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Page 2

by Jennifer Smith

  Patty sighed. It didn’t matter, though, maybe her luck just changed for the better.

  ~ 2 ~

  Three Is Not A Crowd

  Dion slid onto the barstool and ordered a vodka tonic, which he didn’t drink, but only used for affect. When Dion was in the human realm, he was in his element. Humans were so easily manipulated, especially the females. In the realm of the gods, Dion was really no different than everyone else. Every male in his world was tall, blonde, muscular, powerful, telepathic… but in the human world, Dion was the god he’d been born to be.

  Just because he enjoyed it, just because he reveled in it, just because he used it to his advantage, his brother, Ira, got all pissy. Ira needed to lighten up. No, Ira needed to get laid.

  And that was exactly what Dion was planning on doing tonight. He hadn’t been on the barstool for more than two minutes before three big-boobed, long-legged, scantily dressed women in high-heels surrounded him. Two brunettes and a redhead had their hands all over him and their lips battled with his. Sliding off the barstool, Dion wrapped his big arms around the trio and escorted them out the door.

  Squeezing into his 1957 300 SL Gullwing was nearly impossible, but somehow they managed. For Dion, driving the hot sports car was like putting on a shirt that was three sizes too small, or shoes that belonged to his mother. If not for the unique wing doors, he doubted he’d be able to fit at all. But the women loved it.

  Driving them to the Continental Suites, an exclusive, richly appointed hotel where Dion kept a penthouse as his own personal den of iniquity, he escorted the three ladies through the lobby and into an elevator. He inserted his key into the panel, insuring the elevator wouldn’t stop until it reached the uppermost level of the hotel. The elevator exited directly into his apartment. As they stepped into the living room, all three women

  ooh’d and ahh’d at the opulent decor. Of course, Dion would have settled for nothing less. If he couldn’t have the finest there was to offer in this world, what would be the point?

  Tiffany, Devon, and Chrissy giggled with one another as Dion opened three bottles of champagne and gave one to each woman. They turned the music up loud and the women began dancing together while drinking their champagne, and it wasn’t long before what clothing they wore wound up on the floor. Braless, wearing thongs that were no more than tiny pieces of rectal-floss, the three women discarded their empty bottles and were soon rubbing their hands over one another. Dion, who had already shed his own clothing, simply lay back on the king-sized bed, propped up with pillows and watched the show.

  Tiffany wrapped her arms around Chrissy and kissed her deeply, while cutting her eyes over at Dion. He smiled and patted the bed beside him. Breaking the kiss, Tiffany slunk her way to the bed and crawled on all fours up onto the mattress. Licking a line from the sole of his foot, up his leg and over his stomach, she stretched out on top of him. Her mouth tasted of the champagne she’d drunk, and her tongue knew exactly what to do with his.

  While she kissed him, Devon and Chrissy joined them. Chrissy sucked his cock, and Devon lay on her back between Tiffany’s legs and lapped at her pussy. Dion took it all in, allowed them to use his body for their pleasure, even as they gave one another pleasure. Devon nudged Chrissy from between Dion’s legs and mounted him, sheathing his hard dick deep inside her pussy. Tiffany straddled Dion’s face, sitting with her pussy just above his mouth while his tongue flicked over her clit. She was facing Devon and the two women began kissing and massaging one another’s tits. On her knees between Dion’s legs, Chrissy pressed her tits against Devon’s back, and reaching around, she massaged her tits.

  The women intermittently traded places. Sucking Dion’s cock, kissing him, sitting on his face, riding him. They also licked each other’s pussies, and sucked each other’s nipples, until they all wound up completely exhausted, satisfied, and sleeping soundly. They spent two days and nights in bed, getting up occasionally to wrestle with each other in the large Jacuzzi, to lather one another in the shower, or to allow room service to enter and bring more food and drink.

