The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Page 74

by Carl East

  We talked for some time after that mainly about Johnny’s latest movie and he told us he would show us all when he’d finished the final edit.

  A few hours later and he did just that, by placing the finished cut into the DVD player. Rachael had turned up by now and was eager to see his first paid attempt at shooting a porn movie.

  It started off as standard fair with a young and very attractive blond lady cleaning tables in a closed restaurant, and two guys in the background who were supposed to be cleaning the kitchen up for the next day. Of course they were ogling the woman from where they were, and she kept smiling at them. The next thing of course was that these two guys were coming over to chat with her before one of them began to touch her.

  She pushed his hand away, but then the other one began to touch her and soon she was half heartedly trying to fend them off as they undressed her. I remember thinking if this was supposed to be a simulated rape scene; it wasn’t a very good one. I couldn’t fault the camera work but the plot left a lot to be desired. I found out later that even the porn industry had a censor board and that truly well acted rape scenes were frowned upon and very rarely got through the screening process.

  The movie itself ended up with the young woman finally enjoying the attention from the two guys, which wasn’t much of a shocker for me and they took her in several positions before coming all over her face and in her mouth at the end.

  “What did you think?” said Johnny when it had finished.

  “I couldn’t fault the camera work Johnny, especially the close up scenes but…

  “The plot sucked,” interrupted Johnny.

  “Yes, it really was all about the sex but had no eroticism thrown in,” said Samantha.

  “I know what you’re saying but that’s what the director wanted, and I have to follow orders,” replied Johnny, taking the movie out of the DVD player.

  “It wasn’t your fault Johnny; I thought the camera work was excellent, especially that bit when you were filming her from below giving the biggest guy a blow job,” said Rachael.

  We talked about it for hours after that, and that’s where I stopped my writing of these latest adventures. I enjoy putting them down on paper though, so I’m sure I’ll write more in the future.

  The End

  Incest Urges of a Nymphomaniac

  Sophia sat up in the hospital bed wondering how she got there and spotted her father through the window of her room. He was talking to a doctor, at least that’s what it looked like. When he spotted her sitting up he entered the room.

  “Ah, awake at last,” he said, crossing the room to sit next to her bed.

  “What happened?” Why am I here? Where’s mum?” said Sophia, trying to understand what had happened.

  “Okay, calm down. First of all lay back and I’ll answer your questions,” said her father, fluffing up the pillow and laying her head down gently. “You had a fall, it’s not too serious but the doctor wants to keep you in overnight. Apparently you’ve suffered a concussion. Your mum’s on the way and should be here anytime now,” he added.

  After a few hours Sophia had seen all the family and was starting to feel tired, so her four brothers and parents decided to leave for the night and pick her up first thing in the morning.

  Sophia awoke the next day feeling totally exhausted but was happy to see her father coming to pick her up. Pretty soon she was thanking the nurses and leaving the hospital. The drive home was quiet as Sophia fell asleep and before she knew it her father was waking her up.

  “Come on gal, I think you need to get into your own bed and sleep this off,” he said, helping her out of the car.

  Sophia did as she was told and was soon lying down in her own bed. Brian was the first son to get home from work that day followed shortly by Steve, Brad and Colin. Their father told them that Sophia was home and not to be disturbed before he took his wife out for the weekly groceries.

  Brian looked in on Sophia once his parents had gone and found her sound asleep. Deciding to leave her that way, he went to his room and played a few tracks of his latest album. Making sure it wasn’t too loud.

  He was shocked after ten minutes when he turned and found Sophia standing before him completely naked.

  “What’s wrong Sophie?” he said, noticing her glazed expression.

  Sophia never spoke she just reached for Brian’s pants and stroked his thigh.

  Until this moment Sophia had always just been Brian’s big sis. He’d always known she had a good body but it had never affected him in a sexual manner before. Now though, he found he was getting aroused by his own sister and not quite knowing what to do about it. When her hand brushed his semi-hard cock he flinched and drew back but as he stood back he couldn’t help but notice her entire perfect figure and felt his cock twitch.

  “Sophie! What’s wrong? Speak to me will you,” he said watching her move towards him again.

  Sophia seemed to not even be aware of his presence as she once again stroked his now hardened cock through his pants. Brian was the oldest of the boys, having just turned twenty and physically he was in perfect shape. As he looked down and watched his sister unzipping his pants he couldn’t help not wanting to stop her.

