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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 59

by Carl East

  She used her tongue repeatedly on the tiny slit at the end of his cock, darting in and out, then sliding his joint back into her mouth, and making him moan with pleasure. Bringing her right hand up to grasp his hardness, she pumped him gently, moving her hand in time with her mouth, and wanting to make him cum.

  Stephen knew he was close to cumming, but decided he didn't want to cum in her mouth, he wanted to feel the closeness that making love could bring. So he stopped her and reached down to grab her hands. She pulled herself up with his support and they kissed again as their bodies touched while their tongues played the game once more.

  Stephen's engorged cock rubbed against her thighs as her breasts pressed into his chest, and he began to lower her to the floor, eager to penetrate her pussy. Lying on her back she looked up, as he positioned himself between her legs, then knelt down before her, his cock finding the wet entrance in an instant.

  Linda took a deep breath as he pushed forward and stretched her tight pussy. He was in and moving forward, his nine-inch cock going slowly and being stopped only when their bodies met. He stayed there for a few seconds, wanting to enjoy the moment, and gazed into her eyes, they shone from the light he had kindled; making him aware that she was receiving a lot of pleasure from this encounter.

  The lovemaking then took on a whole new meaning, for Stephen started to speed up, making her cry out as he plunged his cock in as fast as he could, her second orgasm coming very quickly, followed closely by her third. She had always been multi-orgasmic but this was a mind blowing event and found that she was grabbing his ass as if to pull him in tighter.

  Linda looked down between their bodies, and watched as his magnificent cock came out then disappeared back in, that one erotic moment making her orgasm again. She started to wonder why he hadn't cum yet, but not for long, for she was enjoying this moment far too much.

  Then he stopped, and leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

  "Have you ever had anal sex?"

  "Yes, would you like to do that?"

  Stephen just smiled and pulled back to remove his cock, making her sigh as the end brushed her clitoris upon exit. She quickly got to her knees and looked back as Stephen positioned himself. She felt his hardness pressing against her anal passage. His cock was well lubricated from her juices, as he felt the tip enter her tightness; her juices lubricated his member making it almost easy to fuck her tight ring piece.

  Then he was in, and she yelled out with the pleasure she felt, his hand coming around to service her clitoris at the same time. He made sure she could take it before speeding up, and when he did she pushed her butt back for more. Her orgasms were coming thick and fast as he plunged into her body. His finger vigorously rubbed her clit to stimulate her next orgasm.

  The sweat was running down his chest, as the pounding continued, having never experienced anyone as tight as she felt, and once again he felt that he was about to cum. This time he didn’t held back, the excitement of this moment was just too great, but he did pull out before exploding onto her back, his first stream of sperm nearly hitting her hair and running off her shoulder.

  They relaxed a little after that, with Linda telling him she had a walk-in shower in the bathroom, for times when she stayed a little too late at work and wanted to freshen up before going home. Stephen took her by the hand, asking her which way, and finding the shower room pretty quickly.

  Standing under it, he adjusted the settings, making the water feel just right, as they lathered each other's bodies with soap. He concentrated on her breasts, noticing that she got aroused whenever he tweaked her nipples between two fingers. She concentrated on his cock, liking how big he felt as she rubbed his length.

  Then he pressed her against the shower wall, his hands slipping off her breasts and reaching for her hips. Bending his knees, he found it easy to enter her pussy again, as she reached over for a fixed hook on the shower wall, wanting to help by pulling herself up slightly. Their passion as he fucked her making them both feel hot, as yet another orgasm struck her body.

  "OH GOD...OH YES...FUCK’re everything I’ve dreamed of," she shouted, as his cock hit the back of her damp pussy once more.

  He was finding this position hard to maintain, but as he was close to coming, he was determined to keep it up. Then he came, not slowing down for an instant, and wanting to feel his own juices being pumped deep inside her body. She moaned once more, feeling his cock erupt, and trying to grasp it with her vaginal wall muscles, just to add that little more pleasure for that moment in time.

  They both then relaxed, with his cock slipping out, and her breasts rubbing his chest once more as he stood up fully. Sliding down she took his cock into her mouth, wanting to taste his cum on her tongue. Stephen's cock jerked as she sucked the end, his cum still trickling out and into her waiting mouth, then she stopped and stood up. She kissed him gently and leaned towards his left ear.

  "Thank you, that was wonderful, I haven't enjoyed sex that much for years."

