Home > Young Adult > Annabelle's Angst: NEW ADULT CONTEMPORARY SUSPENSE ROMANCE > Page 8

by Bree Branigan

  “Great. So who's up for another session?”

  Caroline smiled. She suspected that her vacation was going to be very interesting . . .


  Down a Dirty Path

  Chapter 1

  November, 2014

  It was a crisp, promising day. The sun shone brightly, and the sky was free of clouds. At the local college, a steady stream of students marched companionably in and out through the front gates, moving together, chatting and laughing.

  Amongst them, Alyssa and Michael strolled along, their hands brushing and touching. After waving good-bye to their friends they made their way down the tree-lined street. She turned to look at him, tears of frustration springing to her eyes. “I hate always having to say no to them!” The words burst from her lips. “I’m surprised they even invite me to their parties any more. But you could go, Michael. You don’t have to miss things just because of my over-protective parents!”

  Michael stopped and turned toward her, smiling down on her. He put his hands on Alyssa’s shoulders to make a point. “Alyssa, I don’t want to go without you. I’m fine not going. You know your parents just want to protect you. They just don’t like the idea of your going to parties they feel may become pretty wild. It’s because they love you. And so do I.”

  Alyssa looked up at his friendly, ruddy face, and his warm, smiling brown eyes. What a wonderful guy he was. Always there to vent to or just to do the kinds of things her parents did allow her to do; things like playing tennis or badminton swimming, going to movies… They studied and worked on projects together, and, though he was an honors student, Michael respected her views and ideas. His all-round cheerful disposition matched her own. Both Michael and Alyssa were popular and well-liked by everyone who knew them. Why couldn’t she tell him she loved him back? Not that he seemed to expect her to.

  As they walked to the corner where they would part for the day, Michael laughed heartily as she told a story about the catastrophic hair-cut her mother had given their dog the night before. When they reached the corner he stroked her cheek with his hand, looking into her eyes. “Some day you’ll thank them,” he said. She reached up and pecked his cheek. “I know. See you tomorrow!” And she continued on her way home.

  Alyssa hummed as she strolled along enjoying the beautiful day. Leaves of red, yellow and russet carpeted the ground, crackling beneath her feet. The air was warm and balmy for fall, and the sun warmed her cheeks.

  Seeing that the walk light was green, she began crossing the street. Suddenly, as she was in the center of the road, she spotted a vehicle racing recklessly toward her. Her eyes grew wide, and she dove out of the way, rolling next to the pavement. The vehicle screeched to a halt. Alyssa looked up and took note of the limousine that had nearly run her over. A fashionably-dressed middle-aged man jumped from the back seat and rushed over to her. Looking down at her, he held her hand, checking her over.

  “Are you all right, young lady?” he asked, sounding worried. “I'm terribly sorry! My driver momentarily lost control of the vehicle. Are you hurt in any way?”

  Alyssa looked up to see brilliant blue eyes, full of concern, looking down on her. The face was tanned, very slightly lined, with a strong, chiseled jawline, bushy eye-brows and thick dark hair with just a hint of grey in it. He was very handsome! “N-No. I'm fine.”

  “Oh thank God,” he said. “I feel terrible about putting you through such an ordeal. Here. Let me give you a ride home. I'll tell my driver to drive slowly. Is that all right?”

  Alyssa stared at his outstretched hand, considering his gesture. He smiled agreeably and she accepted his offer. It was only as she began entering the limousine that she began to think about the fact that she was getting into a vehicle with a total stranger. But surely in this case it was okay. She let the thought go. Wow! Look at me riding in limousine! Her whimsical, girlish nature was intrigued and excited to be riding in such style. The limo drove off at a modest speed.

  “Pardon my asking,” said the good-looking middle-aged guy, turning to her and resting his arm on the back of the seat, “but what is your name?”

  “Alyssa Lake,” she replied shyly, looking at her lap, missing the crooked smile on her host's face. She looked up, “And who are you?”

