Security Binds Her (Thalia Book 1) (The Thalia Series)

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Security Binds Her (Thalia Book 1) (The Thalia Series) Page 9

by Jennifer Bene

  She had submitted to him. Finally admitted it was what she was meant for, and his primal side felt victorious. His erection was pressed against the soft flesh of her ass through his pants, and he wanted her again.

  Pressing his face into her hair he kissed along her neck, occasionally nipping her skin. “Thalia...” his voice rumbled in his chest, still rough from sleep.

  Her head was buried in the crook of her arm, her light brown hair across her face and she squirmed against him as a soft “Hmmm?” came out of her in response. Part of him wanted to spank her for not responding properly, but she was beautiful as she was waking up and he was enjoying watching her. Her eyebrows scrunched together as her body shifted against him again and he fought the urge to groan at the friction.

  Pushing the waist of his pants down he reached between them to grip himself; his cock was hard and aching to be inside her again. He needed to hear her say it again though.

  His mouth nipped her neck and then he grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged her back against him, just sharply enough to wake her up. Her hazel eyes opened wide and she started to roll her hips away from him, but he growled softly in her ear and tugged her back against him by her hip. The bare skin of her ass rubbed against his cock and he bit down on the sound he made. He wanted her to say it. “Thalia?”

  “Yes, Master?” Her own voice was more sultry from sleep, and he smiled against her hair as she remembered how to respond properly.

  “Who do you belong to?” His fingers slid over her hip to glide between her legs, and his erection kicked as he found her warm and wet already. She was incredible. No one responded this well.

  He watched her throat work to swallow before she answered, “You, Master.” Her tongue licked out over her soft lips and he rewarded her by pressing his fingers over her clit, moving in tiny circles that quickly had her hips shifting against him with each movement. She was tormenting him and she didn’t even know it. Her whimpers were the delicious balance of the pleasure he was giving her, and what he imagined was a lingering sensitivity from the punishment the day before.

  “Say it again.” He spoke low against her ear as he pushed his leg between her thighs to open her up, continuing the friction against her clit that now had her making tiny panting sounds of pleasure. She was driving him crazy, and he didn’t want to wait, but he just wanted to hear it again.

  “I’m yours, Master.” She almost moaned it and he was undone. He pulled her hips back further and bit down on her shoulder as he thrust inside her hard. She was wet and welcoming and her hips bucked back against him as he bottomed out. Thalia moaned loudly and he pulled her back by her hair so she was tight against his chest as he started to move.

  Her eyes were clenched tight, her lips parted as she panted for breath, making little noises as he rubbed her clit and then thrust again. This was the side of Thalia he was amazed by, she responded perfectly and his body craved her. Her pussy tightened around him as she arched her back against him and started to beg for him. He groaned in her ear, loving to hear her little pleas, and bit down on her shoulder again. She only moaned louder as his teeth pressed into her skin, his hand clenched tighter in her hair, and he thrust again and again. Her pussy hot and slick around him.

  “Say it again,” he breathed hard against her skin and she moaned loudly as he picked up speed inside her. The friction making his balls ache.

  “I’m yours! Master! Please!” She was much louder now, her words coming between smaller moans as he felt her muscles tighten against him, her pussy contracting around each thrust as he felt the edge of his own release rising to meet them. She whimpered, saying words between short breaths, “May I? May I come, Master?”

  “Yes,” he growled against her skin and his balls tightened as she came and her pussy gripped him tight. Her body pushed him over the edge with her. He groaned against her neck, while she screamed something that might have been a thank you.

  Thalia’s breaths were coming fast as she came down from her orgasm, little murmurs escaping her mouth. Her body quivered against his, and he looked down and saw the shape of his teeth in her skin, the two imprints almost overlapping. They would fade quickly but with her pressed against him he liked that they marked her as his.

  “You are incredible, Thalia.” He hid his face in her hair so she wouldn’t see the smile he knew had spread across his face.

  “Thank you, Master,” she breathed out the words as her warm body turned to liquid against his in the glow after she’d come.

  He opened his mouth to say something else when he felt the irritating little vibration of his phone. Sliding out of her slowly he released her hair and leaned back shoving his pants completely off and onto the floor. If his brother was calling, he could fucking wait and enjoy the show.

  Once on his back he watched as Thalia pushed herself up to look at him. She shouldn’t be looking at him, but the way she looked he didn’t care to make her stop. Her hazel eyes were wide, her pupils still dilated from the orgasm and her cheeks flushed from their efforts. Her hair was tangled from having his hand in it. The overall effect made her look like something straight out of his imagination.

  He wanted to kiss her. He already wanted to fuck her again until she was shivering, his cock refusing to go soft. He wanted her taste to fill his mouth again. He wanted to take her ass again with her wrists bound behind her back.

  He wanted her. Period.

