The Nurse's Bodyguard

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The Nurse's Bodyguard Page 8

by Melanie Mitchell

  He shuddered to think what would have happened had he not taken her to dinner. She would have come back to the apartment alone and been at the mercy of the two men. Luke knew that they would likely have succeeded in killing her this time.

  Jessica had been spared because she was not Claire, and the men were trying to get information from her. He didn’t know what they’d been able to extract during the brutal attack. Had Jessica mentioned his name as she was being threatened and beaten? If so, they might have a hint as to where to look for Claire. Luke really didn’t care if they came after him, but he didn’t like knowing they might be able to locate Claire through him.

  What he really wanted—badly—was to go straight to Incheon Airport and put Claire on the first plane bound for the United States. But it looked like that wouldn’t be an option—not until the police allowed her to leave. For the time being, Claire needed to remain with him. Now came the tricky part—convincing Claire.

  He took the bag from her and led her to the door. “Do you have everything you need?”

  “Yes, I think so.” Her voice was quiet. “I wish I could have my laptop, though. I need it to communicate with my parents and I use it for my school work and my work at Mayo...”

  Luke led her into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. “Don’t worry about that. I have computers you can use.”

  They exited the elevator, and the police followed them through the building and down the block to collect Luke’s car. In a short time they were headed to Yongsan. Luke glanced at Claire and saw that fatigue, worry and fear were definitely taking their toll. She looked like she was having trouble concentrating. Despite being slightly obscured by her glasses, dark circles were evident under red-rimmed eyes. “Luke, I’m so sorry to have dragged you into this. You’ve been wonderful and I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been with me...” Twin tears slipped down her cheeks.

  “Mary Claire, don’t cry. Jessica’s going to be fine. We’ll figure this out.” He couldn’t refrain from gently caressing her wet cheek with his fingers.

  She swiped at her eyes and tried to smile. “I’ve already imposed on you too much, Luke. I know what you told the captain—that you were going to take me to Yongsan. But that isn’t necessary. I can go to a hotel.” Her voice sounder stronger than before.

  “Not a chance!”

  Claire started when he all but shouted his objection. Contrition swiftly followed and he took her hand, forcing himself to calm down.

  “No, it is necessary, honey. There are several options when we get you to Yongsan. There’s a hotel on base, although it’s often overbooked, particularly this time of year. But we can check. I also have several friends who have extra room, or—” he tilted her chin until she had to meet his eyes “—you can stay with me.”

  She blinked several times and looked away.

  “Claire, I’m not suggesting that you say with me, per se, but you can stay in my apartment, at least for the next few days. I share quarters with an Air Force captain who’s away right now ferrying a plane to the Middle East. He’ll be gone for at least a week. The apartment has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. You can take Brad’s room until we get this all figured out, or barring that, get you back home.”

  Shock and fatigue had dulled Claire’s inclination to argue. Wiping away her tears, she blessed him with a watery smile and a hesitant nod. “Okay, but only for a day or two. And I promise to stay out of your way.”

  * * *

  DURING THE DRIVE TO YONGSAN, Claire was too tired to talk, so Luke told her about the base. “Yongsan Army Garrison is the home of the U.S. Eighth Army in Korea,” he said. “It’s actually really large—more than one square mile—and it’s located at almost the dead center of Seoul.”

  She nodded absently and continued to stare at the sparse early-morning traffic.

  “The city was decimated during the Korean War,” Luke continued. “Only a few of the larger buildings were left intact and the inhabitants had scattered. Over time, the country grew and modernized, and Seoul’s population exploded. The city grew around the base. Now Yongsan houses about eight thousand people. There are all sorts of housing complexes, schools, grocery stores, a hospital and theaters, in addition to office buildings.”

  “It’s safe,” Luke said as they neared a gate. “The garrison is surrounded by a fifteen foot concrete wall, topped with razor wire, and all the entrances are manned by armed personnel from the U.S. and Korean military.”

