by Don Malarkey
gliders, in Holland drop
Goodman, Benny
Gordon, Walter, Jr.
later contact between Malarkey and
Goring, Hermann
Grant, Cary
Grant, Chuck
later contact between Malarkey and
Graves Registration
Graveyard of the Pacific
Gray, Everett
Greenham Common Airbase
Grimes, Scott
Gronnell, Ben
Guarnere, Bill
in Battle of the Bulge
on D-day
with gals in house in England
in Holland
later contact between Malarkey and
leg lost by
at Mourmelon-le-Grand
Guth, Forrest
Hale, Earl
in Battle of the Bulge
Hall, George
Hansen, Herman “Hack,”
Harris, Terrence “Salty,”
Hayashi, Tom
hedgerows, definition of
Heffron, Babe
in Battle of the Bulge
Malarkey’s later contact with
Hell’s Corner (Holland)
Hell’s Highway (Holland)
Helmond (Holland)
Henley, William Ernest, “Invictus,”
Heyliger, Fred “Moose,”
Hitler, Adolf
Hitler Youth
Hogan, Joe
Easy Company in
the “Island” in
underground of
Hoobler, Don
in Battle of the Bulge
Horton, Oliver
Howell, William
Hughes, Private
Humperdinck, Engelbert
101st Airborne Division
on D-day
Patton’s estimate of
Presidential Citation of
surrounded at Bastogne
See also specific units
Ilwaco (Washington)
Jackson, Eugene
death of
Jack’s Woods (Bois Jacques)
Jacobson, Louie
James, Harry
continuing war with
surrender of
Japanese forced march
Japanese in World War II America
Jim Crow Sands
Johanson, Wally
Joint, Ed
Jones, Hank
Kaprun (Austria)
Kelly, John
Kelly, Oney
Kiehn, Bill
Kipling, Rudyard, “Gunga Din,”
Lacy, Hugh
Landsberg concentration camp
Lee, William C
Le Grand Chemin (France)
Leonard, Robert
LePard, Donald
Lesniewski, Joseph
Lewis and Clark
Liberty Grill
Liebgott, Joe
in Battle of the Bulge
Liège, hospital at
life insurance
Lipton, Carwood
in Battle of the Bulge
Littlecote (England)
London (England)
furlough to
V-2 bombs on
weekend passes to
Lost Lake (Lost Lake Creek)
Lovell Auto (company)
Lowery, Dewitt
Luxembourg American Cemetery, Muck’s grave at
Luz, George
Lyme Bay
Lynn, Vera
Ml rifle
McAuliffe, Anthony C. “Tony,”
Christmas 1944 message of
“NUTS” answer to Germans by
McCreary, Thomas
McGrath, Patrick
machine guns, German
McLung, Earl
Malarkey, Bob (brother)
Malarkey, Bob (uncle)
Malarkey, Daniel (grandfather)
Malarkey, Don army training of
accident at Camp Mackall
first jumps
in Battle of the Bulge
helmet damaged in raid
whether to shoot foot
wraps feet in burlap
birth of
boyhood of
forest fire
interest in Germany
milk delivery
salmon seining
Bronze Star and cluster of
children of
on D-day
preparations and jump
discharge from army of
drafted into the army
in England
dart champion
Eisenhower-Churchill review
hospital stay
in house with gals
return after D-day
fear of falling by
Frontline Leadership presentation by
gambling winnings in Mourmelon
in Germany
in Holland
hospitalization of
Irishness of
later alcoholism of
later career of
musical interests of
number of combat days of
Purple Heart refused by
as sergeant
wounded German killed by
Malarkey, Edith (grandmother)
death of
Malarkey, Gerald (uncle)
Malarkey, Helen (mother)
death of
Malarkey, Irene Moore (wife)
death of
Malarkey’s dating of
marriage of
Malarkey, John (brother)
Malarkey, Leo “Tick” (father)
death of
Malarkey, Marilyn “Molly” (sister)
Malarkey, Michael (son)
Malmédy massacre
Maloney john
Marine Corps, Malarkey’s exam for
Martin, John
Marylhurst College
Meehan, Thomas B.
