The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Page 67

by Carl East

  I moaned slightly as the air wafted over my nipple, and watched him as he got in close. I don’t know what came over me next, as I suddenly pulled the other part of my blouse to one side revealing my other breast.

  “Oh my God mom, you’ve got beautiful breasts,” he said, making me feel even hornier, “could you take the blouse off for me?”

  I didn’t say anything; I just removed it along with the bra that was still hanging around my back. I was now semi naked and enjoying every moment of this attention. Then when he’d filmed me for a few more minutes he skillfully unfastened my skirt without me even knowing it. The first I realized it was when part of the wrap around skirt fell to one side revealing my outer thigh. I looked down and saw him peeling off the other side, and at that moment I came. I was so wet that I knew he’d be able to see a damp spot on my thong and that thought just made me feel dirty. In between berating myself for allowing this to go so far and my eyes reopening from deep thoughts of lust he slowly pulled my thong down and off.

  I was now completely naked, and he was filming everything. It was then that he asked me to do something erotic, and before the last word even escaped his lips I knew I was going to do it. Slowly I placed my left hand over my pussy and pulled the lips apart, and then with my right hand I began to rub my clit.

  “Oh my God mom, that is so erotic,” he said, filming it all.

  I think I was lost at that moment because I suddenly took my left hand away and began to tug at my right nipple with thumb and forefinger. He was circling me and undoubtedly zooming into the action as I began to moan, and suddenly I let out a scream as I was coming.

  When I opened my eyes he was still filming, and that’s where the guilt caught up with me. I suddenly felt exposed, and the thought of my son watching me cum made me feel like a slut. I stood up and got redressed without saying a word, and then went upstairs to the bathroom to have a shower.

  When I came down, I found it hard to make eye contact with Johnny, but he said while I’d been having a shower that he’d edited the film and would I like to see it.

  “Go on then, let’s see how bad it is,” I replied, anticipating the worst.

  When he said he’d edited it he really meant it for it started off with the shot of my thong, and seconds later the moving of said thong to one side allowing him to see my bare pussy. I tried to gauge his reaction as we watched, and could see by the bulge in his jeans that it excited him. It then cut to where I’d pulled the blouse apart and he was filming my breasts.

  I think I blushed at that point, remembering how I felt at that moment. When it finally got to the point of showing me playing with myself though I was getting wet all over again, I found it so erotic and more so because of someone who was watching me do it, even if that someone was my son. It then finished, and I could feel myself still blushing.

  “Well…what did you think?” said Johnny.

  “It was certainly erotic, but we went too far, or rather I went too far. I think you’d better keep that film hidden as I couldn’t bear to think of anyone else seeing it,” I replied, still occasionally glancing at the bulge evident in his pants.

  “Don’t worry mom, no one will ever see that film except for you and me. I’d like to do some more if you’re up to it, as I thought that that was a good test run.”

  I couldn’t believe what he was saying, but the sheer pleasure of what we did had its appeal. So after a while I softened up and told him we could do some more tomorrow, but that we’d done enough for today.

  That night I played with myself in bed, and came quicker than I’d ever done in the past just thinking about what we’d done during the day.

  The next day I awoke to the sounds of Johnny calling from the bottom of the stairs that breakfast was ready. I got up and dressed quickly after a shower, and soon found myself tucking into eggs and bacon.

  “I’m looking forward to today’s shoot mom, are you?” he said.

  I didn’t know what to say, the first thought that crossed my mind was that I couldn’t wait, but that just bought on the guilty feelings once more so I just replied with an affirmative to his excitement. When we’d finished breakfast he asked me if we could carry on the shoot from where we had left off, so that he could splice the two together making it look like one film.

  I remembered what we were doing at the end of the first shoot and it excited me to think he wanted to see even more of me.

  “Ok, we can do that,” I replied, not believing I was saying it.

  When we got into his gym, I immediately began to undress as if this was an everyday occurrence. When I was naked I lay back down and told him I was ready. He then reminded me of what I was doing when he stopped filming the day before and could I start off from that point.

  Slowly I placed my finger over my pussy and began to rub it while placing my other hand over my breast and squeezing my hardening nipple. He then began to film me once more, and off we went again. I felt so sluttish, but the more this all went on the hornier I was becoming.