  “My name is Thomas Winchester.” He looked into her eyes for what seemed like a long time, seemingly captivated. “And you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen; they shine like rare and precious diamonds.”

  Alyssa blushed. They began talking about themselves, revealing that Thomas was an expert conversationalist and business man. Peppered throughout the conversation he threw out compliments about her lovely skin, her simple but elegant hair-style, and her musical voice. His natural, sincere way of praising her, the warm friendly atmosphere and Thomas’s charm made Alyssa glow. So when Thomas' hand reached out to touch the back of her neck as they laughed together, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. Were all older men such pleasant company? He was so much more exciting than boys her own age.

  “Thomas, I can't tell the last time I had such fun just talking to someone. This was so nice,” she bubbled as they neared her house.

  “It was! I haven’t enjoyed a conversation so much in years! Alyssa, my dear,” he pinched her chin and turned her face toward him, “forgive me for what I'm about to do, but you are simply too perfect. I can’t help myself.” With that he kissed her lips. Her stunned reaction was quelled once their tongues melded. She felt his passion and it warmed her. He then looked at her humbly, “I apologize. But despite our ages … I’m wondering … Do you think that you and I could become friends? Or am I too old and boring?”

  Alyssa nodded her head rigorously. “Yes, I’d like that!” she said, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. She wasn’t sure why, but she asked him to drop her off a block away from home.

  Chapter 2

  How had it come to this? Alyssa reflected on the events leading up this posh dinner. She looked from the elegant vibe of the five-star restaurant, to the scrumptious steamed crab on her plate, to the handsome forty-three-year-old man than had invited her to dine with him. It really was like something out of a fairy tale.

  Since their first encounter, Thomas and Alyssa had remained in close communication and secrecy. Alyssa was tasked with the simple request of not mentioning anything about him to anyone she knew. She was fine with this. If my parents weren’t so over-protective I wouldn’t have to hide things from them!

  She had to out-and-out lie to them. But only because they’re so strict and narrow-minded! They seemed to believe her when she told them she was studying with Michael or going on outings with friends.

  He often called and rendezvoused with her in his limousine, before taking her on some wild adventure. They’d ridden in a helicopter over the city, spent the evening at an amusement park, and tried bungee-jumping from a bridge. Today, he collected her, drove her to Saks to buy her a luxurious dress, and now they were here at this high-end restaurant, dining in style. Alyssa fanned herself, knowing full well her parents would explode if they knew she was seeing a man his age. But Thomas had been a complete gentleman. Alyssa saw little reason to overreact.

  “Do you like it here, Alyssa?” He smiled winningly from across the table.

  “Oh yes! Very much!” she replied nervously. “I think I might die from sheer joy. Thank you for sharing this with me, Thomas. But ... Why me? Any woman would kill to be a part of your world. I mean, isn't there a permanent woman in your life...?” She stared at her plate but quickly resumed giving him her full attention.

  “I'm afraid not. There are far too many superficial people in my social circle. If I were to settle down, I'd hope it was with someone as graceful and as incredible as yourself.”

  Alyssa blushed, almost to the point of tears. Here was a man who had opened his world up to her and asked for nothing in return; a man who seemed to know just what to say and how to make a hidden gem feel like a blazing star. How could she not see hi
s appeal? How could she not smile at the thought of her luck in sharing (at the very least) a friendship with this man? How could she not reach forward and offer her hand for this debonair magnate to hold? She predicted that he would eventually tire of her; that he'd inevitably become bored with her still-maturing personality. But when she looked into his eyes, she could see no such indicator. He was perfect; Thomas, the man who slowed the universe just so that she could shine.

  Chapter 3

  March, 1994

  It had been an interesting year for Thomas Winchester; a period of self discovery and exploration. He had easily settled into college life, thanks to his scholarship to study business, a subject he had an affinity for. And he was smart; making the dean’s list without having to work overly hard. Life was grand. With his twenty-third birthday still way off in March, he felt the universe had provided him with an extra early birthday gift.

