Gabe's Revenge

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Gabe's Revenge Page 9

by Doris O'Connor

  “Look at me, baby girl.”

  “No, I can’t. We… God, I can’t believe we just did that here, now, and…” The intercom crackled, interrupting her, and she froze.

  “We’re here, boss. Been here for a while, but you seemed busy, so…” Stone’s amused voice came through loud and clear, and Gabe groaned under his breath.

  He fumbled for the switch to open communications.

  “Fine, give us five. All okay out there?”

  “All clear, boss, take your time.”

  Gabe flicked the switch and shifted them both. His softening cock slid out of her, and Lissa winced.

  “Poor baby, here, let me help you clean up a bit.”

  He moved her to lie back on the seat, while he tucked himself back in his boxers. The sight of his dick covered in her blood-streaked cream was such a visible reminder of what he’d just taken from her that he frowned. That possessive caveman inside of him rejoiced, however. While he’d had no real doubt of her innocence it was damn good to see the confirmation nonetheless. Taking her knees, he pushed them upward and out, flipped her skirt up and groaned at his first proper sight of her cunt. Red and puffy, it made a mouth-watering sight. Seeing his cum slowly trickle out her still quivering hole made him half harden again. If it wouldn’t blow her mind completely and they weren’t sitting ducks in the parked car, he’d take his time to clean her up by eating her out. Instead, he grabbed some tissues, unscrewed a bottle of water, and having wetted them proceeded to gently wipe between her legs. Lissa tried to close her legs, but she was no match for him.

  “Shush, let me take care of you. There you are, this will have to do until we’re on board ship.” That brought her head up, and she got on her elbows to look at him. Heat crept in her cheeks, when he dried her off with yet more tissues and then dropped a kiss on her mound, before he pulled her skirt down, preserving her modesty.

  “Ship?” she asked and swung her legs back ‘round until she was sitting upright, once again the picture-perfect bride, if you ignored the high color in her cheeks, her ruffled hair, and, of course the ruined lacy ivory panties, which he picked up off the floor. Her eyes grew wide when he lifted the underwear to his nose, inhaled deeply, and then deposited them in his pocket with a wink.

  “Yes, ship. Rule #1 of being Daddy’s little girl.” He watched her closely as he murmured the words, and the way her breathing sped up and her eyes softened was a true delight to witness. This was definitely what she needed. “No panties when you’re with me. I want easy access to my little girl at all times.”

  Renewed heat rose in her cheeks, but she nodded.

  “Good girl. Rule #2, trust Daddy to know what he’s doing and not ask silly questions.” She frowned at him, but she gave another tiny nod, and he smiled.

  “Good girl, let’s go then.”

  Chapter Eight

  Lissandra couldn’t get her voice to work, but her nod must have been enough for him, because his smile lit up his craggy features, and her heart gave a far too suspicious bump in her chest. Lordy me, when he smiled at her like that, called her his good girl, it was like a ray of sunshine burst across her, which was ridiculous to the extreme. However, Lissandra couldn’t shake it, this need to please Daddy.

  Jeez, why was that such a turn-on? And why did she feel the need to simply let go of everything and to let him take care of her? She barely knew this man, had been, if not forced, then coerced into this marriage, and they were about to go off to God only knew where, not to mention what they’d just shared. In the back of the SUV, no less. Who did that?

  She suppressed a somewhat hysterical giggle at that thought. Surely, losing your virginity in the back of the car was the stuff of teenage fumbles, not mind-blowing sex with your much older husband.

  Lissandra held her hands over her hot cheeks and concentrated on breathing. Maybe it was just as well that they got out of this car, because without Gabe’s reassuring presence next to her, this all felt horribly wrong. That in itself ought to worry her, this hold he had on her. All those worries fled her mind, however, when the door next to her opened and Gabe held out his hand to pull her out into the open.

  They were indeed at a marina, surrounded by gleaming yachts, the afternoon sun glinting off their polished chrome deck rails. She knew she was staring, probably had her mouth open, but this idyllic picture was too much. A gust of wind swept off the bay waters, lifting the bottom of her dress and making her painfully aware that she was standing here sans her underwear. She automatically squeezed her thighs together and dropped her gaze. Nevertheless, she caught Stone’s knowing smirk.

  Oh God, it was him driving us?

  Oblivious to her discomfort, Stone threw the cigarette he’d been smoking onto the ground and extinguished it with the boot of his heel.

  “Right then, she’s all ready for you, boss. I’d feel better if you’d let me come with, mind you. The threat hasn’t been eliminated yet.”

  Lissandra’s stomach churned at that ominous statement, not helped one iota by Gabe’s short, cruel laugh.

  “They won’t follow us into open waters, and if they do … I’ll deal with it.”

  “On your own?” Stone’s disbelief didn’t help the whole business of drawing air into her lungs, and she forced herself to look up to see the men’s expressions.

  Gabe smiled at her and drew her into his side.

  “By all means follow us, if it makes you feel better, but this is my honeymoon, and I intend to enjoy my wife without you fuckers breathing down my neck.” His hand strayed to her backside during his response to Stone and squeezed one cheek. Lissandra jumped, and Stone laughed.