  At the gate, Claire was required to complete a brief form, relinquish her temporary passport and be fingerprinted, before being given a base pass. It was after one o’clock when Luke finally unlocked the door to his apartment and ushered a very tired and somewhat wary Claire inside.

  Luke flipped a light switch, revealing a relatively generous combination living and dining room. She could see a small kitchen behind the dining area. The living space was traditionally furnished, consisting of a comfortable-looking, but somewhat worn leather sofa and a couple of upholstered chairs, along with coffee and end tables. A flat-screened TV adorned one wall. The dining area looked as if it was rarely used for eating, as the table was littered with an impressive assortment of computer towers, monitors and laptops.

  Luke pointed to his left. “That’s my room.” He moved in the other direction, leading her to a closed door. “Brad’s room is this way.” He opened the door and peered in. “I don’t normally go in here,” he said. “He’s a good guy and pretty neat for the most part.” He grinned a little sheepishly. “I hope—but don’t guarantee—there won’t be any surprises under the bed.”

  He flipped on a light, revealing a bedroom furnished with twin beds. A nightstand was located between the beds and two dressers lined the near wall. A small closet could be seen beyond the beds and another door led to a bathroom on the far wall, away from the living area. The room was meticulously neat. Only a few books and some sports equipment, along with framed pictures and other small personal items, gave any indication that it was currently inhabited.

  Luke gestured toward the first bed. “Brad sleeps there, and I imagine, or at least I hope, that the sheets on the other bed are clean...” He placed her bag on his roommate’s bed then crossed the brief space to pull back the covers on the far bed, revealing a bare mattress and pillow. “Hmm...” he mumbled and then strode to the far dresser and opened drawers. The top three were empty, but he found what he was seeking in the last drawer, removing a set of clean, folded sheets. He placed them on the bed then turned to Claire. She was still standing at the door, as if she were afraid to enter.

  Luke crossed the room and lightly touched her arm. “Claire, what is it? Is something wrong?”

  At that moment Claire was incapable of answering. She simply stared and tried to come up with a way to thank him without revealing the truth behind her cascading emotions. His earnest consideration had crushed the remaining fragments of the carefully maintained barrier that had protected her heart. She was left open and vulnerable.

  Luke had been as steady as a rock throughout the ordeal. He’d been quiet, unassuming and undemanding. As she watched the handsome, strong, intelligent man puttering around the room trying to ensure that she had clean sheets, she realized she’d been teetering on the edge of being in love with him since she’d watched him sitting on the floor playing with the sick children the previous day. The fall had been rapid and painless on her part. And, at that moment, she was so totally in love with this man that she was left speechless.

  Substituting actions for the words that escaped her, she took two steps in his direction and held up her arms. He caught her, gently enveloping her in a tender embrace, somehow sensing what she needed. She buried her face in his shoulder and grasped his shirt with both hands, clinging like she would never let go.

  The hard muscles of Luke’s chest and arms encased Claire with rea
ssurance and protection. She felt his hands move gently up her back, soothing her. He lightly kissed the top of her head and her heart clutched again, beating erratically as she continued the downward slide into total adoration. She stifled a sob and held on tighter.

  “Shush... Mary Claire, what is it? Are you still frightened? It’s going to be okay. I promise, nothing will happen to you,” he whispered into her hair. Luke held her for a while, soothing and rocking her. Finally, he pulled away a bit. He eased off her glasses and set them on the dresser, and then he put his huge hands on each side of her head and raised her face up, urging her to look at him. Tentatively her eyes rose to his.

  Ever so tenderly, Luke’s thumb caressed her lips. When she didn’t tense, he leaned down, watching her carefully. Just as his lips touched hers, her eyes closed and she rose on her toes. Her arms reached up, encircling his neck as she pulled him down, trying to get even closer.

  Luke shook himself slightly and pulled back. He kept both hands on her shoulders, as if reluctant to completely break the embrace.