  On Monday morning, Dion slid from beneath the tangle of arms and legs, went into the bathroom and stepped into the shower. Lathering up, he washed his hair, then brushed his teeth and thought about the day to come. There was a girl with shoulder-length dark hair he was going to see today. Patty would call his office and he couldn’t wait to hear her voice, to see her again.

  Thinking of his first meeting with her, Dion pictured her as he’d first seen her. He’d simply been strolling along, and had no intentions of picking up a woman. Yet there she was, sprawled on the sidewalk, pleading for someone to help her, but as was typical of most city-dwellers, no one had the time to notice a solitary female with a broken heel, trying to get herself together and out of the way before she was trampled.

  Flustered and frustrated, she’d been a vision that he wanted to get to know better, so he’d picked up some of the things that’d spilled from the box she was carrying, and instead of putting everything back in the carton, he’d slipped a couple of envelopes with her name and address on them into his jacket pocket. It would get him another meeting with her, he knew, and it had. He was extremely pleased with himself for having figured it out on his own, not having used a single bit of the magic that was always at his disposable. Of course, he rarely had to use magic in the human realm. Mortals really were quite a naïve lot.

  Quietly dressing so as not to wake his three sleeping companions, he left an envelope with three thousand dollars on the dresser and a little note thanking them for the terrific weekend. Whether they’d be offended by the implication of the money, he didn’t know, and he didn’t really care. Money was the universal common denominator. Even if they voiced faux indignity over the cash to one another, they’d take it and be secretly thrilled by such a gift.

  ~ * ~

  Twenty minutes later, Dion opened the door to his office. He kept a suite in one of the most prestigious office complexes in town, and even though he didn’t need to, he actually did business as a security consultant. He had seventeen employees who were at the top of their field and the business did very well. Well enough that he also employed three accountants and a former IRS man who did his taxes. Dion grinned. Yeah, he even paid taxes!

  "Ms. Reed," he said cheerfully, "how are you this morning?"

  "Wonderful, Mr. Vine. How was your weekend?"

  "Same as usual." He grinned and went into his private office.

  Still thinking about Patty James, Dion looked out the window that filled the wall behind his desk. The city lay before him, the river and mountains in the distance. What was it about the girl that captivated him? She was nervous to a fault, very naïve—she’d allowed a complete stranger into her home—and she seemed unable to carry on a decent conversation. Much shorter than his six-foot-four-inches, with hair the color of honey, eyes that weren’t exactly green, but not exactly gray either, she was not even close to being his type. He liked the long-legged, model types… the ones who were short on conversation because they had better things to do with their mouths.

  Yet, there was something intriguing about Patty, something that drew him to her. He couldn’t quite put a name to it, what it was about her that called to him, but he was going to find out.

  Shortly after nine, Dion’s intercom buzzed. "Yes," he said smiling. He already knew what the call was about.

  "There is a Ms. James to see you, Mr. Vine. And she doesn’t have an appointment," his secretary added.

  "That’s quite all right, Ms. Reed. Send her in." He clicked off and stood as the door opened and Ms. Reed ushered Patty inside. Dion caught the look on her face as she gave Patty the once-over. "Thank you, Ms. Reed. Please bring coffee and beignets, and then I don’t want to be disturbed for any reason."

  Ms. Reed nodded curtly and shut the door.

  Patty stood just inside the door, looking extremely nervous.

  "Good morning, Ms. James. How are you?" He offered his hand.

; "I’m fine," she replied, taking his hand. The same feeling of an electrical current raced up her arm and Patty felt her knees begin to shake.I’m going to carry on a decent conversation andnotact like an idiot today,she told herself. "How are you Mr. Vine?"

  Dion Vine. D. Vine.Patty almost laughed out loud as the thought crossed her mind, and

  she wondered if he realized it, too. "Please call me Patty."

  "And you can call me Dion. I think we are past the formality stage, anyway," he said with a chuckle.

  "Yes," she agreed, smiling. "I think we are."

  "Please, sit down," he offered.

