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by Bree Branigan

  She kept his gaze and tried to keep her composure, wondering what the pay was, trying really hard to hide her excitement.

  Jason continued, “First, Miss Pearson will give you a shopping allowance that you can spend on your wardrobe. If you wish you may take Miss Pearson with you.”. He was careful to keep his expression neutral.

  “I get it,” Lisa thought sardonically.

  “We will be going out a lot and I would like you to look the part. You can also request funds if you need to do anything important that is work related. You will be like my right hand person now, so you must look and play the part.”

  So her clothes really were tacky and inappropriate! “I really appreciate everything Mr. Turner,” she said. “You superior ass-hole!”

  But Lisa could not believe all that was happening to her. The previous day she had been working in a boring, low paying job that drained the life out of her. And here she was, sitting in front of a billionaire heir, about to land a dream job with great pay, amazing opportunities and unbelievable perks. Shopping allowance? The only draw-back was having to constantly feel she was walking on eggshells. Ah, well.

  Jason looked at his watch, and stood, obviously ready to dismiss her. “Miss Pearson will be waiting for you. She will arrange your allowance. Make sure you do some shopping as soon as possible. We will probably be having a meeting or two tomorrow. You can begin work at noon, but your usual starting time will be nine in the morning. Miss Pearson will communicate the rest of your responsibilities to you. You can ask her anything you would like to know.” He did not even look at her as he walked out the door.

  ‘Thank you,” Lisa stood and spoke to no one, really. But she left the room with so much excitement bottled up she wanted to scream and jump as soon as she shut the door behind her. However, Miss Pearson was right there waiting for her. She would keep the excitement for later.

  Chapter 6

  She was the right fit, Jason thought; an intelligent, naturally classy, level-headed lady that would grow into the company. He also felt she was someone he could trust. He was hardly ever wrong with is hunches. He believed he had the perfect Personal Assistant in Lisa Hall. With a little bit of shopping and Miss Pearson’s help, she would have the right wardrobe.

  He checked his phone to see three missed calls from Suzie. She was quite a handful. Then he thought about his new Personal Assistant, and wondered why she crossed his mind. Definitely because she was his new assistant, but there was something else. Something simple and down to earth about her that he rarely saw in most women he had met; something he liked. “She’s your Assistant, he thought to himself. Get that idea out of your mind.”

  Dropping his phone, he switched on his laptop. He needed to review some accounts his head accountant had sent to him.


  As Lisa drove home she could not contain her excitement. She had a pop track from one of her favourite artists playing on repeat, and she sang along, her feet dancing on the floorboards. As people drove past her they just looked and smiled.

  She had sent an email to Mr. Johnson informing him of her resignation, and he called her immediately asking her what had happened. She simply told him she had found another job. He offered to double her salary and promised other benefits, but soon realised she wasn’t coming back. He wished her the best.

  Lisa wondered where she was going to start her shopping spree. She didn’t exactly know the right shops or the right dresses. It wasn’t going to be a problem she thought. She would get help from whichever shop she ended up in. All she had to do was search Google for the top shops in her part of the city, and she was sure her worry would be a thing of the past. She was not going to go crawling to Miss Pearson for help in choosing her own wardrobe!

  Lisa drove, sang, and was pretty happy. It’s a pretty happy day, she thought.


  Jason had tried calling Lisa a few times, and her phone kept ringing. Though he had told her to begin work at noon, he had a meeting at noon that he wanted her to be a part of. It was with his managing directors and regional heads. A part of him wondered why he was going to her Brooklyn apartment to look for her, but maybe he was a bit curious or bored, or maybe he just wanted her to get started with work as soon as possible.

  He had taken his Mercedes SL 500, one of his favourite cars. Though he liked driving the Ferrari, he wanted to feel authoritative, and be driven by a chauffeur today - like most people with a net worth of over a billion dollars. The thing is, most people with a net worth of over a billion dollars would not go looking for their personal assistants in their Brooklyn apartment! He looked at the block of apartments through the tinted back window.

