The Alpha's Wish: Lost Omegas Book Three: A M/M Shifter Romance
Page 13
“But the birth canal is closed,” Matt said, fearful eyes meeting Zack’s.
“I know, but that’s something we can manage, Matthew, if it comes to it. A sharp knife will do the trick.”
Zack took the phone off loudspeaker and put it to his ear. He needed to hear this, Matthew didn’t.
“Walk me through what’re talking about here. I’m no surgeon,” he said in a low voice.
“You don’t need to be, Zack. It’s just a thin piece of skin and tissue that you need to cut through for the baby to get out.”
“But what if the canal hasn’t properly formed, what if his body isn’t ready to give birth?”
“It should be, but, if needs be, an abdominal incision will get the baby out. I’m not saying it’ll be easy but Matthew will heal. Either way, the tricky part isn’t going to be getting the baby out.”
Zack waited to hear her next words. If that wasn’t the difficult part, then what was?
“Eight weeks is early for a baby. He might have breathing problems, he may need oxygen and an incubator.”
“A human hospital…”
“Is an option, definitely, but complicated. And if the baby is an Omega, like Matt said, that just adds to the complication. Abandoning a newborn baby at a hospital isn’t something that’s going to go unnoticed and recovering the baby in those circumstances is going to be tricky.”
“So, what’s the bottom line here?”
“The longer the baby stays in the womb, the better. Two problems that will force you to act are if Matthew starts bleeding internally or the baby’s heart rate slows. Then you need to get the baby out. Have you got all that?”
Zack closed his eyes, steeling his resolve. “I’ve got it.”
“Good. I’ll be by my phone. Call me if anything changes. Can you put me onto Matthew for a minute?”
Thanking her, Zack handed over the phone to Matt. Andrew wanted to know what she’d advised so he missed what was said to Matthew but whatever it was, it did the trick. Matthew sat up as he handed the phone back, nodded confidently at Zack.
“We can do this. We can make it to Glenoak.”
The next three hours were tough, the contractions gradually coming harder and faster. Zack monitored both Matthew’s and the baby’s heartbeats. As they reached Glenoak territory, the baby’s heart began to slow.
A car met them at the border to Glenoak, the driver jogging over to greet them and then the car led the way to the Pack’s clinic.
“We’re minutes away,” Andrew said, speeding up. “Hold on.”
They pulled up outside a nondescript house and two people hurried out to meet them. One was Sebastian. Zack guessed the woman was Alicia and directed his words to her.
“The baby’s heart rate is slowing.”
She turned her attention to Matthew. “Let’s get you inside, we’re all ready to go.”
“Zack?” Matthew reached for him.
“I’m coming, don’t worry,” he said, squeezing the Omega’s hand, then lifting him in his arms. They followed Alicia inside and he set Matthew down on the examination table.
Alicia pulled a blanket out and covered Matthew from the waist down.
“Let’s see what we have here,” she said and Matthew helped her remove his sweatpants.
Zack moved to stand next to the head of the bed, holding Matthew’s hand.
He could tell the examination was uncomfortable as Matthew winced, free hand clutching the side of the bed.
“Okay, Matt,” Alicia moved away, pulling a tray of instruments next to the table. “Baby’s head is right there, pressing on the pelvic floor. We just need to give him some room to get out. I’m going to use some anesthetic, then make a small cut and then I’m going to get you to push really hard on the next contraction. Hold tight to Zack’s hand and we’ll get you through this, okay?”
He nodded, lying his head back. Zack’s free hand brushed the hair from his forehead.
“The anesthetic will feel a little cold,” she cautioned and Zack watched as Matt closed his eyes.
“Can you feel that?” she asked a few minutes later.
“No,” Matt replied, adding “I’m ready.”
“You’ll feel a bit of pressure but no pain,” Alicia said and Matthew twitched uncomfortably.
“Great, Matthew, you did great. Now, let’s get you into a better position for this next part. Zack can help support you.”
