The Ten Year Affair

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The Ten Year Affair Page 12

by Hope Raye Collins

  Julia suddenly felt guilty for her eavesdropping and closed the door. She was shocked. She had never seen such a sensitive side of Ian. He was actually sobbing. It was obvious that he had deep feelings for Alex and the baby so why was he fighting it? Why did he keep breaking her baby’s heart? She didn't want to see the sensitive side of Ian Foster. She didn’t want to like him. Not one bit.

  Julia returned to Chester and Peter.

  “I think we need to go now. They might have lost their child today and they need some privacy. They don’t need to feel that we might barge in on them at any time.”

  “But Julia...”

  “Please Chester I don’t want to explain. We’ll call her room on the way home and tell her we’ve left. Peter dear you need to leave as well.”

  Chester and Peter looked at each other in astonishment. Peter was furious. That son-of-a-bitch was with her now and Peter had not gotten to see her yet. Didn’t anyone understand that he was the one who loved Alex so much it hurt? Chester and Peter were both shocked at Julia’s change of heart but they both knew better than to argue with her and they trusted her judgment.

  “Let’s go gentleman,” Julia stated and started towards the elevator. Both men looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and followed her out.

  Chapter 16

  Alex was presently being tucked into bed in her room at her grandparent’s house by her grandmother and she felt like she was ten years old again. While she was still worried about carrying her baby to term she felt strangely at peace. Ian had spent the entire day and night with her at the hospital never leaving her side. They had talked about their relationship and come to an understanding that while Ian cared for her deeply, he didn’t feel that he could ever be the kind of husband or father she and the baby needed and deserved. It hadn’t been what she wanted to hear but it was time she grew up and accepted the way things were.

  Ian had driven her from the hospital to her grandparents and been efficiently shooed away by her grandmother. She smiled as she remembered her grandmother’s words to Ian.

  “You look like hell young man. You need to go home and get some sleep and clean yourself up. She’s not going anywhere. She’ll be right here in this bed when you get back. Don’t you have an important job that needs your attention?”

  That had been Grandmother’s way of telling Ian he was welcome to come back. Probably that he better come back to see Alex. Alex could tell that grandmother had softened towards Ian and she was curious as to why.

  Julia finished tucking Alex in and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “What are you grinning about young lady? Don’t make fun of me simply because I like to fuss over my grandchild.”

  “Actually Grandmother I was thinking about how you’ve been treating Ian since this whole incident. You actually seem to be acting civilly towards him. I’m curious as to what prompted the change of heart.”

  “Change of heart? There’s been no change of heart with me as far as Ian Foster is concerned and I don’t know what could have possibly given you that idea. I still think he is an irresponsible rogue but he is going to be the father of your child and there’s nothing I can do to change that. I will invariably cross his path often so I might as well learn to tolerate him.”

  “I appreciate that Grandmother. You’re right. You will see Ian often because it’s important to me that he be a part of his child’s life and if I am going to be living here with you for some time he’ll be around a lot. Especially once our baby’s born.”

  Julia was afraid of upsetting Alex but she felt that now was a good time to broach the subject of exactly what Ian and Alex’s plans were for the future.

  “Alexandra dear. Have you and Ian discussed marriage?”

  Alex knew her Grandmother would ask sooner or later. Everyone would ask sooner or later.

  “Yes Grandmother we’ve discussed marriage and come to the conclusion it’s not for us...”

  “But Alex...”

  “Please Grandmother let me finish. I love Ian with all my heart. I think I’ve loved him since we were five years old but Grandmother he simply doesn’t love me.”

  “Poppy cock Alexandra! No man cries for a woman he doesn’t love!” Alex cocked her head and looked at Julia questioningly. Julia’s face showed the guilt she had felt upon witnessing the touching scene between Alex and Ian and her cheeks flushed pink.