  Thomas strode happily along the beaten path, down past the stretch of trees, toward his favorite spot. She really is one of a kind. Thomas smiled as he walked, his hands fiddling in his pocket. I can't wait to see her. He moved through the trees and finally made it to the cozy little encampment area. Here, as the wind stirred the leaves around him, Thomas kept his eyes on the swing set directly in front of him. A girl his age sat quietly by herself, occupying a swing. He felt a wave of excitement pass over him. After inhaling deeply, he began walking toward the swing. The girl heard his steps and turned her head. Recognizing Thomas, she turned away. When Thomas finally arrived next to her, he kissed her cheek and sat in the swing next to her.

  “Hey, Megan.”

  “Hey yourself. You're late, Thomas. Must you always keep me waiting?”

  Thomas chuckled awkwardly, “Sorry, babe. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Did you do something to your hair?”

  Megan smiled and looked Thomas in the eye, “Why, thank you for noticing. I guess you're not such a crummy boyfriend after all.” She extended her hand to him from her swing. He reached back and their hands met, holding firm in the middle. They said nothing as they stared at the early sunset.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Megan supplied, releasing her breath.

  “It's even more beautiful because you're here...” He watched as she shook her head and smiled.

  Soon, Megan stood up and began leading Thomas over to a patch of grass. They sat, looking lovingly at one another for a moment, then lay on their backs. As Thomas stared into the sky, he felt Megan move on top of him. Her head was now nestled against his chest. Thomas resolutely held her in his arms as she listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat. They had the entire area to themselves; there was no one to bother or interrupt the memory they were crafting.

  “You know, Megan, this is starting to become my favorite spot.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yes, really. There's no other girl I'd rather be with right now. I know I've said this like a thousand times already, but I love you.”

  Megan giggled. “And though I've asked you like a thousand times before, what is it that you love about me?”

  Thomas smiled at her familiar response, “I love how you blend with nature; like you’re its queen. I love the warmth of your body.” He hugged her tighter. “And,” he added, lowering his hand and squeezing her buttocks, “you've got a great ass.” This part always made her laugh. It was refreshing to know that while he was sentimental and loving, he was still honest enough to keep things real.

  “Well, Thomas, you dirty boy, I love you too. And my warmth and my body are yours to share, great ass included.” They laughed in unison.

  Thomas looked down at the feminine body lying on top of him. He felt ever so at ease. How had he managed to find this wonderful girl? They were not college mates. Megan had chosen to jump right into the job market after high school. Now that she was twenty-two, she was fully enjoying her job and her independence. When Thomas had told her he envied her laissez-faire attitude toward life, she told him that she, in turn, envied his shrewd business sense. They seemed to complement each other, and Thomas had staved off quite a few interested females in order to remain with Megan—not that Megan hadn't done the same.

  “Well, speaking of that wonderful body of yours,” said Thomas puckishly, “how about I warm you up all the way. I can feel your nipples stiffening.”

  Megan raised her head and tried to hide her surprise, “What? We can't. Remember what happened the last time we fooled around here? We almost got caught.”

  “That was only because you kept shouting my name into the sky, remember?” He watched her wiggle with amusing embarrassment. She gave him a light shove. “Besides, it's Sunday. No one will be around to hear you scream. You can be as loud as you want.” He watched her lick her lips.

  Slowly Thomas unbuttoned her shirt, pulling it off her shoulders and tossing it aside. He undid her bra, letting her perky breasts stand free. He stripped Megan down to her white cotton panties, which he clutched and slid down her long, brown legs. They kissed as he removed his shirt, and soon his pants were off too. They made a bed out of their discarded clothes and latched onto each other's bodies. They were sheltered from sight on all sides. Thomas lay on his back, carefully sliding the condom he always carried on his throbbing manhood. Megan climbed on top of him. Slowly, she eased his penis into her vagina, gasping as it entered her fully.

