My Life in the End

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My Life in the End Page 12

by Adriana Alexa

  - Helpless?

  I was trapped, lonely, sad and depressed. But still it irritated me that someone consider me helpless.

  - I do not know if it was the expression he used. - He narrowed his eyes trying to remember.

  - But it was the expression you used. - I complained.

  - Oh, do not take this wrong, sweetie! - He laughed, slapping his thigh - Everyone is helpless compared to me.

  - And you just accepted to babysit for a few months? - I watched the same way as it did with witnesses, informants, parts in the process. I asked the questions and felt the lie smell. It was always so. With all.

  But Lola ... She was the most indecipherable of unknowns and I could not decide what to do.

  - I said he paid an obscene amount, right? And Oliver works with porn, sweetie. Obscene means a pretty big thing when it is in context.

  - I dont doubt. Now you want to tell me what you're doing here and who took my son? Before I start screaming?

  - Stapled their phones. - Made a child grimace guilty.

  - Did what? Honey ... it's good that you have a lawyer.

  - I have a Glock 9mm. - Laughed heartily - I find it more useful. But everyone has an opinion. - He lifted a shoulder.

  My mouth was hanging open and I just had not started screaming yet because she mentioned the name of a friend. But she was very close to losing this privilege.

  - You're not very good at running away from those who want to kill you, is not it? A tip: do not call for them! Phone calls are tracked and everything else. Not silly movie, you see? And nowadays even a child with iphone and waze can do this sort of thing. You have to take care, sweetie.

  -. It was just ... it was just a test. I guess.

  - Oh, sweetie. - She made a face of pity that made me want to bite him to bleed - Oliver said you were not such that ignores the truth even when it runs over you with a bright pink van. Look, we do not have much time, I will summarize in a cool way! - Hit a hand on the other - has a boring old. You know her? - I could not undo the face of my face. Lola was the most peculiar human being I had ever known - Yeah! boring old wants to kill you and the baby. Hi baby! - She has a sweet voice and waved a hand. I squeezed my son even closer to me and tried to stop shaking - You called his father of the baby who has contact with the old boring. boring old can trace the call. That would give up work to do, because I did my magic on their devices, then we would have some time. BUT! You also called Mom.

  - What does this have to do?

  - Mom is in the old flat payment list. Mom calls boring old and tells where you are and BAM! Time's up for Lola.

  - Eleanor ...

  - He sent someone to come here to kill you both and I'm taking you in the country. - He smiled - You're welcome! Now, let's go to France! Allons-y!


  I'll get everything ready for you in Paris, too.

  Oliver had said this: an escape plan. I never thought that was really needed.

  - My suitcase. - I muttered - It's in the other room and I need to go home to ...

  - No, sweetie! It is not how it works. It has some clothes here. - Indicated a bag on the bed - for you and the baby. You dress and we'll leave. I've taken care of all documents in the hospital.

  - How do I know I can trust you?

  - If I had a euro for every time I hear it. - He laughed softly - You can stand back and find out if you prefer.

  Replace your sugar with salt.

  I swallowed dry.

  Child's play.

  I was out of my depth in this game. Eleanor was winning and I had nothing in my favor.

  Nothing, except Lola and her captivating personality.

  I pulled the clothes out of the bag.

  - I do not know if I like you. - Admitted.

  - Ah, but that's good! - His smile bothered me - you know? I suffer from a four different types of diagnosed psychopathy. It is healthy not like me. It shows that you have good survival instincts.

  - Oh ...

  - Yeah. Come now. - He winked at me - Let's get out of here, lawyer. Before you need a Glock.


  Eleanor went crazy!

  She was just ... just crazy!

  "This is serious? "I had asked.

  "I'd rather not get involved in this, honey," it was what she had told me.

  He had said he would rather I did not involve me in this.

  How could I not get involved in that?

  I could not believe it. Greg would not believe, but now he was going to hear! Needed to hear. Needed to stop this wedding disguised as circus and catch the first flight to Italy ... to meet his son ...

  Oh my god ... poor sun ...

  It was almost unreal to believe it ...

  I looked through the window still in the mansion. Gregory!

  He was already outside, greeting guests, shaking hands, smiling that fake and rehearsed smile.

  I took a deep breath and stepped forward to the door at the side of the empty room. I did not mind it was a party or that the place was packed with guests: it was the most serious issue of our lives!

  A pressure in the arm. It happened in a split second ... I thought I had stumbled onto some furniture. But I was in the middle of the room and the furniture could not pull me back. I stumbled on high heels and would have fallen back if not esbarasse in a firm body behind me.

  I could not understand what was happening and when I decided to start debating me, it was too late. There was something around my neck. Something firm and long that went into my flesh cutting my skin, preventing air from entering.

  I threw my hands back and tried scratching, pulling or hitting. But it was useless.

  There was something heavy around my neck.

  I could not shake.

  The air was going away.

  My eyes closed.

  Everything was dark and I could not think of anything.

  I was alone in the dark when my neck finally stopped hurting.


  Lola looked the whole house before letting me go with Tyler.

  - I guess I did not need to use his Glock, after all.