  I then witnessed him placing the camera on a tripod and directing the view finder from the side but pointing down at my pussy. He then moved over to get between my legs, making me wonder what he was about to do. Then I felt his finger gently running through my pussy lips, and in that instant I came. I was so wet, that I just didn’t care any more. When he applied pressure and actually entered me with that finger I moaned out loud, but when he leaned forward and started to lick my clit I had such an orgasm it left me tingling all over. His tongue kept flicking my bud, and occasionally I could feel it entering my pussy.

  I found myself holding the back of his head and trying to pull him into me, the lust taking control of all my emotions. After a few minutes of that, he stood up and directed the camera towards my head, before undoing the zipper on his pants and releasing his huge cock.

  “Johnny, what the fuck are you doing, this is getting out of hand,” I said, not taking my eyes off his magnificent member.

  “I want you to rub my cock while I film it, I’m feeling so incredibly horny that I need a release,” he replied, sliding his hand over the full length of his cock while speaking.

  I looked again as he drew nearer to my face, and suddenly found myself sliding my hand over his shaft. God he was well built I thought, he’s even bigger than his father was. I rubbed him and then bought my other hand up to join in. This must have been too much as his seed exploded from the end in a great string of jism. Some of it landed on my chin whilst most of it landed on my neck and breasts.

  Then he came again, only now I’d pointed his cock down towards my breasts and another string of semen slid down my chest. I then realized that I’d cum again, just from giving my son a hand job. He was letting out little moans of pleasure as I continued to squeeze out the last drops of his seed.

  When it was all over I looked down to see the mess he’d made on my body, and couldn’t help but run my finger through the semen. He got dressed and left the room at that point so I did the same, and pretty soon we’d gotten cleaned up and were sitting in the computer room once more.

  Nothing was said at first, and then the film started and I watched as he started to lick me on the screen. It was different now as I could actually see his tongue lapping at my juices as opposed to just feeling it, and I immediately got wet again. When it came to the point of him coming all over me I remember thinking that if I just touched my pussy at that moment I would cum.

  “Wow mom, that has to be the most incredible erotic moment of my life,” he said, once the film ended.

  “I will admit, it was a huge turn on for me as well, but we’ve gone too far son I think you know that, and I have to say that’s as far as we’re going,” I replied, knowing I was doing the right thing.

  “Ok mom, if you say so. Thank you though for going as far as you did, it really excited me,” he replied.

  I naively thought that that would be the end of it all, but that night when I was playing with myself in bed I came three times th
inking about these past events. On the last one I remember thinking how much I needed a cock inside of me right now.

  The next day Johnny asked me if I’d like to see his final cut and that he’d tidied up the movie a little. I was excited about it and said yes straight away. When it started I noticed he’d entitled it my best friend, before it started. I hugged him for that and then sat back to watch what he’d done.

  I couldn’t help noticing the same bulge as before when it got to the fingering part, and suddenly felt extremely hot. I don’t know what happened to my moral stance after that, because I suddenly had the urge to touch him once again. When I placed my hand over his growing member he murmured how hard he felt, and the next thing I know he’d unzipped his jeans and was pulling them down, enough for me to hold his hardened cock once more.

  I tried desperately to fight these urges, but I was losing so completely that I felt powerless to stop what I was doing. I remember looking down and seeing that gorgeous cock sliding through my hand once again only this time I wanted more. Then suddenly I was surrounding it with my lips and sucking him into my mouth.

  His moans echoed throughout the room, and his hand rested upon the top of my head gently pushing and egging me on. I completely let go at that point and felt his cock hitting the back of my throat. Then with my hand still holding his member I really started to give him a blow job he’d remember for the rest of his life.

  When I glanced sideways at the computer monitor I noticed we were at the point where I was giving him a hand job and watched his seed splashing me all over, which just egged me on even further until I could feel him pulsating inside my mouth and knew that he was about to blow his load.

  When he came I swallowed a huge string of his seed and gagged a little as the second one hit the back of my throat. Quickly getting it back under control I kept sucking until I was sure he was still hard. I only then realized that I was now my son’s slut.

  Chapter 2

  That evening my son caught me crying in the study whilst holding a picture of his father and asked what was wrong. I couldn’t tell him how much I missed his father, because it was my son’s fault that all the best memories were coming back to me. We’d been doing things that only my husband and I ever did, and I knew how wrong it was. Johnny reminded me so much of my late husband that I was having difficulties coming to terms with our secret.

