Security Binds Her (Thalia Book 1) (The Thalia Series)

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Security Binds Her (Thalia Book 1) (The Thalia Series) Page 2

by Jennifer Bene

  “No, no, no!” She screamed, thinking he was going to fuck her, but instead the belt cracked against her ass making her jump and drop back down, bruising her wrists in the cuffs. She was crying again as the belt came down on her other cheek. She tried to twist away from it, but he pressed her to the wall with a hand between her shoulder blades.

  “You don’t refuse me. Understand?” The belt cracked across her sensitive skin one more time and she found herself nodding as she pressed harder against the wall trying to get away. This time when he placed his fingers in front of her mouth she opened and sucked them, tasting herself. Subconsciously she had tried to bring her thighs together but he kicked the sides of her heels. “No, keep them spread.”

  When he took his fingers from her mouth she gasped a breath and realized she was still crying. She felt cold metal scrape up the inside of her thigh and she whimpered, jumping as she heard the sound of fabric tearing and then the cool air of the stairwell hit her pussy as he grabbed the remnants of her underwear. The black lace was in a ball as he reached around her. “Open.” She did without argument and he pressed them into her mouth, and again she could taste herself on the fabric.

  Thalia was ashamed of herself, her mind tearing her apart. She’d always thought she’d be the one to fight, to run, to win. To be the one who defeated her attacker with yet undiscovered martial arts skills like some female Jason Bourne. But here she was, wet and arching into his touches? Obediently opening her mouth? What was wrong with her? His hips pressed against her again and his hand tightened in her hair. Then she heard his zipper and she whimpered.

  “You are such a good slut, already soaking wet and I’ve barely touched you. If I’d known you’d be this willing I wouldn’t have planned so much.” He positioned himself behind her, reaching between her legs to rub her clit until she was grinding against his hand. Just as she caught herself and stopped he thrust deep inside her in one movement. She cried out because it hurt. It had been months since she’d even had a date, it had been a year since she’d had sex. Her body remembered the feeling of fullness though, and the tingling rush from his circling touch on her clit confused it.

  ‘Stop, please stop…’ Thalia begged, pleaded, trying to be clear through the muffling effect of fabric in her mouth. She needed him to stop, because it was starting to feel good. That was the worst part. It couldn’t feel good, that was wrong. He pulled back and thrust in again and she pulled on her arms trying to distract herself with the pain in her wrists, but it somehow only made it all worse. The pain and pleasure combining and ratcheting up the intensity until she was moaning through clenched teeth with each thrust.

  His fingers found her clit again and she came without warning. The orgasm was surprising, blinding, her muscles tensing and her legs shivering to the point that she wobbled in her heels. He grabbed her hips and held her still against him. Thalia tried to muffle the moan through the panties gagging her. She felt her pussy clenching him in waves and he laughed in her ear before he started thrusting again. “Such a little cockwhore,” he growled, “I’ll have to punish you later for coming without permission.”

  His hand tightened in her hair and held her still as he started to fuck her hard. The rocking of her body faded to the background as her mind took over the torture. She was appalled at herself for coming. She whined, shaking her head against his grip. Shame washed over. She hated herself. Tears streaked her cheeks even as she felt a second orgasm rising up, the tightening in her lower belly making her lift onto her tiptoes. He yanked her head back and kissed her hard, biting her lower lip in return.

  “Do not come again or I’ll make you suffer.” He spoke through his teeth against her ear and she arched her back as he thrust over and over, trying to ignore her body’s urges to fall over the edge again. Then, mercifully, she felt him pause inside her, holding himself deep as he came. She squirmed in his grip. He hadn’t had a condom on, she’d felt that. She screamed, cussing at him through her underwear as he pulled out of her and stepped back.

  “Go ahead and be angry. We both know you liked it, and I prefer a bit of fight. All the more fun to break you.” He yanked her skirt back down over her welted ass and pressed her forward against the wall. “Ready for your punishment, Thalia?”

  He stood silently behind her, as if he were actually waiting for her to answer. She hung by the cuffs, her arms limp from her wrists to her shoulders as she ignored the ache of the metal digging in and the tingling in her fingertips. Thalia kept her chin tucked against her chest as she heard him putting himself away, the belt returning to his pants.

  “I asked if you’re ready for your punishment.” The guard grabbed her face and pulled her panties out of her mouth.

  “Please don’t hurt me any more. Just let me go,” she weakly twisted in the handcuffs, “I just want to go home.”

  He gripped her face a little harder and leaned in close, “You clearly don’t understand the situation.” The guard dropped his hand from her face and painfully twisted a nipple until she cried out. “You will learn though.” Reaching up he unlocked one of the cuffs and her arms were so exhausted they just dropped, but she still lunged for the door out of a desperate instinct.

  It was stupid. So fucking stupid.

  He caught her around the waist as she tried to move past him and threw her to the floor with barely a grunt. In an instant he’d flipped her onto her stomach so he could pull her arms behind her and recuff her. She screamed in frustration.

