Security Binds Her (Thalia Book 1) (The Thalia Series)

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Security Binds Her (Thalia Book 1) (The Thalia Series) Page 12

by Jennifer Bene

  At least he had never hurt her like that.

  He came back naked, and hard. His cock glistening in his hand as he stroked himself. He stayed silent and grabbed her hair pulling her higher on the bed, forcing her to move only on her knees with her arms bound behind her back. When she was where he wanted her, he moved onto the bed behind her, but he didn’t speak. No comforting words, no commands to follow. Silence. His hands moved over her waist, pulling her towards him so that her face was pressed into the bed, her hips high in the air.

  His cock pressed against her ass and she shook her head against the bedding, whimpering behind the gag as she tried to pull away. He hadn’t done anything this time to make it easier for her, no vibrator to distract her, no touches to her clit. His fingers dug into her hips and he spanked her hard enough that she could feel his handprint. When he pulled her back again, he immediately thrust the head of his cock inside her ass and the pain made her clench her fists and press her face into the bedding. He had obviously used lube, or she knew it would be worse, but the pain was constant and burning as he pushed himself further. Her voice was raw as she cried again behind the gag. He groaned behind her and pressed his hips forward slowly until she felt him flush against her.

  She shook her head again and begged through the gag, trying to make her body relax consciously so it hurt less.

  “Shut up, Thalia. I want you to understand,” he withdrew and moaned quietly as he thrust forward hard, “that I give you pleasure by choice, but I don’t have to.” He thrust hard again and she nodded against the bedspread. Compared to the last time, this was so much worse. She wanted him to touch her clit, to give her something else to focus on, something to turn this into pleasure. “I can use you any time I want, and it is not necessary that you enjoy it.”

  He thrust inside her again, and she whimpered, driving her shoulder down into the bedding as her body shook. Too much pain already today. Too much.

  His hand was suddenly in her hair and he yanked her back, without her arms the strain on her back was impossible, it held him deeper inside her, stretching her around his cock and making her cry out against the gag. The guard let her go without warning and leaned over her, biting into the skin over her ribs as his fingers tangled in her hair. The pressure of the gag faded and he reached into her mouth and pulled it out, at the same time he thrust again. Her voice cracked when she made a sound. “You don’t get pleasure unless you earn it, do you understand, slave?”

  The term made her cry harder but she nodded against the bedding. “Yes, Master,” she said, but her voice had a breathy quality and was a little lower than usual. Her throat was incredibly sore from the screaming in the small room.

  He pressed in again and she clenched her teeth, her jaw so sore from the gag. Mercifully he reached under her and slowly began to circle her clit as he stayed still inside her. She’d been in so much pain that although on some level she knew it felt good, she couldn’t really react to it. She waited for it to overwhelm the pain, but it never seemed to. He continued rubbing her for a minute and then removed his hand. He muttered something and slid out of her slowly, she whimpered and tried to stay still on the bed as he moved away.

  When he returned a moment later he had pants on and he unbound her arms. Her shoulders argued with her as she rotated them forward to brace herself on the bed. He gently pushed her to the side so she would roll onto her back. She didn’t even have the energy to fight him, he could do what he wanted.

  His fingers slid inside her, and her hips twitched, but the liquid heat his touch normally drew out of her didn’t come. When his thumb started circling her clit, the bundle of nerves made her hips kick once but she just took even breaths, and trained her eyes on the headboard as he continued. After a moment he made a frustrated sound and spanked her pussy hard, she gasped and clenched her teeth against the pain in her throat.

  “What is wrong, slave?” His words threatened violence and she wanted to scream at him to just kill her if he was really going to sell her to some whorehouse. She couldn’t handle this. She couldn’t handle not knowing what he’d do next, she couldn’t handle anything like the chair again. Fear kept her quiet though and she only whimpered. He grabbed her chin to make her look at him. “Why aren’t you responding to my touch?”

  “I’m sorry, Master.” She could barely get her voice behind the words.

  “Tell me why you’re not responding.” His fingers were tight on her jaw and she could swear there would be bruises, but she wanted to scream at him that she didn’t know. She’d never understood why she HAD responded to his violence. Wasn’t this reaction more normal? “Slave!” He shouted into her face and she winced.

  “Pain, Master?” She offered the obvious solution and he let go of her. Her body quivered as she waited for him to hurt her, training her eyes up at the headboard. He cleared his throat.

  “Then rest for now, slave. But know that if you ever try to run again I will ensure you end up in a nightmare.”

  “Yes, Master.” She didn’t try to close her legs or move at all, she kept her eyes on the headboard as she heard him leave the room. She had been emptied, all the fear and adrenaline had hollowed her out, and she didn’t know what it would take to bring her back.

  She didn’t know if she could come back from this.

  “You broke her!” He shouted into the phone, but his brother only laughed.

  “The slut needed a real lesson. She tried to run, she broke your door.”

