Queen Mecca (NYC Mecca Series Book 4)

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Queen Mecca (NYC Mecca Series Book 4) Page 7

by Leia Stone

  Even though it felt like an odd request, I did as she asked, walking as the magic trailed from my fingers. It brushed over the flowers without leaving a mark, same with the fountain. It took me about thirty seconds to realize exactly what it was doing — floating upwards, into the sky.

  Rowan was staring curiously at the magic as it floated higher and higher. “Okay, well, it’s giving you a direction. Now it’s time to give it a push. Make it do something.”

  This was not the kind of training I had envisioned, but I didn’t hesitate. Confident that no humans would see, and that both Rowan and Violet were shielded from getting hurt, I lashed out with all of the energy inside. Instead of allowing a small trickle, I released my hold and let it flow free.

  The magic soared up to the protective bubble and with a pop it shattered it. Holy … crap. With all of my strength, I yanked the magic back toward me. It was certainly a lot harder to pull it back than to let it go free, but eventually I contained it again in my center. Spinning around, I realized that Rowan and Violet had been thrown backwards when the shield shattered.

  “Vi! Rowan!” I ran to their sides, trying to assess if they were hurt. Neither of them were even looking at me. They were staring at each other, wide-eyed.

  “What? Oh God. Speak,” I told them, my words a frantic jumble. What had I just done?

  Rowan’s eyes met mine and she shook her head. “You can break magic.” Her voice was light with notes of disbelief in each word. “The bonds of the mecca energy.”

  I wasn’t sure what she meant by that.

  Violet jumped to her feet, hurrying closer to me. “You’re like a magic born, only a thousand times stronger. No one should have been able to break that ward, or to lower our protective shields. Not without training. You just took those down like they were made of paper.”

  “I … I didn’t mean to…” How could I use this to protect my people?

  Rowan was circling me now. “If you can repeat this, it means that any spell the winter queen does, you can undo. Whatever she throws at us, you can shatter it before it hits. Possibly also shatter their shields.”

  A memory of Isalinda turning Kade into a frozen sculpture ran across my mind. Knowing I would be able to undo that was a huge relief. “That might explain why I could break through her ice magic after I touched the fae side of my energy.”

  Rowan was nodding enthusiastically, the most excited I had ever seen her.

  This was a good thing. It was the first positive news we had received in a while. “Okay … how do we test it? Make sure I can do it every time?”

  Violet grinned, letting out a little peal of laughter. “We fling a crapload of spells at you and see if you can break them all.”

  Chapter Five

  Deer me. When darkness calls, don’t answer.

  That night I crawled into bed, utterly spent. Violet and Rowan had spent the rest of the day testing my spell-breaking abilities, and despite a few mishaps I managed to shatter every single spell they sent my way. Eventually though, I was starving, exhausted, and my energy was too drained for any more. Rowan had promised we’d pick up again tomorrow morning.

  Kade wasn’t back yet, but Finn was. He crawled up on the bed next to me, like we used to, snuggling his warmth into my side. I’m so glad you’re here, I murmured, tiredness catching up with me. I’m turning into one of those shifters who can’t sleep alone anymore.

  Finn’s deep chuckle was nice, allowing more of the dark clouds of sleep to pull me under. You’ve never liked to sleep on your own, but you do like to have your own space in the bed.

  So true. I used to enjoy sleeping on my stomach, spreading right out so all my limbs were nicely stretched. Now Kade tended to wrap me up, and even though I had thought I would hate that … I didn’t. Being molded to him was much better than free space.

  I have not heard of a spell breaker in many years. Finn had been following my progress today, same as I followed his through the streets of New York. A strong magic born, or witch, can use a counter spell to break other spells, but that is not what you are doing. You don’t have to be stronger, more powerful, able to think up a spell to counter another, you are simply breaking the mecca energy, breaking the bonds … almost like you’re controlling the mecca. It’s incredible.