  Staring at her lips he knew what he wanted at the moment, the rest could wait.

  “Clean up your mess, Thalia.” He fought the smile that curved the edge of his lips as her eyes moved down his stomach and settled at his hips. She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and he almost grabbed her hair to tug her warm mouth down, but she beat him to it.

  “Yes, Master,” she said softly, pushing her hands through those light brown tangles as she twisted her hair over one shoulder; then her hand was on him. Her touch was gentle and his hips lifted slightly off the bed as she stroked him base to tip. He let out a curse when her mouth slid over the head of his cock, her tongue swirling against the underside of him as she started sucking. He was viciously sensitive, but it was an incredible torture. Her fist still moved up and down and her other hand came up to cup his balls as he slid farther into her mouth. He bit down on a moan as her lips stretched around him and slid over his cock.

  “Good girl.” He could hear the faint buzz from the floor of his phone going off again, but he just slid his hand into her hair as she moved her mouth over him. Couldn’t his brother see he was fucking busy?

  She paused when his hand tangled in her hair, and he knew why. She was waiting for him to grab hold of it and guide her. In that moment he was proud of her for already taking to her training so well. She was submitting beautifully.

  He moaned as her tongue flicked against him, and even after coming inside her he was hard and aching again inside her warm mouth. He dragged his nails over her scalp to encourage her to continue for now, and she did. Easing him farther into her mouth again she made him groan, her nails grazing softly across the skin of his balls. She started to pick up speed and he was tempted to take control and push into her throat when a racket burst out in the room, and she gasped and thankfully removed her mouth without hitting him with her teeth.

  It took a second for him to realize it was a phone ringing; the incredibly loud sound of a phone ringing was being pumped through the speakers of the house. His brother.


  Thalia had sat up and she looked at him in confusion as she winced slightly from the volume. He should correct her, make her avert her gaze, but he was distracted. Her mouth and chin were wet with saliva and he was even more pissed at having to leave her like that unfinished.

  “Stay here, I need to get that.” She nodded and he slid off the bed and yanked his pants on, ripping the cell phone out of the pocket as he stomped towards the door. What the hell could be so damned important?

  Behind him he heard a breathy, “Yes, Master,” that mad
e his balls ache.

  Unlocking the door he stepped out and slammed it. Locking it as he pressed the button on his remote so no one would eavesdrop on their conversation but the beep from the little remote didn’t sound. His cell phone buzzed again in his hand and he answered it.

  “What is your problem?” He hissed into the phone as he walked down the hall in case she got curious and came to the door.

  “My problem?” His brother’s smooth voice came out of the phone, and he gritted his teeth. “Have you completely forgotten what you’re supposed to be doing?”

  “She’s performing perfectly,” he snapped. At least she had been when he’d interrupted them with the sound of a phone.

  “I can see exactly how she’s performing, and so can every one of our customers and potential buyers. And as lovely as she is to watch, you have her shouting out that she’s yours over and over. Have you lost your damn mind?” His brother’s voice was about as angry as he’d ever heard it. The man didn’t shout, he was cold to the core, but it was obvious. As the younger brother he was the one who had inherited the temper and his brother always called him out on it.

  “I’m making her accept the idea of ownership, just like we always do.” It sounded like a lie even to his own ears. His primal side had shouted a claim to her, and he had wanted to hear her accept it.

  Over and over and over.

  “I don’t care what you think you’re doing, but you’re going to piss off our customers, so stop. Now.” His brother was using the commanding tone that had women cowering. But he wasn’t some submissive kneeling at his brother’s feet.

  “I think we’ve established over the years that I know what the hell I’m doing.” He clenched his teeth, irritated that his brother would dare challenge him after every submissive he’d trained and sold successfully.

  “Don’t forget who brought you into this world, who taught you how to train them, who got you the houses, the cars, the money. You’d still be in a desert somewhere in fatigues without me, that was the only other job you’ve ever kept more than a month in your entire life.” His brother sounded bored as he outlined exactly why he was in charge. In a fistfight he’d take his older brother easily, but when it came to politicking and business – his brother knew it all, and did it very well. In just six years he’d developed a reputation for the quality of submissives he could deliver. Making their training available for those who paid to view the cameras only brought the money in faster and attracted lists of potential buyers.

  All of which were his brother’s ideas.

  His singular talent had been discovered in how quickly he could break them down, taking his brother’s three months down to a few weeks. Now if they were on track, they could deliver almost one girl a month.

  “Are you listening to me?” His brother’s voice snapped across the phone.


  “That’s it. I’m coming out there.” His brother’s frustration was clear to him, but he almost growled at the idea of his brother coming to take over part of her training. Things normally happened like that, but -

  Shit. The realization hit him suddenly – he didn’t want anyone else touching Thalia.