  When Sophia reached in a hand and gripped his member Brian gasped and watched her expertly bring it out into the open. At first all she did was stroke it with both hands and then she suddenly got to her knees and took the tip into her mouth. Brian closed his eyes, loving the sensation of his sister’s tongue licking the tip of his cock. He felt his cock slipping into her mouth as her hand helped to keep it straight.

  Opening his eyes and looking down he saw the last inch of his cock passing her lips and felt the end brushing her throat. Until now he’d never known how good his sister was for it never crossed his mind. Now though, he envied her boyfriends. It was at that moment that Sophia picked up the speed and Brian could feel the intensity of his cock hitting the back of her throat.

  He knew he was about to cum but he didn’t care anymore, all that mattered was that moment. As his seed exploded from the tip of his shaft he felt Sophia sucking harder and his knees almost wanted to buckle beneath him. Her little groans of pleasure as she sucked him dry were making him cum with an intensity he’d never felt before.

  He was shocked once he’d finished coming because Sophia stood up so quickly and pushed him back onto his own bed. Getting astride him Sophia guided his still hard cock into her wet pussy and eased down. Brian watched her riding him and felt the first pangs of guilt as her perfect breasts bobbed up and down with the rhythm of her movements.

  It was at that moment that he spotted Colin out of the corner of his eye standing at the door, and masturbating to what he was witnessing. This was all too much for Brian and he felt that he should stop his sister right now but, god help him, he was enjoying the moment way too much.

  Sophia was now extremely wet and he could feel her juices running over his balls and loved how she kept falling down onto his cock. After another five minutes Brian heard his brother letting out a little whimper knowing that he had cum. This was enough to trigger his own ejaculation and once again the intensity of his orgasm made him arch his back and thrust his cock upwards until he stopped coming.

  Sophia was also in the middle of her own climax and he could feel her muscles gripping his cock for every last drop of his semen. When he finished coming Sophia just got off the bed and returned to her room.

  Brian sat on the end of his bed looking down at his now semi-hard cock and wondering what he was going to do. After getting dressed he returned to Sophia’s room to find her fast asleep. Colin came out of the toilet when Brian closed her door quietly.

  “Bro…that was amazing!” he said, smiling.

  “You’ve got to keep this to yourself Colin, Sophia didn’t know what she was doing in there and I was too weak to stop her,” replied Brian.

  “Well, we’ll have to keep an eye on her. It must have something to do with the fall,” said Colin.

>   “Agreed…but how do we get her help without revealing what she’s doing?” replied Brian.

  The two brothers pondered that question for a while and waited for Sophia to wake up. When she did nothing was mentioned of the day’s events and she never brought it up. Brian figured it must be a sleep disorder and wondered how to keep her safe without revealing any of this to his parents.

  Sophia once again complained of being extremely tired and this was bothering her mother.

  “I think we ought to take her to see the doctor again tomorrow,” she whispered to her husband as they left her tucked up in bed once more.

  That night Colin was awoken by Brian and told to follow him. Rubbing his eyes and stepping out of bed Colin followed Brian downstairs to find there sister completely naked once again and looking for something.

  “What’s she doing?” said Colin.

  “Looking for something, but I don’t know what,” replied Brian, making sure she didn’t hurt her self.

  At that point Sophia seemed to notice her brother’s presence and walked over to Colin with that same glazed look in her eyes. Colin was only wearing pajama bottoms and she made him jump when she grabbed his crotch. She seemed to know what she was holding because her hands were caressing his stiffening cock as it grew. When she felt Brian touching both her shoulders from behind Sophia bent down and took Colin’s pajama bottoms with her.

  Before he knew it she was sucking his cock and opening her pussy lips with one hand reaching behind her. Brian wasn’t sure whether to wake her up or not, but he couldn’t deny that she was turning him on. His mind was made up when he felt the tips of her fingers rubbing his already hardened cock through his underwear.

  Pulling his briefs off, he got into position and pushed his cock deep into her soft wet pussy. He then started to slam his cock in and out watching his brother’s face as Sophia sucked mercilessly on his shaft. Her moans of joy as each of the brothers fucked her were getting louder and more excited. Colin was now experiencing something he’d never done before; he was actually fucking her mouth like he would a pussy and he could feel the back of her throat with each new thrust. When he came he felt it shooting out the end more forcefully than ever before and held her head as she sucked him dry.

  Brian came moments later and held her ass in place as the last of his seed exploded from the tip of his cock. Sophia turned around at that point and sucked Brian’s cock until he too stopped coming. After which she once again behaved like nothing had happened by returning to bed. Both Colin and Brian remained down stairs eager to discuss these events and plan on what to do next.

