My Life in the End

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My Life in the End Page 1

by Adriana Alexa

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  This book or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced by any means without prior permission of the author.

  Chapter 1

  I was lying in bed watching her get ready. It was all so deliciously familiar that I could not stop smiling. The way she passed the lipstick, as he closed and opened his eyes checking the shadow as he approached the mirror to place the mascara. I let the laughter escape sneaky my lips and she raised an eyebrow at me.

  - Holt! If we're late, it's me that she will scream. Raise your hot ass this bed and go get ready.

  She would look back at her reflection in the mirror, but I continued exactly where he was and saw his eyes focus on my again.

  - Now! - He ordered and I laughed.

  Two years ago, I was lying in that bed when he said he was in love with her. I had no idea how intense that feeling could one day be. I thought I knew, but looking back now, I'm sure he had no idea.

  I loved her more than anything in the world. More than my own life.

  - If you make me go there, you will catch. - He warned.

  - This looks good. - I teased.

  - Holt. I swear to god. If that old ... - deep breath - Forgiveness. If your beloved grandmother comes to me complaining because we arrived late, I swallow you!

  - Swallowing is? And you will start with that part?

  She took the pot compact and played in my head. I trimmed the air before it reached me.

  - I tell her it was my fault. - I got up and started to wear clothes.

  - She will not believe it! That is the problem. That's always the problem. A Baxter is unable to make a mistake. All you do is perfect, crystal clear and sweet in sight of that woman.

  - I think you have been able to interact well with family lately. - I threw his tie around my neck.

  - That's why I do not take them more seriously. At first, I tried to talk, explain, prove who I was ... Now. Good...

  - Now you sent all to hell.

  - And nobody does it as well as I do. - He added, giving the tie a tie for me. I craned my neck to give you more space and smiles.

  - We talked about it.

  - I know I know. But you know how I feel.

  - Dom, you could have said something before.

  - Having said what, Greg? - She had a certain twinkle in his eye. - What did not want you to come back to get involved in the affairs of your family? It was what you wanted!

  I gulped.

  What I wanted was to marry her.

  I wanted to start a family.

  I wanted her pregnant of my children.

  I wanted to have more flexible schedules to see our children grow.

  I wanted my grandmother to see that Laura did not remove me from the family, and that was because of her that I came back. Maybe then she would stop teasing the woman I love and I could preserve the remaining shards of my broken family. My grandmother was impossible, I know.

  But no family was perfect. And despite all pezares, I was sure she loved me. Your crazy way, overprotective and traditional. But she loved me still. And it was reciprocal: I refused to lose any more relative to be. My children would grow up surrounded by family and not away from everything and everyone.

  - If it bothers you so much, Don, you should have said. I would never do ...

  - I know! And do not bother me so much. only are all these damn lunches and social events for which I have an outfit that her grandmother considers appropriate.

  - I told you that if you want ...

  - And I told you where I stick the spatula if you come give me money again, is not it?

  I had to laugh at her recurring delicacy.

  - It's not money, Laura. It would be a gift.

  - Honey. If Coco Chanel came down from heaven and made me a unique model following all the latest fashion trends, but without losing the classic and elegant touch ... still your grandmother would look at me and say - she put her hands on her hips in a attempt to imitate Eleanor - "And it had to be this color slut?".

  I covered my mouth with his hand trying to get me to police. Laughing was a bad idea: would only encourage that behavior I tried to actively discourage.

  - I can wear diamonds and crystals, and it still would find me cheap. So save your money.

  He opened the jewelry box and began to put the pair of shiny earrings that I had given him of dating anniversary.

  - No, Dom! I do not do that ... - whimpered. Those earrings had been a source of discord and turmoil in my life. But Laura wore them with pride without precedent. I'm sure this was especially annoying to Eleanor.

  - I am my earrings, Gregory! - Growled with that voice that does not open to any subsequent comment - Use when you want!

  I had already tried to exorbitantly expensive jewelry for Laura three times. And after the last, I decided that it was hopeless and that it was better to give up.

  The first time was on her birthday. I used the background Baxter after years untouched. The diamond necklace from Harry Winston cost a small fortune I paid with gusto, only to take the package home and see Laura open it and close it with the utmost apathy and then still give me the box and send it I gave back.

  The woman had a stubbornness that knew no bounds.

  I do not accept anything that I had not bought with only my salary. And after three attempts, that's what I did: I bought a pair of modest earrings bright for our anniversary.

  She wore them always and not long until the story came to Eleanor that was pretty outraged by Laura refuse to make room for me to come back to use the Baxter funds. For my grandmother, it would have been a step forward in my walk back home. For Laura, would be a losing battle. For me, it was just a pair of earrings.

  But when those two women resolved to fight, the result was catastrophic consequences in nuclear level. I gave up to get involved and reduce my participation to mere requests to "please do not use in front of her" when Don resolved to put the jewelry. My order always found their deaf ears and angry. But I had to try.

  - They are my favorite earrings. - Found, watching his beautiful reflection. I breathed deep and painful way. It would be another long day trying to hide behind his ears hair whenever she let me touch her. - Are you ready?

