Loving Luc (Selkrian Tales)

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Loving Luc (Selkrian Tales) Page 2

by Gabriella Clark

  “Mia… thank you for thinking of me, but I don't think I will be able to do it. I told you how I had to drop out because of my mother's passing. I had scholarships before but I lost them due to dropping out and I’m ineligible for them again since it's been longer than a year since I was active in school”

  She smiled kindly and reaching across the desk held my hand in hers “ I understand Arianna, truly I do. But I have it all worked out. You’ve been an exemplary employee, you're never late, you never miss a day of work and you never complain about a last minute assignment.In fact your supervisor says you could probably do her job better than her”

  “Yea I probably could” I said half jokingly. I mean Sara was cool and we definitely got along but she was a little bit of an airhead and always saying she wished she could transfer to Bucket List. The turnover over there was incredibly low though, as no one wanted to lose a job in paradise so she had a long wait ahead of her.

  Mia pulled her hand from mine and wagged a finger at me “ Hey no bad mouthing Sara she’s a sweet girl. But seriously I don't know if you knew but we do offer a scholarship program here that's pretty awesome, it should be enough to pay for your whole final semester.”

  I held up a hand, I had already checked out the tuition assistance Totality offered and while it was good it wasn't that good “ I’ve looked at it Mia, I believe it only reimburses tuition. I still would have to pay the school first to enroll.”

  “ But there's where you're wrong” She smiled triumphantly “ ‘If enrolling in a course of study which results in a 4 year degree that can impact the company directly and the employee shows promise, the CEO can approve the paying of said schooling’”

  I looked at her suspiciously that hadn't been in there before. I was grateful but I refused to allow my friend to bend the rules for me. What if it backfired and she got in trouble? What if it jeopardized her relationship? I couldn't allow that

  “Mia….again… thank you but I read that section of the benefits package and that wasn't mentioned there. I don't want you bending rules and getting in trouble because of me”

  She smiled softly and said “ That right there is why you do deserve it Arianna. Besides I'm not bending the rules, that was in place before I started working here but it isn't really put out there. Only directors and supervisors know of it”

  I nodded slowly I could buy that. There was plenty of perks that only the higher ups knew about.

  “I already talked to Kale and we spoke to your supervisor. We all agree that this is tailor made for you. Will you do it?”

  This was...It was just unbelievable! I felt my eyes start to water and bowed my head a minute to collect myself. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined something last this happening and for a moment I was overcome with emotions. Mia reached across the desk and laid her hand on top of mines. She didn't speak sensing, I needed this moment to gather myself. I’m going to do it mama, I’m going to keep my promise to you I thought. I took a deep breathe and lifted my head, filled now with a sense of excitement, this was really happening!

  I couldn't help grinning widely now, joy filling me. “Yes!” God I was so happy I could burst!

  She laughed “ Ok! then go ahead and fill that out and bring it back along with your enrollment papers and the school's financial aid department information. I will take it from there.”

  I stood up and rounded her desk bending down to hug her tightly “Thank you” I whispered in her ear. “Your welcome” she whispered back before squeezing me and letting go. I walked to the elevator feeling hopeful for the first time in two years. I walked to the elevator and pressed the call button, hugging myself in excitement. I started going over what I needed to do to get ready for school. The next semester should be starting soon and I would need to hustle to get registered before the deadline. Plus I would need to look over my old school supplies and figure out what I needed to buy on my meager budget. The elevator arrived and I rode to my floor glued to my phone, formulating a to do list of everything I needed to get done.

  I opened my messenger app as I got off the elevator a few minutes later, excited to tell Sophia my news. Sophia is my best friend and still living in our home town of Jessup, running her family’s grocery store. I knew she would be ecstatic for me and I couldn't wait to tell her my news.

  Sophia!!! Oh my god, you will not believe what just happened!!

  What? What’s up? Who we burying??? She texted me back quickly sending me a picture of a hazard sign and a shovel. I rolled my eyes laughing to myself, this girl…..

  Mia just told me about a internship that they are starting and also told me she wants me for it!!! Plus she told me about a scholarship that they company offers!! She wants to give me both!! She sent me back several emojis of popped champagne bottles and sparkles and I grinned to myself, all the stress and worry of the last two years just melting away.