  He took a deep breath and murmured, “Well, wow. It looks like we’re going to have more to talk about tomorrow.” He swallowed hard and tried to smile. Finally, he dropped his hands and stepped back. “But for now, we both need to get some sleep... You’re exhausted and I have an early call to go north on patrol.” Claire still hadn’t said anything, and he hesitated before leaving. “Claire, are you okay? Do you need anything?”

  Seconds passed before Claire managed a response. She shuddered slightly and reached out her hand to touch his. “Luke, thank you so much for all you’ve done for me. I know I’m a bother, but don’t worry, I’ve got all that I need.” She motioned to the door and added, “Please go and get some sleep. I’ll be fine.”

  He studied her a moment more and then squeezed her hand slightly. “Seriously, make yourself at home. If you need me, I’m just across the living room...” Finally, with nothing to add, he turned and walked out, closing the door quietly behind him.

  Claire sank to the bed, her shaking legs no longer able to support her weight. She stared at the door for several minutes, trying to sort out her tumultuous emotions. A short while later, she rose and crossed the room, picked up the sheets and made the bed. After unpacking a few items and replacing her slacks and sweater with an old T-shirt and boxers, she crawled into the borrowed bed and fell into an exhausted slumber.


  WHEN CLAIRE WOKE the next morning, she felt only a moment of disorientation. The room was cool and quiet. The curtains covering the lone window were fairly heavy, but bright sunlight was visible around the edges, suggesting that morning was well underway. Sitting up, Claire glanced at the nightstand between the twin beds and saw the alarm clock was facing the other bed. She turned it to her and was surprised to discover that it was after nine.

  “Oh my gosh!” she said out loud and scrambled up. She dressed quickly and performed basic grooming, eager to see Luke. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door leading to the main part of the apartment and found the combination living room and dining room and the kitchen area beyond empty. The door to Luke’s room was open and she peered through it cautiously, listening for a sign that he was there. Not hearing anything, she glanced around. Like Brad’s, Luke’s room was remarkably neat. His bed was made, and other than some books and a pair of really large running shoes, nothing was out of place.

  “Luke?” she said, loudly enough to be heard anywhere in the apartment. There was no answer—she was alone. At a loss as to what to do next, she turned back toward the kitchen. Then she spotted a typed note taped to one of the computer monitors.

  Mary Claire,

  There’s food in the fridge and pantry—help yourself.

  This computer is set up for you to use—your password is ‘Iceskater’. You should be able to access the internet and do anything you need to do on it.

  The black phone is a direct U.S. line. You can call anyone in the U.S.—just dial the area code and number; talk as long as you wish.

  Last thing—Sgt. Tony Mancini (from the embassy) will be here at noon to take you to see Jessica. Don’t go ANYWHERE off base without him.

  I should be back by four or five. Be at home.

  He’d scrawled “Luke” at the bottom of the page.

  Claire smiled as she re-read the note, appreciating his consideration in taking the time to set her up with a computer and make arrangements for her to check on Jessica. She had no idea when he’d left but vaguely recalled him mentioning that he had an early day. He must not have gotten more than a couple of hours sleep.

  She read the note a third time before setting it on the table and looking around the apartment. She sighed quietly and then said out loud, “Well, okay then.”

  The first thing she did was use her cell phone to call the hospital and explain to her colleagues that she was staying at Yongsan Base and likely wouldn’t be in until she could find an escort. Following that, she called her parents. She’d already told them about having her purse stolen, but not wanting to worry them, she didn’t mention the knife wound. Claire debated a while about how to describe the latest development and decided to minimize the incident. She explained that she’d decided to move nearer the embassy while waiting for her passport, and said that she was staying in the spare bedroom of one of the embassy workers while the room’s occupant was away. Fortunately, her parents were about to go to bed, so they didn’t ask for a lot of details.

