by Susan Stoker
He moaned and said between clenched teeth, “Rub your fingers over the tip. That’s it. Like that. Now lick me clean. Taste us together. Fuck, you are so sexy, princess.”
Katelin not only licked the tip of his cock, she eased her mouth over him and dropped down as far as she could before choking.
“Jesus,” Cale barked, before grabbing her by the biceps and hauling her up his chest. He captured her mouth with his own and his tongue immediately forced its way inside her mouth and devoured her. He licked up one side of her mouth to the other, making sure to examine every nook and cranny. Finally, he pulled away and held her over him.
They were both breathing hard but Katelin stayed still as he collected himself.
“I almost came,” he told her. “I’ve never done that before. I mean, I’ve had my dick sucked, but not once have I almost shot my wad the first damn time a woman took me in her mouth.”
He must’ve seen the distressed look in her eyes, because he immediately took her face in his hands and said in a softer voice. “I haven’t been with anyone in years. Years, Katelin. I got sick of only being wanted for the fucking invisible crown on my head instead of who I am inside. I’m a dick for bringing another woman up in our bed, but I only did it to let you know how amazing and special you are.”
“I’ve never really done that before,” Katelin told him softly. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Then God help me when you figure it out,” Cale said with a grin. “You got me so close to the edge that I almost lost it. I was serious when I said I only wanted to come in that pussy of yours until I get you knocked up. Then we can play. Okay?”
Katelin wasn’t sure what to say to that. She wasn’t about to tell him that he would get sick of her long before then, so she simply nodded.
“Good. Now take that cock of yours and put it in my pussy,” he ordered with a smirk.
Katelin knew she needed to make him stop with the “my pussy” thing, but now definitely wasn’t the time. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her, and by the smirk on his face, he knew it.
Deciding to tease him a little, she reached down and grabbed hold of the base of his cock and rubbed it up and down her slit. After a few first swipes she forgot she was trying to tease him and concentrated on making herself feel good instead. She found that if she used the slit in the head of his cock, it put more friction on her clit. It obviously felt good to him too, if the amount of lubrication leaking from the tip was any indication.
Closing her eyes and throwing her head back, Katelin had never felt so free…so sexual…in all her life. Her entire being was focused on giving herself pleasure and it felt amazing. The fact that Cale was allowing her to use his body like this was something else that floored her. He had one hand on her hip, holding her steady as she ground herself against him, and she could hear his words of encouragement in the background.
Her eyes popped open just as she felt her orgasm approach. “Cale!” she cried out, bracing herself with her free hand on his chest.
Just as she exploded, Cale brushed her hand away from his cock and notched himself at her opening and thrust balls deep inside her body. She shook and trembled in his arms as her orgasm went on and on.
As she was coming down, Cale used his thumb to stimulate her clit and she immediately was thrown into another orgasm, this one more powerful than the last. She vaguely felt herself being turned and Cale thrusting into her over and over again. After what seemed like hours, but was in reality probably only ten seconds or so, she pried her eyes open to see Cale’s intense face hovering over hers.
“Mine,” he growled.
“Yours,” she acquiesced immediately.
Then his head went back and he thrust into her once more and stayed there. Katelin could feel his cock twitching with his release inside her. She felt the copious amounts of his come leaking out from around where they joined, overflowing her narrow channel and seeping out between them.
Without a word, he dropped down on her and rolled, always making sure not to squish her under his considerable weight.
“Fuck me,” he breathed out after several moments.
“I think I just did,” she said with a smile.
Cale’s eyes opened and he turned his head to smile at her. “So you did. Quite nicely, I might add.”
Katelin bit her lip as she grinned at Cale shyly.
He laughed. “Come ’ere,” he said, and wrapped an arm around her neck, forcing her head to his chest. He went to pull the comforter over them both, but Katelin stopped him.
“Too hot. Just the sheet maybe.”
“Tomorrow I’ll crank down the air,” he murmured as he kicked the comforter to the bottom of the bed and lifted his ass to get at the sheet under him.
Katelin blinked rapidly to keep the tears that had formed in her eyes from falling. It was stupid, but no one had ever immediately agreed to do something like make their house cooler simply because she’d asked. It had always been a matter of money—air conditioning was too expensive—or convenience, not everyone being as warm-blooded as she was. But Cale hadn’t even hesitated. He’d just said he’d turn down the air. For her. Because she was hot.
She took a deep breath, then let it out. She thought about the last couple of hours and smiled. The room probably looked like a hurricane had hit, but Katelin was too sated, too happy to care.
They were quiet for a long moment before Katelin whispered, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being as amazing as I always dreamed you would be.”
He didn’t answer with words, but the kiss on her forehead and the squeeze of his arm around her waist spoke volumes.
Chapter Seven
A couple of hours later, Katelin woke up thirsty. Really thirsty. Between the sex and sweating and being hot, she needed a huge glass of ice water. She looked over at the clock—3:21. Still early.
Gingerly, she lifted the sheet and scooted to the side of the bed. She didn’t make it very far before Cale’s arm around her waist stopped her.
“Where ya goin’?” he murmured sleepily.