  Chapter 2

  The next day Sophia sat listening to her mother and the doctor. Her mother was very concerned that her daughter was always feeling tired, and asked the doctor whether there could have been something missed in her x-rays.

  “No, I’ve checked them again after our conversation on the phone this morning, and I found nothing abnormal. I think she needs to rest whenever she feels tired, and just take it easy. If she’s still feeling this way in another week, by all means bring her back, but I think it’s the body’s way of getting over the trauma,” said the doctor, reassuringly.

  Five minutes later they were leaving the hospital, and on the way home. Once there Sophia’s mother had to wake her daughter up, and helped her upstairs to her room.

  “You rest all you want darling, I’ll be downstairs if you need me,” said Sophia’s mother, as she tucked her in.

  Brad came in shortly after that shouting for his mom, and being told off for being too loud.

  “Sorry mom, I didn’t know Sophia was in bed,” he said, as he threw his backpack onto a chair.

  Quietly walking up the stairs Brad got a quick shower, and then dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. Coming out of his room he was just passing his sister’s when he heard a soft moaning noise coming from within. Thinking she was in distress he knocked softly upon her door before opening it and popping his head around the corner.

  His sister was completely naked and lying on top of her bed. Brad could see her pushing what looked like a hairbrush between her legs, and realized that she was in the middle of masturbating. She’d turned the hairbrush around and was using the handle as she would a vibrator.

  Brad suddenly realized that he hadn’t left her in peace, and knew exactly why. Her performance was turning him on and although he told himself to leave mentally, his cock was telling him differently. He also realized that she was completely unaware of his presence, and decided to stand at the foot of the bed after closing the door.

  Standing there for a minute, Brad could now see her wet pussy lips being parted by the hairbrush. His cock was straining to be released, and after unzipping his jeans and pulling them down he gripped his hardened shaft and slowly masturbated to the show in front of him. Sophia had opened her legs a little wider now, and was really plunging the handle into her body vigorously, so vigorously in fact, Brad thought, she’d make herself sore doing that.

  Before he knew it he was coming and didn’t stop to think where his cock was pointing. As he came it arched in the air and landed on Sophia’s leg. Ejaculating a second or two later he couldn’t help letting out a soft moan of pleasure as it left the tip of his cock.

  Sophia was almost certainly coming herself as her cries of pleasure were becoming more pronounced, and Brad could visibly see her fist glistening with the moisture that her orgasm was producing.

  After pulling his jeans back up he quietly left the room, and only then did he feel any kind of guilt. Although after ten minutes his mind had rationalized that no harm had been done.

  Later that night Sophia’s mother and father decided to have an early night, and he fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. His wife decided to take a bath before she retired.

  Once she’d taken her bath she dried herself and placed her nightgown on. She was feeling a little randy as she walked towards the bedroom and thought she’d see if her husband was up for it when she got to bed. To her surprise however, when she opened her bedroom door she found her daughter sucking her husband’s cock while he slept.

  At first she was deeply shocked and let out a gasp of horror as her daughter’s head bobbed up and down. This shock was quickly replaced however with a feeling of morbid curiosity. She found that this was turning her on, and yet she knew it was wrong.

  Her husband was moaning in his sleep, and started to wake. Realizing that his cock was deep inside someone’s throat he looked down expecting to find his wife. With a blur of movement he pulled his cock out of his daughter’s throat and called out her name. His wife entered the room, making her presence known.

  “What the hell’s she doing?” he said, beginning to get off the bed.

  “I think she’s sleepwalking. If you’ll notice, she hasn’t said a word and she’s trying to get your cock back into her mouth,” replied his wife, stopping him from getting up.

  “What are you doing?” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  He then felt his daughter’s hand getting hold of his cock again, and watched as his wife let her nightgown slip to the floor. At first he was stunned, but the sight of his wife’s body and the fact that a mouth was now covering his erection made him falter. The feeling of guilt as the tip of his cock brushed his daughter’s throat was almost unbearable, but when his wife straddled his face after pushing him down he knew there was no way back.

  The sensations that coursed through his body were alien to him. He’d always fantasized about taking on two women at once, but never imagined that one of them would be his daughter. He found himself licking his wife’s wet pussy lips with great pleasure, and moaned out loud as his cock slipped in and out of his daughter’s mouth.

  When he felt his daughter gripping his cock with both hands he couldn’t hold it back anymore, and felt the first surge of cum exploding from the tip of his cock. His moans were turning his wife on as never before and she too climaxed at that moment. He just carried on licking
and losing himself in the moment, totally aware that his daughter hadn’t let a single drop of his cum escape her lips.


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