Greyson - Part 4: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)

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Greyson - Part 4: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack) Page 3

by Cali MacKay

  But when Greyson gathered her up in his arms, she let him, clinging to him as if she might break into a million pieces if he let her go. She breathed in his scent, anchoring herself to his familiarity, telling herself that they’d find a way through this. With another deep breath, she did her best to pull it together, drying her eyes as she shifted out of Greyson’s embrace, though she still couldn’t bear to look at any of them.

  “Juno, we know this can’t be easy on you, with everything you’ve gone through—but Greyson’s right to want to become alpha.” Ryder shook his head with a sigh, his gaze sympathetic. “Not only will it go a long way in keeping you safe, but it’ll also be good for the pack. With Cullen retiring, and Kiernan ready to step up, the pack’s unsettled, but there aren’t many other than Greyson who’d be a suitable alpha and would have the support of the pack.”

  “Then someone should get Kiernan to step down, instead of having Greyson fight him for it, because I already came too close to losing him once, and I refuse to go through that again.” The images of Greyson shot and bleeding in her arms would always haunt her, and she just couldn’t take the chance that he’d survive this.

  “Juno…” Greyson pulled her back into his arms and kissed the top of her head as she settled against his chest with a sigh. “I don’t want you worrying about this.”

  She pulled away and glared him. “Then don’t do this.”

  “There’s another option.” Thayer leaned against the counter and took a sip of his beer, in no real hurry. “It wouldn’t take care of your pack problems, but it’d keep the bears from continuing to hunt Juno.”

  Hope bubbled inside her chest. “How, Thayer? How exactly would you pull that off?”

  Chapter Six

  Greyson was curious to know Thayer’s plan, half wondering if this was all some sort of ploy to manipulate things in his favor so he could put himself in Juno’s good graces. Not that he had long to wait, since Thayer was answering Juno’s question.

  “The Black Ridge Clan and my pack have a certain business arrangement. We supply them with…hard to find items that my pack has easy access to. Needless to say, they would not be happy to have our arrangement come to an end.” Thayer shrugged, giving them a cocky smile. “The way I see it, it should be easy enough to convince them to leave Juno alone, especially when it’s just a handful of the bears that are a problem.”

  “Would that really work?” She sounded so hopeful—and yet Greyson doubted Thayer would be doing this out of the goodness of his heart.

  “I can be rather persuasive—although I want something in exchange.”

  Of course he did—and that no doubt involved Juno.

  “I want Juno to become a member of my pack. She wouldn’t have to give up being a member of Silver Moon, nor would she have to move. She could be a member of both.”

  Fuck… Greyson didn’t like it. But it felt like there was little chance of getting the bears to back off and leave Juno alone otherwise. “We’ll need to discuss it, but…being a member of two packs doesn’t happen all that often.”

  It’s not that members from one pack didn’t marry into another, but usually the choice was to leave one pack and join the other, though there were rare occasions when they remained a member of both packs. However, what Thayer was proposing was completely different, since it wasn’t a matter of marriage.

  “Maybe not. But who cares? Our territories border each other, which makes it easy, and who’s really going to object? You’re her only shifter family, and I’m sure Cullen just wants her to be safe and would rather avoid starting a war with the bears.”

  As much as Greyson hated giving Thayer any power when it came to Juno, this would help ease some of her stress, which couldn’t be good for the baby.

  “If it’ll allow me to come and go off the mountain, and allow me to live there, without having to worry about the bears coming after me, then I’m all for it.” She gave Greyson a look of apology, since she likely knew he’d want to discuss the matter before agreeing to anything. Not that he couldn’t blame her for wanting to jump at the chance to have a more normal life.

  “I’d still like the chance to mull it over, but we appreciate the offer.” Greyson was grateful that Thayer and Juno let it go and they reverted back to small talk while Thayer finished cooking and they sat down to what was a truly remarkable meal.