  “You could have killed her, she fucking passed out!” His grip on the phone was dangerous, and so he made himself pace through his bedroom again.

  “I’ve never killed a slave.” His brother’s voice held a warning edge to it, but he ignored it.

  “No, but you broke Beth so badly you had to keep her. Does she still not even respond when you speak to her?” He gritted his teeth against the memory of the little blonde his brother had tortured so badly that something in her just shattered. After that she didn’t respond no matter what his brother had done, it was like she wasn’t even there anymore.

  “I don’t know. I sold her to a brothel in Thailand. At a loss to our investment, but better than me having to deal with her.”

  “You sold her like that?” He was shocked, the last time they’d discussed Beth his brother had said he was trying to bring her back around.

  “What did you want me to do? She was useless. There all she has to do is lay on her back, and she can do that.” His brother’s icy tone made him flinch. The man really had no soul to speak of.

  “You’re not doing that to Thalia.” His stomach clenched at the way she’d been completely unresponsive to his touches. That had been the most amazing thing about her. If his brother had broken her -

  “If she’s too weak to handle one real punishment, then she’ll break anyway.” His brother said it so casually, like he hadn’t invested money and time into acquiring her.

  “You went too far and you know it.”

  “You’re defending this slut to me?” His brother’s voice was threatening.

  “I’m defending our investment. She was doing just fine before you interfered this morning.” He let out a frustrated laugh before his brother could interrupt, “If you hadn’t made me shut her down this morning she would have passed the kitchen test.” He wasn’t just saying it, he knew it was true. She’d been submitting to him in the early hours, before the phone call, and before he’d been suddenly harsh with her.

  “Maybe she would have if I hadn’t interrupted - but that’s being generous. I knew she wouldn’t pass the test the way she was acting, it’s why I made the bet.” He knew it was true, his brother had wanted to play with Thalia his own way, and had wagered exactly that on whether or not she’d pass the kitchen test. His brother sighed, “I want her out of the house, she’s messing with your head. And, despite all of her obvious faults, we actually have people interested. We need to capitalize on it before she completely breaks if that’s where this is heading. I know a few of t
hese buyers won’t be interested anymore if that happens.” His brother was typing again in the background. “It seems we can have a good group of buyers two days from now. I’ll be there soon.”

  “You have to give me time to fix her! I have to get her to depend on me again or the auction will be a disaster.” Two days wasn’t enough. He needed more time with her. The anxiety made his stomach twist, and he was grateful he still hadn’t eaten after the fiasco in the kitchen.

  “You don’t have any more time. If you’d handled her like you handled the others we wouldn’t be in this situation.” His brother was snide, but it wasn’t like he’d been that different. Sure, he hadn’t been able to resist fucking her in the stairwell. He probably should have just taken her, but when he’d felt her against him he couldn’t stop himself.

  “What about your precious reputation? We’ve never turned a girl around this fast. She’s going to bear our mark. If she can’t perform it reflects on both of us.” He had found himself back at the computer monitors that showed the various cameras in the house, including the one that was live. Thalia was still curled in a ball on the bed, she hadn’t moved.

  “Well, I suggest you work on getting her up to our standards. Do whatever you have to.” His brother wasn’t even paying attention to the conversation anymore.

  “Let me talk to her off camera, explain things to her.”


  He slammed his fist down on his desk in frustration. “Dammit, would you just trust me? I’ve never failed you and I don’t plan to.”

  “And what exactly are you going to explain to her?” His brother put more emphasis on ‘explain’ than necessary.

  “The options available to her when we sell her. The reality of it. I don’t need the potential buyers listening to me talking about them, they get sensitive.” That was true, and the discussion would help, but if he was honest with himself he also wanted to make her feel better. He wanted her responsive again, he wanted to fix the damage he and his brother had done. He pulled up the non-live version of the camera in her room and zoomed in on her. She was asleep again, her brows pulled together like she was having a nightmare. Probably about him.

  After all, he was the monster in her bed instead of under it.

  “Fine. I’ve activated your remote again. Abuse it and I take it back. I’ll speak to our potential buyers about the party and explain that the cameras may have gaps.” He muttered something and then his voice came back to the phone, “Make sure she doesn’t embarrass me. She’s quite lovely when she’s writhing, I’d hate to waste her overseas.”

  “I’ll make sure she’s ready.” The call cut off without his brother saying anything else.

  He cleaned up the blood around the house first, nauseous at how much there seemed to be. He never liked to see a girl bleed. Welts, bruises – absolutely. But blood just reminded him of a battlefield. When the blood was gone he swept the glass up, set the mixer back on the counter, and sealed the door with tarp and tape. It had been incredibly ballsy of her to break the window like that. In all his years even the ones who had tried the door had never gone that far. Just another way Thalia was unique. He made calls for what he’d need done before the party while he was cooking. When he was done he grabbed a vicodin and powdered it, dumping it into her glass of orange juice. If pain was causing the issues with her responses, he could take care of that.