Megler (Washington)
Melchior, Lauritz
Melo, Joachim
Miller, Glenn
Miller, James
Miller, Johnny
Mills Brothers
Mills College
Milton, John, “On His Blindness,”
Mr. Lucky (movie)
Moder River
Monarch Forge and Machine Works
Montag, Joe
Montgomery, Bernard
Moone, Don
later contact between Malarkey and
More, Alton
motorcycle and sidecar smuggled to England
Mount Hood, Malarkey’s desperate drive to
Moya, Sergio
Muck, Warren H. “Skip,”
in Battle of the Bulge
grave in Luxembourg of
in Holland
at Mourmelon-le-Grand
in movie
Nehalem River
Netherlands. See Holland
New York City, Malarkey in
Niagara River
Nijmegen (Holland)
Niland, Bob
Niland, Edward
Niland, Fritz
Niland, Preston
Nixon, Lewis
Nolan, Michael
American capture of
Nuenen (Holland)
“NUTS” answer to Germans at Bastogne
Oglethorpe University
Omaha Beach
Operation Market Garden
Operation Pegasus
Opheusden (Holland)
/> Oregonian, The (newspaper)
Orth, Ralph
Ourthe River
Out of the Night,
Owen, Richard
P-47 fighter plane
P-51 fighter plane
Easy Company strafed by
Palace Pub (London)
Parachute School (Fort Benning)
acrophobia among
“drumming out” ceremony of
Malarkey’s decision to join
pay of
Reader’s Digest article on
wings of
Paris, Malarkey in
Pasler, Frank
Patton, George
Peacock, Thomas
Pearl Harbor attack
Penkala, Alex
Perconte, Frank
Peter Iredale (ship)
Petty, Cleveland
Phil Spitalny All-Girl
“photo op,”
Pickford, Mary
Pillsbury Flour Mill (Astoria)
Plesha, John
“points” after V-E day
Portland (Oregon)
Malarkey as machinist in
Powers, Shifty
Presidential Citations
Purple Heart
Malarkey’s refusal of
Rader, Robert
Randleman, Denver “Bull,”
Ranney Mike
later contact between Malarkey and
Reader’s Digest,
Regent Palace Hotel (London)
rescue by Easy Company
Rhine River, Easy Company’s crossing of
Rhine River malaria
Robbins, Woodrow
Robinson, Jackie
Rockwood, Roy
Roe, Eugene
in Battle of the Bulge
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps)
St. Albans (England)
St. Hubert
St. Mary’s Parish (Astoria)
St. Mary’s Star of the Sea school
salmon, Malarkey compares self to
Salmon Derby
Samaria (ship)
Sampson, Francis
Saturday Evening Post,
Saving Private Ryan (movie)On
Schmitz, Raymond
Schmitz Steel Company
Screaming Eagles. See 101st Airborne Division
Seaside Sandfleas
Seattle (Washington)
2nd Armored Division
Second Army, British
Settle, Matthew
7th Armored Division (British)
705th Tank Destroyer Battalion
Sheehy, John
Sherman Tanks
Sigma Nu fraternity
Sinatra, Frank
Sink, William
Smith, R. B. “Burr,”
in Battle of the Bulge
later contact between Malarkey and
Sobel, Herbert
dismissed as company commander
in England
influence on Malarkey by
later threat by
letter to mothers by
Winters’ final confrontation with
Son (Holland)
Speight, Richard, Jr.
Speirs, Ronald
in Battle of the Bulge
disobedient sergeant killed by
Spudnut Doughnut Shop
Stein, Ed “Step-and-a-Half,”
Stokes, J. B.
Strayer, Bob
Stuka dive-bomber
Sunset Highway
Swanson, Colonel
Sweeney, Patrick
Talbert, Floyd
at Bulge
Tanner, Faye
Malarkey fails to visit
Malarkey’s later meeting with
Malarkey’s letters to
Taylor, Maxwell
10th Armored Division
3rd Armored Division
Third Army, U.S.
XXX Corps, British
Thomas, Ed
377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
Tiger tank
Tillamook Burn (Astoria Fire)
Toccoa (Georgia)
Toye, Joe
in Battle of the Bulge
on D-day
in Holland
hospitalizations of
hotel incidents with
later contact between Malarkey and
Toye, Pete
Trask, Grandma and Granddad
28th Infantry Division
Uden (Holland)
University of Oregon
Malarkey as student at
Malarkey’s graduation from
See also Sigma Nu fraternity
Upottery (England)
Utah Beach
D-Day Museum at
V-2 bombs
Vallavielle, Michel de
Valtin, Jan
Van Klinken, Robert
V-E day
Veghel (Holland)
V-J day
Waal River
Wageningen (Holland)
Warren, John
Washington (D.C.), Malarkey in
Webster, David Kenyon
“We’ll Meet Again” (song)
Welsh, Harry
later contact between Malarkey and
Wesley, Leland
West, Allen
Wilhelmina Canal bridge (Holland)
Willamette Valley
Wills, Lord
Wilson Studio (Astoria)
Winters, Dick
in Battle of the Bulge
after Battle of the Bulge
Beyond Band of Brothers, on D-day and after
Distinguished Service Cross of
in Germany
in Holland
as major
Malarkey’s estimate of
Malarkey’s goodbye to
Malarkey’s later letters to
1980s Christmas cards to
Nixon as pal of
in postwar Europe
Sobel and final confrontation
and Sobel’s dismissal
as training officer
World War I
World War II, outbreak of
Worms (Germany)
Wynn, Popeye
Young’s Bay
Zastavniak, Frank
Zell am See (Austria)
Zonsche Forest (Holland)