  But best of all was the change in Juno. It was as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and he couldn’t remember if he’d ever seen her looking this genuinely happy and relaxed, her smile lighting up her face. And it turned out that Juno’s change in mood was all it took to change everyone’s perspective on the evening.

  Greyson sat back, finally full after wolfing down an amazing steak, which was paired with a tasty mushroom sauce, creamy, garlicky mashed potatoes, and a side of parmesan asparagus. “Can’t say that I expected you to be this good a cook, Thayer.”

  “It’s a good skill to have, especially when it’ll not only keep me fed, but will keep the ladies happy.”

  Of course, Thayer shot Juno a killer smile, which had him wondering just how smart an idea it would be to agree to his plan, since it was clear he still wanted her.

  And yet, none of that mattered, because Juno was his, and he trusted her. She was his fated mate, and no one could take that away from them.

  Of course, leave it to Ryder to keep things from escalating with a quick change of subject. “I don’t know about you, but that pool looks far too enticing.”

  And it really did, since the pool was completely illuminated, so the water seemed to glow like an oasis in the desert, especially now that the sun had started to set.

  Looking a bit disappointed, Juno leaned into him, to whisper in his ear. “I didn’t think to bring a swimsuit, Greyson…”

  A smile sprung to his lips as he thought of how very human she still was—which was only to be expected, given that she’d only gone through the Change mere weeks ago. “You’re a shifter now, love. Nudity is perfectly acceptable and completely natural. It doesn’t carry any sense of indecency or taboo, as it does for humans.”

  “Maybe not, but…” Her gaze shifted to Thayer, still looking a bit uneasy. “I guess if it doesn’t bother you, then I’ll get over it. After all, thanks to Flint, I’m now a shifter.”

  Fuck…nothing could be easy for her, could it? “Speaking of Flint—have you heard anything on his whereabouts, Thayer?”

  Because as long as Flint was out there, Juno would continue to be on edge and feel uneasy—but there was more. Greyson wanted his revenge. He wanted to tear the fucking bastard to pieces and make him suffer for what he did to Juno. And he needed to make sure she never again came to harm, so she could finally move past this.

  “I might have an idea as to where he’s hiding. Do you want me to take care of it—or do you want the honor?” Thayer gave him a knowing look, though it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that Greyson wanted to make Flint pay for hurting Juno.

  “He’s mine.” The mere thought of Flint had a low growl rumbling in Greyson’s throat, even if it earned him a reproachful look from Juno.

  “Perfect. We’ll just add that to the list of ways you want to try to get yourself killed.” She pushed her seat back and stood up. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go and call my parents about breakfast.”

  There was no point in telling her he’d be fine, since it wouldn’t stop her from worrying. And though he had no doubt Flint would put up a decent fight—it wouldn’t do anything but delay his inevitable death. “Once you’re done with your call, why don’t you go and hop in the pool? It’ll give you a bit of privacy while you get in.”

  She nodded as he pulled her to him and stole a kiss, desperate to soften her anger with him, before finally letting her go so she could make her call. Once they were alone, Thayer gave him a smile and hung his head. “You’re such a lucky bastard…you know that, right?”

  “I most certainly do—and it’s why I intend on keeping it that
way.” He knew Thayer still wanted her, but it was a moot point, because Juno was his—and he wasn’t fucking sharing.

  “Regarding Flint…let me know when you want to go after him. The sooner the better, since he’s not staying put in any one spot for long—or I can take care of it for you, if that’s easier. It’s not exactly like I’m happy with him either, after he dragged my men into his plan, and went against the alliance we have with your pack.” Thayer was definitely pissed about it—and rightfully so, since he couldn’t have anyone causing problems and undermining his authority. Those who had, had paid for their betrayal with their life—except for Flint.

  He was the only one left on Thayer’s list.

