My Life in the End

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My Life in the End Page 41

by Adriana Alexa

  - The boys fought. They should be discussed because of some nonsense. You know how they are.

  - You need to do it here? - Elizabeth growled.

  I turned to her and realized furious Laura watching me, making her shut up.

  The door opened and the cynical and angry face of the director came to us.

  - Come in. - Ordered - Everyone, let's go.

  I left Don and Liz go ahead and realized that other adults around came with us.

  Inside the room, five children were sitting on the couch. All dirty sand. Hyatt had torn shirt near the collar and Tyler had a bruise near the lower lip.

  - But what the hell happened here? - Laura knelt in front of our son, running her hands in her hair, checking the wound and then turned to Hyatt, making sure of their physical integrity as well.

  - Children discuss, happens. - The director was talking - but do not approve of physical violence in school. All students involved will be punished accordingly and we want you to talk to them to explain how you can not solve problems with violence.

  - What happened? - Don asked Ty.

  - Oh, shut up! Let the director talk! - Liz said.

  - You want me to shut up? - Thoen rose, roaring like a lioness - Come here to make me shut up, Elizabeth.

  - I will not descend to their level.

  - I went down, baby. - Spat back - and if not down, tells me to shut up again. Only one more. I'll come and drag you to my level.

  - Slut. - She murmured, full of elegant indignation.

  - We are two. - Sun warned High - But at least I'm proud to be exactly the way I am.

  - Ladies! Please! - The director reproached - Is this what these children receive? It does not impress me to solve things with violence.

  - Whatever Hyatt has done, surely only wanted to defend!

  - No matter how it started! - Ellison continued - Hyatt and Tyler have to learn to defend in words.

  - Hyatt knows very well that ... - Elizabeth was defending his blood before the other two mothers and the nanny who made up the rest of the group, but something caught my attention.

  - Hyatt and Tyler defending? - I asked above the acute voice my ex-wife.

  - Yeah. - He agreed.

  - They were not fighting against each other? - I needed to confirm.

  - No. - Opened his eyes - he was fighting against the other three boys.

  - They were fighting ... together? - Laura also found this interesting part.

  - Gentlemen, this behavior is not appropriate.

  - What happened? Why they started fighting? - Don asked and when the director was going to say it did not matter, she looked at Tyler stared at the floor before answering.

  - They called me a bastard. - He whispered.

  The other three boys looked at each other, criminals. It looked like a good year or two older than Ty. And even more than Hyatt.

  - Oh dear. - Don was on his knees again - Need ignore these cruelties.

  - It is not cruelty if true. - Elizabeth spat their venom and I heard Laura deep breath. Very very deep.

  - Is not true! - The cry of Hyatt caught the attention of all of us - He is not bastard.

  - Yes it is. - One of the boys at his side corrected quietly.

  - IT IS NOT! - Turned, cantankerous, pulling the boy's shirt.

  - Hey Hey! - Laura separated them. Pulling his ears as a matriarch cartoon.

  - Release my son! - The mother of the older boy interjected, finally.

  - Send him not to disturb mine. - Stepped between Hyatt and others, protecting it.

  - It's not your son! - Elizabeth manifested.

  - And you shut up! - Thoen raised his finger to her - That your time will come too.

  All were silent before his fury and I stuck my hand in his pockets.

  It has the situation under control.

  - I will not tolerate this kind of moral aggression against my family. The director Ellison is very wrong, and if so, does matter how the fight started. In fact, the only thing that matters to me and one of my boys is subjected to this kind of thing again, we will solve in front of a judge. I did understand?

  His eyes were cats and voracious. The nanny was the first to show he understood, took one of the boys and came out. The other two mothers were more reluctant, but were content with a scornful look at Elizabeth as revenge.

  - They were right! You can not punish children for speaking the truth. - Liz complained and I held her by the arm. Did you know that Laura had everything under control and would love Elizabeth put in place, alone, but I thought it best to intervene.