Alicia urged him up and over onto his knees, raising the head of the bed so Matthew could brace himself against it.
“Okay, when the next contraction comes, I want you to bear down and push hard. You need to take all your energy, all your strength and focus it downward.”
It seemed like an agonizing wait.
“You’ll make sure he’s safe, won’t you?” Matthew said to Zack with sudden urgency.
“We’ll keep him safe, both of us, together.”
“You’ve been on my mind every moment since we were parted. You and I have something. Maybe it’s a bond, maybe it’s not, but I want to find out.”
The contraction arrived and the time came to push. Matt was clinging tightly to Zack’s hand.
“That’s it, Matthew, nice strong push. Good, really good. The head is almost out.”
Alicia patted his back.
“Take a break now, just breathe.”
The next contraction followed, Alicia again encouraging him to push.
"The head is born. Well done, Matthew. Just rest for a minute."
Zack rubbed slow circles across Matt’s upper back. “You’re doing great, Matt. We’re almost there.”
A few moments passed, Matthew’s face screwed up in concentration.
“Shoulders are out,” Alicia said.
The next contraction hit.
“Little push now, Matt, just a little one.”
Zack could see it was hard to rein in it, Matthew gripping the top of the bed so hard he made indents in it. He brushed the hair from Matt’s forehead and the Omega’s eyes met his, holding contact as he pushed.
“That’s it, keep going, almost there, almost there.”
Matthew relaxed, his upper body slumping against the bed, Zack’s hand supporting him. “That’s it Matthew, it’s all over.”
Zack looked to Alicia but her attention was fully on the baby. A moment passed before he heard the snick of scissors and then she moved, carrying a blanket wrapped bundle across to another table. There was silence from the bundle then a weak cry echoed across the room.
“Is he okay?” Matthew asked and Zack helped him turn so he could see Alicia.
They watched her suction the airway, then give oxygen. The baby cried again, stronger this time.
“Pinking up nicely,” she called over. “But we might use the incubator for a while.”
They watched anxiously as she worked.
“How about a hello?” she said, carrying the bundled baby over to them and holding him out.
“Congratulations. You have a baby girl.”
Matthew’s startled eyes looked up at the doctor. “Not an Omega?”
“No, definitely female.”
“But Doctor Blake said…”
“Doctor Blake seems to have made a mistake. Ultrasounds can be tricky. It wouldn’t be the first time someone expecting a boy was handed a girl.”
She and Zack helped pull his shirt aside to they could set the baby on his chest, covering them both up with a blanket.
“She’s perfect,” Matthew whispered as the baby settled against him.
“She is,” Alicia agreed. “A little small perhaps so we’ll have to keep a close eye on her for the first few days and weeks.”
“Look what we did,” he said, turning his head up to Zack, eyes bright with tears.
Zack struggled to get his head around it. Three days ago, he’d been a perpetual bachelor. Now, it seemed he had a bond mate and a baby. He stroked a finger across her hand, marveling at how tiny it was and how soft
her skin felt. She smelled like Matthew, like family, and like Pack.
Zack took the baby while Alicia dealt neatly with the afterbirth and got Matthew tidied up. Afterward, she took the baby back and checked her over again.
Her concern was clear to see. “Her breathing’s not as good as I’d like, so we’ll just pop her into the incubator and give her some help with that."
They watched anxiously as Alicia placed her in the incubator and put on an oxygen mask to help support her breathing.
She settled quickly and as Alicia’s concern eased so too did theirs.
“I wouldn’t have thought a Pack your size would have this kind of equipment,” Zack commented. Usually, Packs ventured to human hospitals when problems arose with newborns. Since the ability to shift didn’t develop immediately, it was felt to be safe, relatively speaking.
“We didn’t until Ro and Adam. A regular hospital was ruled out, of course. And with Adam expecting twins and multiple births often being born small or premature, we decided to invest in some equipment. Most of it is second-hand but it works.” She checked a monitor that had started beeping. Zack watched with concern and even Matthew who was drowsing on the bed roused and sat up.