  As for Greyson, he desperately wanted to be the one to make Flint pay. It was his responsibility to keep Juno safe, and though he’d failed her once, he refused to do it again. And yet being the one who went after Flint meant he’d not only piss Juno off, he’d stress her out, when she was already so worried about far too much.

  “I appreciate you giving me the option.” And Greyson really did. It was a sign of respect, and he was grateful that their relationship was getting back to normal. “I’ll have a decision for you by the time we get back home.”

  All he had to do now was survive meeting her parents.

  Chapter Seven

  Juno was hoping that the guys would be too busy talking and drinking to notice her slipping into the pool naked. She would feel less self-conscious once she was underwater, even if she knew that it made little difference to them as shifters. Eventually, she had no doubt she’d get used to it all, especially since shifters were constantly running around naked in Wild Creek. But for now, she was happy to hold onto her fleeting humanity just a little longer.

  Though there was a slight breeze coming in on the night air as the sun set, it was a welcome juxtaposition against the warm temperature of the water. She hadn’t gone swimming since moving up to Wild Creek, and the truth was, she missed it…missed gliding through the water weightless, every movement effortless.

  Greyson walked toward her, already naked, though he appeared to be the only one joining her.

  “Aren’t the others coming for a swim?”

  “Maybe later. They’re going to head out for a bit first. Hit a bar or two.” He dove in, his muscular body torpedoing its way through the water and popping up in front of her. His body brushed against hers as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, his cock already hard.

  Damn, the man was gorgeous, especially with his hair now wet and droplets of water clinging to his skin. And he was all hers. Things might not be perfect—far from it—but…he was her everything, even if she worried that the universe seemed determined to throw one obstacle after another in their path. “I love you, Greyson.”

  “Don’t look so worried, June bug. We’ve got this. Yeah?” Cupping her cheek, he brushed his thumb over her skin and kissed her, his lips lingering on hers. “And if we agree to Thayer’s terms, things might finally settle down.”

  “And you trust him?” It’s not that she didn’t like Thayer—she just knew he was determined to make her part of his pack, and it seemed like there was little he wouldn’t do to make that happen.

  “I have no doubt he’ll uphold his end of the bargain, and frankly, we’d have nothing to lose. He’s not asking you to move, nor is he asking you to leave our pack. He just wants you to also be a member of his. And if it will finally be enough to keep the bears from coming after you, then I say it’s a damn good deal. Losing you would kill me, Juno.”

  The way he looked at her, like she was his whole world, made her heart skitter with the love she had for him. She hadn’t thought it possible to love someone this much, and yet each day, her love for him only seemed to grow exponentially, even though she didn’t think it possible to love someone this much.

  “Best of all, if the bears are no longer a threat, then it’s one less reason not to want to have this baby.”

  She knew he was right—and yet it didn’t stop her from worrying about Flint, and whether or not this was his child. “You know that’s not my only concern, but…there’s nothing to be done about it, I suppose. Although…I’m hoping this also means you won’t be challenging Kiernan as alpha.”

  “Juno…you know it’s not that simple.” Yet when she glared at him, he shook his head with a sigh and a smile. “We’ll see. But…there will be less of a reason for me to do so, if that helps to put your mind at ease any.”

  “I suppose it’ll have to do for now—though you really know how to make me worry, Greyson.” Yet before she could give it any more thought, Greyson’s hands were slipping down the small of her back and gently cupping her ass so he could pull her up and onto his hard cock.

  She couldn’t help but sigh with contentment, since her need for him, now that she was a shifter, was undeniable and constant. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she rocked her hips up and down his length as he set the pace, her ass gripped firmly in his strong hands and his mouth hard on hers.

  Sex with Greyson had always been so intense, but now that she was a shifter, it was so much more. And the whole fated mate thing made much more sense now, which only added another layer of understanding to what they had together.