  - Enough. - I told - I gave her show, Lizzie. Now enough.

  - Not bastard! - Hyatt repeated.

  - You know what's bastard? - Elizabeth pulled her arm tightly, getting rid of me, while Laura took Ty in a hug - you know, Hyatt? - He asked.

  Hyatt squeezed his mouth in a pout as she did when she was upset.

  - That's what the boys call the Evin Binz when they want to be boring. - Confessed quietly - I know it's a bad thing and Ty is not. But Ty did not they shut up! - Uplifted up, angry - He was standing there listening to them xingarem.

  - Fighting does not solve. - He whispered in her mother's arms.

  - You are very loose! - Hyatt scolded the older brother and I saw Laura smile - Then I had to beat them.

  - You beat them? - Don had a smile and Elizabeth took a deep breath to blame his attitude, but it was too late and Laura pulled him into his embrace and held him there.


  Laura did not stop smiling. He closed the front door and gave me another kiss.

  - Go back to work?

  - Only in the afternoon. I did not know what was the problem in the school and told Ty would not return.

  - So, have you just for me? - I took her hands with an amused smile. After the conversation with Malcolm and trouble at school I needed to lose it more than anything.

  - Has! - One more kiss. I was getting very spoiled. - I have to keep you satisfied and we know that you will look on the street does not think at home. - He raised an eyebrow, judging me.

  - You're not serious, are you?

  - You had or had not thousands of girlfriends? At the same time? - Tore the heels and put them in a corner of the room.

  - It's ... - pulled tightly squeezing her ass against my crotch - When I was married to a woman that I just hated to annoy you, arranging brunettes on the street and closing his eyes to think of you while she was with them.

  - Truth? - She whispered, juicy, teasing me.

  - Truth. - I sighed, seeking his mouth with mine - was the only way I could get hard.

  - One of a kind? - He licked his lips.

  - One of a kind. - Promised - just was hard to think that your ass. - I slipped my hand down her thigh.

  - Only in the ass?

  - As if you did not like ... - I rolled my eyes and took my teeth to her neck.

  - I think I'll get jealous when brunettes cross your path from now.

  - Or you can dye your hair and change my preference. - I shrugged.

  - That simple?

  - That simple. - I promised - Are you excite me. No hair color. - Our conversation began as a spicy joke, but my tone was more dense. Deeper ... What was a light and provocative conversation became a confession that I reeked after keeping it trapped for too long. - Close your eyes and remember my brunette. - His mouth was on my body making my blood down - His voice calling me loose. Your mouth licking me. Your body hard and making me crazy.

  - I do not know how to feel at this. - She murmured.

  Brushed our noses, squeezing her against the wall, feeling her breath in my mouth. Laura squeezed my arms with long fingers, stroking skin and shirt, leaving a trail of heat behind his touch.

  - Because? - My voice was a hoarse whisper. I looked down at her cleavage. The bare top of your breasts, it was hard to describe the feeling that voluptuous curve between two bountiful breasts could cause in a man. The weight of round beef and des
ign of pink nipples ... a penis did not need much more than that to have a severe insomnia crisis. Agreed, not sleep to try some of that meat for you.

  I lowered his zipper, letting the dress fall to find that Laura was not wearing a bra. Just dress had its own stand that kept nearby breasts. But years and lack of support had made them give up. Don always had those perfect little breast. Raised, pointing to heaven and beyond. A soft nuance of the cervix to the nozzle and an immoral burden on the descent of the curve.

  I could kneel and worship those breasts all day. I would end the day with an unbearable urge to masturbate me ... or even reaching the enjoyment without ever touching me.

  - I do not know if it's true ... sought other women, Greg. - Stuck his fingers in my hair, lifting one leg around my hip, tempting me with their angles - had several at the same time ... and ...

  The lip caught between his teeth and a doubt in the air.

  - I'll never get used to his rare episodes of insecurity, Thoen. - Smiles - are afraid of not being enough? Because if it is, I'll need to laugh in disbelief.