“Just to get a glass of water. I’ll be right back,” Katelin told him.
“I’ll get it.” Cale went to get out of bed, but Katelin stopped him with a hand on his arm.
“Thank you. That means the world, but I got this. You don’t want to stop me from snooping, do you? I need to check out your fridge, see what kind of housekeeper you are,” she teased.
Cale lay back down and brought his hand up to her face. He smoothed back a lock of her hair. Katelin had the momentary thought that she probably looked incredibly scary with her crazy hair and no makeup, but his words made her looks the last thing she was worried about.
“Knock yourself out. I don’t have any secrets, princess. I don’t think you’ll find anything to worry about in my kitchen. But you should know, Cain and I do have a housekeeper. She comes in twice a week to clean up around here and to make sure we’ve got something to eat other than beer and spaghetti. She even makes us eat a green vegetable or two.”
Katelin grinned at him. “I’ll be back.”
Cale turned on his side and closed his eyes. “Hurry. You’re not even gone and I already miss you.”
Her heart stuttered at that. But she stood up and looked around for something to put on.
“Go into my closet and grab one of my shirts,” Cale ordered.
She turned to look at him. He hadn’t moved, but his eyes were open and on her. Even from beside the bed, she could see the lust in them. Katelin was surprised she didn’t feel self-conscious about being naked in front of him. She supposed with everything they’d done, how he’d touched her, her body was already used to being his.
She could feel his come slowly leaking out of her body as she walked and made a mental note to detour to the bathroom before heading to the kitchen. She grabbed a white button-down shirt from the huge walk-in closet and buttoned the top two buttons. It wasn’t exactly a proper cove
r up, but it’d do for grabbing a glass of water and hurrying back to the room.
She stopped in the guest bathroom and decided to take a quick shower. She was sticky and uncomfortable and even if Cale protested, it was totally worth it to be clean once more.
After the quickest shower in the history of showers, Katelin slowly walked down the hall, once more wearing Cale’s shirt, soaking in the amazing penthouse the twins lived in. It was somehow fancy and laid-back at the same time. There weren’t any paintings on the walls or sculptures on the tables, but the leather furniture and obviously expensive knickknacks gave it an elegant feel. There were pictures of the princes’ home country on the walls alongside a few kick-ass prints of vintage motorcycles.
She wondered if Cale had a bike, and if so, if he’d take her for a ride. Shivering, she closed her eyes and imagined what it would feel like sitting behind him, her arms around his waist, the engine rumbling between her legs. Oh yeah, she wanted Cale to take her for a ride for sure.
Katelin wandered to the kitchen and was blown away. It was a chef’s dream come true. Stainless steel appliances, concrete countertops, a sub-zero refrigerator, a six-burner gas stove…everywhere she looked she saw top-of-the-line appliances and accessories. From what Cale had said, he certainly wasn’t a cook. Their housekeeper must love cooking here.
Her fingers itched to make a kick-ass breakfast for Cale, but as it was still the middle of the night, she refrained. Maybe in a few hours when they got up, she’d ask if she could cook for him.
Pulling open the refrigerator door, she winced at the bright light. Her eyes had adjusted to the low light in the penthouse coming from a few strategically placed nightlights. She grabbed a bottle of water and quickly closed the door, sighing in relief and blinking to try to restore her night vision.
“Katelin, is that you?” Shayla asked softly.
Spinning around, Katelin smiled at her friend. She was dressed in nothing but a man’s navy shirt, which came to the middle of her thighs. Her blonde hair was a mess on her head and she had a sated look on her face.
“Shay! Yes, it’s me.”
The two women met in the middle of the kitchen and Katelin wrapped her arms around her best friend. They stood for a long moment, soaking in the love they had for each other. They’d been friends a long time and had been through a lot together, more than most people went through in a lifetime.
Pulling back, Katelin asked softly, “Are you all right?”
“I’m okay. My knees look worse than they feel.”
Katelin looked down at her friend’s legs and winced. Her knees were torn and scraped, but they didn’t look too bad. Whispering, she asked, “Can you believe it? Prince Cale and Prince Cain?”
Shayla smiled. “I don’t know about you, but Cain is everything and nothing like I thought he’d be.”
“Exactly!” Katelin exclaimed. “I mean, I already thought Cale was amazing and generous and gorgeous, but in person? He’s so much more.”
Shayla’s smile fell and she brought her hands up to cup Katelin’s face. “I’m incredibly happy, but at the same time scared that this will somehow change our friendship. Change us.”
Katelin grabbed hold of her friend’s wrists and shook her head vehemently. “Never. We’ve been best friends for over ten years. A man will never change that. Never.”
Shay bit her lip. “But I like living with you. I like talking with you at the end of the day. I like Cain. I like him a lot. But he’s not you.”
“I know. I can’t imagine not having you around either. But let’s not jump the gun, okay? Cale has said the nicest things that make me feel amazing, but the bottom line is that it’s been less than twenty-four hours. Let’s take things one day at a time. For all we know, tomorrow night we’ll be back in our shitty apartment wondering how in the hell we mistook one-night stands for Prince Charmings wanting to sweep us off our feet to live happily ever after.”