  “Let me go you fucking psychopath!” She fought wildly on the floor and he let her fight for a few minutes, screaming and cursing at him until she started to wear out. Her breasts rubbed against the concrete floor as she fought him, her nipples growing hard and chafing. She hated that he wasn’t even putting forth much effort to keep her down. The guard finally sighed in exasperation above her and spanked her hard. He covered her mouth with his hand and bowed her back, his knee pressing in at her waist until she whimpered from the strain. The pain radiating across her back.

  “Alright, that’s enough. You already have a punishment owed for coming without permission, and another for fucking biting me.” He bit down on her shoulder, hard enough that she screamed against his hand as cold fear settled in her stomach like she’d swallowed ice cubes. “So don’t push me, or I’ll take your pretty little ass next, without a warm up, and you’ll still get punished.”

  That made her still, and she tried to nod against the death grip he had on her face. When he let go of her he stood up and then hauled her to her feet by one arm, the strain in her shoulder making her cry out.

  He scooped up her purse and shoved her through the door to the garage. It was unbelievably empty, and her silver Camry was parked against the back wall as usual. The guard fished out her keys as she made prolonged eye contact with every camera in the garage. He laughed when he finally noticed, “I disabled the cameras. As far as anyone is concerned there was a technical glitch tonight. Someone will undoubtedly fix it tomorrow.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” Thalia choked on the urge to cry again. Fear of the punishment he’d promised and a slow realization that no one was even going to try and help her made her sick. No one was even going to know he had taken her. He could do whatever he wanted and no one would find out. No one was going to know.

  “Why? Because you need this, I’ll show you. You’ll understand.” His fingers dug into her arm as he reached her car. “You just need someone to make you understand what you are.”

  He moved his hand to the back of her neck and bent her over the trunk, immediately thrusting two fingers inside her. She cried out, and he teased her, quickly bringing her back to the edge where he’d stopped her second orgasm. A moan slipped out of her mouth until she closed her lips against it, but her hips wiggled seeking just a little more, to get his touch just a little deeper.

  Just as she was about to come he pulled his fingers back and spanked her pussy hard, making her body jolt against the car. Thalia started crying again. Somethin
g was wrong with her. No one was supposed to moan when they were being attacked. They definitely weren’t supposed to encourage them.

  “You want me to fuck you again? Answer honestly.” He leaned down and whispered right against her ear, the low growl in his voice did funny things to her. Making her stomach flutter and heat pool between her legs again.

  “No!” She shouted at him and he laughed.

  “Liar.” He chuckled under his breath. “You’re not this wet for no reason. Open.” He pressed his fingers against her lips and she whimpered as she opened them to suck the mixture of them both off his fingers.

  When he pulled away again he yanked her back by her hair. Thalia cried out and then he pushed against the back of one of her legs so she dropped to her knees hard on the concrete. Pain starburst across them and she gasped.

  “Please, just stop.” Thalia begged as he reached behind her and undid one of the cuffs. A spark of hope bloomed inside her and she looked up at him, his gray-blue eyes stared back at her with amusement.

  He wasn’t releasing her.

  Her hope went out like a snuffed candle. Stretching her handcuffed hand under the car he hooked the other half of the handcuff to something and locked her to it. From the back of his pants he pulled another set of handcuffs and stretched her free arm to the other side of the car, pressing her back against the bumper as he locked her there. She panicked and jerked against the handcuffs as he moved back in front of her, her arms stretched to either side.

  “Let me go! Let me go, just let me -”

  “No, Thalia, I’m not letting you go. Shut up, and don’t be stupid.” He sounded exasperated. “You’re going to be punished before we leave, don’t make it worse.” Her world went sideways. He had said ‘we’. He was planning to take her with him. Tears ran down her cheeks as she looked up at him. His uniform was easier to see as he stepped back, dark fabric clinging to a lean, muscular body. When he’d walked her to her car in the weeks before, she had noticed it, had noticed how big his hands were when he pushed the door open for her. The smile he would give her as he had let her get in her car on those other days. She’d thought he was cute, even hot, and she cursed herself for it now. How had she not seen this in him? How had she been that stupid? That blind? Because of his fake kindness, a joke about some stupid movie, a nice smile?

  She felt like such a fool.

  And he wasn’t smiling now, his eyes had a predatory gleam to them, and it made her quiver with fear. He turned and walked out of her view, and after a couple of minutes she became very aware that she was unable to move, and that he had left her breasts popping out of the top of her bra. The cool air of the garage was moving over the moisture between her legs, and it made her even more aware of how wet she was after the stairwell. Thalia pulled her thighs together to shield herself just as she heard his heavy footsteps echoing out through the garage.

  He dropped a duffel bag next to the car, unzipped it, and out came a riding crop.

  “No!” Thalia panicked and jerked hard on the cuffs, bruising her wrists badly as she bent forward as far as she could to try and shield herself, the strain of the cuffs limiting her movement.