  “I’m sorry darling. I came to your room yesterday to tell Ian it was time for him to go because I was sure he was upsetting you. I left as soon as I saw what was happening. That man loves you Alexandra whether he admits it with words or not.”

  “Well, Grandmother that is what I’d like to think too but what is important to Ian right now is his career and he doesn’t have time for a family. His job is very demanding and once he takes over for John Marshall as County Prosecutor he’ll have even less time for a relationship let alone a family. But he is committed to our child and will do whatever he can to spend time with his son or daughter. I have to respect that Ian’s just not ready to settle down. So I need to get on with my life and accept the fact that Ian will only be a very small part of that life and certainly not in the role I’d envisioned for him. It makes me very sad Grandmother and believe me, I’m not through shedding tears over it yet. I don’t know that I’ll ever be.”

  “I knew the first time I set eyes on that boy he would be nothing but heartache for you dear. I knew that anyone who seemed that perfect had to have flaws somewhere. I only wish things could have worked out differently. Maybe they will yet.”

  “Grandmother did you know that Peter has offered to marry me?”

  Julia wasn’t shocked. That was just like Peter to run to Alex’s rescue. Peter was a good, decent man who truly loved Alex and was not afraid to show it even though Alex had rebuffed his love for so long.

  “Alexandra you know how I feel about Peter. I’ve wished for a marriage between you two for some time now. Are you considering his offer?”

  “Yes I am but I don’t intend to make a decision until after the baby is born. I know that Peter will be the perfect husband Grandmother but I don’t know if that will be enough for me. Do you think I could learn to love him Grandmother if we were married? Maybe if we were married it would be like finally giving Ian up and I would work harder at loving Peter.” Alex sighed. “I just don’t know. Peter deserves someone who truly cares only for him. Ian will always be between us.”

  “Let’s not concern yourself with all that right now,” Julia suggested. “You need to concentrate on keeping yourself and your baby healthy. Now, I want you to get some rest. You may find that you really like being a lady of leisure again.” Julia kissed Alex and left her to her thoughts. Alex drifted off to sleep dreaming of what a life as the wife of Ian Foster would have been like.


  Alex had spent a week in bed resting and her blood pressure had returned to its normal level. Don had taken over the Jacobs trial and consulted with her often but Alex had been anxious to get a chance to sit in on the action and see how the trial was progressing. Ian had visited her every day. They had decided that it would be best if Alex stayed with her grandparents at least until the baby was born. They were both afraid of her being alone in case of any further problems or of being alone when she went into labor. Alex had looked forward to his visits and enjoyed his company. They’d discussed their plans for their baby. They’d laughed and shared their worries about raising their child. He never touched her.

  The tension some nights was so great Alex thought she would explode. Throughout their whole relationship Ian had always touched her and touched her often. She could tell that he was making a conscious effort not to come near her. It was for the best she knew but it didn’t make it any less frustrating. His visits had become shorter and shorter as the frustration grew. The physical attraction between them still existed even though her belly was growing. Last night he’d started to come nearer to her then stopped. His deep blue eyes had become so dark and inte
nse as he looked at her. He told her she got more beautiful every day and then he’d abruptly left without explaining why. He’d not needed to explain.

  Alex had made up her mind that she was going to get out of the house today and start living again. Now that her blood pressure was normal there was nothing keeping her at home. She was going stir crazy and wanted to do what she could to help Don through the Jacobs trial. From all Peter had told her Don was doing his usual expert job with the case.

  Alex entered the courthouse and was quickly greeted by several members of the bar who had heard of her ordeal. They all wished her well and congratulated her on her impending motherhood. She was sure word had spread by now that Ian was her baby’s father. Alex entered the courtroom and immediately caught Ian’s attention. There was no mistaking the look of concern on his face. Alex hadn’t even got halfway down the aisle before Ian reached her grabbing both her hands. Touching her.

  “Alex what are you doing here? Are you sure you should be here?”