  He never said a word; he just kissed her lips tenderly knowing that this could be the start of something big.

  The End

  Love Can Be Blind

  Karen felt confident as the Doctor removed the bandages, she’d been blind now for over two years and this was her first real hope that she would regain her sight. As the last of the bandages was removed the Doctor asked her to open her eyes, as she did so she knew almost immediately that she was still blind. She hoped for a second that it was just a matter of adjusting her eyes, for she had been in the dark now for some time.

  But the truth was she still couldn’t see; the tears rolled down her face, as she told the Doctor it hadn’t worked. He placed his arm around her shoulder, comforting her as best he could.

  “It’s not the end Karen, we’ll think of something, I promise.”

  Karen knew he meant well, and she also knew that he cared whether or not she regained her sight, but at the moment she wasn’t in the mood for comforting words.

  “I’d like to be alone for a few minutes,” she said, using a piece of tissue on her eyes that the Doctor had given her.

  “Okay my dear, we’ll be just outside,” replied the Doctor.

  She sat down sobbing uncontrollably, she knew she’d built her hopes up too much, and was now paying for it. What she didn’t realize was that a certain Student Nurse, whose name was Eric, had stayed quiet in the room not leaving when the Doctor did.

  “I’m sorry it didn’t work Karen,” he suddenly said, making his presence known.

  “Who is that?”

  “It’s Eric, a Student Nurse, I’ve been following your case, hoping to learn more about your condition,” he replied.

  “Well, as you can see, the operation didn’t work.”

  “I’m sure they will try again, these things are very difficult to put right,” he said, in an effort to give her hope.

  “Yes, I’m sure they’ll try again; please forgive my foolishness,” she said, with a sniffle.

  Eric placed his arm around her shoulder, squeezing slightly.

  “It’s not foolish to want your sight back, it’s a God given right.”

  She smiled at that, suddenly remembering all those less fortunate than herself. They talked for a while, with Karen opening up to this stranger, purely on the basis of liking his voice. Then she got an urge to feel his face, and asked if she could.

  “Of course, if you’d like.”

  She stood in front of him, then he guided her hands up to his face, and she felt the soft skin of his nose, not making out any blemishes. Then she moved around his cheeks, her fingers almost shaking as she realized he was smiling. She recognized it from the slight dimples in his cheeks.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “You’re tickling me,” he said, laughing.

  Karen laughed with him, touching his forehead with not a wrinkle in sight as it were.

  “How old are you Eric, if you don’t mind me asking?”

” he replied.

  “You’re the same age as me, now that’s a coincidence.”

  They talked for a while longer, and then the Doctor came back, asking if everything was all right.

  “Yes, Eric here has made me see, in the rhetorical sense, that I still have a chance to get my sight back, I thank you Eric,” she said, groping for the door.

  She left after that, joining her faithful guide dog Ben, then returned home.

  She visited the hospital twice a week from that moment on, taking the tests, and clinging onto hope, that they would one-day return her sight for her. She liked to meet with Eric whenever she was in the hospital, and on occasion they would have lunch together. Then one day, three months after her failed operation, her front doorbell sounded, it was Eric.

  After inviting him in, Eric informed her that there was a specialist in town, he was here from Africa, and was leading the way in eye operations.

  “He wants to see you, tomorrow morning.”

  Karen was so excited she flung her arms around him, telling him that she had two wishes, the first was to be able to see and second for Eric to be the first she saw. Then she kissed him, but realized that he wasn’t ready for it, for she caught his cheek instead of his lips.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to throw myself at you.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he said, finding her cheek with his right hand and stroking her soft skin.

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long now, but I never had the guts.”

  Karen reached out her hands taking hold of his face; she drew her lips up to meet his, they kissed long and hard, falling back into the couch they were sitting on. Then Eric began to get bolder, running his hands down her dress, feeling the shapely figure beneath. She didn’t resist, as his hands lightly brushed her breasts. She suddenly remembered that she hadn’t made love to another man since her last boyfriend, some three and a half years ago.

  The kiss got more heated, as he drew her dress up her legs a little, feeling the softness of her thighs for the very first time. Her thoughts were of his after-shave which smelt wonderful, almost intoxicating in its scent. Karen ran her hands down to his chest, undoing the buttons as she reached them.

  Then she felt his hand brushing against her panties, as he reached for the elastic and pulled them expertly down. The heat of that moment would remain in her mind for a very long time. Once her panties were off, his hands returned to her thighs making her squirm in anticipation.