  The thought slammed into him, and was only made worse when he heard himself say, “No.”

  “Excuse me?” His brother’s voice revealed his shock, even though it stayed calm. He knew the little changes in his tone well.

  “Things are fine, I don’t need you here.” He tried to speak evenly but his voice wavered as his own internal confusion warred. What was he planning to do with her if he didn’t want anyone to touch her?

  “She is just another slut, you idiot, and you need to remember that. In fact,” he heard his brother typing, “I’ll be there in two days to remind you, and I’m going to move up the sale. You clearly can’t handle this one for some reason.” His brother blew out an irritated breath and he heard him typing again.

  “I have it handled,” he spat out through his teeth.

  “You better have it handled, because if she can’t behave when I get there you know how I’ll deal with it.” He remembered how his brother got the girls he trained under control. Suspension, water, electricity. Breaking them down through terror, and very little pleasure.

  “She’s behaving,” he said.

  “Good. Make sure it continues.” He thought he was going to hang up on him, but then his brother laughed quietly, “Oh, one more thing. I don’t know what you’ve been doing with her when the cameras have been having their little issues, but I went ahead and disabled your controls in the house so our paying customers don’t miss anything. I’ll see you soon.”

  The call ended and he gripped the phone in his hand. He wanted to throw it, but he knew his brother was watching to see his reaction. If he couldn’t get this situation back under control his brother would just ‘surprise’ him by showing up sooner.

  He thought of Thalia sitting on the bed in that room, waiting for him to come back and he felt angry. She was supposed to be his for at least another week. Who knew what his brother would do when he showed up? He never played nice with the girls. And as well as she was doing, she was still far from his brother’s standards.

  Thalia stayed in the center of the bed, still confused as to what had happened. The actual house had rung like a phone.


  He had seemed so irritated as he’d stormed out and time was moving slowly without him there. Her pulse thrummed between her thighs, her clit aching from the punishment the day before and his attentions when he’d woken her up. Just thinking about how he’d held her by her hair and taken her made her shiver.

  He had made her say it again though, made her tell him she was his.

  ‘Well, aren’t you?’ Her mind asked the question, and she recoiled. She still wanted to fight this, but when she tried to think of options… there were none. He locked the door to every room, and even then she had no clothes and no idea where she was. And she had nowhere to go. He’d made that clear.

  The door unlocked and swung open and then he slammed it shut, hard. She jumped, and fear washed over her like a bucket of cold water. The pulsing between her thighs stuttered and she knew that the man at the door was not the one who had whispered in her ear that morning or had his mouth between her thighs.

  What had she done to make him angry? What was the phone call about? And what would make him upset with her when she’d obeyed him since he woke her up?

  “Come here.” His voice was harsh, and he pointed at the floor in front of him. The fear was making her shake as she slid off the bed and onto her knees. As she started crawling towards him tears gathered in her eyes. She’d been good! She hadn’t fought him at all, she’d done everything right, followed every rule. She stopped where he pointed and kneeled while stifling a whimper.

  “What did I do, Master?” She asked, her voice on the edge of tears, and then he slapped her hard. Her head cracked to the side and before she could recover he grabbed her around the throat, and panic clenched her chest.

  “I told you I wouldn’t accept any more mistakes, Thalia. What are you supposed to say if I give you an order? And is that how you’re supposed to ask me a question?” He leaned forward and hissed the words at her. She was clenching her fists, and fighting the urge to claw at his hand on her neck, but she shook her head as much as she could in his grip.

  He let go and she collapsed, gasping. She couldn’t understand why he had turned on her, he had been so good to her that morning, and she had behaved. She knew he had moments where he was better, and this time she’d done nothing to earn his rage. Nothing! Her voice shook, “Master?”

  “Shut up. You need to listen to me very carefully. Our time table just got a lot shorter, and you can’t make mistakes any more.” She was staring at the floor, confused about what time table he was referring to, and then he grabbed her hair and wrenched her head back so she looked at him. “I can’t be lenient with you. If you’re not perfect the consequences will be much wors
e than anything so far.”

  “May I ask a question, Master?” She asked it bitterly. She had behaved, she had done nothing wrong, and he still hurt her.

  “No.” His jaw was clenched tightly as she looked up at him, his fist tight in her hair. His expression was so confusing, his eyes weren’t cold, they almost looked concerned. Underneath her fear she was growing angry, he had told her if she behaved it would be better. But here he was, hurting her again for nothing.

  “Master, I just want to know what time table you mean?” Thalia asked it as steadily as she could, but while his eyes had seemed concerned, his face was full of rage, and his voice was harsh with his anger when he grabbed her throat and shoved her back to the floor.

  “You do not have permission to speak, slut.” He lifted her by her throat and slammed her head back down. “If you keep defying me, you’re going to make me hurt you. Do you understand?”


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