  “I’m fine Ian. I can’t stay in bed forever and you know Dr. Robinson said my blood pressure is normal and that the baby is fine. Quit worrying. I’m not going to do anything to endanger our baby. You’re really giving the gossip mongers an eyeful right now.”

  “Do you think I care what people say Alex? All I care about is you and the little guy.”

  Alex arched her right brow. “The little guy, huh?”

  Ian grinned revealing his gorgeous, straight, white smile.

  “Or little gal. You know it doesn’t matter to me.”

  Ian noticed Peter fidgeting out of the corner of his eye.

  “Seems your colleagues are anxious to see you. I better let you go. See you at the lunch break?”

  “Actually Ian I’m having lunch with Peter and Don. I need to be brought up to speed on all that’s been happening at the office while I’ve been gone. Even though I won’t be working much I’ve got to try to relieve them of whatever responsibilities I can to lighten their workload. I’ve really put them in a bind with my absence.”

  “Okay but promise me you won’t overdo it. Promise?”

  “I promise. Now get back to work.”

  She teasingly gave him a little shove towards his seat and took a seat in the row just behind the defense table after greeting Coach Jacobs.

  The scene he’d just witnessed perturbed Peter and despite his good judgment he leaned back to speak to Alex.

  “Do you really think it’s wise to be so cozy with the prosecutor in the courtroom Alex?”

  Alex gave Peter a puzzled look then realized he was probably right.

  “You’re right Peter. It won’t happen again. I guess I wasn’t thinking.”

  Peter swiftly turned and mumbled under his breath.

  “When it comes to Foster you never think.”

  Once the words were out he’d regretted them. He hoped she hadn’t heard him but could tell by the look on her face when he glanced back at her that she had. She was pissed. But damn it so was he. He had to remember that Alex didn’t need to be stressed out about anything. The last thing he wanted to do is hurt her or the baby. He was going to have to learn to reign in his jealousy.

  As testimony began Alex found herself torn. She knew if she were a juror she would have a hard time deciding the innocence of Coach Jacobs. Ian was such an excellent examiner. He knew just how to exploit the weaknesses of the defense witnesses.

  Ian finished his cross-examination of a witness and as he took his seat he noticed Alex flinch and grab her stomach. She looked like she was in pain. God! She flinched again and rubbed her belly. He couldn’t take it if anything happened to the baby or Alex. He knew she shouldn’t have come here. Alex squirmed in her seat again and rubbed her belly but this time she was smiling. Before Don could call his next witness Ian requested a short recess and the judge granted it. He immediately rushed to Alex’s side.

  “Baby what is it? What’s wrong?”

  Alex was still grinning and rubbing her tummy.

  “It’s nothing Ian. Calm down.”

  “But you looked like you were in pain? Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m just fine Ian. I’m wonderful.” Alex grabbed his hand and rose to leave. “Here, come with me.”

  She led him to one of the conference rooms outside the courtroom and as the door closed behind them she placed his hand on her rounded belly. He looked at her strangely.

  “Now be quiet and wait,” she instructed.

  A few seconds later Ian felt a little flutter. He looked into Alex’s eyes and they were glazed with tears but she was still grinning from ear to ear.

  “Alex?” He didn’t know what to think. There it was again! It was much harder this time. “Alex is that...?” Now he was grinning just as wide as Alex.

  “Yes, Ian that’s our baby kicking. This is the first time I’ve felt the baby move! Isn’t it great?”

  “Oh, baby yes. There it is again!” They stood there for quite some time just grinning at each other. Both so happy and both so in love but neither one able to speak. Neither one brave enough to say all they were feeling. Ian finally broke the silence.

  “Alex I...I,” he stammered. He almost said he loved her. He almost said he wanted nothing more than to be a family...almost.

  “Alex I need to get back to court.”

  “Sure Ian I know. You better get back.”

  She was disappointed. She had felt sure he was about to say something more. The look on his face was of pure joy. She imagined she looked the same.

  “I’m going to hang out here awhile until junior here settles down some.”