  “What threat?” she asked. She inwardly grimaced at the wobbly cadence of her voice.

  “Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over, my sweet.” Gabe, predictably, ignored her question and pulled her along the quay and down toward the walkway, at the end of which an all too familiar yacht gently bobbed in the choppy waters.

  She came to an abrupt stop when the name came into view.

  The Raphaella

  “I—I don’t understand. She sank. At least that’s what Papa told Mama.” She blinked away tears at the sight of a yacht with which so many of her happy childhood memories were associated.

  Stone cleared his throat, and Gabe squeezed her hand.

  “That’s what he wanted you to believe. He sold her on to clear his gambling debts at the time. I managed to track her down a few years ago. She needed some restorations, and the inside has been completely refurbished, but yes, that’s your mother’s boat. Seemed fitting we use Valentina’s boat for her daughter’s honeymoon.”

  Lissandra blinked away tears, and Gabe made a rough sound at the back of his throat. She tore her gaze away from the yacht and to his face. The lines around his eyes appeared more pronounced than usual, and his expression could only be described as guarded as he watched her with a quiet intensity, as though her reaction meant something to him.

  “I—I can’t believe you did that,” she said. Gabe’s eyes drew together in a frown. It spurred her on to clarify what she meant, desperate to show her gratitude for his actions, and she didn’t dare examine the motive behind this need to please him, to see him smile at her in approval. “I mean, I’ve got such happy memories of our time on here. Mama used to take me with her. She’d paint, and she was so happy. We were happy here.” Slowly, Gabe’s stern features relaxed, his dark eyes softening in emotion, echoes of her own tumultuous feelings, and she whispered the next words. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  The flash of heated lust in Gabe’s eyes caused an answering burn in her lower belly, and she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning out loud.

  Stone’s low whistle behind her should have mortified her, but, caught in Gabe’s intense gaze, she couldn’t give two hoots about their audience. Like before in the car, she simply wanted to be with her husband, and the rest of the world faded away.

  “Well, then, let’s get you on there, baby girl.” Gabe f
licked her nose and before she could even grasp his intentions, he’d swung her up into his arms, and walked off down the walkway until he could step onto the yacht. Lissandra shrieked and flung her arms around his neck.

  “Cast us off when I start the engine, will you, Stone?” Gabe threw that command over his shoulder while he carried her through to the interior. Lissandra could only stare at the luxury cabin in wonder. Decorated in deep reds and brown, the place looked warm and masculine all in one. An area to the side had clearly been set aside for his office space because it was dominated by a desk, and state of the art computer and surveillance system. An oval shaped seating arrangement made up the living area. She caught a glimpse of a huge TV screen on one wall, and then he rushed them through kitchen area. From what she could see of it, it had also been hugely improved upon, with a tall fridge freezer and gleaming cabinets, which included a full hob and oven, which seemed odd to the extreme. Surely, Gabe wouldn’t cook for himself, would he?

  All thoughts fled her brain however, when Gabe pushed open the door to the master cabin and her eyes took in the enormous bed that took up most of the space in the room. The room opened to a little covered balcony, on which she’d spotted her easel and paints.

  Gabe slowly slid her down his front and pushed her down to sit on the bed.

  “Stay here and out of sight, while I navigate us out of here. Take a bath, if you like. Plenty of water on board, and I can refill the tanks once we’re in France, anyway.”

  “France?” she echoed. “That’s where we’re going?”

  Gabe grinned at down at her.

  “Among other places, though I doubt we’ll leave the yacht. I have plans for you, little girl.” Lissandra gasped, and Gabe’s smile deepened, growing positively sinful as he traced her lips with his index finger. “I see we understand each other.” He flicked her nose and hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “Bathroom is through there, where the second cabin used to be. Like I said, I had the Raphaella refurbished for my needs, so feel free to explore down here. Stay out of sight though, until we’re on open waters at least.” His voice dropped to that deep growl he adopted when he meant business, and Lissandra swallowed hard.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Again, with that flare of emotions in his dark eyes that made her want to sink to her knees and please him. Lord only knew what was wrong with her. Maybe having awesome sex addled your brain to such an extent that you couldn’t think straight anymore. Maybe that’s why folks made such fools of themselves in the name of love, not that this, whatever this was between them, was love. Heaven forbid she should fall in love with Gabriel Henshaw. No, she just had a severe case of the hots for her husband, and her awakening submissive side couldn’t help but respond to the dominance which oozed out of his very pores. That was the only reason why calling him Daddy felt so right.

  “Good girl.”

  The approval in his voice made her feel ten feet tall, and then he was gone. The engines rumbled to life moments later, and the yacht pulled away from its moorings. Out of the portholes, Stone’s scowling figure was surrounded by more of Gabe’s men, and then they all disappeared from view as they clambered into a smaller craft. What had Gabe said? Follow us if you must?