“Don’t worry. Everything’s fine. You’re going to hear a lot of alarms and beeps these next few days. But shifter babies are hardier than human children. I don’t foresee any long-term problems. There’s a possibility of infections in this age group but Matthew will pass on antibodies through his milk that will protect her.”
She pressed a button to silence the alarm then turned back to them.
“You both look like you’re in shock. I prescribe food, rest, and as much cuddle time with her as we can manage. Matthew, I’d like you to remain here for a few more hours while I monitor you. Zack, you can stay in my spare room for now. I’ll contact Lianna, our nurse and midwife in training, and she’ll be on hand to help.”
“Thank you,” Zack said, “for everything.”
“The two of you did most of the work, staying calm in what must have been a scary situation.”
Mentally, Zack agreed. It had been a trying and terrifying few hours, not knowing what would happen, if they’d make it on time. Matthew lay back again, eyes sinking closed. Zack fixed the blanket so it covered him, smiling when the Omega curled on his side so that he was facing the incubator. He stepped around the side of the exam table so he stood next to it, watching the baby’s chest rise and fall. Alicia had put a diaper on her but otherwise left her unclothed. Zack had protested at first until she’d explained that the incubator provided all the warmth she needed. She was sleeping now, though she turned her head every so often as if trying to dislodge the mask.
“We’ll see how she’s doing in a few hours. If she’s holding her own, you should be able to hold her again,” Alicia said, before excusing herself to go out and update Sebastian and Andrew.
“We need to pick a name for you, sleeping beauty,” Zack murmured, watching as her tiny fingers curled inward. “Though you don’t look like an Aurora.”
“In the fairytale, she’s called Briar Rose,” Matthew said, eyes still closed though a smile played across his lips.
“My grandmother’s name was Rosalie,” Zack recalled.
“Rosalie,” Matthew said slowly as if testing how the name sounded.
“Rosie for short, while she’s small,” the Alpha said.
Matt opened his eyes and sat up, peering over at her. “Little Rosie, a rose of the Briar.” He looked over at Zack. “I can’t believe she’s ours. They weren’t going to let me keep her, they were going to send her away.”
Zack sat down on the edge of the bed. “Well, she’s here now. You both are. And I’m not letting either of you out of my sight.”
That seemed enough to ease Matt’s fears and he lay back on the bed.
Alicia popped back in with Matt’s bag. “Andrew thought you might want this. He's leaving now, said he'd call you in a day or two.”
Matt sat up again, reaching for his bag. As Zack watched, he rooted through it for a wrapped package.
“My mother gave this to me. She made me promise not to open it until I got away from Briar Wood.”
He smoothed a hand across the wrapping, then opened it carefully.
“What is it?” Zack asked
“It’s a blanket. A baby blanket,” Matt replied, shaking it out. Zack reached over, running his fingers along it. It was soft and light pink interspersed with white stars. Matt held a corner of it and brushed it against his cheek. “It smells like Pack.”
“It’s really nice, Matt.”
“She made this. For the baby.” There were tears shining in the Omega’s eyes. He could see it meant a lot to Matthew.
“And she knew it would be a girl,” Zack said, wondering how Matt’s mother had known what even their doctor hadn’t. “Here,” he held his hand out for the blanket and Matthew gave it to him. Draping it over the incubator, he gazed down at Rosie. “So she gets familiar with the scent,” he said to Matt.
Smiling, Matthew let his eyes close, drifting off to sleep as Zack kept watch on them both.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Alicia deemed Rosie out of danger four days later, and Zack and Matthew were invited to stay at the Pack house for a time while they got their bearings.
Matthew struggled with his emotions, swinging from overjoyed to overwhelmed at the drop of a hat. Zack bore the brunt of most of these mood swings, but the Alpha didn’t seem to mind. He was patient but firm when Matthew needed it. But Matt still didn’t know how the Alpha really felt about all this and sensed, in some way, that he’d tricked him.