  I was silent for a bit, staring up at the dark roof, before I let out a deep breath of weariness. I will take any advantage I can get at this stage, but I’m not sure I’m comfortable with all the gifts I am receiving. Feels almost like too much.

  Finn nuzzled me again. Don’t question what is. You are unique in this world. Unique beings are often blessed with powers no other has.

  I smiled, drifting off to the soothing and familiar rumble of Finn’s chest. The comfort of sleep was exactly what I needed. Darkness took me, and for a while I had no concept of time or space as I drifted, until a tendril of energy caught my attention. It was shadowy, but somehow also sparkling, like moonlight washing across a midnight sky. Its beauty was stunning, the pull it had on me complete, and I didn’t hesitate to reach for it.

  The moment I touched it, my fae side responded. Although depleted from all my spell work and training, there was enough left within me to rise up and intertwine with the dark tendril. A jerk around my energy caused a flicker of unease to sprout, and I was just wondering if I’d made a mistake when I was swept through time and space.

  This was reminiscent of my dream-walking with Violet, except it was heavier, murkier, and I felt completely out of control. Suddenly my bare feet slammed down hard onto an icy, frozen-over lake. I could feel the cold and I found myself asking the question … was this actually a dream?

  I spun in a full circle, trying to take in my surroundings. I had no idea how these dream worlds could feel so real. It was almost like a physical part of myself was standing there, able to interact with this place. It was quite dark, an eerie kind of twilight. I stood in the middle of a frozen lake, unable to see much outside of the small space I occupied; the air held an icy chill that was causing sharp pains and a numbing sensation to all exposed skin. It was the sort of weather that would kill a human in minutes if they didn’t have adequate protection. As a shifter, I would have a little longer.

  But not much.

  I couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity. Not the lake. I knew I hadn’t been here, but this world’s energy. It felt like … the Otherworld. A strong and bitter version, like the energy had gone a little sour in the time since I was here last.

  I focused on the few dying trees I could make out along the lake’s edge, and I was about to start walking toward them when I heard a deep rumble of laughter behind me. I had no weapons, not even a pair of boots as I was dressed in my pajamas. I was definitely at a disadvantage.

  Turning slowly, I came face to face with a tall fae. I recoiled as waves of inky power swirled in arcs around him, shrouding his face and body so I could not see him clearly. I knew who he was, though. There was no other being it could be. The Dark Fae Lord. Something inside of me, deep in my soul, could feel the true evil energy this fae wielded. It was strong and elemental like the mecca, but also … not. Like the energy of this land, it felt bitter and sour.

  He took another step toward me and some of the fogginess of his features disappeared. As his face came into sight, I was surprised by how handsome he was. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but definitely not the broad shoulders and shoulder-length blond hair he was sporting. His features were sharp and defined, dark eyes shrewdly watching me.

  The only thing, outside of the darkness he wore like a cloak — that indicated he was not a regular fae — was a set of deer antlers coming from each side of his head. The tips of them looked like they had been dipped in a black oily substance, which matched the fae’s eyes. No white showed at all, just pure and eerie blackness. In his hand was a long staff; at its tip sat a black, multi-faceted crystal, which I could now see powered that swirling dark energy that surrounded him. Well, it looked like the dark fae definitely had one
of the crystals. Shit.

  “What do you want?”

  I cut right to it. Because I was pretty sure my feet would end up frostbitten if I stood here much longer. I would have to shift to my wolf soon and run if he didn’t let me go.

  “Arianna...” He drawled my name in a low, seductive purr. It immediately set every nerve in my body on edge, and I fought against my dual instincts to attack or run. The fae opened his arms wide and walked closer to me, looking my body up and down with a gaze that would have gotten him an ass kicking if Kade had been here. No way would the bear have been able to control his temper.

  The Dark Fae Lord showed no signs of stopping. He was getting far too close for comfort, so I reached for my energy. Thankfully it responded, even though we were in a dream world.

  I hoped it was a dream world anyway.

  Pushing my power toward him, I said, “Stop right there.”

