Return to Dakistee (A Galaxy Unknown, Book 8)

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Return to Dakistee (A Galaxy Unknown, Book 8) Page 14

by Thomas DePrima

  "Very good."

  "Where are you, Commander? I've looked around here on the dormitory level but haven't located you."

  "I'm on the Administrative level. If you want to come down, I'll have the nurse meet you at the elevator."

  "I'll be there in a few minutes."

  Nurse Racceht was already on her feet when Christa nodded for her to go.

  "You were speaking with someone?" Madu asked when Christa lowered her hand.

  "Yes, my subordinate."

  "But you have no radio."

  Christa explained about the miniscule CT implanted under the skin beneath her left ear.

  "Interesting," Madu said. "Do you have any other implants?"

  "No, but there are other implants available for people with birth defects or special needs."

  "I wish we had had your scientific knowledge twenty centuries ago."

  "It might not be too late."

  "What do you mean?"

  "It's possible that our scientists can find something your scientists overlooked. It might be possible to reestablish your people here. How many stasis beds are occupied in the Vault?"

  "All of them. All thirty thousand."

  "I suspected that might be the case. Are they all set to wake up at some predetermined time after you?"

  "No. I can wake as many or as few as I wish. The controls were set to awaken me first when the console was accessed."

  "A population of thirty thousand would be a good start towards repopulating the planet."

  "A hundred eighty thousand would be better."

  "You mean there are other facilities like this one?"

  "Yes, there are six, as represented by the six cylinders required to open the main doors."

  "And how many cloning labs are there?"

  "Just one. That experiment was a failure."

  "Not completely."

  "Oh, it worked as far as creating identical clones, but the intent was to create clones that weren't sterile."

  "Why didn't you create babies instead of duplicates?"

  "We tried that, but the babies were also sterile and, strangely, during that process mutations crept in after a couple of generations. With normal copulation, we discovered that the ovum were perfectly healthy and the spermatozoon were eager to join, but conception never occurred. We also tried in vitro fertilization, but that failed as well. It was decided that the scientists should continue to work on the problem while a good cross section of the society went into stasis. When the problem was solved, they would begin to awaken us and we could repopulate the planet. I never expected to sleep so long. I hope we can eventually discover what happened."

  Nurse Racceht returned with Carmoody and the two officers sat down while Christa continued her conversation with Madu.

  "I'd tell you if I knew, Madu. Do you know where the other stasis facilities are located?"

  "Generally. If I could find a map of the cities, I could pinpoint them exactly, but if the cities have crumbled to the ground, it may be impossible to establish their locations precisely."

  "That won't be a problem. We have maps of the cities and can pinpoint any location using topographic mapping techniques. Without them, we would never have been able to find the cylinders that unlocked the outer door."

  "Did you find a journal or something that told you how the unlocking process worked?"

  "No, I was able to piece it together using the markings on the door."

  Madu was quiet for a few seconds. "Our scientists told us no one would ever be able to solve the puzzle without first receiving instructions."

  "It is pretty complex, so I guess I got lucky. It's getting late, so you should be getting back to the Medical level to get some rest. We can talk again tomorrow."

  "Are you the only one down here who speaks Dakistian?"

  "Yes, but after I get clearance for the archeologists to enter the facility I can introduce you to some of the Nordakians who're working at the dig site."

  You mean the descendents of the dissidents who left the planet twenty thousand annuals ago?"


  "I don't wish to talk with them— ever."

  "Why not?"

  "I can't talk about it."

  "Is it because of the role the dissidents played in spreading the plague?"

  "You know about that?"

  "I found a file in the cloning facility that contained documents about the investigation, but it's restricted information. When the current leaders learned of it, they were aghast and ashamed of their ancestors. I'm one of the few Nordakians outside of the royal family, top political leaders, and top church leaders who knows of the treachery."

  "You said before you were a Terran."

  "I come from Terran lineage and I'm a citizen of Earth, but I'm also a citizen of Nordakia. And since I was born on Dakistee, I'm one of only seventy-nine citizens of this planet."

  "Only seventy-nine people have been born on Dakistee in twenty centuries?"

  "Well, there are only seventy-nine citizens. Fifteen annuals ago, the Galactic Alliance declared that until a formal government is established, anyone newly born on the planet is only a citizen of their parent's planet or planets. It's another involved explanation that should wait until tomorrow."

  "Will we be able to begin the awakenings tomorrow?"

  "I think Doctor Johannes will probably want to wait a few solars to see if any complications arise from your awakening before he approves of others. You seem perfectly healthy, but we have no experience with anyone being in stasis more than ten annuals. We must make sure the inoculations are effective. We don't want to contaminate your race with germs for which we've built up an immunity but to which you're still vulnerable. If something does happen, it would be better if they could concentrate all their efforts on healing just one person. Please try to be patient while we develop a safe procedure for awakening the others. I'm sure it won't be long before we can begin the process.