  "Thank you." She took a seat in a comfortable, oversized chair just as Ms. Reed returned with the coffee and pastries. Everything smelled wonderful and Patty’s stomach growled loudly. She blushed. "I’m sorry."

  Ms. Reed frowned but said nothing as she left the room.

  "No need to apologize," Dion assured her. "Help yourself to a beignet while I pour the coffee."

  "Thank you," she said and reached for the plate of scrumptious-looking pastries. Patty almost hadn’t come downtown this morning. After lying awake most of the night, obsessing over the situation and her lack of a job, she had decided that Dion was just being nice to her, feeling sorry for her. That he was taking pity upon a real loser and she just didn’t want to be humiliated any further. But after finally falling asleep sometime around three in the morning, she’d dreamed of him. And my, what a dream it had been!

  Patty had awakened looking around to see if he was actually there, and then she checked herself to make sure she wasn’t nude like she’d been in the dream! The only reason she actually did come to his office was so she could get one more look at him.

  Dion watched as she licked icing from her thumb then took another bite, her tongue snaking out to lick her lips. An innocent action on Patty’s part, he was sure, but what it did to him was anything but innocent. Sipping from his coffee cup, he wondered what it was about this particular woman that had him tangled up like this. He’d had hundreds of women over the past several thousand years, and yet, not a single one had lingered in his mind for more than a few days, at most. Women were handy to have around if a man needed someone to cook, or clean, or fuck, but in the modern era, he’d not even needed one around for the cooking or cleaning.

  Now here was this woman in front of him who was causing all kinds of weird thoughts to go through his brain, along with emotions he’d never had before. The thoughts weren’t really bothering him so much as the emotions were. Emotional over a woman? How was that possible? On top of that, he wasn’t even sure what those emotions were. On the other hand, he was very sure what the thoughts were. Very basic, very primal, and the desire to have her naked and beneath him was nearly overwhelming. Tipping the coffee cup back, he drained it. Then he clenched his jaw as half a cup of very hot liquid burned all the way down.

  "Are you all right?" Patty asked.

  Swallowing hard and taking a deep breath, Dion forced a smile. "Yes, thank you."

  "If you don’t mind my asking, what exactly is the position you told me about at my apartment?"

  The position? His mind whirled around the possibilities of that idea, but he remained a gentleman, much to his chagrin. Smiling, he looked at her and answered, "I am in need of a personal assistant."

  "What about Ms. Reed? I thought—"

  "She is my secretary," he said. "What I need is someone who is able to travel, to take notes, transcribe tapes, keep me organized and schedule appointments. It’s a hectic pace when I’m traveling and I have enough to do without trying to keep up with everything else."

  "I’m sorry, but I don’t even know what you do here, and you don’t even know my qualifications."

  Dion sat in the chair opposite her, taking her in as he watched her pick up her coffee cup and take a sip. The sun was starting to slant through the window and rays of light danced off her hair, bringing out the red tones hidden in her deep brown tresses. No, she wasn’t what he’d call beautiful, not in the classical sense, but she was pretty, young, and soft. She was also more innocent than any woman he’d ever known. Not that he thought she was virginal—that had nothing to do with it. There was more to her than met the eye.

  Unassuming. That was the word that came to mind. What you saw with Patty was exactly what you got. Folding his hands together, he leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees.

  "I’m a security consultant," he told her. "I test security systems for private individuals and corporations alike. I make sure the things they want protected are truly protected."

  "So you’re like a technician that makes sure their burglar alarms work?"

  With a smile he said, "No, I’m more like a thief. I make sure their security systems can’t be breached."

  "You break into houses?" she asked wide-eyed.

  "Not just houses, but museums, libraries, military bases, nuclear facilities, government installations, among others."

  Patty was truly impressed and felt a skitter of excitement run up her spine. What a great job it would be to work for him. Not to mention the perks! She could look at him all the time and get paid for it!

  "That sounds very interesting," she said calmly, though her pulse was jumping beneath her skin.

  "Just interesting?" he asked with a knowing smile.

