The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Page 48

by Carl East

  Chapter 11

  Judy slammed the phone down after shouting for the last time, and then walked over to join us, us being Kim, Dean, and I. The hospital had found out about the sex clinic, and they didn't approve, Judy had been suspended.

  "I gather they wouldn't listen?" I said, pulling the chair out for her.

  "No, the stuck up, old fashioned, live-in-the-past morons, wouldn't listen," she replied.

  "A simple no would have been enough," I quipped.

  She laughed, holding my hand.

  "As far as I know, they’re not aware of Dean and Kim's involvement," she said.

  "Don't worry about that, we will carry on as normal, but if they choose to suspend us then we will just leave. Besides we're doing well here, and enjoying ourselves," said Dean.

  Kim nodded her agreement, and we decided not to talk about it anymore. Besides we had a lot of people coming that day so we were going to be busy.

  Our first callers were a group of six young women, who, Judy had decided could all benefit from the same class. So rather than take them separately, they were joining together, all fully aware of what the subject would be. In this case it was, 'how to give a blowjob,' which I was looking forward to. After a brief talk about sexual techniques, Judy asked me to strip in front of all these young women; I removed my clothing and stood with a semi-hard cock, watching their eyes bulge. Judy then got me to turn sideways, in order that they could see everything.

  "Now first, I must just explain that Mr. Elis here is bigger than most men, but as you might come up against large men yourselves I thought I would show you how to handle it," said Judy.

  Their attention was unwavering as Judy gently held my cock up, instantly giving me an erection in her hands. After a couple of gasps from the audience, Judy pointed to the ridge on my bell end.

  "This part of the penis is the most sensitive part, so all the stories you've heard about having to take a man’s cock, as far as you can down your throat, are simply not true," she said.

  Then she placed the end into her mouth, in order to demonstrate. She only just covered the end of my cock, and started to suck gently but firmly, and then after a minute she stopped.

  "Now, as you can see, the receiver of this treatment is enjoying every moment," she said, pointing at me.

  It was true, I have always enjoyed the way Judy gave me head, I looked at the audience again, and they were riveted taking in every word Judy was saying. Then Judy showed them how to take more into your mouth, without choking and feeling uncomfortable. She explained that she always tested how far a cock would go into her mouth, before stopping it from going any further. Then she took at least five inches of my cock into her mouth, making it look very easy, after a couple of minutes she again stopped, this was driving me nuts.

  "Is there anybody here who thinks they could handle this?" she said.

  Two hands shot up; both were very attractive young women.

  "Right…if you two could come up here, we'll see if you have been paying attention. The two girls came over and stood next to Judy, she then instructed them both to kneel in front, one on each side of my cock and begin. They both reached for my hardened cock together, and then one of them started to suck the end, letting a couple of inches enter her mouth. After a while she handed it to the other one, who proceeded to do the same thing. I stood looking down, and thinking, 'have I got the best job in the world or what,' and then Judy stopped them, much to my dismay.

  "Well done ladies. Now if you can take your seats again, I will demonstrate how to handle a man when he is ejaculating," said Judy, looking at me and smiling.

  "Sometimes, you will find that sucking the end of a man’s penis is not quite enough to make them cum, which is why it's important to use your hands," she continued.

  "To demonstrate this, I will get Mr. Elis on the verge, before stopping," she said.

  ‘Bitch,’ I thought.

  She then placed my cock into her mouth once more, and with her right hand started to jerk me off at the same time, making sure that both her mouth and hand were moving in sync with one another. Before long, I was on the verge, and then she stopped, and addressed the audience.

  "He is now ready to cum, but you have no obligation to allow him to empty his seed into your mouths, that will only happen if you want it to happen," she said, placing her mouth over my cock once more.

  Pretty soon I was on the verge again, thinking, 'please don't stop,' but this time she didn't, when I came she took it out of her mouth, but carried on jerking my cock with her hand, telling them how important it was to carry on until he had finished. My sperm shot over her shoulder, and then again until it became a trickle, Judy then told me to get re-dressed. After answering a lot of questions from her clients, it all came to an end, and they left talking about the whole affair.

  "I think that went pretty well, don't you?" Judy asked.

  "Well, I certainly enjoyed it," I said, smiling.

  She punched me playfully on the arm.

  "Everyone in that room KNEW, that you were enjoying it," she said, laughing.

  Later on that day we had a very similar class, only this time the audience was male, they wanted to learn how to please a woman with their tongue. Kim and Dean were going to be the teachers, so when the young men arrived, Judy and I started to watch on the monitor.

