Surviving For Tomorrow (Demented MC: Quitman Chapter Book 1)

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Surviving For Tomorrow (Demented MC: Quitman Chapter Book 1) Page 2

by Vera Quinn

  “Well, the kitchen is pretty well stocked. Come this way and I will show you the kitchen.” We walk through the living room and into the biggest kitchen I have ever seen. It has a big refrigerator with freezer standing beside it. I’m used to smaller, much smaller. There’s a door off to the right and I stick my head in to see it is a dining area.

  Gladys open another door and flips the light switch on. “This is the laundry room and there is a little room off the back porch for shoes and such, that is where one of the alarm pads is located. There’s also an extra pantry in there. I think Laura stocked it, too.”

  I see there is a set of stairs to go to the upstairs. They must connect to the ones in the front room. “We can go upstairs from here so we can show you the bedrooms. There are four. Two on each end of the hall.” Gladys goes up the stairs and Audie follows.

  Shelby is looking around and hanging on tight. This is more room than we have ever had. I follow close behind so I won’t miss anything. “This is where we sat up the baby’s things. This was always the temporary nursery for Phyllis until she put them further down the hall. You can see the door opens into the bathroom that connects with the master bathroom.” Gladys is pointing to the door that opens into the adjoining bathroom. The door on the other side is open and I see a huge bed in the bedroom.

  “Phyllis could never let Kaden or Jilly sleep in their own room until they were at least six months old. After the children outgrew it, Bob used it as an office of sorts. We moved the crib in here so you’d have Shelby close but still have some privacy. Rebel had some of his club brothers help Charlie move all the office stuff into the garage.” She mentioned club again and what kind of name is Rebel?

  Gladys moves from the nursery into the bathroom which has a huge shower and bathtub. I’m glad our rooms join. Shelby has slept with me most of the time. When Kendall wasn’t at home. When he was, Shelby and I usually slept on the sofa after he passed out.

  When I walk into the bedroom I can’t believe the space and the huge king size bed. I walk over to the window and there is a huge back yard. If this place were mine, I would never leave. “There is another bathroom down the hall and two more rooms. None as large as this one, but one of them has a good view of the front yard and neighborhood.” I turn and follow her and she points them out as we walk to the other end of the stairs.

  “This house is old but is has been treated with love so it is in really good shape. Jilly comes in twice a year to open it up and visit Gladys and Charlie.” Audie chimes in. “No one has lived here since Bob died three years ago. Wasn’t the same after Phyllis went four years ago. Bob was lost in this big old house.”

  We follow the stairs back down to the front room. Gladys leads us into a den like room with a good size television set and sectional sofa. The room has a bay window that looks out into the yard.

  My house wasn’t even half this size. Shelby and I will be lost in this house, but we shouldn’t be here too long, if I can find a suitable babysitter and work. I don’t want us to get spoiled by things we can’t afford.

  I hear a rumble and it sounds like motorcycles. I look out the window, and sure enough three huge looking men on motorcycles are in the front yard. Gladys and Audie don’t seem to be alarmed. Shelby is covering her ears. It’s one of the things she started doing when Kendall would start yelling or throwing things in our house.

  “That’s my son, Rebel. Well, Rebel isn’t his real name, but it is what everyone calls him now. The other two are his club brothers, Sin and Cue Ball.” Audie goes out through the den to the front door and opens it. I guess Gladys sees my hesitation.

  “It’s ok, Gracie. Those boys may look mean, but they are as good as gold. They won’t let anything happen to you or Shelby, not on their watch.” All I can do is take their word for it. Gladys tries to put me at ease by patting my arm. Then she slips the phone into my hand that Kaden had been talking about. We both follow Audie to the front door, even though I had rather hibernate in that huge bedroom and just sleep.

  As soon as my eyes see the men up close, I automatically know that they are trouble. Trouble, with a capital T. They are all tall, broad shouldered, trim waisted, tattooed, and sexy as sin. Bad boys. One has a mustaches and dark Hispanic features. I think he is the sexiest man I have ever seen before. I would guess that is Rebel, Audie’s son. One of the other two has a red beard and mustache and the other one’s clean shaven and bald. All of them looked very intimidating.