  * * *

  Chapter Thirteen

  ~ October 23rd, 2285 ~

  After escorting Madu back to the Medical level, Christa remained there until Doctor Johannes had completed another brief examination and declared her condition to be unchanged from earlier. Christa told Carmoody to get some rest because the next day was going to be a busy one, then went in search of Lt. Uronson. She found him topside, talking with Staff Sergeant Burton just out of hearing range of the two sentries at the entrance to the tunnel. They stopped talking and turned to face her as she approached.

  "Lieutenant, we have a situation."

  "Yes, ma'am, I've heard."

  "How much have you heard."

  "I heard that you found a woman who's been in stasis for twenty thousand years. I also heard that the medical people were able to revive her and that she is apparently healthy."

  "Is that it?"

  "Yes, ma'am. Is there more?"

  "Quite a bit, but I can't discuss it out here in case our conversation is being recorded by someone in the archeologist's camp."

  "We've laid a scram-line in the trench that surrounds the camp. It creates an unbroken, vertical wall of analogue interference that extends ten meters up. They can see us, but not eavesdrop on our conversations. All they'll hear is static."

  "Just in case they've got someone incredibly adept at lip-reading, or they've found some other way around that, I'll hold the news until we're in a more secure location, such as below ground."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "The significance of this find justifies some changes. I believe this location will shortly be designated as the new command center, so I want you to clear everything out of Fort Carver and set up your operation here. Select one of the dormitories near the elevator for the use of yourself and your people. When the old facility is clear, close and password lock the main door. Are you familiar with the process and do you know the password?"

  "Yes, ma'am."


  "When should we begin the move?"

you feel ready, but I want it to be completed by 1800 hours tomorrow. Central Command Supply will be delivering foodstuff that will have to be transported into this facility and stored. They should arrive tomorrow."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Any other questions?"

  "Are you expecting trouble, ma'am?"

  "Yes. When word gets out about this momentous discovery, every scientist on this planet is going to be trying to get in. Our job will be to keep them out until Space Command Headquarters approves their admittance."

  "I don't think a bunch of weak sister, geeb scientists are going to offer us much of a challenge."

  "Would you consider me to be an inconsequential opponent?"

  "You? No ma'am. Only a fool would underestimate one of the Carver women."

  "Yet I'm a scientist— and a woman. The Raiders made the mistake of underestimating me on that basis. Let's not do the same with the civilians here. Some of them may be a much more formidable opponent than you suspect— especially the women."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Carry on."

  Christa then walked tiredly across the small base to her shuttle, composing a message in her head as she went. She knew this news was going to be a bombshell, the repercussions of which would last a normal lifetime, so she wanted to make sure her message was absolutely clear, and pithy.

  She sat in the pilot chair as she prepared herself to deliver the news, then sat up straight and reached out to activate the recording equipment.

  "Message to Admiral Moore and the Members of the Admiralty Board, Space Command Supreme Headquarters, Earth, with copies to Admiral Jenetta Carver and Admiral Brian Holt.

  "Ladies and Gentlemen,

  "Please forgive this breach of protocol, but I felt my news too important for you to remain uninformed while this message travels to Admiral Carver in Region Two and then back again, and I believe she will approve of my act.

  "I don't know if you've yet received word of yesterday's discovery through Admiral Holt. I thought we had discovered an ancient mausoleum at the lowest level of the new facility, but, upon further investigation, I've discovered that it's actually a stasis chamber. During today's investigation of an operator's console there, a process was initiated that delivered one of the believed coffins to the Medical level and began the automated process to resuscitate the occupant.

  "Ladies, and Gentlemen, the occupant of that stasis chamber, has since been identified as Madu Ptellewqku, the Director of this institute. Doctor Johannes from the Marine Central Command HQ Medical Center has declared her to be, so far, perfectly healthy after her sleep of almost twenty thousand years. She is awake and alert, and was able to walk on her own within minutes of being awakened. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what this stasis process will mean to the Galactic Alliance if it works as well for humans and other species as it does for the Dakistian people.

  "Aside from that, Ms. Ptellewqku has informed me that the Vault at this location contains thirty thousand members from a cross-section of her race. Further, she claims that each of the cities where the cylinders were found also contains such a facility. The population put into stasis totaled one hundred eighty thousand. It would appear that Dakistee is not the deserted planet it was thought to be.

  "Tomorrow, I shall renew my investigation of the other levels found at this location, but I felt you should be informed immediately of today's momentous discoveries.

  "Christa Marie Carver, Lt. Commander, Mission Commander, Loudescott Base Two, Dakistee, message complete."

  After exhaling a sigh, Christa made a quick meal and then climbed into bed. She was asleep in seconds.

  Christa dropped her spoon into what remained of her cereal and was out of the shuttle in a flash the following morning as tugs from Central Command Supply began dropping shipping containers off at the new camp.

  Carmoody was already there talking with Staff Sergeant Burton when Christa reached the tunnel entrance. Christa walked up and said, "Gracie, what is this?"

  "The food and clothing I ordered yesterday, ma'am."