  - Almost. - I picked up a pair of socks and would sit down to pants them when she passed me and held me by the crotch. Laura did, sometimes: touched me in a delicate place for a casual and relaxed way. Like she was the owner and I pet. A small twitch of his fingers on the volume in my pants and my blood was flowing in the direction of his touch. He slid his hand from inside of my legs before pulling away. I put my arm around her waist, pulling her back to me with the erection of first taking advantage of the curve that delicious ass. - You know? I think you do it on purpose. - I whispered.

  - Honey, all I do is on purpose. - Laughed, that bastard and pedantic way that makes you want to fuck her mouth until she shut up.

  - Why do you have to do this before we leave? - Hissed.

  - If you want, you can give up going. - Hummed, pulling my arm - I take everything for you, love. Less heels and earrings. - He laughed.

  It was the novelty of the month.

  Laura could do this. Bring small sexual novelties that might seem silly, but could make my cock wake up as if someone had given him an overdose of energy.

  And the news of the month was that fucking that collection of stilettos. Apparently, it was a weak I did not know I had: my hot sun just lingerie and heels. Or naked and jumps. It worked equally well.

  Shook her hair violently.

  -. No, Dom I said we would. - I pinched his butt - How you when we get back. - Whispered before kissing her neck lightly.

  - Oh, you can even try. - Wrinkled his nose -
but I always come back in a bad mood these events, you know ...

  I bit my lip and stared firmly. Laura crossed her arms over her breasts and raised an eyebrow at me. She did not open the mouth, I knew what she was saying. "Or your party or my pussy." That was the agreement. And I always lost those agreements.

  But this time, I really had promised.

  - So, I'll like tomorrow. - I teased.

  She narrowed her eyes at me like that that really scared me. As if she were able to kill me while I slept.


  - Gregory! - She hugged him with those evil little fingers - Glad you came! - He smiled. The bitch was a good actress. This I had to confess.

  - Hello Eleanor. I had promised coming, did not you?

  - Oh, Gregory, but it's not as if you had never deceived me before. - She joked, shaking his arm.

  - Yes, but this time promised Merryl.


  He promised Merryl?

  Son of a bitch. He had dragged me to the International Convention of Demons grotesquely rich because he promised to ex-girlfriend?

  I was going to kill him.

  I would shove one of those jumps that he loved so much by his throat until he stopped breathing.

  - Of course, of course! - She widened her smile and I had wanted to hit her too. - She's so beautiful! Arrived yesterday trip.

  - I know, that's why I told her to come.

  I gulped and was repeating a "ohmm" mental and meditative.

  Calm down, Thoen.

  - Let's go! I'll take you to her. - The old damn took him from my arms and was going to take him away.

  - You will not greet Laura, grandmother? - He always called her "grandmother" when he wanted to soften the situation. I had explained to him in more than one language and with illustrations exquisitely designed that that shit did not work. She still hated me and remained mutual. Regardless of how he called it. Gregory, however, did what men usually do: persisted in error.

  - Hello, Laura. - Dry.

  - Eleanor. - I offered a short nod.

  - We can? - She turned to him again. Holt shook his head as if giving up both of us. But I knew he was not.

  - I am going there. - Unscrewed Grandma's arm of her and kissed me on the cheek - You two stay here and talk, yes? Greet Laura the right way, Grandma.

  - But what did I do? - She put her hand to her chest, deeply offended I do not know what.

  - You were thick and you know it. - He kissed her forehead - Sun just to have surgery, remember? You will not ask how is she?

  - The tumor was malignant? - Winked at me with a disguised animation.

  - No -. Pretended bad news. - I'm sorry. It was just a lump.

  - Laura ... - he warned with a tone "behave".

  - I'm recovering very well, thank you. - Smiles, false.

  - Discuss how educated ladies I know are, okay? - He pointed to one of us to the other. - By me?

  Greg pulled back too fast and I was behind. Watching him leave me in the den of snakes as he fraternize with his ex-girlfriend.


  - You know Laura?

  We sat at a table placed in the courtyard and a waiter approached with crystal glasses filled with champagne and strawberry slices.

  Some of the girls from the table gestured affirmatively, while others opened their eyes in curiosity.

  - Gregory is a co-worker.

  Inspired by repeating my "ohmms" only to find that meditation, in fact, it did not work for me.

  I sat up and took one of the champagne glasses to his lips. By scent alone, it gave to notice that a bottle of that crap should cost more than my car. I was almost taking the first sip when I remembered my situation. I pretended to swallow something and rested the cup on the table again.

  I knew with certainty only one of the girls at the table. Elizabeth was one of those luxury sluts. Spoiled and rich, used to get what you want without asking permission, license or please. Eleanor remained the environmental person I hated most. But Lizzie was unquestionably the second position.

  - Where is Gregory? - The damn smiled a little too interested. I felt that someone should inform you that I bite.

  - Ah, Elizabeth, dear! And where else would he be? With Merryl, of course. - Eleanor laughed and the rest of the table followed her.

  - These two were made for each other.

  I wanted to turn the whole fucking glass of champagne, ask for two more and a shot of tequila. Drunkenness was the only way to survive such torture.