  I suppose I should feel some attraction to such handsome men, but I feel absolutely nothing, but tired. I’m not blind, I see their attractiveness, but it just does nothing for me.

  “Gracie, this is my son, Rebel, and two of his club brothers, Cue Ball and Sin.” Cue Ball is the one with no hair and clean shaven. Sin is the red head. We all walk into the living room.

  “Boys, this is Gracie Roberts and her daughter Shelby.” I put my hand out to shake Rebel’s, but he kisses my hand instead. I am shocked and don’t know exactly how to react to it.

  “Beautiful names for such beautiful girls. But then Gracie, you are not just a girl, are you? You’re a very beautiful woman.” He is still holding my hand, and I pull it back.

  “Hello, and thank you. I guess.” I duck my head. I don’t want this guy to get the idea I am flirting with him.

  “You guess. Surely you look in the mirror, and can see that you are very beautiful.” He’s just not going to give it up.

  “Rebel, you’re making Gracie uncomfortable. She’s not one of the club girls you always have hanging around. Leave her be. She’s had a hard time of it.” About that time Shelby squirms just right, and her foot catches me in my bruised ribs. Tears spring to my eyes.

  “Shelby, baby, please, mommy’s side hurts.” I move her foot away from my ribs.

  “What is wrong with your side?” Rebel asks. As bad as I look, I can’t believe he can’t figure it out. I guess I don’t look as bad as I did a few days ago, but you can still see the bruises on my arms and the marks on my throat are still visible. “Ma take the baby. I need to see something.”

  I don’t know what he thinks he will find but I hand Shelby to Audie. She goes reluctantly, at first, but once in the older woman’s arms Shelby snuggles into Audie. Rebel turns me around and runs his hand down my throat gently and when he reaches the bottom of my shirt I don’t fight him. As he lifts it, I hear him take in a small breath. He gets a very angry look on his face. “Did your man do this to you?” Gladys is shaking her head, looking at the bruises and wrapped ribs.

  “Kendall, the man that used to be mine, did this to me, then again, I wonder if he was ever mine. It was Shelby’s dad and the man I’m running from so he doesn’t finish what he started.” I know if I want help I have, to be honest.

  “Did you back talk him or cheat on him? Are you married and this is just a lover’s spat?”

  I cannot believe this idiot just said that to me. No one deserves this, no matter what they do. Rebel has to be kidding, but he has a completely serious look on his face.

  “Did you just ask me if I deserved this because if you did, I am in the wrong place! The sin I committed was giving Kendall a daughter instead of a son. I don’t cheat, and I don’t lie. No, we were not married, but he is the only man I have ever even dated. We’ve been together since high school. I’ve never even kissed another man and the garbage you are spewing at me; I don’t deserve.” I take Shelby back from Audie and try to get away from this awful man.

  “He doesn’t mean it that way, Gracie,” Audie says and then she faces her son. “Tell her you didn’t mean it and explain yourself.” Audie has one of those authoritative voices all people pay attention to, and that includes her son.

  “Rebel, Gracie has been through a lot the last few days.” Gladys puts in.

  “Get your panties out of a wad. Damn woman, I just meant are you two going to kiss and make up in a week and you’ll be gone. Believe it or not, some relationships go that way.” Rebel has a grin on his face, but I do not fi
nd it amusing.

  “Mr. Sanchez, I can guarantee you I will not be going back. Not in a week or a year. This isn’t the first time this has happened, but it will be the last. If I go back, he will kill me and then my daughter will have no one. I don’t care if he has another woman or twenty. I only took the money I have left from my parent’s life insurance money, one diaper bag, and one backpack. I’m selling the only thing I have left from my parents, our home, to get away from Kendall. Jilly is a kind woman, and she is letting me stay here until I am on my feet. I don’t want a handout but a hand up. If you condone this kind of behavior, then I don’t want or need your help.” I know I am going to start crying and I don’t want to give this idiot the chance to make fun of me for it. I start up the stairs to get away from him and everyone else. I just want to be alone.