  - Well, then start to laugh. - He released his own lip to bite my. Swapping insecurity by a blatant provocation. She kept me always on the edge: I never knew when she would make me pour it on the love that overflowed my heart or horny that exuded by my glans.

  Laura and her ability to let me erect and ambiguous.

  - Fuck with love, remember? - I put her face in my hands, abandoning his thigh unwillingly - I fucked other women. But my heart has always been his, his crazy annoying. - I stroked her mouth with my lips - The other tried to turn sex into something more. But there was nothing. I had nothing to give because I had given everything to you. And you took away. It took my heart away. For more than others insist, I could never give them something that was not mine. I gave them my cock and thought of you to try to get a little pleasure back. But it was only that, Dom. It is absurd you fear being poor when they are they were. When everyone else in the universe were insufficient. For a very simple reason - whispered in his ear - I just wanted you.

  - What are you saying, Gregory? - She had a satisfied smile and a naughty tongue moistened his lips in anticipation of invitations that would make me delirious - Are you saying that a woman can only have your stick or your heart? Because if so, I wonder if I can choose. - He raised an eyebrow making me laugh.

  -. You can not have both. That's my point, do not you understand?

  She kissed me as if he understood.

  And I knew I had understood.

  He lay on me in bed, swallowing my erection without warning. Sucking hard, compressing his lips around my extension and masturbating his own throat with my length. I closed my eyes, clutching the sheets and roared.

  I had to control the breath to gather strength. I leaned down, slapping the side of her ass, forcing her to turn to me and cover me with her nakedness. I plunged nose in net horny, experiencing your taste. Dom strutted, engulfing me. My fingers explored its entry working with my tongue, squeezing in circular waves the lump that was his peak of pleasure.

  She took my cock throat to breathe and moan, let me fuck her little mouth at irregular intervals and sucked my erection as a straw of your favorite juice and zero calories.

  I wanted to look down and watch Dom me eat, but the view at my disposal was so absurdly nice it would be a crime to ignore it. I stuck there with taste and made your hot pussy and pingante my home.

  His knees scraped on my shoulders, laced her thighs with arms using his hands to grab her ass, forcing her down and my appetite.


  I did your body my meal, and she used me for the same purpose and found, one in the other's language, our little private paradise.


  A noise in the room and someone calling my name.

  - It's Zahner! - I hit Greg's arm as he finished dressing.

  - He has the key? - He complained.

  - I thought he was Interpol and was taking care of us! - I returned - Of course he has the key!

  - You cofia too fast.

  - Before you came into my life I did not trust anyone! - I showed her tongue - So who's to blame?

  We finished dressing in, hurried, and Holt opened the bedroom door, down the hall, with my hand in his.

  - Zahner. - Greeted.

  - Baxter. - He smiled - Great you're all here. I need to speak with you, I was told that was not in the office, Thoen.

  - It's about Boe? - He asked too fast.

  - What happened to Boe? - I pulled my hand.

  - I heard this morning. - He offered me a face of guilt and an apology - At Walton.

  - Yes. I thought the Boe. - He warned - and he was attacked.

  - Wholesale? - I wanted to know.

  - IT IS. At the behest of Eleanor probably. - Found. He looked exhausted. I looked at Gregory, waiting for his reaction. Waiting for your disagreement. But she did not come. - It took a while to hide it.

  - Is alive? - Greg asked.

  - It is. Almost. But I forged his death.

  Holt looked around, putting his finger to his lips as if worried that someone might hear you.

  - Relax, Baxter. - Gary sat on the couch - I rummaged this place by tapping several times and has an interference generators there on the side of the phone. I'm very good at my job.

  - That, by the way ... - crossed arms - It's not what you're doing. Not officially at least.

  Zahner noted in for two seconds before lowering his head.

  - Malcolm told you I was just doing you a favor?

  - And I and my son serve bait without full knowledge of the danger? - I growled - Yeah. Let's get this part. But how is Boe?