  My voice held no fear. I was not the sort of queen to cower before a dark fae. That was not how I would lead or protect my people. I had a unique opportunity to observe our unknown enemy. I needed to find out all I could.

  Heeding my orders, he actually stopped, even though the mecca I’d pushed at him splashed across his chest, breaking apart as if I had thrown a harmless egg at him. Great. I was screwed.

  He grinned, showcasing the dimples in his cheeks. Which might have been cute if it wasn’t for the freaky black eyes. “Mecca magic won’t work on me.”

  “What do you want?” I asked again, preparing this time to shift into my wolf form. She was fast, and I was going to have to get away quickly.

  The Dark Fae Lord gave me a half smile. “Oh, I thought that was obvious, Ari. I want you. I want to rule Earth with you by my side.”

  Stage five creeper. How did he know my nickname? “Don’t call me that. I’m already mated, and he does not like to share.”

  He gazed into the seemingly endless black crystal on his staff and frowned. “Oh, Kade? I’m afraid I’ve seen his future and it ends in death. Might be easier if you start to distance yourself from him now. Together we can rule the world … we can command the dark magic.”

  His mention of Kade’s death sent ice water through my already frozen veins. My wolf howled within me and I wanted to join in. But I couldn’t let this fae see how rattled I was. “Talk about my mate again and you’ll be the dead one.” This time I let my fae magic swirl to the surface, mixing with the mecca.

  “Yes!” he shouted, nearly making me jump. “That’s it. That’s the magic I need. Your fae essence is so unique, it can harness the dark magic, just like mine.”

  No goddamn way! I wouldn’t believe that. I was nothing like him … was I? So what if I felt some sort of connection to this icy land, to that book we found in the Red Queen’s room. That was just because of my connection to the mecca and being half fae.

  “What are you?” I asked him. “How can you wield the dark magic?”

  He looked toward the crystal again. He was spending a lot of time staring at the stone, a slightly obsessed look on his face. “It matters not who I am. All that matters is the being I have become. I am strong now. Powerful. I was born of the Fall Court, and they rejected me because I was small and weak. So I sought out true power. I made myself formidable.”

  Sounded like he’d stumbled across the dark stone and was easily corrupted. His weakness had made him an outcast in his fae court, so he decided to create his own world.

  But how could he just stumble on the stone? “I assume the dark crystal was … drawn to you, because you’re special, right?”

  Got to appeal to their ego. It was essential.

  His eyes were on it again. “Oh, yes. I was in the royal library. The book was hidden within another book, and I found it. It was all fate. The book called to me, and I used it to find the stone.”

  So Baladar was right. There were two books. Which meant we definitely should be able to use our book to find the stone.

  “You don’t have to follow this path,” I told him, trying to appeal to the innocent he used to be. The world had hurt him, and he had fought back. “There are other ways to gain power. Why are you allying with the winter queen anyway?”

  His smirk died, and I was faced with a torrent of dark anger. “She is giving me the Fall Court and the Earth side of the mecca. I will use the Earth power to control and bend the Fall Court to my will, teach them their place. The same way they did with me.”

  This was all about revenge for him. He wanted to rule over his old court, and the winter queen was the only one able to grant him that.

  “I won’t help you destroy two worlds.” My voice was firm. I took another step back on my frozen feet. “This is not the right path. The darkness has corrupted you.”

  He grinned; it didn’t reach his eyes. “It calls to you, Ari. Deny it all you want, you’re convincing no one, not even yourself.” He tapped his staff. “I’ve actually seen it. I know what I’m talking about.”

  I forced my expression not to change, even though my insides were twisting at the thought that he could use the stone to view me. I wondered if we could do the same with the book, or the mecca stone if we found it.

  “The winter queen has promised the Earth side of the mecca to her son…”

  I was stalling, trying to give myself time to build up a mass of my fae magic. It was swirling just beneath the surface of my skin.

  He shook his head, acting like he was almost disappointed in me. “Your stupid father will believe anything she says. No. I have been assured that in exchange for helping win this war, I will be given dominion over whatever I want. And I want Earth and Fall. I have waited a long time for this.”