  The riding crop came down hard on her shoulders and she screamed and sat up to protect her back against the trunk.

  “Keep your back against the car. If you pull away I’ll add a lash to your punishment.” Then he flicked the crop against her right nipple and she screamed, but he didn’t pause before he hit the left nipple just as hard. They hurt so much already she couldn’t imagine him continuing, but he did. The crop came down on her nipples, the sides of her breasts, and then he brought the crop to the sensitive part underneath the breast. She was sobbing when he suddenly paused, and she tried to catch her breath as the burning ache spread across her chest.

  “Thalia. Tell me why you’re being punished.” His voice was calm and cold.

  “What?!” She screamed at him, and he immediately brought the crop down between her legs, striking her pussy hard. She sobbed again, clenching her thighs together. She hadn’t realized her thighs had spread during the torment.

  He gripped her by the hair and brought the crop down hard across both breasts, “You will spread your legs and you will answer me. Now.”

  She cried out again and slid her knees apart, the pain spreading across her chest as bright red lines lit up on her pale skin.

  He brought the crop down on her clit and her body shook with the strain of not closing her legs or lifting her back from the car. She was sobbing as she tried to answer him, “I - you said I, umm,” she couldn’t say the words out loud. She’d orgasmed, she’d come without his permission.

  “You came.” He filled in.

  “Yes, umm, with- without your p- permission. An- and I bit you.” She was shaking, but she felt her pussy flood as she thought of how hard she’d come against the wall. She was dripping between her thighs, and knew it was impossible for him not to notice. There was something wrong with her body.

  “Say it all together, slut.” He said it plainly, but her stomach turned at speaking the words. She must have taken too long because the crop slapped against her wet pussy again making her cry out in pain.

  “I came without your permission! I bit you!” She yelled it through her tears and he cupped her chin, lifting her head so she looked at him. He was smiling at her, and the boy-next-door charm of it eased some of the tension in her stomach. He wasn’t angry anymore?

  “Good girl.” He threw the crop back onto the duffel bag and then swept her hair back from her face where her tears had stuck some of the strands to her cheeks.

  “Please.” She whimpered. His gentle touches were almost worse than the riding crop.

  Running his thumb over her bottom lip she tried to turn away from him, but he grabbed her face and turned her back. “At least you’re pretty when you cry.” He let go of her face and smiled at her. “Time to go.”

  She dropped her head, too sore and exhausted to fight him. This time when he undid the cuffs she didn’t try to run, and when he pulled her to her feet and she wobbled he just lifted her into his arms as if she weighed nothing at all. Her body pressed against his hard chest and she felt empty, and vacant, like someone had pushed her out of herself.

  He popped the trunk and laid her inside. Panic started to rise but he covered her mouth with his hand, “Don’t fight me. I don’t want to punish you again. At least not yet.” He ran his thumb over her swollen lips as he released her mouth, and she just stared into his eyes as he reached behind her. He took the handcuffs on her wrists and latched them to her ankles which had her bowed backwards in the trunk and mostly unable to move.

  “One more thing.” He stepped away and then came back with something small and silver in his hand, which started to buzz.

  “No, no, no!” She squirmed and tried to shift away but there was no space in the trunk and she could barely move her arms and legs with them handcuffed together.

  Reaching between her thighs he pulled her knees apart and she felt the cool metal slip easily between her wet lips, burying itself deep inside her. He draped a cord over her hip, which led to a tiny battery pack that strapped to her thigh. “This isn’t strong enough to make you come, but it should keep you right on the edge for me. And girls on the edge are so much better behaved.”

  He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips and stood back up smiling. Then he dropped her purse into the trunk behind her.

  “See you soon.” He said and then the guard slammed the trunk.

  Thalia was tightly bound. The handcuffs linking wrist to ankle made her feel like she was about to be sacrificed.

  Maybe she was.

  She could hear the guard moving around the car. A door opening, something landing on the backseat, and the door shutting.


  The vibrator in her pussy was keeping her so wet, she clenched her thighs together trying to get just a little more pressure, but it didn’t work. It was small, and he had been much larger. She al
ready felt sore from the stairwell - dammit, thinking of the stairwell was a bad idea. The memory of his weight against her as she came made the torment of the vibrator even worse. She tried to reach for the fear and panic she had felt, but it was like she was numb to it, like she had passed through the other side of fear and her mind was now only focused on the physical. And the physical was centered between her thighs.

  Another door opening, closing, and then the engine started. He was whistling. The bastard was whistling, minutes after he’d attacked her and beat her. She tried to kick the walls of the trunk but only hurt herself, yanking the handcuffs hard. She gritted her teeth against the pounding ache in her wrists that she had just amplified with her attempt at a tantrum.

  Suddenly the radio kicked on, some top 40 station blaring Katy Perry as he turned up the volume to an obnoxious level. Then Thalia felt them moving, the sway of the car with each turn started to make her nauseous. And then there was the constant humming between her legs, the heat building at the core of her, but never enough to push her over the edge.


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