  "First of all, has anyone here ever tried cunnilingus," said Dean, to an audience who hadn't got a clue what he meant.

  They were all quite young, so the shaking of heads was not a surprise to either Dean or Kim.

  "Right, I am going to demonstrate, how to arouse a woman by using your tongue," said Dean, placing Kim on the examination table.

  Once she was comfortable, Dean asked her to untie the robe she was wearing, allowing it to fall on either side, thereby exposing her gorgeous body. Dean then asked his audience to stand around and watch; they didn't need to be asked twice. Opening Kim's legs, Dean started by pulling open her pussy lips slightly using both hands, thus revealing her moist entrance. He then pointed out her clitoris, telling them that this was the one part of a woman's vagina that when stimulated in the correct manner would make her go wild.

  Kim turned to watch their faces, and noticed a fair few bulges in their pants. Dean then demonstrated by nudging her clit with one finger to make her squirm, and then he started to lick it vigorously. Her nipples started to harden, which didn't escape the notice of her audience. Then Dean asked if anyone here would like to have a go, everybody's hand shot up. Dean looked at Kim, smiling; he told them they could all try it for a minute or so. Then one after the other they all got down, and licked her clitoris, making Kim cum several times before it ended. When all their questions were addressed they left with Judy and me joining Dean and Kim to tell them well done.

  "Can we have that class, on a regular basis?" asked Kim.

  We all fell about laughing, and I knew that Judy had now forgotten about her suspension, but I wasn't about to bring it up. We ended the day with a few drinks, before retiring to bed.

  Chapter 12

  Judy was crying as I entered the kitchen, I comforted her, as best I could, knowing that nothing I say could make it better. She'd just found out that she'd been fired, just because the sex clinic was not what the hospital considered to be of any medical importance. Even though our patients now numbered in the hundreds, and we'd only been going for a year. We had cured patients of premature ejaculation, of being scared to have sex, and even taught some, how to have sex. We could see in our patients, that we were making a difference, however slight.

  "Come on Judy, cheer up, there are other hospitals, and a surgeon of your talents shouldn't have trouble in getting another job," I said, wanting her to see that the hospital had lost a good doctor.

  "No...I don't want another job, I want that job," she said, getting to her feet, and going over to the phone.

  She dialed a number that I didn't recognize, and then waited for an answer; I put my ear next to the earpiece
to listen.

  "Hello, Bailey, Smithson and Associate Solicitors here, how can we help?" I heard the voice say.

  Judy went on to explain, how she felt she had been wrongly dismissed, and that she needed someone to represent her in the fight to regain her job, an appointment for her to see someone was made, and then she hung up.

  "Do you know what, that makes me feel better," she said, looking like her old self.

  I was glad she had decided to fight back, mainly because I'd been on the verge of giving a secret away - we had a party planned for that night, which she knew nothing about it. It was to celebrate the first successful year of our sex clinic, Dean and Kim had thought up the idea, which I endorsed.

  Knowing that she had cheered up a bit, I decided to keep it a secret again. The guests were exclusively patients, which we had treated over that period of one year. Most of which had already sent their acceptance cards back, in fact we had such a response, that we were in danger of running out of room to hold it in.

  The only thing that could go wrong at this point was Judy not following her usual routine, but that didn't happen, on this day she had booked an appointment for a massage. She told me that she was going to keep her appointment, so when the time came for her to leave, and knowing that she would be gone for two hours, we began to get everything ready.

  Now all we had to do was keep her away from our one floor shindig, until we were ready. We had it all planned, she would get her massage, and then upon leaving there, she would bump into an old friend from college, whom I'd already met at the cabin. They would, if all went to plan, go for a drink, which would take up another hour. We also had various other devious plans ready to be hatched if anything went wrong.

  One of them was blocking her car in, so that she could be delayed a little further. But as it all turned out, these other tricks were not needed, our guests arrived, a short while before her. I'd been phoned when she was on the way back, so I left the guests and met her outside.

  "Look who I bumped into, coming out of the massage parlor," she said, opening her passenger door.

  Of course, I knew that it was Caroline, but had to feign surprise when she stepped out the car.

  "Oh, hello Caroline, how's life been treating you?" I said, shaking her hand with both of mine.

  We then went up in the lift, with me pretending to ring someone on my mobile phone, when in reality it was the signal we were coming up. When the lift stopped, we got out and walked down the corridor that led to the largest office, the lights were out as we entered. Then a cheer went up, making Judy jump.