  - Not your lawyer skills. - I winked - But I'll make my way back. I sure did not follow you ... get rid of your home and your things in Venice.

  - I'll need to change your name again?

  -. No, I got rid of hospital records before catching you. But I'll keep an eye out for a while do not have to worry. On here. - He handed me a card - is the friend of Oliver in Paris. He must have given you this contact, but do not know if you know the number decorated.

  - No ... I did not know.

  - And a new phone. - Passed the phone to me - is prepaid. It's annoying, but it is safer. And this here is locked, you can trust. - He smiled - Bye, sweetie. Bye Baby!

  - Ahm ... Lola?

  She turned those gray eyes and I did not know what he meant.

  - Um ... Thank you. - I decided.

  Right ... So now I'm the type of person full of gratitude?

  When someone saves the life of my son, yes. When someone saves the life of my son, she has my eternal gratitude.

  She shook her head as if stuck with something. He sighed deeply, in an obvious sign of resignation and turned to leave.

  I turned back to the door. The empty room in a quiet apartment on the banks of the Seine. The sun was rising and the silence still reigned supreme.

  I had a human being in my arms. One that would depend on me for everything and I even have time to process it. I was still accelerated, needed bed ... sleep ...

  I needed to figure out what I would do with my life.

  - You'll be fine.

  My heart pounded loud and scared when I turned to the door. Lola was there again. I had a strange look in his sanity. As if she was too lucid for your own good. It made me wonder if the childishness would not only interpretation. Just a trick to disarm people. To confuse them, taking advantage of the element of surprise.

  - You'll be fine. - She rep

  - IT IS. I know. - weird girl.

  She took four steps into my room.

  - You'll be fine. - His words were warm and when she put her hand on his shoulder I realized that that should be the first love and the first words of comfort I received in months.

  - No need to repeat, I get it. - I muttered.

  - You. - She smiled - It'll be fine. - Every word hit me slowly. It was as if every time she repeated the information entered a little deeper. Tyler weighed in my arms, it was not just a matter of taking care of myself, was to give a child the best chance he could have and I so wanted him to stay well. I went down the eyes to your small peaceful face. He was going to be tough. Less than one day old and was already on the road ... running away ... It would be a tough kid. I would need to teach you everything and if I failed there would be no one to help me. It was a different kind of alone. A kind I had never experienced before.

  - How can you be sure? - I whispered.

  - Easy! - Snapped lively and I looked up to her - you have the madness in his eyes. An aggressive half insane. - He laughed - A shining through psychopath in look that is typical of the strongest women. I know well, believe me! I see every day in the mirror.

  - I'm not a professional killer, Lola. - I recriminei with a discreet smile - I can be aggressive, but never killed anyone. - Played.

  - Ah! I also had never killed anyone. To kill ... - the smile vanished from his eyes.

  - I know I'll be fine - ignored the momentary surrealism - it's just ... happened so much bad to me lately that ... never have time to recharge. I keep thinking that at any moment will be too much for me and I'm going to leave me.

  - I know how it is.

  - I find it hard! - Laughs - you with your glock and safety. You should not be afraid of threats.

  Lola did not seem the type that would run Eleanor. She looked like the type that would give a slap in her face, would pull a gun from his holster and give it a shot in the middle of the forehead. I'd love to watch. My face dropped and I was staring at the little Ty again. It was as if it were magnetic, always attracting my attention.

  - When the five motherfuckers kidnapped me, they tied me in a fucking home and spent 37 days raping me I also thought it would go.

  It looked like something had entered acid in my nostrils. Lola was with eyes on Tyler and me, he spoke as if in absolute peace and something in my heart throbbed the wrong way.

  - Every night I thought "Today is too ... today is the day that I will not take it anymore ... today is the day I give up and break me ...".

  I swallowed dry and not knowing what to say, let her continue.

  - But every night passed. - He shrugged - I always woke up the next morning. Alive. There were two other girls there with me. They gave up. They broke. It was horrible to watch. But after they were I was still there. There are two kinds of women in the world, sweetie, have those who yield to pressure, writhe, scream and crack. And we have ... we suffer too. It hurts the people the same way it hurts them. But the pressure does not break us, just let the strongest people. And you ... - laughed - You will not break.

  Lola's smile widened and turned to leave.

  - What happened? - I said a little too loudly. But I needed to know, before she disappeared - With men? What happened?

  She barely turned:

  - I killed them all. One by one. Some during my escape, in self-defense. Some long after, in legitimate revenge. - Smiled - We are all killers, fofinha. If ever someone comes for you or your child, do not doubt it. Just need to accept that life sucks. His former mother wants to kill you and the father of her baby does not want you around anymore. You are alone having to care for her child. It sucks, I know. But believe me when I tell you, is much worse shit in the world.

  I liked the determination that she exuded. As if nothing could ever go wrong.

  - You know, Lola ... I think I decided. I like you.

  She laughed out loud.

  - Look! - Took a dark card from his pocket and handed me - If you need help.

  I read the inscription and did not understand.

  - A laundry?