  Raking his teeth down her neck, he lifted her up out of the water and sucked her nipple into his mouth, catching it between his teeth as he flicked it with his tongue, her skin pebbling as the night air wrapped around her wet body. She bit back a needy cry, arching her back as if offering herself up to him, feeling each tug, each tease, as if there was a direct line to her clit. And as the energy of her orgasm started to build, his mouth found hers once more, his tongue dancing over hers as their pace quickened.

  “I love you, Juno…” He covered her face with kisses, thrusting up into her, taking her hard so the water splashed around them, even as she held onto him tight.

  She was so close to coming…so close…each thrust now pulling a cry from her lips, until she was coming, quivering in her arms as her orgasm tore through her, and he joined her with a primal grunt, his cock pumping its seed deep inside her. “I love you, too.”

  He spoke around his ragged breaths. “I know, love. It’s why you didn’t try to run this time when you found out you were pregnant, even though you were furious with me.”

  She supposed she had a habit of trying to run away from him and her problems. After all, it was the whole reason she’d ended up in Wild Creek to begin with. She’d tried to escape her problems, thinking a secluded mountain getaway would be perfect. Except that she now knew that she couldn’t outrun her problems. She had to face them. “I want to go with you when you go after Flint. That revenge is mine and mine alone to take.”

  “Juno…I appreciate the sentiment, but no fucking way.” Greyson pulled free of her body, a calm determination in his gaze. “Put it out of your head, because it’s not happening.”

  “I know you’re worried about me, but I’m the one who had to endure everything he put me through, Greyson—and I need to know that he won’t ever come back for me again, especially now that we’ll be bringing a child into the world.” Because she had no doubt Flint would be coming after this child, and she couldn’t let that happen. She needed to put an end to this, so she could finally breathe easy, and that meant she needed to know he was dead.

  “I’m not dismissing your concerns, Juno. But I won’t let you put your life, or that of our child’s, at risk. That’s just not going to happen—I love you too much, and we’re finally close to living a normal life.” He cupped her cheek, her heart hitching as his gold eyes locked on hers. “I’ve come far too close to losing you on more than one occasion, and I won’t let it happen again.”

  She told herself to focus on the positive—on what they already had together, and all they would have once Flint was gone and the bears left her alone. She focused on the baby she was carrying, and told herself it could only be Greyson’s. No other’s. And she focused on the love they had for each other,
knowing that they could get through anything together.

  “Just promise me someone—anyone—will make Flint pay for what he did to me.”

  “He will, love. You have my word.”

  Chapter Eight

  Greyson stood by Juno’s side while she hugged her parents and her sister, trying not to let his nerves get the better of him. He’d never had to meet a girlfriend’s parents before, since he’d never gotten serious about anyone he’d dated. And this wasn’t his girlfriend; it was his wife—and her parents had no clue they’d gotten married.

  Juno turned to face him, along with Ryder and Thayer, who had hung back during the reunion. “This is Greyson, Ryder, and Thayer. Guys, this is my mom, Gaby; my dad, Arthur; and my sister, Sadie.”

  “It’s a pleasure.” Greyson shook their hands, though little more was said, since their waitress came by to escort them to their table, handing them their menus as they all grabbed a seat. Thayer and Ryder were clearly both interested in keeping Sadie company, who seemed to be just a year or two younger than Juno, and definitely looked a whole lot like Juno, complete with the blonde hair that was dyed in aqua hues.

  Arthur shifted his gaze between Greyson and Juno, no doubt wondering what was going on between them. “So, are you all from Wild Creek? Or did you meet elsewhere?”

  “We’re all from Wild Creek. I was Juno’s closest neighbor.” And then he realized his mistake, just as Gaby caught it.

  “Was? Do you no longer live there?” Gaby shifted a suspicious gaze from Greyson to her daughter, looking for answers.

  Juno grabbed his hand and put it on the table. “He still lives there, but the cabin I was in wasn’t safe due to some bears that kept wandering the area, so I moved in with Greyson, since it was safer—and then we got married.”


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