  Johnny cuddled me before leaving me alone, but before he did he said something that helped.

  “I miss him too.”

  Over the next two weeks Johnny kept his distance, and I appreciated that. I’d been feeling so guilty over what we’d done, although I longed to do some more. It was a surprise to me when Johnny bought home a girlfriend, but I was happy for him. It just sort of made me feel that that was it I would never do anything as naughty as that again.

  His girl friend’s name was Rachael, and she had a secret. I knew because when Johnny introduced her he was about to tell me what she wanted to do in life when Rachael hushed him up. That made me suspicious, and so I decided to find out what this secret was.

  I made dinner for them both that day, and served up plenty of wine. Three bottles in total, and I knew that alcohol and secrets didn’t go together. So after dinner I started to ask questions, and pretty soon Rachael was only too happy to reveal what she wanted to do in life.

  “So Rachael, what are you studying for?” I said.

  “She’s dropped out of collage mom, she has other things in mind,” replied my son.

  I could see that the drink was having an effect on both of them, and just waited for Rachael to say something voluntarily.

  “I have a couple of friends that have gone into the porn industry, and they’re making so much money that that’s what I’d like to do.”

  ‘That didn’t take long,’ I thought.

  “My son likes to make movies himself, did you know that?”

  “Oh yes he told me. He even wants to make one of me, but I’m not sure whether we should do that or not,” said Rachael.

  “Well, it would be good practice, after all that’s what you’ll be doing in the porn industry and it’s always good to get some education on any subject you wish to pursue in the future,” I said, not quite believing I was saying it.

  “I like your mom, she’s really down to earth isn’t she?” said Rachael to my son.

  “She’s the best. So how about it Rachael, are you up for making a movie just to see how you do?” he replied.

  “Yes I am, after all if I can’t do it with people I trust I’m never going to be able to with the professionals.”

  “What do you have in mind Johnny?” I said feeling quite excited about this particular development.

  “I was thinking about a little two way girl action,” he said, not making eye contact with me.

  Then it dawned on me, he was referring to Rachael and me. It was then that I saw Rachael was seeing me for the first time that night, as she was checking me out.

  “I’d love to,” she said, not thinking twice.

  “How about it mom?” said Johnny, obviously excited about the prospect.

  I felt a tingle go straight through my body, as this all sounded quite erotic to me. I’d never been with a woman before, but I’d often wondered what it would be like. I checked Rachael out the same way she’d checked me and found myself wanting this.

  “I’m game, if it would help Rachael in any way,” I replied.

  “Right…the question is how are we going to do this? I want it to be as erotic as possible, and at the same time believable,” said Johnny, deep in thought.

  Rachael and I started to talk with one another after that, as we both seemed to want to know everything there was to know about our lives. That’s when Johnny came up with the idea.

  “I’ve got it, Rachael you’re a sales rep for a dress company and you’re around mom’s house to show her your new line in designer clothes. You allow mom to try on different dresses, and one thing leads to another. I’m sure you could adlib the sex whenever you both feel comfortable with the scene,” he said, excitedly.

  I must admit I liked that scenario, as did Rachael so it was decided. The first thing I had to do was get at least three dresses together, and as I had quite a few I chose the sexiest dresses I possessed. I then placed them all in a fancy briefcase that belonged to my late husband and took them down stairs.

  Johnny liked what I’d done, and Rachael was keen to get started.

  “Tell me Rachael, have you ever done any acting?” I said, wondering if she could pull this off.

  “Yes I’ve done quite a bit at school, mainly for the school plays and I enjoyed doing it,” she replied.

  After tidying up the room a little Johnny got Rachael to knock on the front door and that’s where the action started. I answered it totally prepared for my role, and found that Rachael was quite an amazing actress.

  “Hello, I’m calling about the dresses you ordered,” she said, when I opened the door.

  “Oh yes, I’ve been expecting you. Come in my dear,” I replied, opening the door wider to allow her an entrance.

  Johnny was following it all, trying to keep out of the way.

  “The first one I’d like to show you is the low cut dress you had reservations about. You mentioned in your e-mail that you weren’t sure that this dress was you but that it did look sexy, so I bought it along for you to see for yourself,” said Rachael, adlibbing all the way.

  I was impressed with how well she was getting into the part, and took the dress from her hands.

  “I’ll be glad to see this for myself. Um…if you could just turn around,” I replied, feigning modesty.


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