  "Veryinteresting," she replied.

  "Do you want the job?"

  "I do, but you don’t even know if I’m qualified, or anything else about me."

  "Are you qualified, Patty?" He purred and she felt something,him, flow through her like hot oil.

  "Ye-yes," she stuttered. "I have my resume right here." She quickly handed him the page.

  Dion accepted her resume and sat back in his chair, reading over her qualifications. Her education was remarkable—a master’s in business from Columbia—but her work history hadn’t allowed her to really use her skills. That would change, he thought. She would be using all of her known skills and probably many more she had no idea she even had.

  Putting the resume aside, he leaned forward, extending his hand, and she took it. The electricity that shot up her arm this time made her jerk back. What Patty didn’t know

  was that she wasn’t the only one feeling it.

  "Congratulations on your new job," he told her, but even as he extended the offer, he started having second thoughts.

  ~ 3 ~

  New Possibilities

  Dion was not happy. Not at all. He was a dedicated hedonist and this feeling inside of him was not conducive to such pursuits. How on earth could this human female have such an effect on him? In all his eons on earth, he’d never experienced such a reaction.

  Theonlyreaction he wanted to have to a woman was a stiff cock, nothing else. There was absolutely no reason for him to be having an emotional response to Patty James. What was wrong with him?

  He paced his office, shoved his hands deep into his pockets and paced some more. And then the thought hit him.Mother!This had to be her doing; it was the only plausible answer. He could not possibly be falling in love. It was a ludicrous idea.

  "Alright, Mother," he said aloud. "Knock off the shit. I know it’s you, so you can stop now." He waited. No answer. "Mother! Show yourself!" He waited. Still no response.

  Taking a deep breath, Dion tried to keep his temper under control. He tried one more time. "Mother, please, I need to speak with you." After a few moments, he was sure she was not going to grant his request; he shook his head and muttered aloud, "If you won’t come to me, then I’ll come to you."

  When he appeared in his own world, he pushed open the door to his brother’s private offices without knocking. "Where is our mother?"

  "Hello, brother, nice to see you. How are you?" Ira said mockingly and frowned, without bothering to look up. "You could at least address me politely before starting in on demands."

  Dion sighed. "Hello, Ira, how are you? Now, where the hell is our mother?"

  "I have no idea. What do you want with
her, anyway?"

  "Just tell her to stay the hell out of my life. I don’t need her meddling."

  "What do you think she’s done?"

  "I don’tthinkshe’s done anything. Iknowfor a fact she’s done it, and I want her to butt out. I’m a grown-ass man, and unlike you, I don’t need my mommy butting into my life."

  Ira tapped a pencil on his desk and gritted his teeth. What he would give for just one shot at his little brother! Just one good old-fashioned right cross to the jaw! He took a deep breath, blew it out, and then said, "Fine, Dion. I’ll tell her that you came by."

  "Tell her I said back the fuck off!" With that, Dion disappeared from his brother’s office.

  "That went well," Ira said as he downed a glass of nectar. "I told you he’d know it was you."

  Aurora waved one hand in dismissal. "No, he only thinks he knows it’s me. This was a fishing expedition and he caught nothing."

  "Mother, you’re meddling and he’s going to find out the truth, then we’ll both be in for it. And frankly, I’m sick and tired of cleaning up after him."

  "Don’t worry yourself," she said and patted him on the head, "by the time he does figure it out, it’ll be too late. You and I will both have what we want." With that, she was gone, leaving Ira shaking his head.

  ~ * ~

  Dion strolled out of his office. He wasnotgetting emotional over the human he’d just hired as his assistant. And why had he done such a stupid thing, anyway? Hired her!

  What had he been thinking? His mother had to have meddled, because if she hadn’t, the alternative was too terrible to even think about! As he walked toward the elevator, he heard a voice calling to him.

  "Mr. Vine," Ms. Reed called. "Mr. Vine, please, you have appointments! Where are you going?"

  Dion ignored her and kept walking.


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