The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress

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The Billionaire's Blackmailed Heiress Page 3

by Marie Kelly

  In a smaller voice she had carefully spoken.

  “What do you know?” her eyes rising to look into his face, not able to see the expression in his eyes as they were still hidden behind the dark sunglasses.

  “I know that you have rented the villa Aqua for a month, the villa you and your mother lived in while she and Alexander were together, and that you have pretty much used up all of your money to do it”

  Continuing his voice had been calm.

  “I also know that your mother has not long left to live”.

  He had paused seeing the flash of pain which had again crossed her face, more tears rising to her eyes as she had fought hard to keep them from spilling over, something inside him reacting to her vulnerability.

  “I truly am sorry Mina”.

  Nodding softly, she had once more dragged the back of her hand over her cheek, her hands visibly trembling.

  “Well I guess that you would have found out eventually” she had finally stated, the hurt clear on her voice.

  “You asked me yesterday why I had waited so long to …how did you put it…crawl out of the woodwork”.

  She had pulled on her sunglasses in a vain attempt to hide her upset.

  “I never wanted my connection with Alexander Mentis to come to light Mr Dupris. If I had not needed this money, then I would never have approached you or your family…but at least now you know why I have…and also that I will keep my word and I will sign anything you ask, and never bother you or your family again”.

  Nikos had watched Mina, silently taking in the way she was trying so desperately to keep her composure.

  “I only want to make my mother’s last few months happy ones Mr Dupris. That is all”.

  She had spoken in almost a whisper, her lovely face vulnerable as he had frowned softly, lifting his cup and taking a sip. He had wanted to despise the woman before him, to find fault in the daughter of the stepfather he had hated so much. However, she was solely concerned about her mother, prepared to sacrifice everything to make her happy. For the first time since meeting her, he had felt a twinge of pity for the young woman, chastising himself and once more reminding himself who she was. She was the bastard child of a man he had loathed. Hardening his features he had once more looked over at the young woman before him.

  “The villa your mother is in just now is one of my properties Miss Lane” he had said, once more becoming so formal, seeing the surprise on her face.

  “Your name is not on…” she had began as he had interrupted her, knowing what she was about to say.

  “It is managed by a rental company on our behalf”.

  Mina had once more fallen silent.

  “I have contacted them and secured it for the next year…in my name and my name only”.

  His mouth softer “I thought perhaps a little longer might be wise”.

  Mina had looked at him, her expression one of complete surprise and hope, a smile forming on her luscious lips.

  “You…Oh my God…I don’t know how to thank you”.

  A note of relief now clearly present in her voice “Mr Dupris…It has been such a worry … I really want to thank you”.

  Nikos, however, had raised his hand to stop her.

  “Like I said Miss Lane, I gave your proposal some thought and have decided that I have another one to put to you”.

  Mina had hesitated, her relief still so evident her face now shining with the most dazzling smile, one which was sending strange sensations through him. He had thought her lovely before, but now she shone and it was all he could do to not stare at how beautiful she looked. Pulling himself together, his voice had been harsher than he had meant it to be.

  “I have a different proposal for you. Your mother can remain at the villa and I will ensure that she has round the clock medical support when it becomes necessary…and you will still be given one million pounds”.

  With a wide smile she had shaken her head.

  “Really Mr Dupris…there is no need to give me money…you have no idea how much I appreciate what you are doing” pulling off her sunglasses once more to wipe a small happy tear from her large shining green eyes.

  Nikos had swallowed, suddenly feeling bad about what he was about to do. Once more reminding himself of who she was, although the vision of her at that moment, so relieved and happy to be in a position to make her dying mothers final wishes come true had made him feel very uncomfortable.

  In a low strong voice he had looked closely at her.

  “I want you to come out and declare to the world your relationship to Alexander”.

  He had watched as the smile had fallen from her face, her smooth complexion growing pale, as she had stared back at him in horror.

  “W.what…what do you mean?…I can’t” she had stuttered in dumbfounded disbelief.

  “I told you I would remain unknown…I promised to sign anything. Why would you want?…”

  Mina could only stare at him, stupefied at his words, her eyes staring wildly at the man before her. This man who sat so still and composed his expression one of grim determination, knowing that he was not joking as she so badly wanted him to be.

  Once more picking up his drink, his hands still and strong as hers shook uncontrollably he had continued.

  “Your father had a child from his first marriage, Alexander also. He has equal rights to the company that I have pulled up and turned around. Now that it is once again the thriving organisation that it was, he sees a way to get VERY rich VERY fast”.

  Looking over at the young woman still watching him with shocked eyes, he had finished.

  “Your half-brother has forced a meeting of the board for a month’s time, at which he will demand the sale of the company to one of my main rivals. Now while the vote may go my way…I am not a man who likes to take chances Miss Lane. Your appearance means that you now have one third right to the company. It also means that when it goes to vote you will have the casting decision”.

  Leaning forward he had held her eyes with his.