  - It's ok. - He raised his hands, surrendered - will work, especially now. Let's put it in the witness protection program.

  - The truth? - Smiling, sarcastic - or that of fib you got for me?

  - I never said he was a witness protection program to what you would have. - Raised the indicator.

  - I do not trust you. - I decided, smiling.

  - Great. - Shrugged - But, believe it or not, I have worked a lot in this area. For their speed in agreeing with the theory of "killing Grandma" - looked at Greg - I assume that Walton has told you all about Merryl and motherhood attack, is not it? Well, we need to do now is ...

  - What? - Gregory stepped forward - What about motherhood?

  Zahner bit his lip, his eyes widening as calculated the size of shit he had done.

  Holt looked at me for support and I have not had time to change my reaction. And even if he had ... I did not want to lie to him. My expression or a bit confused should have explained to him exactly what he seemed to want to know when it took the look at me.

  - You know what he's talking about? - But he already knew the answer. So I just gulped.

  - Gareth? Can you give us a minute? - I asked.

  Zahner got up and left without complaint. He made a general comment about being in your apartment right next to if we needed something and remembered that we needed to decide what to do next. Would continue to explain his plan, but I stared at him seriously and he was gone.

  - What the hell is he talking about? - Greg barely waited for him to leave.

  - I did not tell you because ... - ran my fingers, pulling my hair back - For so many reasons ... - lifted one shoulder - First, because I did not think you would believe. Then, for fear of how you would react. And finally ... - I hugged him, feeling an unpleasant chill take hold of my spine - I think I was afraid of losing you. We were so well ...

  - Sun! - I asked - What happened?

  I swallowed dry and watched for a moment, that he felt in my silence was a very serious matter.

  - Remember how I talked about Eleanor have sent Boe scare me? And about how she threatened to kill me?

  - Not one of my favorite memories. But I remember.

  - Well. I never knew exactly what story she told you about my demise. But Boe told her that I had died. He said the plan had worked.
r />   He stuck his hands in his pockets and stared at the floor, breathing deeply.

  - Greg, I ...

  - Continues. - He asked sharply. - Enough of lies and half-truths about Eleanor, Laura. I want to know everything.

  - On who married Elizabeth, I ... I was in labor and called you.

  Squeezed his mouth so hard that white grooves formed in the vicinity of pressure.

  - I was feeling alone and needed someone ... after what you said I felt even worse. That's when I called my mother.

  - Your mother?

  - The same friend who helped me disappear succeeded her number for me. And I called. What I did not know was that Eleanor had already made a deal with her a long time ago and had offered him money for information about me. According to my wonderful mother readily agreed.

  - She told Eleanor that you had on. I was alive?

  - Said.

  Greg put his hands to his head.

  - Holy shit. - Gasped - Boe! - He pointed the finger at me - Boe disappeared that day! He must have realized that she discovered. You must have fled to save! Holy shit! - He repeated, fingers stuck in her hair, as if the perception of reality invaded, making sense of all the loose ends in your life. - If he told this to Merryl before leaving! - The body of Holt seemed to weigh and he dropped to the sofa arm, sitting with an exhausted look - She killed Merryl. - He sighed, accepting.

  - It's what we think.

  - Walton told you that? - Eyes narrowed.

  - Said. - Admitted.

  - Why did not you tell me?

  - I'm telling you now. Can you understand that?

  He shook his head as if still in doubt, but would rather let me continue.

  - She sent someone behind me. Maternity. - I tried to explain that part with as much gentleness as I could. But Lola's memory, his words, the realization that my own mother had sold me and vivid and bitter memory of my newborn son disappeared still haunted me too strong. And I could not be as smooth as intended - sent someone to kill me and kill Ty.

  Gregory stood up and hugged me.

  I pushed as hard as if he feared that I would fade me there.

  - SHIT, LAURA! - Exclaimed angrily, without letting me away from his protection - You should have called me! I should have called me in the same second! I should have screamed and called me a motherfucker! I should have made me listen! I would ... I would ...


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