  "Happy Anniversary," I had to shout.

  She was soon drinking and laughing with every body, fully enjoying this surprise, the guests were great, and they even helped put some of the decorations up. As the night wore on, most people began to lose their inhibitions, and I started to hear from the patients how this place had changed their lives, I over heard one conversation, by three young ladies.

  "Do you remember that demonstration, on how to give a man a blowjob, and then seeing that cock, wow, I get wet, just thinking about it," one of them said, making me smile.

  Caroline cornered me at the drink table, and putting her hand over my cock, told me that she expected a fuck later on. With my cock growing suddenly in her hand and through my trousers, I humored her, by saying all right. Judy came over then, thanking me for the nice surprise, but I pointed out that it was Dean and Kim's idea. I just thought it was a good one, and went along with it.

  By the time one in the morning came, most of our guests had gone, but Caroline along with two female patients were still there, plus Dean, Kim, and of course Judy.

  "Would anyone like a coffee?" I said, thinking perhaps they would need one.

  They all said yes, so I proceeded to get seven coffees from the vending machine in our waiting area, as I was putting the last coffee on the tray, Caroline came into the room. She then started to strip her clothes off, revealing her gorgeous body once again, and then she started to unzip my trousers, upon freeing my cock she got down and inserted it into her mouth.

  Just then the two patients that she'd been talking to entered the room, both of them stood watching as Caroline tried her hardest to get my cock down her throat, but she could only get it half way. I watched as the two girls started to play with themselves, their hands pulling their panties to one side as they both started to finger fuck. My cock couldn't have been any harder, as Caroline continued to suck and lick the end.

  Then Judy, Dean, and Kim came onto the scene, not in the least bit surprised to find us all in those positions, instead of making any fuss, they just joined in. Judy striped off first, which in turn encouraged the others to follow suit, and then she started to undress the two patients. They made no objections as she pulled down one and then two sets of panties, with Dean and Kim coming over to assist her.

  This scene was just too much for me, my cock fairly exploded into Caroline's mouth, forcing her to catch some of my seed as it tried to escape from the corners. She was suddenly joined by one of the patients, who seemed eager to get some in her mouth too. She managed to catch the third blast as my cock jerked inside her mouth, and then sucking the end a little she handed it back to Caroline, who made sure I remained hard.

  I looked over to Judy and the others, Judy was licking the pussy of the other patient, while Dean was licking hers, and Kim was sucking his cock, a mass of writhing bodies on the floor.

  With my cock once again harder than granite, they both stopped, and stood next to me, Caroline whispered to fuck the other one first, as she was very excited and probably wouldn't last long. I turned to her about to say her name, and then realized that I had forgotten what it was.

  "Mary!" she said, seeing that I was struggling.

  I told Mary to bend over the back of the chair, and then rubbing her pussy from behind for a few seconds; I guided my large cock into her moist womanhood, and started to push forward.

  "Oh...that feels wonderful," she said, as the first two inches went in.

  I pushed a bit harder, her juices suddenly allowing my cock to enter deep inside.

  "Ah...fuck yes, fuck me hard," she shouted.

  I began to rhythmically plunge my enormous cock into her pussy, making her scream with excitement, and before long she started to climax, her knees almost giving up as she gripped the chair for support. I looked over at the four people on the floor, to discover that Dean had cum, and was being drained by Kim, while the other patient and Judy had changed places, Judy was now receiving oral sex.

  I pulled my cock out, only to find her pussy being replaced with another. Caroline was very eager to feel me inside her once again, and thrust her pussy back, as she felt my cock enter her love canal.

  "Oh...yes this brings back good memories," said Caroline, moving her hips back and forth in time with my thrusts.

  I heard Judy moaning out loud, and looking over I realized why, she had both the patients licking her pussy one at a time, while Dean was making love to Kim next to them. I could feel my cock about to unload again, with all this stimuli making it impossible to ignore the pussy that was travelling almost the full length of my cock. Then I came, as I grabbed hold of Caroline's butt in an effort to slow her down, and left it in her pussy as deeply as it would go, with her too starting to climax.

  I had to get fresh cups of coffee after that, for the ones I originally got were stone cold, and then the night was over, and we all decided to leave for our various homes. As we left the offices turning out the lights, Judy kissed all three of us in a way of thanks for a nice surprise.

  Chapter 13

  Judy and I were sitting in Derek Bailey's office, he was her solicitor, and across the table sat her old boss.


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