sophie’s stomach that she felt dizzy by it. The book had a lot of chapters—age-play seemed like a pretty encompassing sort of fetish, including schoolgirls and governesses.

  But she couldn’t help but be fascinated. Only she felt strange about being fascinated, even though she had just sucked on a grown woman’s tit like a baby, for God’s sake. Still… She couldn’t help but think of some of the things she’d gone through, things in her past…

  At an unwanted flash of memory, she swallowed and hid the book under her pillow as if that would keep her from thinking about it.

  She drew her knees up to her chest and looked over at the pillow that the book was lying under and sighed. “This is gonna be a pretty interesting situation,” she murmured to herself.

  Chapter Five

  The door upstairs slammed so loudly that Charlie could hear the buzz of nearby pictures rattling in response. Charlie looked up at the ceiling, annoyed, and then shook his head. “Is it just me, or does that girl hate my guts?” Charlie asked his brother, now that one more encounter with Sophie ended up with her glaring at him and wordlessly stomping up to her room.

  Josh laughed and flipped a page in his magazine. “It’s not just you. You got it right; if you were a bug, she’d have squashed you by now.” He chuckled again and added, “She’s a cutie-pie, though.”

  “She’s getting less cute by the day with her attitude,” Charlie huffed. “I only asked if she wanted a sandwich.”

  Josh looked up, one eyebrow raised dubiously. “Is that what you think you asked? Because I was sitting right here the whole time, and from my end, I thought your exact words were, ‘If you were my little girl, you would be eating something healthy for a change, not this junk!’” Josh had lowered his voice to sound more like Grumpy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves than his brother.

  “Would it kill you to back me up sometimes?” Charlie replied, looking daunted by the poor impersonation. “The only thing I’ve gotten her to eat is a smoothie thus far. Not fruit, mind
you—smoothie. Smoothies, mashed potatoes, and the occasional Hot Pocket. That’s it! It’s not healthy, Josh.”

  “I know, I’m a doctor,” Josh reminded flatly, but then he shrugged. “Look, all discipline has to come from Liz right now, not us. Liz said that Soph’s actually been asking questions about the age-play stuff, and that she seems actually interested, and I don’t want to be the one who spooks her away.

  “Ganging up on her with you would ruin this thing I have with the bunny, anyway. Huge strides are being taken; get this: she called me Uncle Josh this morning!” He grinned.

  A couple of weeks ago, when she’d first come to the house and Liz asked him to run some tests on her to make sure she didn’t have any illnesses they should know about, he’d balked until worn down, not wanting to ruin his relationship with Sophie by taking her blood and thus causing her pain. He was right to balk; until this “Uncle Josh” business, she’d been calling him “the vampire.”

  “And it’s only been two weeks! Sha-zam!” Josh delighted when he saw his brother’s face darken with jealousy, and then licked his finger to add a tally to some sort of invisible scoreboard.

  Charlie tilted his head to fix his “serious face” on Josh, who was being a clown.

  Josh calmed down and then shrugged again. “So what?” he replied simply, waving Charlie’s worry off. “I mean, so she likes eating mushy things. There are worse pets to have.”

  Something occurred to both men at the same time. They looked at each other, exchanged an incredulous expression, and then groaned, “There’s something wrong with her teeth!” as if it was the easiest riddle in the world to solve and they’d failed to guess it, anyway.

  “Sophia Lynn! Get your little butt down here!” Charlie immediately barked at the ceiling.

  Josh rubbed at the back of his neck, looking unsure and awkward. “We should wait for Liz to come home after her dinner-meeting-thing tonight,” he told him. “This is sort of her area. You know, she’s been really trying to get Soph to open up more and to voice her needs. It’s a trust thing, so—”


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