  Jason found the human traffic interesting, people in the race, trying to get ahead in one of the most competitive cities in the world. He wondered what it was like to be one of these people. To wake up and work for a few thousand dollars, live in a regular apartment, live a regular life, eat at regular places. . . He sort of envied them. The paradox was that he could never live like them. He saw things differently. He had seen things that none of them could have imagined. With great wealth comes great knowledge of things everyday people had no idea of; some scary, some unfathomable, some unthinkable. Sometimes he wished everything could be more simple.

  The apartment was on the second floor, apartment eight. He got to the door and knocked, but no one answered. He wondered if Lisa was okay. He knocked again, but again no answer. He decided to turn the doorknob, and the door slowly swung open.

  He peeped inside. Lisa was nowhere in sight.

  “Lisa?” he called out, but no one answered. He entered the apartment. He was impressed. The apartment was simple and elegant. Two sofas facing a large TV. Apart from the sofas the only other furniture in sight was a stool, a modern style painting on the wall, and a bookshelf in the corner of the room. He would call the look simple, chic, elegant. On the sofa was a romance novel. He picked it up, stared at it and smiled.

  To the right was a small, square corridor that had a door facing its entrance. He tried the door and it opened. It was Lisa’s room; a calm looking room, with a laptop on a table at the side of the room, some books, a few shoes in the corner, several new shopping bags, clothes and shoes on the bed . . . She had definitely gone shopping. He wondered why she had left the door open with no one in the house. He hoped she was safe. “Are you more concerned about her than you should be?” He asked himself. “She’s your Assistant; you should be concerned,” he answered himself.

  He suddenly wondered what he was doing in Lisa’s apartment, and decided to leave. He would go to the meeting and ask his secretary, Marilyn, to inform her to come to his Manhattan office instead of going all the way to Connecticut. He shut the bedroom door behind him and turned to leave. Looking to the right there was a glass door that he hadn’t noticed until now. The door slid open and there was Lisa.

  The glass door was the bathroom entrance. They both stared at each other for a few seconds. Lisa was shocked to see him in her place, and he was shocked to see Lisa stark naked and absolutely beautiful. Her hair rested on her shoulders, seemingly caressing them. Her breasts stood taut and firm, it was almost as if they were pleading to be touched. Her eyes were the kind you could look into and get lost in; naked from the glasses he had seen her wear the previous day. Lisa did not move, or say anything. They seemed to stare at each other for an eternity.

  Her vagina was pink, her whole body glistened, wet from her shower.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Hi,” she replied. Her face was chalk-white, her eyes wide and her mouth dropped open. She wrapped her arms around her breasts, and bent to cover her body as best she could.

  His heart raced. He had no idea why she had that effect on him. He had seen lots of naked girls in his life, but Lisa made his heart beat faster than it ever had before. He could see her heart beating too, her breasts rising and falling as her breathing became heavier and more intense. He could almost feel it; every heart-beat underneath her flawl
ess boobs.

  “I-I wanted to tell you to come in earlier to the Manhattan office. I’ve been trying to call you. I wanted to be sure you were okay,” Jason stammered. He had no idea why Lisa made him so fidgety!

  “I dropped the phone in the sitting room,” she said, staring blankly.

  They stared at each other as the tension increased. Their eyes were fixated. Jason did not want to leave Lisa there; the attraction between them was instant, strange, and extremely intense.

  He suddenly walked up to her as she stood there, bent over. Grabbing her he planted his lips on hers and kissed her passionately. But she reacted much differently than he was used to. Wrenching her mouth from his, she curled into a ball there on the floor. Her voice sounded choked. “Please leave,” she whispered.

  Jason stood straight, gasping. He was swept with emotion; humiliation mostly. “I-I didn’t mean . . .” Turning swiftly, on legs of jelly, he wobbled out of the bathroom, down the corridor, across the living room and out the apartment door. He stood there a moment, thoroughly shaken.