  She felt his fingers touching her pussy and realized for the first time how wet she had become in just a short while. His fingers probed the opening, touching her clitoris that sent her wild with lust. Desperate to feel his manhood in her hands, she was having trouble taking his pants off.

  He suddenly interceded, pulling them down himself, thereby freeing his erect penis. She felt it for the first time, feeling utterly amazed at how big he was. She had only ever seen two men’s private parts and neither one was as big as this. She judged it to be about eight to nine inches in length, as she moved her hands up from the base to the tip.

  Eric moaned softly as she fondled his member and found himself dropping as Karen pushed him back into the couch. Guiding his hardened tool with her hands, she lowered her head until she was able to take it into her mouth.

  “Oh Karen, that feels so good,” he murmured, as she tried to engulf as much as she could.

  “Mmmmm…”she muttered.

  Eric moved his arms out of the way, making sure he wasn’t impeding her, as he felt her lips encircle his cock. She moved up and down with a purpose, making him moan out loud with the sensations he was feeling. Then she brought her hand into play, rubbing him up and down in time with her mouth.

  He wasn’t going to last long at this rate, and told her as much, not wanting to cum in her mouth, but she ignored him. Then his seed shot out the end, hitting the roof of her mouth, and forcing her to either take it out, or swallow, she chose to swallow, much to Eric’s delight.

  By the time she’d finished, he was feeling totally spent, but able to carry on, until she surprised him by saying that she like to wait until she could see him. He understood, but told her that she may be unimpressed with what she sees.

  “If by that, you mean I might not like you, you’d be dead wrong, I know how I feel about you without having to see you,” she said, hugging his bare chest.

  The following days were all about tests, and then the visit by the specialist.

  “I think my dear, I can restore your sight, if not in two eyes then at least in one, and I would like the opportunity to try sometime tomorrow,” he told her.

  Karen was very excited, and when she spoke with Eric again, she asked that he be present when she came round. He agreed, telling her that he wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  The next day Karen started to feel very nervous, mainly because she so wanted to see Eric, but partly because she wanted this to be behind her, and not rule her life.

  Suddenly the moment came and she was being readied for anesthesia, her last thoughts wandering to the night she held her lover in her arms, then suddenly she was coming around again and heard voices next to the bed.

  “Come on Karen, you can wake up now,” said a familiar voice.

  “Is it over?” she asked, reaching for her bandage.

  “Hold on Karen, let me do that,” said the Doctor.

  He then started to remove the bandages, until finally he’d taken them off. Karen slowly opened her eyes, suddenly blinded by the light coming through the window. She focused, taking in her surroundings, and realized she could see with both eyes.

  “It worked, but where’s Eric?” she said frantically.

  “He’s just outside; he’s feeling very nervous because there’s something he never told you.”

  Karen got out of the bed, saying she must see him, then walked to the door and looked around the corner. Eric had his back to her as she called his name, then he turned around. Karen looked at him with stunned surprise, for he was clearly blind.

  “Why didn’t you tell me,” she said, embracing him with both arms.

  “I have lived with this condition all my life, for unlike you I was born with it. So I’ve grown knowing that I will never see, but seeing a chance to have someone I care about getting something I can never have, was almost as good as getting it myself.”

  “I love you Eric,” said Karen, as the tears rolled down her face.

  “I’m so pleased to hear you say that Karen, for I have loved you from the first day we met.”

  They hugged each other in the middle of the hospital corridor, completely oblivious to their surroundings, but so madly in love.

  The End

  A Special Guy

  Norman was well liked in college, he had many talents that people appreciated, but of all the things that made him stand out from the crowd, the one that stood out the most was his height. Norman stood at seven foot and ten inches, and held the country’s record for the tallest man. Being just eighteen, it hadn’t always been a blessing, for he could remember the times when he’d bashed his head against doorframes vividly.

  He excelled at some sports such as basketball, and academically he was no slouch, the only area that let him down however was with the opposite sex, he was quite frankly hopeless. He just didn’t know how to communicate, and on the rare occasions that he built up enough courage to talk to a female, he generally fluffed his lines.

  What Norman didn’t know, was that a certain female whose name was Anna had admired him for some time now, she knew how the opposite sex affected him. She so wanted to get him alone for just a short while, and tried everything she could think of to bring him out of his shell. Then she had an idea; she reasoned that if a frontal attack wouldn’t work then how about a friendly approach.


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