  Unseen ice-cold fingers traveled down her spine, and Lissandra hugged her arms around herself. He never had answered her questions as to what threat Stone had been referring to. Surely, they couldn’t mean her father. Unwanted tears filled her eyes, and she blinked them away. She would not think about that man now, she wouldn’t. After the way he’d thrown her to the proverbial wolves, had lied to her, sold her to all intents and purposes, had lied all his life it seemed—this yacht a forceful reminder of that—Andrini didn’t deserve her tears. He deserved to rot in a prison cell somewhere, for having used dear Mama as a human shield.

  That thought brought Lissandra up short, because the anger and grief she still felt about her mother’s untimely death had shifted from her unknown killer to Andrini. Even knowing that Gabe had been the one to order the hit on Andrini, she didn’t see him as her mother’s killer anymore. When that shift had happened, she couldn’t say. It had snuck up on her over the last three weeks, and being here on her mother’s ship just cemented that feeling. Gabe hadn’t needed to bring her here. He hadn’t needed to set up a studio for her in his apartment, nor bring some of her paints on board ship. He hadn’t needed to do any of the things he had done, little and not so little, and he certainly hadn’t needed to marry her. No one would have batted an eyelid, had he simply forced himself on her and then put her to work in one of his establishments. That’s certainly the treatment she would have expected from one of her father’s greatest enemies. Treatment she would no doubt have received had she fallen into Ollivanti’s hands. She shivered at that mere thought. The little she knew about Gabe’s rival and his reputation was enough to give her nightmares. Maybe he was the threat they’d been referring to?

  She hugged herself and ruthlessly squashed down all thoughts of her father and rival crime lords and concentrated on the fact that she was now married. Holding up her hand, she admired the rings Gabe had placed on her finger.

  Oh my God, I really am married.

  The fact that she was, that Gabe had taken steps to protect her like that, it was … well, she wasn’t entirely sure what that was or what it meant, but she knew one thing. She could never hate him. The urge to be near him set her feet in motion. Mindful of his instructions, she stayed below deck but positioned herself so that she could see him at the helm.

  It was clear from his confident handling that he knew what he was doing. He’d shrugged out of his jacket and waistcoat, lost his tie, and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing strong, powerful forearms. Lissandra sighed to herself and sank down on the settee to watch him. When they left the English coast behind and hit the open waters of the Channel, Gabe looked over his shoulder. Surprise registered in his eyes, and then he smiled and held out his hand.

  “What are you doing there, baby girl? Did I not tell you to go and have a soak?”

  “I know, it was just…” Lissandra scrambled to her feet and stepped up on the deck with him. “It’s lonely down there, I—”

  “Stop right there.” Lissandra froze at the furious growl that interrupted her. “Put on that life jacket, before you take one more step.” He pointed to a bundle of them by the wall, and Lissandra rolled her eyes.


  “Yes, really, and don’t take that tone of voice of with me.” His voice dropped further, taking on that delicious edge of command which sent shivers of delight down her spine.

  She couldn’t help but push him a little further, however, even as she dutifully lowered the life-saving device over her head. “You’re not wearing one, so why do I have to?”

  She knew she was pouting, probably acting like a spoiled little brat, and sure enough, Gabe’s eyebrow rose in answer.

  “Do you think it’s acceptable to argue with your Daddy, little girl?”

  Oh, the way he emphasized those last two words… Her stomach fluttered in apprehension and need. Her pussy clenched, and she wanted nothing more than for him to take her over his knee and make good on the threatened punishment. Which no doubt made her all sorts of fucked up in the head, but so the hell what? What had he said in the car? It’s not wrong if we both want it.

  “No, Daddy, and I’m not arguing, not really. But the fact remains that you’re not wearing one, so…”

  Her words trailed off when his stern features softened, and he shook his head as though amused by her.

  “Come here, girl,” he said, and Lissandra scrambled to obey him. He held out one arm, and she snuggled into his embrace with a content sigh. Gabe hugged her close for a few precious moments and then proceeded to check her life vest. She could hear the smile in his voice when he spoke again.

  “What’s this all about, baby girl? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re itching for a spanking.” Lissandra’s breath caught in her l
ungs at that far too accurate assumption. “Turn around and put your hands on the wheel.” She obeyed without hesitation and gasped when he pulled her flush against his body, and the solid ridge of his cock made contact with her ass. His large hands came over hers and guided them along.

  “Ever steered a yacht before?” he asked.


  “Hmm, not even as a child? Andrini or whichever captain you had never took you up on deck, when you were little to show you how it all works?”

  Lissandra squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, not trusting her voice to work right now. She would give away her current state of confused arousal for sure. This close to him all she wanted to do was jump him again, and wasn’t that the darnedest thing.

  “Well, then, we’ll have to rectify that immediately.”

  Gabe launched into an explanation of how to steer the boat, which left her head spinning with information overload, not least because his close proximity was far too distracting. She must have managed to make the right noises, however, because Gabe murmured his approval, and eventually stepped away, effectively leaving her in charge of the yacht.

  “There you go, you’ve got it now.”

  “I can’t—don’t leave me.” Lissandra winced at the shrill squeak she managed to produce, and frantically looked over her shoulder, while she held the wheel in a white knuckled grip. As exhilarating as it was to be in charge of the yacht, it was also downright terrifying without his guidance.


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