Surviving For Tomorrow (Demented MC: Quitman Chapter Book 1)

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Surviving For Tomorrow (Demented MC: Quitman Chapter Book 1) Page 14

by Vera Quinn

  “Thank you. The bathroom is all yours.” I brush my hair quickly.

  “Why don’t you get under the covers and I will tuck you in. Your eyes say you will probably be asleep when I get out.” I am tired, but I thought tonight with us by ourselves Brody would want more. I guess Brody reads my face.

  “Babe. it’s been a long week, and tomorrow we face everyone so just get some sleep. You’ll need it. I’m not rushing this thing with us. So get into bed.” I do, and he covers me up. He empties his pockets and puts his phone on the nightstand next to the bed. He gets his clean clothes and goes to get his shower. I’m lying there trying to go to sleep when his phone starts ringing. I reach over and look at it, and it is Jilly’s number, so I answer.

  “Hello,” I answer

  “Have you three made it home?” Jilly asks.

  “Yes. Brody is in the shower. I was going to call in the morning since it is so late.” I say sleepily. Something is off in Jilly’s voice, or maybe I am just too sleepy.

  “Have you told everyone you are back yet?” No, she definitely sounds off. I sit up in the bed so I can talk.

  “No. Every house was dark when we got here. I guess we will face everyone in the morning. Jilly, what is wrong? Your voice sounds strained. Can I help?” Jilly is always so positive and almost bubbly. She doesn’t sound like herself.

  “I’m coming home. If you don’t mind the company.” That doesn’t sound right. She didn’t say we, she said I.

  “So you and Kevin are coming for a visit? That’s great. I can’t wait to see you.” I wait for her response.

  “No. I’m coming, and it isn’t a visit. I’m moving back.” I hear the tears in her voice. I hear Brody come out of the bathroom. I motion him over. He’s beside me in a minute.

  “Are you okay, Jilly? Why are you coming alone? I don’t understand.” I’m afraid I do, but I hate it for Jilly. “Brody’s out of the shower now. Do you want to talk to him?”

  “I called to talk to you, Gracie. How do you feel about having your friend close? I don’t want to get into it tonight, but Kevin and I have decided to file for a divorce, and I want to move back to Winnsboro and find a job around there. I just needed to know how you felt about it since I leased the house to you.”

  “Of course, Jilly. I owe my life to you. If it hadn’t been for you, I would still be in a bad relationship. I’ll get the house ready tomorrow.” Brody is motioning for the phone. “Jilly, Brody wants to talk to you. I love you, and I can’t wait for you to get here.”

  “Jilly, what the hell is going on? Why are you coming without Kevin?” I can’t hear Jilly’s response anymore, but my heart goes out to her. “We’ll talk more when you get here. Be careful on the drive. Lock your doors.” Brody, always the protector. “I’ll tell her. Can’t wait to have you back home, Jilly. Mom and Dad are going to be over the moon. Have you told Kaden yet? I bet he was happy. Okay girl, try to get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” Brody hangs the phone up. He looks worried.

  “Is she okay? What is going on?” I know I am not giving him a chance to answer. I am just worried about my friend. I owe her so much.

  “She said that she and Kevin have been going through a rough patch and have decided to get a divorce. They’ve already filed but didn’t want to burden anyone. That’s a typical Jilly thing.” Brody says.

  “Is she okay? What time is she going to be here?” My mind is running a mile a minute. I just want to help my friend the way she helped me.

  “She is shaken. You can hear it in her voice but she is Jilly, and she will bounce back. She started here today, but she didn’t want to make it here before we did so she stopped. When she gets up in the morning, she will drive the rest of the way. She’s in Greenville right now. It’ll only take her a little over an hour to get here in the morning. She may get here before we get up. Kaden is the only one that knows she is coming.”

  Brody looks concerned, but he lies down beside me and pulls me close. I snuggle in as close I can get. His arms have become my favorite place. “Let’s try to get a little sleep anyway. We’ll help Jilly get through this.” He’s right. He gently kisses me, and I kiss him back with enthusiasm. “Babe, I am trying to be good but if you keep that up we may not get any sleep.” I kiss him one more time softly and flip over on my side. With my back to his chest, I wiggle my bottom on him, and I feel exactly how hard he is. I giggle. “Go to sleep you little vixen.” And I do.