  This fae was … broken. I could feel the cracks littering his soul from a life of abuse and ridicule. Cracks which were now pure darkness and could never be reversed. My heart ached for him, but I also knew I couldn’t let the sympathy I felt toward him cloud my judgment. Because I knew that now he had seen my fae magic. Now that he thought we could control the darkness together, he would never stop coming for me.

  I was going to have to kill him. Eventually. Straightening, I let my magic swell even more, preparing to blast out at him, when he said,

  “I promise none of your people will be hurt if you side with me willingly.”

  I paused in my attack, just briefly, as I let the horror of that promise penetrate my brain. An offer to save all of my people? To keep this war from ever starting? It was like I was back in the Summit all over again, having to choose duty to my people over my love for Kade. I had done the right thing at first, and it only ended in everyone being miserable. Then I chose with my heart, and I got my people and my mate.

  My decision was clear.

  “Go to hell,” I told him. At the same time, I released the gathered magic inside of me, flinging it right at his staff. He let out a snarl, his smirk drying up. The moment my midnight-colored magic touched the crystal, I was falling, and then with a slam I woke up.

  Surging up from the softness of my bed, I let out a yelp upon seeing Baladar and Kade standing at the foot of my bed. Finn was whining at my feet and I realized I was shivering, teeth chattering. Reaching down, I felt my feet and recoiled. What the hell? They were freezing.

  “Ari?” Kade seemed at a loss for words.

  I pulled the blanket up as he dropped down beside me and ran his arms up and down my shoulders, warming me. I snuggled closer to him, thankful that bear shifters always ran at a temperature akin to the desert in summer.

  It was Baladar who found his voice first. “Where did you go?”

  I shook my head, still trying to wrap my mind around it. “Some dream land with the fae lord.”

  My answer startled Kade and Baladar; both of them looked alarmed. “You weren’t dreaming, Ari. You were gone,” Kade said gruffly.

  “I … uh … what?” I didn’t understand. “I went to sleep here with Finn. I thought it was just like those dreams with Violet in the Otherworld.” If I actually went somewhere in my
physical body, then it did at least explain my frozen feet.

  Finn ceased his grumbling, calming down now that I was back. One minute you were at my side, and then next there was a burst of cold air, and … then you were gone. Disappeared.

  Baladar had deep concern lining his eyes as he chimed in: “Finn got me out of bed, and when I got into your bedroom it reeked of dark magic. A magic which felt very similar to the dark book.”

  I ran a shaky hand through my hair. Damn. Somehow that bastard had figured out how to transport me from my bed and into his territory in the fae lands. “How is it even possible? How could he pull me into the Otherworld like that?”

  There was a soft popping noise and then Violet was there, standing in her pajamas, hair a hot mess. “What happened?” she shouted as she looked around the room, focusing on something I couldn’t see. “Holy dark magic.” She waved her hand in the air above my head.

  All of us were silent for a beat, which was pretty standard when Violet did her sudden appearance thing.

  Baladar finally said, voice dry, “The Dark Fae Lord opened a portal and transported Arianna through it while she was asleep.”

  I squirmed out of Kade’s grasp and scooted off the bed, needing to stand. My body temperature was finally beginning to return to normal, and with it came a frantic need to pace and throw my arms around. Pins and needles filled my feet, but at least I could feel them now.

  Kade followed me, his eyes very dark and bear-like as he watched me closely. “Tell us what happened.” His voice was bear-like too, growled out between clenched teeth. He was not happy, and he would be even less so when I filled them in on what had taken place.

  I took a shaky breath, continued pacing, and left nothing out. I told them everything, even mentioned how the dark magic called to me. When I got to the part where the dark fae talked of us being together to rule in darkness, and how he’d eyed me in such an intimate way, fur began to break out on Kade’s arms.

  “I. Will. Kill. Him.” Each word was said slowly, thudding across the room with the weight of Kade’s fury.


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