  Thomas looked up at her as she began moving her hips, her hair a marvelous mess that dangled over her face. Her breasts jiggled hypnotically. Though her eyes were closed, there was an intense expression on her face, the look of one submitting to every sexual fiber of her being. Thomas watched as Megan, arched her back, playing with her own nipple, pinching her tits and reveling in the pleasure derived from his cock. It felt great being inside of her.

  But he didn’t want to rush. Pulling out of her , he moved over her, letting his penis rest on her thigh as he pulled at her ear lobe with his teeth, then nibbled and kissed down her neck to her breasts. Lightly he rubbed her nipples with his fingers, then, letting his hands explore the curves of her body, he sucked them, circling with his tongue.

  She shivered, and thrust her pelvis into him, “Ooohhhh, Thomas . . .” He trailed soft-lipped kisses down her body, kissing and sucking and worshipping every inch of her. Her scent was like a soothing balm to him. Finally, he reached the dark, sweaty hair of her mound, and inhaling the smell of her he lowered his mouth to her vagina. Parting her lips with his tongue he began lashing at her clit, tasting the sweet muskiness of her. She was writhing and moaning now.

  “Thomas!” she moaned, “I want all of you! Give it to me. I want you inside of me! This feels amazing. I-I think I might come soon.”

  When Thomas heard this, he pulled away from her, shocking Megan in her aroused state.

  Thomas grinned. He grabbed Megan, brought her closer and set her on her hands and knees. Putting his cock between her legs but outside her slit, he watched as Megan tried to thrash against him; to grasp him inside herself. He held her still, watching her frustration build.

  “Thomas, why are you doing this?” She was drenched with desire.

  Thomas laughed, “It's simple. I want you to beg for it. Say how much you want my cock and I'll fuck your brains out.”

  Megan felt her pussy quiver. She would have said anything in her current state, “Fine. I need you inside of me! I want you to fuck my brains out. Now please!”

  This was all he needed to hear, and so Thomas resumed pounding her pussy. Once again, Megan was lost in their lust. Thomas knew the only time he truly had her under his control was when her horniness took hold of her. As such, he fucked her as best he could, filling her with deep, hard penetrations. She would love him for this. Her voice rose as her orgasm grew closer, until finally she exploded from within. She wilted to ground, leaving her ass in the air for Thomas to do with as he pleased. He went wild on her pussy, and in one final blast, Thomas flooded her with himself. Their breaths quickened. Sliding together, their skin drenched, they lay side-by-side, look
ing at each other lovingly as they held hands.

  Thomas reached for his pants and took something from the pocket. Megan sat up out of curiosity.

  “Megan,” he called out, “you make me happy, and I hope I make you happy. If so, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Thomas revealed the box that held his engagement ring.

  Megan's face lit up. She had to rub her eyes to ensure this wasn't a dream. The man she had just climaxed with was asking her to marry him. She felt overjoyed on so many levels.

  “Yes, Thomas. Yes. I'll marry you.”

  Chapter 4

  December, 2014

  Alyssa lay on her bed with her iPod in hand, listening to the sound of some sweet Jazz music. She closed her eyes and allowed the rhythm and lyrics to take her to another world. It was amazing how quickly she had taken to the genre. It was all thanks to that suave, forty-three-year-old gentleman; that charming philanthropist named Thomas Winchester. He had exposed her to a lifestyle few women (her own age or otherwise) could ever hope to experience. He took her on yachts so they could sail together. He took her to extravagant costume parties of high society. He even invited her on a simple but elegant balloon ride. All these things were exciting and exhilarating. He deserved the pedestal she had him on! It was for this reason she was now listening to Jazz—his favorite kind of music—so she could grow closer to the man who was rapidly eclipsing Michael, who seemed like only a boy in comparison.


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