Thank you to Caitlyn Siehl, Ari Eastman, Fortesa Latifi, Amanda Lovelace, and Iain S. Thomas for being part of my poetry family. Thank you to Yena Sharma Purmasir for the advice. Thank you to Charlotte Crawford for loving me. Thank you to Rachel Drummond for the Tim Tams and the tea and the hours spent spilling my heart over the kitchen table in Melbourne. Thank you to everyone who helped me pick up my pieces after she left, after I left, after I came back and kept leaving. Thank you to everyone who is still helping me pick up those pieces.
Thank you to Olivia Jackson, Lydia Havens, Caitlin Clifton, Caitlin Conlon, Danielle Wall, Tiffany Matzas, and anyone else I begged to read and re-read the many drafts of this second edition.
Thank you to Michelle Halket & Central Avenue Publishing for giving this book a home.
And thank you: for your support, for picking up this book, for kissing and crying and holding on too long. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for reading, always.
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