“You’re right,” Shayla agreed, nodding and stepping back.
“I know,” Katelin agreed.
The women smiled at each other. Then Shayla asked softly, “Is it good?”
“Oh my God,” Katelin said on a small breath. “I had no idea sex could be like that.”
“Me either,” Shayla agreed.
Katelin threw her arms around her friend once more and said in her ear as they embraced, “I’m glad you’re okay. Please tell me you were going to bite that asshole’s dick off if he got it near your mouth.”
Shayla pulled back and laughed softly. “Fuck yeah, I was.”
Katelin turned to the fridge and reached in for another bottle of water. She wrenched off the top and handed it to Shay. She raised her own bottle. “A toast!”
Her friend raised her bottle.
“To us. To two Cinderellas finding their Prince Charmings and living happily ever after.”
“With lots of sex,” Shayla added.
Katelin nodded. “With lots and lots of awesome sex.”
They both took a sip and grinned.
“I’ll see you in the morning?” Katelin asked as she headed out of the kitchen back toward the hallway…and Cale.
“Maybe. Cain said he doesn’t have to be in the office until later.”
“Lucky you,” Katelin told her friend.
They smiled at each other and, as if choreographed, both turned and walked down the opposite hallways toward their princes.
Katelin slipped back into the dark bedroom lit only by a nightlight in the bathroom. She placed the half-empty bottle of water on a table next to the bed and unbuttoned Cale’s shirt. It fell silently to the floor and she left it there in a lump. She crawled back into bed and snuggled up against Cale’s back. He immediately turned and hauled her into his arms.
She wiggled against him until she was comfortable. One of his hands was around her shoulders and the other held her hand as it lay on his chest. Katelin raised one leg and threw it over his thigh.
“You smell clean. Like me. You shower without me?” Cale asked sleepily.
“Yeah. I was all sticky.”
“I like you sticky. Find any skeletons in my closet?”
“Nope. You’re good.”
“Mmmmm. Everything okay?” he asked.
“Everything’s wonderful,” Katelin told him honestly.
“Good. Missed you.”
Goose bumps rose on her arms at his words. “I was only gone for like twenty minutes. If that.”
“Yeah, and I missed you,” he insisted. “Need to put a small fridge in here so if you get thirsty in the middle of the night again, you don’t have to go far.”
Katelin didn’t respond. She simply closed her eyes and drank in the feeling of being cared for. He might think it wasn’t a big deal, but for a former foster kid, it was everything.
Katelin woke up when she felt a hand smooth her hair over her brow. She sat upright and threw herself to the left, only to stop short when a large hand caught her arm. She kicked out and tried to untangle herself from the sheet wrapped around her waist and legs.
“Katelin, it’s me. Cale.”
She stilled immediately and turned to face him. He was sitting on the edge of the mattress, looking concerned. His hair was sticking up in all directions and the stubble on his face was a shade darker than the day before.
She breathed out a sigh of relief and rolled back toward him. She curled up on her side and clutched his hand to her chest. “Sorry,” she mumbled.
“What the fuck was that? Did you think I was gonna hurt you?”
Katelin opened her eyes and looked up at him without letting go of his hand. “Foster care. The last guy we lived with liked to come in my and Shayla’s room and touch us while we were sleeping. I’m not scared of you, but your hand on my hair unconsciously reminded me of him.”
“What’s his name?”
“Huh? Whose name?”
“The douchebag who used to touch you without your consent.”
Closing her eyes, Katelin smiled, but didn’t say anything.
“His name.”
“I’m not going to tell you.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“Because then you’ll go and kill him and you won’t be able to get me pregnant if you’re in jail.”
He was silent for long enough that Katelin pried one eye open to look up at him. He had bent over and his face was inches from hers. When her eyes met his, he said, “No one hurts what’s mine. No one touches you. No one fucks with you. You’re mine to take care of. To cherish. To protect. Even to avenge. Got it?”
She could only smile. “Only if the reverse is also true.”
“I get that you’re a badass alpha, but no one messes with you either. You’re mine as much as I’m yours. My Prince Charming. No one touches what’s mine but me.”
A huge smile spread across his face and he bent down and nuzzled the sensitive skin of her neck. Katelin screeched and tried to push him away even as she was laughing. “Cale! Your beard hurts! It’s too scratchy this morning.”
He lifted his head and said, “Can you imagine what it would feel like against your pussy?”
Katelin winced. “Ouch! No.”
One of his hands moved down her body toward her folds. She half-heartedly tried to escape his touch but he was relentless.
He cupped her between her legs and Katelin couldn’t hold back a wince when he pushed his middle finger into her sheath.
Of course he caught it. “Sore, princess?” His touch gentled and he used his now wet finger to caress her bundle of nerves.
Katelin nodded. “Yeah, but I still want you.”
“I need to get into the office.”
“But it’s Sunday,” she told him, her brows drawn down in confusion.
“I know. But I have an early morning meeting with an investor in the UK. It’s afternoon there.”
“But still Sunday, right?”
Cale smiled, then leaned down and kissed her nose. “Yeah. But apparently there are workaholics in every country. Who knew?”