  “I can’t just leave things this way,” he thought to himself. Breathing heavily, his mind a-whirl, Jason stood outside her door.


  Lisa sat on the floor in turmoil. The electricity she’d felt! She couldn’t deny it. Nor could she deny the extreme need she was feeling right now. But she couldn’t go down that road again. The heart-ache, the loss she had experienced after letting another good-looking, selfish, powerful man into her life had been devastating. She would not allow it to happen now. Standing, she grabbed the wrap laying on the floor by the shower, and slipped it on. The door-bell rang.

  Lisa stood stock-still. She would ignore it. It rang again. Quivering, she stood still there in the bathroom. Again the door-bell rang. “Shit!” she hissed, and walked unsteadily to answer it.

  There stood Jason, looking for all the world like a little boy who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His blue eyes were filled with tears, and his hang-dog expression tore at her heart.

  “I’m so sorry,” he murmured. His voice was cracked and shaken. “I don’t know what got into me”. He just stood there, his large frame drooping.

  Without a word she opened the door wide, and managed a smile. “Come in,” she said.

  He shuffled in, and plopped his body onto the foot-stool. His hands were folded, and his head drooped; a most unusual position for him, thought Lisa drolly. She stroked his shoulder in sympathy, and knelt beside him, looking into his brilliant blue eyes.

  “I went shopping…” she started.

  “I dropped by hoping you could come to a meeting at noon,” he stammered.

  Both were lost in each other’s eyes. Staring. Mesmerized. The way he looked at her made her dizzy with excitement. This time it was Lisa who moved closer. She stroked the back of his neck, relishing the feel of the soft, short curls that lay there. He pulled her to him, and their lips met. His were warm and soft. Her eyes fluttered closed. Now his mouth was on her throat, his hands teasing her hardening nipples. Her breath came in short, whispery gasps. She pulled at his ear-lobe with her teeth. His mouth was burning her skin with every kiss.

  She moved back to the wall raising her right leg and wrapping it around him. His dick throbbed as it almost tore out of his pants. He squeezed her breasts and she moaned. She held his dick through his pants, stroking it as he kissed her and squeezed her breasts.

  He lifted her and carried her to the sitting room, as she unzipped his pants finding his throbbing dick and holding on to it. He dropped her onto one of the sofas and followed her, removing his jacket and throwing it somewhere around, he really didn’t care where. She almost tore his shirt apart as she unbuttoned it, until he was bare chested. He kissed her with the passion of a long lost lover; it almost felt like they been paramours in another life. At that moment, he almost believed in re-incarnation.

  In no time they were one, stark naked, making hot passionate love. How had the transition from newly employed personal assistant to lover happened so quickly, he wondered? When he had seen her the day before, his mind hadn’t even fathomed what was happening now. Suzie and his billion-dollar empire were completely out of his mind. Only Lisa Hall; the unassuming yet incredibly beautiful Lisa Hall was all he could think of.

  He bit her neck as she moaned, clawing his back. She held on to him like a leech would hold onto its victim, sucking the essence of his very existence and giving it new meaning. He gently placed his lips on her breast, sucking it, and he could have sworn it tasted like honey. Or was it his mind playing tricks on him? The whole experience had him in an ethereal place. Her nipples were taut and succulent, nipples on a perfectly carved pair of breasts, full, curved, round, a form of art he could not fully express. He didn’t know for how long he sucked her boobs, stroking her face as he did so. She caught his finger and nibbled on it moaning and groaning in pleasure. The note of her voice excited him, giving him a sense of pleasure he hadn’t felt in a long time.

  He could feel the wetness of her pussy. It was like a fountain of pleasure dripping with free flowing placating water, and his dick showered in it. He slowly slid into her vagina, stroking calmly and rhythmically, she whimpered and grabbed his ass as he penetrated her, exploring inside her.