  Chapter 16


  I pull up in my childhood home, and for some reason, I feel peace come over me. It’s still early, but I couldn’t sleep so I went ahead and got up and drove home. I think about it, and this is my home. It has always been my home. I was just too busy running from my feelings that I couldn’t understand it. I’m not saying I didn’t love Kevin because I did and a part of me always will but a part of me will always love Antonio and Brody, too.

  Memories. That’s what I have now, good memories. Kevin will not be my husband anymore. It is an amicable divorce. Whoever can say that with a straight face is an idiot or has no understanding of a relationship. He wanted out, and I was not going to stand in his way.

  Brody is my cousin and could never be anything more. I think it was teenage hormones, but I know now him sticking to his morals saved us both a lot of heartaches. He’s just such a good guy and the total opposite of Antonio.

  Antonio, my first love. I don’t know if that boy ever had a chance in this life. His mom is a saint, but his dad was anything but. My sweet Antonio became Rebel. Rebel is a shell of the boy I loved. Sure he fills most men with fear, but he doesn’t have the heart my Antonio had. Rebel is hard and callous. Every once in a while, I see a glimpse of the boy I have loved nearly my whole life. Memories, sweet memories.

  All the way here I have tried to lock down my emotions. I am going to have a million questions to answer. When Brody called and said that he and Gracie were on their way back, I knew it was time to come home. Kevin and I filed for divorce right after Gracie moved here. I never let on to anyone. I thought with all of us arriving back at the same time either they can take some questioning from me or I can take it from them. Call me a chicken. I will cop to it, but I can’t stand the poor Jilly looks I was getting from all my friends. I wouldn’t be able to take it from my family too, and that is what I am coming home to is my family.

  I’ve sat here and gathered my thoughts, but as soon as I step out of my car Ms. Audie is waving from her front porch. I wave back but she is coming over. I see Aunt Gladys on her front porch, and she has a big smile on her face. Apparently, Kaden has not let her in on my coming home. When I talked to Gracie and Brody, I was not surprised that they had no idea but I thought for sure Laura would tell Aunt Gladys.

  There’s no way she would be smiling if she knew, though. Ms. Audie finally reaches me and takes me in for a big Ms. Audie hug “Jilly, it is so good to see you, sweetie. Your Aunt Gladys did not tell me you were coming in. Are you here to check on Gracie? I see they made it in last night.” Ms. Audie is enthusiastic as always, but she keeps looking at Brody’s house. “I’m glad you are here, Jilly. It’s going to be chaos when Rebel gets here. He is still irate.” I know this is right. The one time I tried talking to Rebel was useless. He is determined that Gracie is his. He’s not going to be happy today.

  “Ms. Audie, it is so good to see you. I have missed home, and Aunt Gladys didn’t know I was coming. Kaden is the only one I talked to until last night. I talked to Gracie and Brody after they got home.” I see Aunt Gladys come up and after Ms. Audie steps away, she takes me in a hug.

  “Oh my, Jilly, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” I see her eyeing all the stuff in my car, and I know she is going to question me, but I am only telling this story once. “Did you bring your kitchen sink in there? My goodness, how long are you staying?” I take a breath so I can get this out. I feel weepy all of a sudden.

  “Okay ladies, listen because this is all I am giving you until everyone is here.
Kevin and I are getting a divorce, and I am moving home. When everyone is present, I will tell you most everything, but I am only saying it once and then I am not speaking about it again.”

  I look at both of them, and they are looking at each other. I love these ladies. They are already trying to figure out how to fix this for me, but it can’t be fixed. It is what it is, and I am good with it. “Can I get some coffee now? I got up really early, and I know this is going to be a long day. I know both of you get up early but it is barely daylight, so I know you’re both just waiting to pounce on Gracie and Brody when you see movement over there. So let’s go get that coffee, and I will help you keep a look out for a light to come on or a shade to open.” They both break out laughing. I so have these two ladies numbers.

  “Deal. My house. I have Danish to go with the coffee, and I am fixing breakfast for everyone. I already sent Brody a text so he’ll know when he gets up. I have missed Gracie and Shelby.” Aunt Gladys says.