  - It's an answering machine. It is safe, you can leave the message you want. You can call me Lola, even. It is not my real name anyway.

  - I did not think it was.

  - Just know if you need help.

  - I do not know if you have money to pay you.

  - Ah ... Oliver paid me a bit. - He laughed - Consider a bonus, a gift for ... Tyler. - His eyes stared into mine and had a life in them that I envied. She had survived. - You'll be fine. And it also. - Indicated my Ty.

  - IT IS. - I was smiling ... - I think you're right.

  - I'm always right, sweetie!

  - Lola! - Laughs - It is good that you are already going away because I think both of us were not going to give us very well.

  - Conflicting personalities, is not it?

  - A little.

  She gave a farewell anyway and was on the door again.

  - Lola! - She turned - I know it's not much, but ... I'm a lawyer. I'm very good. I know it will probably be necessary, but ... if you ever need.

  She laughed and pulled a gun waistband of his pants. I hesitated taking a step back.

  - Security lock. - Pointed - Take the ammo and thus replaces so. - Showed - Be careful not to get one in the chamber. Keep hidden and out of reach of children. - Left the gun and an extra clip of ammunition on the table - is a glock. - He said with a smile - is very good. I know it will probably be necessary, but ... if you ever need.

  Chapter 7

  I have masturbated thinking of Laura Thoen.

  I better get this out of the way at once. I'm sure that's the kind of thing that everyone imagines and although I deny it until the Day of Judgment, it is true.

  The part that people do not realize is the unpleasant often I have to do this. It's the fact that I have to think about it or tang in the middle of sex without any relief. It's the fact that I got a brunette girlfriend dark eyes for the simple fact that those features reminded me of it.

  damn woman.

  The newspaper was waiting beside his plate at breakfast.

  - Good morning darling! - Elizabeth took my cup and began to serve my coffee.

  - Good Morning. - I said dry as usual. At first irritated me that she put my coffee for me, but over time, I decided it was a work less and so I could focus my attention in the newspaper and ignore it for the few minutes of the day I had to tolerate his presence.

  - Finish eating, Hyatt. - I said hurriedly. - Or you will be late.

  - I will not eat.

  - Will eat, yes.

  - I'm not going.

  - Go. Come once.

  - You promised and you lied.

  I took a deep breath. It was better not to meddle.

  - He wants that new helicopter that gives control to the cell. - She explained to me even though I had not asked. - Now, do tantrum whenever he can.

  - And it's not always like this?

  I looked past the table to the boy on the other side. Yellow hair like straw, meticulously combed, brown eyes and very dark. I had tried. He had tried bravely. It would have been easier if he were a friendly and lovely child. But the chit would test the patience of anyone. It was annoying even before learning to walk or talk.

  He seemed to have been born with the detestable character of Elizabeth.

  - It's all right. - Elizabeth gave up. As always. - I had promised, was not it? After your class, let's go to the store.

  - Before. - Sizzled.

  - After.

  - Before! - He cried too high, especially for that time of the morning.

  - What is the difference, dear? You will only be able to play with it later!

  - I want to take to school. I want to rub it in the face of Evin Binz.

  - What Evin Binz did? - He laughed. She laughed ... The kid was awful and she only made her laugh. That was why he got worse and got worse.

  - He's a borin
g, flea-bitten, asshole.

  - Hey! - She warned - are not appropriate words for a little gentleman.

  - It's disgusting, Mom! He stinks. I should not attend the same school as the rest of us. He is poor and full of disease.

  Discomfort took over my stomach. I was thinking about it again. She had suffered such treatment in its infancy as well.

  - Just do not get close to him, dear ...

  - You will not buy the helicopter. - I decided.

  - Han? - He looked at me with the principle of an anger that worked well with his mother, but not me.

  - If you want a toy only to display it in front of colleagues who can not afford to buy one, you will not win.

  - Gregory ... - Elizabeth looked panicked. Why she was afraid it was something I would never understand.

  - It's decided.

  - But she promised! - He muttered.

  - And I'm promising you will not win. No helicopter. In fact ... - I looked at her - Nothing for no reason present. Just this party.

  - No! - He shouted rude and I had wanted to teach him I also knew cry - I will win yes! I'll win! It will give me, yes. I am the heir Baxter, I have what I want.

  His pifiamente elaborate sentences came out in short, furious cries. But "I am the heir Baxter" was too much for me. Damn Eleanor and that his habit of sticking megalomaniac ideas in the minds of children.

  - Hyatt! - I said firmly - or shut up now or will run out present on birthday and Christmas too. You choose. And I'm not your mother, boy. Do not test me.

  He gulped and dropped his eyes to the plate. He was going to do this week Liz a real hell.

  Her problem.

  The seconds of silence lasted a pleasant way. Perhaps embarrassing for the other two ... But for me it was very pleasant. Elizabeth was the first to break the silence with a false air of naturalness that only superficial women can play when they want to pretend that nothing happened.

  - You decided something special, or I can make the reservation at En Dehors?

  - Something special? - I did not bother to take from his paper. No matter interested me in particular. But anything more interested me than useless schedules Elizabeth for whatever it was.


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