  He kept going in a regular rhythm. It was almost musical, similar to one of the opera events he had been to. He slowly shifted her to the side, maintaining the rhythm. He kissed her eyes and her ears as he moved his dick inside her, thrusting, cajoling, exploring. She grabbed his head, pulling his hair, expressing her pleasure at what he was doing. It was almost like a conversation; as if they were, speaking to each other without saying a word. He wanted to please her, make her happy…satisfy her.

  She arched her back against him pinning him to the sofa as her back lay against his chest and his back rested on the sofa. She ground her hips against his torso, taking in his dick, feeling it, enjoying the pleasure it gave. She sat up, riding his dick, taking it in, enjoying his throbbing hard dick.

  He watched her back against him, her rhythmic up and down movement, her frenetic effort to try to consume his dick in her pussy. Every movement from her was ecstatic. She slowly moaned as she moved against him, holding onto his knee, clawing it. Her ass was perfectly shaped, full, curved out as it rested on his dick. He grabbed it as she kept riding.

  He raised his head, lifting her up, kissing her neck as his chest rested on her back, his dick entering her pussy again from behind. He filled his right hand with her succulent breast. She stretched her right hand backwards, clawing his neck as he pounded her wet pussy. He stroked her lips and she caught his finger with her teeth, sucking and nibbling on it. The gentle-looking Lisa had transformed into an amazon; a beautiful queen, who had captured Jason’s entire being. Their bodies merged into one, he could feel her heart racing, beating to the rhythm of his own heart.

  He moved his dick inside her faster; transformed into another world that was all bliss and pleasure. And he loved every moment of it. She took every movement in with so much grace and elegance. Lisa was all he could think about. They moved in harmony as held her breasts and kissed her lips with electrifying passion. His tongue explored hers as they moved together, as their craving rose together reaching a crescendo that exploded in a climax. He came, pouring his fluids into her, feeling her vagina absorb his cum. She screamed and breathed out in a whisper that sounded like a gentle evening breeze.

  They rested on the couch, her head on his chest. He kissed her forehead as they lay there, connecting, taking in their silence. He knew he was crazy about her, he had no idea why or how, but at that instant he knew she was about to turn his world upside down and there was nothing he could do about it.

  It was a few minutes past eleven and they just had a few minutes to make the meeting at twelve.

  He finally broke the silence, “We are supposed to have a meeting scheduled for twelve. That’s what I came here to tell you.” The words made them both grin.

What just happened?” Lisa asked.

  “I have no idea,” Jason replied.

  Chapter 7

  They sat at the back of the limo, not saying a word. Yesterday, she had a job interview with him, but just this morning they had hot passionate sex. He was quiet, lost in his thoughts, looking out the window. It was quite awkward. She wondered if they would have a smooth working relationship, or if there would be more between them.

  He placed his hand on hers and squeezed it; she had no idea what it meant. He seemed a bit shy, a bit unwilling to communicate what went through his mind, but she was sure a lot was on his mind just as there was in hers. Flashes of the encounter they’d had such a short time ago played on her mind; his strong hands on every part of her body, his kisses, his body against hers, his dick inside her, his eyes staring at her, she felt her pussy get a bit wet at the thought.

  They arrived at the sky high building, Turner Towers. As they got out of the limo, she looked up at the tall building in the very heart of Manhattan. She wondered what the real estate was worth and how rich Turner really was. It was odd to think the man next to her was in control of billions of dollars’ worth of assets and investments.

  Jason smiled at her, “Don’t think about it too much, it’s better not to.”

  She smiled back, “I’ll try not to.”

  “Welcome to Turner Towers. My office is on the twenty-fifth floor. Below and above it are many other offices, and then there’s my condo on the fortieth floor. I stay there sometimes to relax and have a good view of the city,” Jason said casually.

  “Forty floors…wow! It must be amazing owning something like this!” Lisa was awestruck.

  “Our group actually owns two other buildings like this in New York. A lot of it my was father’s work, but I try to keep the business up. It’s been a huge responsibility.” Jason said as they entered the elevator.


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