  "All of this?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "How much did you requisition?"

  "I had no idea how many might awaken as a result of our actions, so I told Supply we needed enough for a thousand people for thirty days. I also ordered a portable tailoring machine and enough fabric to make three changes of clothing for a thousand people, plus footwear."

  "And all this is for just a thousand people? I don't want to think how much we'll need for thirty thousand."

  "Did I order too much?"

  "No, Gracie. I just wasn't considering how large the shipments would be. Sergeant Burton, you'd better get your 'oh-gee' sleds and cargo bots cranked up."

  "Yes, ma'am. We're ready, and we'll begin operations just as soon as these crazy tug jockeys stop dropping containers all over the place."

  "Carry on, Sergeant. Gracie, when you're finished up here, join me on the Medical level."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Good morning, Madu," Christa said as she reached the chair in the ward where the woman was reclining.

  "Good morning, Christa. Are they going to let me go this solar? They're driving me crazy with their hourly examinations."

  Christa smiled. "I know how exasperating it can seem, but it's only because we're concerned for your health. As I told you, we're not only worried about the effects of the stasis process, but also about possible contamination from modern pathogens for which your body has no immunity. You've been vaccinated, but it takes time for an immune system to property develop the antibodies."

  "This is a stall, isn't it?"

  "A stall?"

  "Christa, I wasn't appointed as director of this stasis institute because of scientific expertise in this field. I'm an administrator, which is about the closest thing there is to being a politician without being elected. I know a stall when I see one. You're waiting on instructions from above aren’t you, so you're keeping me here until they give you your marching orders. They haven't decided yet if they're going to let you awaken my people, have they?"

  Christa smiled. "Madu, I assure you that we will attempt to awaken every one of your people."


  "I naturally can't guarantee that everyone can be resuscitated. We hope that's the case, but it has been twenty-thousand annuals. But I promise you that you can participate in every effort and verify for yourself that we are doing our best."

  "But not until your superiors decide to start the awakenings."

  "Come with me, Madu." To a nearby nurse, Christa said, "I'm taking Madu to the surface to see her planet. If there's any problem, I'll summon help, but I don't think we need anyone along."

  The nurse looked over at Dr. Johannes, who grimaced and then nodded reluctantly.

  As the elevator opened at the rotunda, Madu gasped slightly. The enormous room was filling quickly with delivered supplies that hadn't been taken to the dormitory level yet.

  "This is food and clothing for you and your people. When we checked the mess halls, we found no sign of foodstuffs nor clothing in any of the dormitories."

  "Every person in stasis has a vacuum canister stored on the Recreation level."

  "I wasn't aware of that because we haven't toured that level yet. Well, I'll tell them to forego clothing in future supply deliveries."

  As they approached the facility entrance, a PFC there said into a radio, "Outgoing traffic. Hold new sleds."

  They waited several minutes until a loaded sled hovered into the rotunda, and then entered the tunnel when the PFC waved them on. Madu was fascinated by the oh-gee capability.

  "It's opposed gravity technology. We call it 'oh-gee.'"

  As they emerged on the surface, Madu immediately appeared depressed and spiritually crestfallen. "Christa, I'm sorry. I owe you an apology."

  "For what, Madu?"

  "I didn't really believe you. It just didn't seem like twenty thousand annuals could have passed." Madu turned and let her eyes sw
eep the horizon in a three-hundred-sixty-degree arc. "But now that I see for myself, I can believe it. My beautiful city has utterly disappeared."

  "Twenty thousand annuals of rain, wind, and sun take an extraordinary toll on buildings. As I understand it, the first explorers to this planet were able to speculate it had once been populated only because of the unusual topographic features, which resulted from collapsed buildings in major cities. Perhaps now you can also appreciate why we must awaken your people slowly, rather than all at once. Aside from the health concerns, there're also the issues of habitat and sustenance. We would be hard pressed to feed an additional one hundred eighty thousand people, or even thirty thousand more people, until we could arrange for food shipments and the construction of shelters to house them."

  Madu just shook her head gently. "My beautiful city. My beautiful, beautiful city. I wish you could have seen it, Christa. Dakistee had many beautiful cities and places, but nothing like the capitol here."

  "I have seen it, Madu. It lives on through images stored in the computers we've found. The planet is still a beautiful world, and, when your people are reestablished, you can begin to rebuild your cities. The GA will help."

  "I'd love to see what images you have."

  "Of course. But another solar, okay. This solar I'd like you to give me a tour of your institute."

  "I'd be happy to show you around."

  "Wonderful. We'll pick up Lt. Carmoody when we go back down."

  "Uh, Christa?"


  "Does Lt. Carmoody speak Dakistian? It seemed like she was following our conversation while the nurse showed no comprehension."

  "Grace doesn't speak Nordakian or Dakistian. She has reason to be a lot more interested because of her position on my staff, but she doesn't understand more than an occasional word."

  "I see. I didn't want her to think I was slighting her by speaking only to you."


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