  It was mid-afternoon by the time he came back to the room with a tray. She didn’t even wake up when he unlocked the door. Her breathing was even, her ribs rising and falling in a slow rhythm and he was instantly angry at himself as he saw the bruise forming on them from when he’d lost his temper and kicked her. The more he thought about the kitchen test, the more his rage at her trying to run started to come back, but he calmed himself. He’d caught her. The predator in him knew she was still trapped. Still his.

  For now.

  He pushed away the thought of selling her for a little while longer. He needed to see if he could even get Thalia back first. Setting the tray on a table against the wall he lifted the whole thing and moved it as quietly as he could to the edge of the bed. No temper tantrums with the food again. He pressed the button in his pocket and was satisfied when he heard the beep.

  Without the weight of his brother and the customers watching him he let himself feel how much he wanted her. How much he wanted her to respond to him. Moving to the side of the bed she was closest to he gently pushed her hair back from her face. That woke her and she jumped, her body tightening and then slowly relaxing. She had her eyes down. Good.

  He lifted her chin up and gently kissed her mouth, she was stiff but he hadn’t expected her to be otherwise. He moved his mouth along her jaw line, his face burying in her hair as he moved down her neck. The tension eased out of her slowly and when he returned his lips to her mouth she was a little more relaxed.

  “I want to talk to you.” He breathed the words against her mouth, and her hazel eyes found his. She looked so empty, and he wanted the fight back in them.

  “Yes, Master,” she breathed in a slightly more sultry voice than she’d had before she’d screamed her throat raw under his brother’s ministrations.

  He sat at the end of the bed and gave her room to sit up and still have some breathing room, even though he wanted her in his lap. “This morning was,” he sighed, “not handled well by either of us.”

  Panic filled her eyes and she reminded him so much of an animal about to flee that he suddenly wanted to hunt her. Chase her down through the house and pin her - … No. He stopped that train of thought. The goal was to bring her back from being terrified, not turn her into a frightened, useless, little rabbit.

  “I’m sorry, Master.” She whispered, her eyes on the bedding by her knees.

  “Look at me,” he commanded and she did. “I should not have put you in the chair, I should have handled your defiance differently.”

  Meaning he should never have taken his brother’s bet.

  Her mouth opened, and then closed. Her eyebrows pulled together and tears filled her eyes as she frantically tried to find a way to respond. Her panic actually bothered him, so he raised a hand.

  “It’s okay, you don’t have to respond right now. I’ve turned the cameras off so we can speak freely.” Her eyes widened a little, and she nodded slightly. He handed her the orange juice.

  “Drink that, all of it. You need the sugar.” And the vicodin. He took a breath, “You deserved to be punished for trying to run, you understand that, right?”

  She was drinking the orange juice, but stopped to respond. “Yes, Master. Th- thank you for my punishment, Master.” She shook slightly as she said it and he wanted to curse his brother and his damn poster of rules, and his fucking fetish with electricity.

  “Good girl.” He replied, but only because he couldn’t counter his brother’s rules. Having her thank him for a punishment that could have killed her made him sick. When he’d heard her screaming like that he’d had to turn off the audio, and then he’d seen her go limp and his heart had jumped into his throat. Bastard.

  He’d probably done it on purpose.

  “Thank you, Master.” Her muscles were shaking and he knew it was exhaustion. He’d put her through too much. She didn’t have enough fuel for her body and she was already lean. He was lucky she wasn’t in shock. He was glad when he saw her drinking more of the orange juice.

  “I brought food as well. Someone suggested French toast this morning, and I went with it.” She flinched, not even a hint of a smile at his poor attempt at a joke. “Will you let me feed you?” And not kick the plate onto the floor while screaming, he added silently.

  Her stomach growled and he tried to hide his smile. She finally said, “Yes, Master.”

  He cut off a corner of the French toast and held it out to her on the fork. He wanted to move closer to her as weak as she was, but he knew he couldn’t change their dynamic that much. She winced as she eased forward slowly until her pink lips closed over the bite and
she sat back to chew. More orange juice to wash it down. He cut another piece for her, “I want you to know that as long as you address me properly, you may ask me any question without the risk of punishment right now.”

  She swallowed and nodded, “Yes, Master.”

  He continued to feed her as he spoke. “My partner will be here soon.” She flinched back from him, but he continued, “I will do my best to limit his interactions with you to avoid another incident like this morning. But you must behave.”

  She nodded and spoke after another bite, “I will, Master. Are you really going to sell me to someone, Master?”

  His heart raced at the question but he made himself answer steadily, “It is what you are here for.”

  “Do you... want to sell me, Master?” She was either incredibly observant, or he was as obvious as his brother had said. Or maybe she just wanted to stay with him? An odd flare of hope lit inside him, but he snuffed it out.


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