  But my period, which until now had always been more accurate than a Swiss watch, was frightfully late. The twelve tests pharmacy to which I had compulsively subjected me the last 48 hours have always brought the same result fateful: I was fucked.

  Danced finger along the edge of the cup.

  I spent the whole month before surgery using a condom ... I could not take the risk, and the doctor had ordered that I suspend the contraceptive during that period.

  We use condoms at all times. All.

  One less.

  Once fast, exciting, nervous ... I could remember my tense and nervous body the day before the surgery. The tension. Stress. Gregory kissed me and I knew I needed more. The condom was even considered and then left absolutely forgotten.

  A beautiful shit.

  And now, here I was. Surrounded by women with eyes of superiority and disapproval, devoid of my only shield: alcohol.

  - Your dress is beautiful, Dom. - Elizabeth was speaking - A cute.

  I knew the woman condescendingly not buy clothes with less than four digits in the price tag.

  - Liked? - Smiles, adjusting the dark fabric around me - stock tip. - I lied - has a legal bazaar that sells used clothing of past collections.

  One of the women at the table seemed to pinch with champagne.

  If I have to hear offenses all afternoon, would at least have fun.

  - Ah, but are clothes that were used a few times. - I added, in mock seriousness - This here assured me that was used once by the previous owner.

  - Maya is pregnant! - Eleanor changed the subject as if I had not made any comment. Interjections spread the table. I gulped and prepared for the next.

  - Yes! Aidan is very happy!

  - He'll be a great dad!

  - Oh, for sure! You've seen how it is with nephews?

  - Mr. Chadwick must be thrilled! He always wanted to be a grandfather.

  - He said he wanted at least three more. - Eleanor smiled, speaking friend.

  - And you, Mrs. Baxter? How many grandchildren like to have?

  She stood very still and watched me from the corner of the eye. That was dangerous ground. Surely she would not want to "put ideas in my head." Little did she know that the idea of having children scared me more than death and concentrated panic I feel until the next day when, finally have my doctor's appointment and find out whether or not he had a life developing inside my belly.

  - I think this is Gregory who will solve. But, of course, - he pointed out to me with a simple gesture - we are not even close.

  The fear I felt for an unknown and eventual offspring was not greater than the anger I felt that woman ...

  - Me and Greg think in three, too. - I said - but I preferred two boys and him, two girls.

  - Oh? - Elizabeth could not decide what to do with his chin.

  - Have we even talked about names.

  - Clearly, not talk. - Eleanor decided. - It's too early.

  - We've been together two years, Eleanor. We are living together. Of course we talk about the future.

  She was nervous. I could smell the air. I just needed to give the coup de grace and she would lose control.

  - The only name we agreed is Tyler. - smile.

  - No -. Decided.

  - Pardon?

  - Gregory will not have a son named Tyler.

  - Can I know why?

  - Not that any of your business, as it will not be you to generate it. But Tyler is not a proper name for a Baxter.
br />   - It is the grandfather of his name ...

  - The grandfather Holt. Gregory is a Baxter and Tyler is not a proper name.

  - It would be a tribute to a grandfather he loves.

  - Your favorite grandfather was my husband Hyatt. He can baptize his firstborn Hyatt without any problem.

  - I do not think that will be your decision on how ...

  - I do not know why I'm discussing this with you! - Exclaimed - It is increasingly clear that it is with Merryl I should have this conversation.

  Greg was a few steps behind us talking animatedly with his ex-girlfriend and childhood friend. I felt a hatred through each centimeter of my body.

  - IT IS. It seems that you also lost your chance, Lizzie. - One of the women in blue dress and feline eyes caused.

  - They are not engaged. - Elizabeth laughed - until marriage be consummated, the rest of us can dream.

  The waiter came bringing snacks all accepted except me.

  - And I'm not like Laura. - Elizabeth smiled her overly white teeth - I will content myself with only distract Gregory as he does not find a real woman. - He laughed out loud, before shaking his hand - I'm kidding, honey, of course.

  I returned the laugh.

  It was always the same. They criticized my clothes, my education, my birthplace, my views ... I was the inferior human being who had been awarded the honor of being able to stay in the presence of such illustrious people.

  At first I even tried to show who I was. I tried to impose my opinion, my ways. Highlight the absurdity of their prejudices. But they all looked at me like I was a very young child screaming that was old enough to stay up until the time I wanted and whenever I had just my little tirades or shrewd and accurate feedback, received in response pedants looks "How cute, you. Is it over? Okay, adults will return to talk now."

  Then I changed my strategy and decided that if it was to be humiliated, at least I enjoy myself on the way. Vesti cheap women's clothing and uneducated who had offered me and paraded it proudly.

  - Laura know you're joking, Lizzie. - Eleanor squeezed my arm as if to comfort me. Although I knew she was incapable of such an attitude - She's fun Gregory now, but she understands who he is and what it means.

  - Of course. - I answered resignedly - I am grateful for the experience. - Smiles - But whoever the woman he chooses, she owes me a thank you. - Alarguei smile and I suspect that my falsehood has begun to show.


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