  “I want you to come forward and to vote with me to ensure that my company is not sold from under me. The villa your mother is staying is not far from my own home, so I propose that you come and stay with me until the vote. Then you may move in with your mother and I will ensure that you are paid handsomely for your support”.

  Shaking her head vehemenantly Mina had muttered.

  “No, no, no…I can’t do that …I do not want to do that” her once sparkling eyes now full of hopelessness and pleading.

  “Please Mr Dupris…do not ask that of me. Coming forward…I will be hounded by the press…you know that. Another scandal for the tabloids”.

  She had seen as his lips had pressed together firmly, his brows frowning.

  “That is why I ask that you come and stay with me. In my home I can offer you some protection…and it will mean that the press will leave your mother alone”.

  Dropping her eyes once more to the perfect view of the water and the slowly sinking sun, the sky breaking into glorious colour, silence had descended on the two of them, Mina trying hard to pull herself together to allow the tranquil setting to bring some calm to her shocked body. After several minutes she had once more turned to him.

  “And what if I refuse?” her voice almost inaudible, Nikos sighing softly.

  “If you refuse, then at the end of the month, your mother will be asked to leave and no matter who else you might approach, you will find that the villa will no longer be an option for you to rent”.

  Looking at the man before her with eyes full of such pain she had whispered “You would do that to a dying woman? A woman who just wants to spend the last of her days in the one place she was most happy?”

  He had looked back holding her gaze steadily, his expression grim and firm.

  “I would do whatever it takes to protect my company Miss Lane, whatever it takes”.

  Once more looking away she had nodded her head softly, her shoulders slightly stooped, her voice def

  “It seems you have left me with little choice Mr Dupris, I will do what you want”.

  While feeling relief that she had agreed, Nikos could not help but feel the discomfort of guilt which tugged so deeply at him his voice once more soft but businesslike.

  “I have already contacted a medical crew who specialise in home support. They will be waiting to help your mother whenever her condition requires it”.

  Still not looking at him, he had seen her nod softly in understanding.

  “Tomorrow I will organise for your belongings to be brought from your hotel to my home, but I have also ensured that you receive an allowance so that you can update your wardrobe to meet the expectations of the board”.

  At this she had frowned, her head flying around to look back at him.

  “I don’t understand…what does it matter how I look?”

  She had seen as he had flicked his eyes over the summer dress she wore, his look telling her more than she wanted to know.

  “You will find yourself in many business situations Miss Lane, and there will be many social functions you will be required to attend. While you look lovely, you are not exactly dressed for these occasions and I suspect you did not pack for them either”.

  With a scowl, she had felt her insides shrivel at his disdain, before giving a weary sigh, her hand pushing the hair from her face.

  “No, I guess not Mr Dupris” her mouth clamping shut, her eyes falling to her clasped hands. His hand covering hers had made her jump in surprise, her look flying up to his, seeing as he had removed his glasses and was now looking intently at her.

  “At any other time Mina, please believe that I would have done exactly what you asked. Your offer was very fair, and your reasons honourable”.

  She had seen as his features had hardened, his lips forming a set line.

  “Your half-brother is not a good person Mina, he is very like your father, and I will not lie to you and tell you that there was any love lost between us…there was not”.

  His fingers had gently stroked hers, sending the strangest tingling through Mina, who had fought hard to hold back the small moan from her lips.

  “You however, I do not think are like him. So I hope that you will understand my position. I hope that you will understand that I must protect my company and those people who work for me. The people that your brother would put out of work without a second thought”.

  Nikos had watched as her eyes had grown softer, the realisation of just what he was facing filling her too as she had nodded softly.

  “I guess that you are only protecting those you love too Mr Dupris”.

  Her gentle words making his mouth curve into a smile.

  “Yes…..I guess I am” an understanding look passing between them both.

  Chapter Two

  Later as she had lain in the small hotel bed she had thought of the rest of the day. When he had found out that her intention was to visit her mother, he had organised for a taxi to be available for her use. This small thoughtful act had confused Mina even more. She wanted so much to dislike Nikos, this overbearing and domineering man who had pushed her into a situation she so obviously did not want to be in and yet he kept redeeming himself with small acts of kindness such as the taxi. As she had sighed, she had reminded herself of the way he had used her mother’s situation as blackmail to meet his own purposes. No, Nikos Dupris was manipulative and ruthless, Mina knowing that he would crush her or anybody else who dared stand in his way. However, as she had fallen asleep it was his eyes that had been her final thought, those sensual sexy eyes that had the power to send tremors through her even in a dream.

  The next day as promised a large car had arrived to pick Mina up. The driver, a tall handsome man with a polite smile and warm eyes had insisted on carrying her small bag as he had held the door for her, Mina smiling at his thoughtfulness. As they had driven the small distance to Nikos’ villa, he had chatted happily to her in perfect English. She had discovered that his name was Yanis and that he and his family lived on Nikos’ estate. His father was the gardener and mother the housekeeper and he had happily answered her many questions about the estate, Mina finding herself liking him very much. She had been happy to discover that as well as driving he also did odd jobs around the grounds, glad to know that there would be a friendly face around she could talk to. Aware that he was speaking she had leant forward slightly to hear him.