  “That’s a good idea because I know Rebel will be here before too long and I want Charlie there in case him and Brody don’t see eye to eye.” Ms. Audie says. She knows Rebel and Brody are more than likely going to come to blows. At least Kaden is on his way, too. It’s his day off, and he wants to try and keep Rebel or Brody, either one, from going to jail.

  “I got a text from Kaden. He’s on his way, too. He’ll keep them from fighting or make them cool their heels in the county pokey.” Aunt Gladys and Ms. Audie both laugh at what dad used to call the county jail.

  Geeze, I miss that man. I lock my SUV up and then I realize I am not in the big city anymore and no one will bother my stuff in this neighborhood. I love small town living. How did I stay away so long?

  We walk across the street and into my aunt and uncle’s house. This house was as much my home as the house across the street when I was growing up. I go and sit at the table the way I have so many times before. The same table I sat around when I was growing up with my mom and dad and everyone else. We had such great times here. I let the warmth of home seep into my body. It feels so good.

  Aunt Gladys brings some cups over, and I get up and get the pot of coffee. Ms. Audie goes to the refrigerator and gets the creamer out. It’s like we do this daily. I pour coffee into our cups, and Ms. Audie gets spoons and Aunt Gladys gets the sugar bowl. We each fix our coffee up and then sit and look at each other. They both want to ask but don’t.

  “Well, I’m starting breakfast.” I nod my head. Ms. Audie and Aunt Gladys get up and start breakfast. I don’t even attempt to help because I am useless in the kitchen. Boiling eggs is a challenge for me. I have no patience, and some of my attempts have had disastrous results, which are legendary in this family.

  “What are you hens up to?” Uncle Charlie asks, coming into the kitchen. Then his eyes land on me. “Jilly, what a surprise. It’s great to see you.” Uncle Charlie comes over and hugs me. Then he goes to get a cup out of the cabinet. About that time Kaden walks in the back door. “Morning, Kaden. You want a cup?” Uncle Charlie looks at Kaden closely. He knows something is up.

  “Yes sir, that would be great.” Kaden walks by Aunt Gladys and kisses her cheek before getting the cup from Uncle Charlie. “I’m surprised that you ladies aren’t at Brody’s by now. His shades are open.” Damn we forgot to keep an eye out.

  “Rebel should be here in just a few minutes. I saw his truck parked out in front of Quick Pack when I went by. Figured I better beat him here.” Kaden drinks his coffee.

  Aunt Gladys is putting biscuits in the oven and pulls her pan out for bacon. Ms. Audie gets the eggs out of the refrigerator and gets another pan. I get up and get the jelly, jam, and butter out of the refrigerator. I get the plates down and the silverware out. About that time there is a knock on the back door.

  Uncle Charlie is still standing up against the cabinet and gets three more cups down. Kaden opens the back door. In walks Rebel. I see the shock in his eyes that I am here. Rebel is still as handsome, maybe more so, with maturity. He has dark chocolate eyes and lips that are so sexy. I see the grin on his face when he notices I am checking him out. I’ve never made it a secret that I think Rebel is a fine looking man. Rebel and I are in a fight with our eyes. He won’t blink and neither will I. This is how our relationship has been for a while. I finally tear my eyes away when Kaden clears his throat. That one has to go to Rebel. I blinked first.

  “Morning. Can I have a cup of Joe?” That makes me smile. Something else my dad used to say. Rebel smiles too. Uncle Charlie hands him a cup of coffee. Rebel takes it black. “Anyone talked to them since they have been back?”

  “I did late last night. I let them know I was on my way here.” You could cut the air in here with a knife. So many unasked questions are swirling around.

  “How is she? What did she say? I think I have the Giles family taken care.” Kaden looks at Rebel. It’s one of those official looks.

  “Rebel, before you say anything to get yourself in trouble remember I am the Sheriff, and I am not going to ignore anything I hear.” Kaden and Rebel stare each other down.

  “No worries, Sheriff. Everything is on the up and up. I just reminded them that this is my territory and I won’t put up with anyone harassing my woman.” I strangle on my coffee and start coughing, and everyone looks at me. Boy, is Rebel in for a rude awakening today.