  “I did not mean it that way. I just want to know what I am facing. I’d hate to shoot the man if you still want him.” Again, he has a smile on his face. The other two men have not said a word, and they have no kind of expressions on their faces at all.

  “I tell you what Mr. Sanchez, loan me the gun and I will do it myself.” Maybe that will let him know how unhappy I am now.

  “Now Gracie, where would that leave your daughter?” With that, I go up the stairs, I know they’ll find their own way out.

  Chapter 2


  “What are you doing, son? Gracie needs our help, and you could show a little compassion. You’re too used to those women of the night you always have hanging on you to know a good girl when you see one.” Ma is jumping to the wrong conclusion again.

  “Ma, I had her pegged as a good girl the first glimpse I had of her, but that does not mean I want to stick my neck or the neck of my brothers out to be chopped off if she is just going to run back to her man. Do you know how many women play these damn games? They fight with their man and run off for a week or two and then go back and return to the fighting. Jilly is a smart woman, and I believe she has judged this woman correctly, but I still had to ask so I could see the look in her eyes when she said it. I believe Gracie will stay away from this Kendall at all costs, and I believe she will protect that precious baby of hers, but I had to make sure. Now I am sure. She has fire, and she will survive. Don’t worry Ma, we will help her.”

  “You could have been nicer about it. She’s going to think you are a thug.” Ma is probably right. Gracie needs to keep thinking of me that way because she is way too beautiful for her own good. She has luscious curves, and her eyes are the bluest I have ever seen in my life. Her lips are full, and I want to devour them. No, Gracie needs to keep her distance. I have not been this attracted to a good girl since Jilly. Even though I know, Jilly and I will never be anything but friends she still has a place in my heart. I wonder how my good friend Brody will react to Ms. Gracie. No, actually I don’t. I know exactly how he will react and I don’t like that thought, at all.

  “Maybe you boys should go ahead and go so we can make sure Gracie is ok. I don’t think she will be coming out until you are gone. That boyish smile of yours is going to get you nowhere with her. Maybe she’ll be the one female immune to it. Imagine that.” Gladys is trying to get me to react, and I don’t fail to do it.

  “Now Gladys, you know this is my panty-melting smile, and the ladies love it. Even you have to admit the ladies love me.” Gladys smiles, and I know this is going to be good.

  “Rebel, I can say that there is nothing wrong with your self- image. You know what some women like, and you know how to use that smile to your advantage, but I also know that some women can be immune to it. I believe you just found one of those.” Good. But sweet Grace could be the death of me.

  “Don’t be so sure but she is not my type. I have standards, besides, she hasn’t gotten a full dose of my charm yet. Straight-laced women with a stick up their asses are not my thing. That’s more Brody’s type. Maybe you’ll get you a daughter-in-law made to go with a baby in tow.” That’s right up Brody’s alley. Always protecting the innocent. That’s why we lost our friendship. He was always putting himself in between Jilly and me. He wanted the same girl I did, but we both lost her.

  “I am telling you now, Antonio Javier Sanchez, you will leave Gracie alone and show her some respect. If you can’t do that, then you get on that darn bike of yours and ride away. We’ll look out for her and that baby.” Ma is serious.

  “I am only here to help, but I will not put the club at risk without knowing the whole truth first, so tomorrow this woman will answer my questions.” I never waver when telling Ma this. It is how it must be. I need more answers, I will get them and then keep my distance. It’s what is best for me and what is best for the Demented Revengers MC.

  “We’ll make sure nothing has been messed with outside. This house has been empty for a long time and no telling if somebody might have been hanging around.” I go over and give Ma a kiss and then give Mrs. Gladys a kiss and we are out the door.

  As soon as we are out far enough from the house, I give my brothers their orders. “Make sure Hawk is watching tonight. After tonight he can alternate the prospects. I want one prospect and one patch on this house twenty-four seven for the next two weeks, and then we’ll see what has happened.” Cue Ball is texting Hawk already. We walk around and check on everything but everything looks in place. Nothing suspicious. When I hear the approaching motorcycles, I know our replacements are here. For some reason, I am in no hurry to leave. I see Gracie looking out of the window. When she knows, I have caught her, she moves back. That woman has fire. Usually not something I like, but for some reason, it works for her. I walk over to Hawk and the prospect. “Keep a close eye out but give her space. She’s not real fond of us.” I think about it, and it makes me smile. “Yet, anyway.” Hawk nods his head.