  Ian drew Alex to him with his hand still pressed gently to her belly. He brushed a soft kiss across her lips.

  “Alex I...”

  “What Ian? What is it? What do you want to say?”

  She looked at him with eyes full of love and...hope. He wanted to make her happy and utter the words but he couldn’t.

  “I’m very happy. That’s all. You’ve made be very happy by giving me a child. I never thought I’d be a father. Thank you.”

  He kissed her again but it was more than a simple brush of the lips. His tongue parted her lips and he gave her a long, deep kiss that made her head spin. When they finally parted for air he left abruptly leaving her standing there dazed and confused. He was just reacting to feeling the baby kick Alex thought. “Did he kiss all his lady friends like that?” Alex wondered.

  As far as she knew he didn’t have any other lady friends right now. He’d been practically living at her grandmother’s with her and surprisingly grandmother never complained. But she knew all too well how quickly that could change. Ian Foster was a puzzle she would never figure out.

  Chapter 17

  As Alex expected Ian’s visits to her grandmother’s home dwindled down to practically nothing. She was lucky if she saw him once every two weeks although he did phone at least once a week to ask how she and the baby were doing. Word at the courthouse was that Ian had been seen sporting the beautiful Jennifer Lewis out and about town again. Alex put in just a few hours each week at the office doing research and Peter and her were seeing a lot of each other much to her grandmother’s delight. Alex was now in the eighth month of her pregnancy and it had been very uneventful since the morning sickness passed and the bleeding scare. She had only put on twenty pounds and swore she had more energy now than she had had before the pregnancy. Her parents were due to return soon to the States. She had missed them so much but was grateful she had had her grandparents to depend on.

  The Jacobs trial had come to an end with Coach being acquitted. It had been a huge victory for her firm. When she had spoken to Ian following the trial he almost seemed relieved. He’d never wanted to charge Coach and as good a job as he had done, there simply wasn’t any hard evidence to convict. Of course, regardless of the jury’s innocent verdict, Coach’s reputation had been ruined. Although he had resigned his position as principal, everyone was sure the school corpo
ration had forced him into early retirement.

  While Alex was no longer trying any cases, she still occasionally sat in on some trials for entertainment. Peter and Don had been clearly overworked and unfortunately had had to hire another attorney to replace her. She understood. She couldn’t expect them to keep working so hard. So, with her blessing, they’d hired Angela Henderson, the gorgeous red head from the prosecutor’s office who she remembered had a thing for Peter. Alex continued to help in whatever capacity she could. She spent a lot of time doing research and writing briefs, which both she enjoyed doing very much, but she did sometimes miss the excitement of the courtroom.

  Today Angie was trying her first case for their office and Alex had agreed to sit as second chair with Angie for moral support more than anything. Angie was kicking butt already on Day 1 of questioning and was quickly gaining confidence. They broke for lunch and Alex went to the attorney lounge in the courthouse to grab a snack and say hello to whomever happened to be hanging out there. As she started to enter the room she heard Ian’s name mentioned and paused.

  Two voices she didn’t recognize were talking about Ian. She couldn’t make out all they were saying but what she did hear was not good.

  “Who does that son-of-a-bitch think he is? He acts like the election is all sewn up and that he’ll be our next boss. I’m sick of taking orders from him.”

  “Listen. If Foster wins that election it’ll be hell in that office. He thinks he’s god almighty of prosecutors. We’ve got nine months until the primary election. That’s plenty of time to do what we have to do to ruin his chances.”

  “Hey, you know that babe defense attorney that used to be with Grainger & Anderson? I think maybe she still does some work there. Alexandra Morgan I think is her name. Word is Foster knocked her up. Yet I’ve seen him out with some other woman. If the press got wind of that story that’d be sure to lose him some votes, wouldn’t it?”

  Alex couldn’t stand there and listen to it any more. She walked into the room and when each man saw her their jaws dropped to the floor.


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