On their first night in the Pack house, he woke in the early hours to find Zack sitting on the edge of the bed next to Rosie’s crib. Turning and blinking the sleep from his eyes, he saw clearly the look of wonder on Zack’s face.
“I’m sorry that I got you into all this.”
Zack ducked his head, taking a slow, deep breath.
“I made a wish, Christmas Eve morning, that I would never spend another year alone. And then I found you. I guess wishes don’t always come true the way you expect. There are a lot of things I’d change Matt, but not you, and not her."
His words were a balm to Matthew’s tired soul. If there really was a bond between them, he couldn’t feel it, but maybe that was because he was expecting big, loud and obvious, when a bond like his and Zack’s might be more like an undertow, hidden beneath the surface, invisible to the eye, but with an unexpected strength that sucked you under.
“If I could go back and do it all again, I'd still run away, I'd still run to you,” he replied, reaching to touch Zack’s hand where it lay on the bed. Zack’s fingers intertwined with his.
“We need to talk about where we go from here. Fenrir’s Warriors have said they’ll take all three of us. Life with them would mean life on the move, it wouldn’t be easy. I don’t think staying here is going to be an option. They’ve got two Omegas already, and our bonding is going to generate a lot of tension between Packs.”
It was a lot to think about.
“What do you think we should do?” Matthew would go where Zack went, the Alpha knew the world at large better than he did.
“My gut says to stick with the FW. That keeps us out of all the Interpack stuff but gives us a lot more protection than we’d have alone out in the wilds.”
“I’m stronger than I look. I’d be okay out there.”
“I want you safe and I’ll do whatever I have to. If that means leaving you and Rosie here, then I wouldn’t hesitate.”
That idea didn’t sit well with Matthew.
“I don’t want us to be apart again.”
“Neither do I. Let me talk to Andrew, see what they can do.”
A cry from Rosie took both their attention. Zack leaned over, picking her up and lifting her.
“She’s hungry,” Matt said, sitting up. Zack rocked her for a moment, then handed her over. She quietened, responding to Matt’s
scent, having learned quickly that it meant food.
Zack lay back down next to him, Matthew enjoying their closeness.
Matt liked Adam before he’d even met him. The other Omega had sent over a bag of what he’d deemed essentials to Alicia’s house the day Rosie was born; babygrows, diapers, blankets, hats, booties.
He came to visit the day after they moved into the Pack house and Matt found himself sitting on the guest bed, cradling Rosie in his arms, while Adam and Ro joined him with the twins. The seven-month-olds were active, wriggling around on the middle of the bed, babbling and laughing.
Zack was downstairs talking to Adam's Alpha, Ben. Matt could hear the murmur of their voices through the floorboards.
“The first few weeks are the hardest,” Adam was saying, “but, once you get into some sort of routine, it gets easier.”
As they talked, Matt noticed Adam’s manner was different with the two babies. Both boys were similarly dressed in dungarees, but Noah was the smaller of the two and Adam seemed more protective of him. Xander, in contrast, was stocky and boisterous and seemed to adore Ro, constantly seeking his attention, little hands grabbing at him. Matt didn’t feel it was appropriate to ask. It was clear Xander was an Alpha but if Noah was an Omega, they might not want that known. Matthew knew the kind of pressure it put on a child, the weight of being different and all those expectations people had. Not to mention the danger.
Rosie gurgled, nose scrunching. At this age, her sense of smell was more advanced than her sight and both his and Zack’s were scents that comforted.
“Have the twins changed yet?” he asked. The first change happened early, usually between when they started crawling and walking. Shifting form didn’t happen often at that age, because it took energy that was better used for growing, but they could spend a long time in wolf form.
“Not yet. Alicia told us all the signs to watch out for. They start positioning first, rolling onto their tummies and then they do this kind of movement with their arms and legs. There’ll be other early warning signs and we’ll need to keep them out of sight of humans until we figure out what they are. It’ll be easier when they get to three or four and start to have some control over it.”