  I am glad my aunt and uncle’s kitchen is the biggest room in the house. We are going to need it when the rest of the gang gets here. Just then there is another knock on the door. Rebel moves over by me and sits down. Ms. Audie and Aunt Gladys are finishing up with getting breakfast on the table. Kaden walks back in with Brody carrying Shelby and Gracie right behind them. Everything goes quiet. Then Uncle Charles hands them each a cup of coffee. Shelby has a cup of something, and she is all smiles. Uncle Charles does not wait for things to get out of hand, he steps right in.

  “Gracie has been through a lot, and we don’t need to add to it. We are calmly going to listen to what she has to say. Remember there is a small child in the room, and no one will raise their voice in this house. Am I clear?” That’s Uncle Charlie, always taking control. He looks at Rebel and Brody and waits for their reply. Both just nod their heads. “Let’s all fix our plates and then we will start.”

  We all wait for Gracie to fix Shelby’s plate and Kaden moves the high chair over by Gracie. It’s not long before Shelby is content eating eggs with a biscuit. We all pass the food around and fix our plates. Then we just wait for Gracie to begin.

  “I need to apologize to everyone here for making you worry. That was not my intention. I just was on emotional overload, and I could only think about getting away. I’m really sorry, and I will never do it again so please forgive me.” Gracie is already near tears. Brody reaches over and takes her hand. That’s when Rebel notices the ring on Brody’s left hand. Rebel almost chokes on his food.

  “Why the hell are you wearing a wedding ring, Brody?” Rebel yells. Shelby looks up, and Rebel doesn’t say anything else, but everyone is waiting for Brody’s answer. I know. It’s another reason I wanted to be here this morning. I am here as a buffer, so I guess I better buff.

  “Kevin and I are getting a divorce.” All eyes shift to me. Okay, good diversion. Shelby has gone back to eating. “I’m moving back to Winnsboro, too.” Once again not a word and then all hell broke loose.

  “Why the hell are you wearing a wedding ring, Brody? What have you done?” Rebel is enraged.

  “Gracie and I were married two days ago.” Everything went deathly quiet. Gracie is looking at Brody, and he is looking at her. Kaden gets up and is standing behind Rebel waiting for when he goes off, but he has a smirk on his face. This is Rebel. My Antonio has left the room. I know this is going to get ugly. Aunt Gladys comes over and picks Shelby, and her whole chair, up and moves her into the next room where she stays with her.

  “Did the bitch tell you I fucked her and she could be knocked up with my kid? Because I’m not Giles. If she has my kid, I will take i
t. Are we even now Brody? You couldn’t fuck Jilly after my cock was inside her, so you decided to get Gracie after I already fucked her. Do I need to give you a detailed list of cunts I’ve been in so you can go after them, too?”

  I can’t believe the shit coming out of Rebel’s mouth. Gracie has tears running down her face. Rebel starts to get up but the next thing that happens has us all shocked. Ms. Audie walks up to her son and slaps the hell out of him. I think he is shocked, but he recovers quickly. “What the hell Ma? These people always look down their noses at us. I was never good enough for Jilly. Hell, Jilly probably aborted my kid. I am out of here. Brody keep the cunt, but if she has my kid, I’ll be back.”

  I can’t believe what he just said about our baby. Ms. Audie is crying. Kaden grabs at Rebel and Brody is on his feet. “To think I got rid of a good fuck for this bitch.” Gracie won’t even look at Rebel. My temper gets the best of me, and I can’t hold my tongue anymore. I jump to my feet.

  “You’re a real bastard Rebel. I had a miscarriage, and because of it I can’t have children now, and because of that I just lost my husband.” Everyone goes quiet. “That’s right Rebel; Kevin left me because he wants children and we can’t even adopt because of me. You see, after I had lost our child, I was so depressed that I attempted suicide. Kevin loved me through it and brought me out on the other side, but now it is in my medical records. I had to go through an outreach program.”

  I realize what I am saying, and I see all eyes are on me, so I might as well finish this. “Kevin met someone when I was working all those long hours. She can give him a family. I can’t. I care enough about him to let him go and let him have that happiness in a family. If it weren't for him, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t be anywhere. So we have an amicable divorce, but I am the one who still feels empty.” I look right at Rebel “So, you bastard, don’t ever say I had an abortion. I wanted that child. I loved that child.” I’m done.


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