  Breakfast came next. Claire was pleasantly surprised that the fridge and pantry were pretty well stocked. She helped herself to a bowl of Cheerios topped with a sliced banana and a cup of tea. The next couple of hours were spent on the computer and she was amazed by the speed of Luke’s equipment. She was easily able to access her school sites and email accounts, so she spent some time working on one of her assignments.

  At about 11:45 she logged off and slipped into Brad’s room to get ready to see Jessica. She dressed in one of her standard work outfits—a long skirt and lightweight sweater—then pulled her hair up and secured it with a clip. By the time there was a knock at the door, she was anxious and waiting.

  Tony Mancini was dressed in his uniform, consisting of a khaki shirt and olive trousers, exactly as he had been when they’d met earlier. He smiled and said, “Good morning, miss.”

  “Sergeant, thanks so much for coming by and taking me to see Jessica.” She smiled gratefully. “I know this isn’t part of your normal duties and I hope that it isn’t a lot of trouble....”

  “No, ma’am. I assure you I was pleased when Luke called this morning to ask if I could take you to see your friend.” Humor was apparent in the crinkles of the corners of his chocolate-colored eyes. The smile faded and suddenly his expression turned severe. “Luke told me what happened—about the attack on Dr. Tyson...”

  Claire’s lips compressed and she blinked several times. “Yes, that was my fault...”

  His look softened considerably. “That’s not what Luke told me. He said the idiots are still after you, but they messed up and attacked her. That’s hardly your fault.”

  She shook her head and whispered, “Sergeant, I don’t know what’s going on. Nothing about this makes sense, and I’m horribly sorry that Jessica was involved.”

  “Well, let’s go see her. I’m sure talking to her will do you both good.”

  Claire picked up her purse and followed the marine to his car. “I don’t know how Luke set this all up. I actually haven’t talked to him today—he just left me a note that you were coming. When did he call you?”

  Tony opened the passenger door for her. “About 6:30.”

  “You didn’t mind him calling at 6:30?”

  “Trust me,” he said, “we get up early.” He settled into the driver’s seat and started the vehicle. “Actually, I have second shift today, so I’m off right now. Nothi
ng pressing until later this afternoon.” He patted her hand companionably. “Let’s go see Ms. Tyson.”

  * * *

  DURING THE DRIVE Tony was talkative, trying to put her at ease. Claire learned that he was from New Jersey and had been a Marine for more than fifteen years. He had completed tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and finally, after multiple deployments, he’d landed the relatively cushy and highly sought after job of Embassy Security. Tony was gregarious and funny, and by the time they arrived at the hospital, he and Claire were friends.

  AT THE HOSPITAL, Tony stayed within arm’s reach, so when Claire walked into Jessica’s room he was at her side. Seeing her friend sitting up in the bed with her broken arm propped on a pillow and one eye nearly swollen shut, Claire couldn’t prevent a sob as she rushed to the bed.

  “Oh, Jessica. I’m so sorry...”

  Jessica held out her hand and managed a comforting smile. “Claire...girl, it wasn’t your fault!”

  “Yes it was! Detective Kang said they thought you were me! And then when they found out you weren’t, then they...they hurt you...”

  Soon both women were crying and hugging and trying to console each other.

  When they finally pulled apart, Claire found a tissue and dried her eyes. Belatedly, she remembered Tony. She motioned to him and said, “Oh, Jessica, I forgot. I brought a friend—well actually, he brought me. You remember Sergeant Mancini?”

  Tony held out his hand to take Jessica’s good one in a friendly shake. The look in his eye was the antithesis of friendly, however, as he studied Jessica’s injuries. Claire was alarmed by the tension in his jaw and his cold, piercing eyes. He swore quietly before dropping her hand and stepping back. His face instantly lost the furious stare, but his lips pushed together in a frown. Claire got the impression that if the men who’d harmed Jessica were in the room, they’d face an unenviable fate at the hands of Sergeant Mancini.


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