  “Who is she?” For some reason, I don’t want to share that information just yet, but I know my brother deserves some information.

  “A friend of Jilly’s.” That one name is all I need to say. All my brothers know my history with Jilly and all the ones that have met her love her. She’s just that type of person. She’s got a heart as big as Texas and was good as gold. Hawk nods his head.

  “Is that going to be a problem?” I look at him and consider it.

  “No. We still have to make sure she checks out.” Hawk nods his head and then he looks at me again.

  “Not really what I was asking. Jilly is a good girl and always has been. Good girls usually only know good girls, and we all know you have a weak spot for good girls.” I am about to take his head off when he breaks out into a big smile. “Just poking at you Prez.” He starts laughing, and then I start laughing with him. I slap him hard on the back. He doesn’t say anything but keeps laughing. I look over at Sin, Cue Ball, and Prospect Tim. Cue Ball and Sin are laughing along, but Prospect Tim doesn’t even crack a grin. Smart kid.

  “Well, you be sure and keep your eyes open and keep your distance.” I walk over to my bike, and I mount up and kick it out of there. Yes, I should stay away from Gracie, for my own sanity.

  Chapter 3


  I have finally captured the quietness I have craved for the last few days. Audie and Gladys finally left around ten after Gladys explained that security pad. I’ve never used one before, so I hope I don’t forget. I know they are just trying to be helpful but being alone so I can think is what I need right now. I need a plan for my next move or next five moves, to be honest. I need a game plan. This flying by the seat of my pants thing is just not what I was made for, and I need to think of Shelby.

  I know keeping my distance from Audie’s son Rebel is high on my list of things to remember. He and his friends are a little too judgmental for me. I am grateful for the help, but they have a way of asking their questions that unhinge me. Rebel is sexy, and he knows it. He’s too arrogant for my liking even if I do have an attraction to him. No, I need distance there.

  I go to check on Shelby for the twentieth time. I know Kendall cannot know where
I am. I’ve checked the windows and all the doors. I know the two men on the motorcycles out there are for my protection and I should be able to let it go and go to sleep. Yet, here I am at midnight and still walking the floors.

  I know this is an older house and it has its creaks and noises, but it’s making me jumpy. I need to calm down and drink some warm milk and then try to sleep. Shelby will be up early in the morning. I’ll put Shelby in my bed and maybe I can get some sleep.

  I walk myself into the kitchen and pour a cup of milk and put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. I jump when the damn thing goes off. I have never been a jumpy person but it is like I am unhinged. I take the milk out and blow on it without even testing to see if it is hot. I think that is a mom thing.

  One taste of the milk and I know this is not going to work. I sit at the kitchen table and sip the rest and I hear a light tapping. I realize someone is knocking on the door. I make my way to the door and turn the outside light on. I try to look out the peep hole, but I am too short. I do the only thing I know to do. “Who is it?” I wait for an answer.

  “It’s Brody Samms. I’m your neighbor. I saw the light on and thought I would come over and see if you needed anything.” I know Gladys said her son’s name is Brody but how do I know that is who this is? I look around for anything to protect myself with.

  I run back in the kitchen and take a knife out of the butcher block, and then I go back and unarm the alarm and open the door. I can’t believe my eyes. This man is gorgeous. He’s way taller than me, and he has muscles on top of his muscles. My mouth is dry, and nothing will come out.

  “Didn’t anyone tell you not to open the door without knowing who is there? I could be a damn killer!” Ok, I don’t care how hot this man is, he cannot stand here and yell at me. I have had my quota of assholes for one day. He steps in the door and next to me. I take the knife in my hand and put it right about where his ball sac should be. I jab him enough to get his attention but not hard enough to hurt him. He looks down and smiles. Then he very carefully backs up. I don’t take my hand away . Instead I follow him with the knife. “I got the point darlin’. Do you think you could put that knife somewhere else?”


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