  “There are only really two great villas here” he had chuckled, as they had passed a small picturesque village, its houses almost seeming to organically rise from the ground itself.

  “There is Nikos’ home…by far the most impressive, and the Villa Aqua, which is being rented”.

  Mina had instantly recognised the name of the villa her mother was staying at.

  “Are they close?” she had asked gently, closing her eyes softly as he had nodded “Only about ten miles apart”.

  Something deep inside Mina had clenched at the knowledge of how her father had carried on his affair with her mother right under his wife’s nose. It seemed cold blooded, and she had grown silent, the other man sensing something wrong within her.

  “Madam are you alright?” he had asked gently as she had pulled her unseeing eyes back from the window to give him a small smile.

  “Yes…and please Yanis call me Mina”.

  In the mirror she had seen as he had nodded, a smile lighting up his handsome features.

  “How long are you staying at the villa Mina?”

  She had given a small frown, not sure of the answer to that herself.

  “I’m don’t really know. A few weeks, a month or so” she had responded vaguely.

  Yanis had given her a quizzical look, but had not pursued the matter.

  “My mother will enjoy having another woman about” he had said softly “Nikos is not big on having guests, and the women tend not to stay for long”.

  Realising that he had gone too far, Yanis had given Mina an apologetic look.

  “Forgive me, I should not have said that…Nikos is a good man, just likes his space”.

  Mina could see the discomfort on his features, at what he obviously perceived as talking out of line about his employer, and had smiled softly. She imaged that many women spent the night at the villa, but it was interesting to find out that none of them stayed.

  As they had rounded the next bend, the road had opened up into a large clearing and Mina had gasped.

  The villa truly was breathtaking, and she had leant forward to stare at it. With her artistic eye, even Mina was stunned with how perfectly the villa sat near the edge of the cliff. The aqua of the sea in the background had silhouetted the white-washed walls and terracotta tiled roof with plants creeping up parts of the building itself. Around the estate gardens grew everywhere, the burst of colour vibrant in the setting of the green hillside. That it was large she could see from the many verandas which led from the long windows around the second floor of the home.

  With a small gasp, she had appreciated all of this in an instant, hearing Yanis chuckle “Did I not say it was the most beautiful villa?”

  Mina had only been able to nod as the car had swept up the long driveway to the grand entrance. As the car had come to a halt, an older woman had rushed from the inside of the house, talking animatedly in Greek to Yanis, who had smiled warmly back, the woman smiling also at Mina, her expression one of nervous respect.

  “Good afternoon Madam” she had said softly, giving almost a small curtsy, as Yanis had chuckled, quickly throwing words full of humour at her as he had lifted out Mina’s bag moving forward with her to meet his mother.

  “Mina, I should like you to meet my mother” he had said Mina holding back the soft laugh, as the other woman had thrown him a shocked look for his informality. Extending her hand she had taken the surprised looking woman’s, shaking it gently.

  “Please call me Mina” she had smiled, her eyes full of warmth, seeing as the other woman had relaxed nodding and smiling

  “Then you must call me Theresa” she had insisted, as Mina had nodded in return, her eyes once more flying to the villa, shining with wonder.

  “It is truly a beautiful place Theresa” she had murmured softly, as the older woman had enthusiastically nodded.

  “Wait till you see the inside Mina” she had chuckled, taking her arm and leading her inside. Surprised at this intimate act, she had looked back at Yanis, who was smiling, his eyes full of merriment as he had mouthed ‘she likes you’, Mina giving him a return grin.

  Inside Mina had found herself being given the grand tour. Each room was more charming than the last, decorated simply yet elegantly with the understated stamp of wealth that so many homes failed to achieve. Each room led onto the large hallway, the marble tiles causing her small heels to make such a musical sound as she walked. Moving up the grand stairs, the railings made to mimic the outside marble balustrade, she had been only able to gasp at the large chandelier which hung down from the ceiling, natural light pouring in from the glass window which showed the blue of the sky above.

  From the upper landing which circulated around all of the rooms, Theresa had moved to one corner room, pushing the door open with a flourish.

  “I hope that you will find this to your liking Madam” she had said with pride, laughing as Mina had given her a mock hurt look “Mina ….” she had corrected, Theresa smiling, her eyes full of humour.

  “I hope you like this room Mina…If not then for you I will change it”.

  Mina had moved into the large bedroom, her hands flying to her mouth as she had gasped.

  “Wow…this is so beautiful” her eyes drinking in the expensive furnishings, before she had moved to the large ornate French windows which lay open, the breeze catching the soft curtains and billowing them out. Mina had thought how the whole room looked like something she had seen in a movie, her lips giving a dazzling smile, before she had moved out onto the balcony, seeing as her room overlooked the sea.


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