  I walked through hr on Monday intending to give Mia back the completed application along with my registration confirmation page and print out of the school's financial aid department information. I was lucky, the timing had been just right as another semester was starting in a couple weeks.

  I walked up to her door and paused, I could hear voices coming from behind it. I raised my hand to knock and waited until I heard a deep voice say “Come in” before opening it. I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me before taking in the room’s occupants.

  I saw Kale sitting on the edge of Mia’s desk, and was amused that they were wearing the same colors. Kale had on a soft gray button down shirt paired with a black tie and slacks while Mia was wearing a black pencil skirt with a gray blouse. I opened my mouth about to tease them when I shut it with a snap. Who was the dark God standing near the window?

  He was facing the window looking out but turned around as I shut the door behind me. He looked me up and down and recognition lit in his eyes, one side of his full lips tilting up in a smirk. Of all the rotten luck I thought dismayed as I recognized him, It was the man from Autonomous I had bumped into last week. I hadn't gotten a good look at him before so I examined him now.

  His hair was still the black waves I remembered that fell to his shoulders. His eyes were the same sharp emerald green that was so striking , set off by high cheekbones and that lush mouth. His jaw was slightly angular and covered with medium stubble. As crazy sexy as I found his face, I told myself no way his body would match.

  Unfortunately for my mental health (fortunate for the butterflies in my belly) , his body did match. Wide muscular shoulders seemed to blot out the light from the window and led down to what I just knew would be a chiseled chest before leading to a slim waist, narrow hips and long legs. Sheesh he had to be at least 6’3. I cleared my throat and said “Good Morning Mia, Kale and person I've never met before”

  Mia and Kale chuckled like I intended but no name hottie just raised a brow. Dang struck out with that one, I mentally shrugged and walked towards Mia’s desk with the papers held out.”I got everything filled out and I also have the other paperwork you needed”

  Mia nodded, accepting the papers from me while Kale said “Good morning to you as well Arianna I'm glad you dropped by just now. It gives me the opportunity to introduce you to my younger brother Luc Kapena. He is the chief technical and operating officer of Totality, The Kai to my hale and he also runs Autonomous.”

  My mouth rounded to a little o in surprise, this just keeps getting better I thought but turned towards Luc Kapena and held out my hand in greeting. “Hello Mr. Kapena it's very nice to meet you”

  He took my hand but instead of shaking it he held it between both of his. “It's nice to meet you officially as well” His eyes twinkled down at me “But please call me Luc. Mia has already told me that you have been selected for the internship. Congratulations” I smiled brightly still thrilled about that despite everything else that was happening.

  “I do hope that soon I can be upgraded from person you don't know to at least acq
uaintance” His added mischievously. I laughed along with Kale and Mia, glad of my dark complexion that hid my blush. He let go and moved back to his spot by the window, keeping his eyes on me the whole time.

  “Alright” Mia said glancing back and forth between us “How do you guys know each other?”

  I cleared my throat and answered reluctantly “ Well I had a drop off at Autonomous last week and I kind of bumped into him there. I didn't know who he was though”

  “Literally bumped into” Luc put in dryly. I glared at him before catching myself and saying calmly “ I apologize for that, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings”

  He waved that away “ No problem you said sorry then.It's no big deal”

  “Well” Mia said picking up the papers I had given her and shuffling through them “Everything looks to be in order. I'll get this entered into the system and send you an email with the full details of the internship and start date”

  “Sounds great I'll look forward to that email” I said turning and reaching for the door knob and pulling it open. “See you all later” They all murmured farewells back to me as I closed the door behind me. Doing a quick happy dance on the way to the elevator , I pulled out my phone and sent Sophia a quick text I just gave Mia back the paperwork she's supposed to send me a email with the start date.

  Whoop whoop! She sent back with a smiley face and a thumbs up look at that! I told you just hang on and a breakthrough would come your way .

  I smiled to myself as I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. yea yea I sent back with a an emoji sticking out it's tongue that just means dinner's on you when I graduate.

  I laughed out loud as I walked out the elevator when I read what she wrote back. Sorry to disappoint you sweetie but as hot as you are I'll stick with sausage. You'll just have to have that dinner at a regular table on a plate.

  I sent her a few crying emojis and put my phone in my pocket as I walked up to the manager's office.I opened the door when I heard Sarah say come in and stepped up to her desk excitedly. “Hey Sarah guess what!?”

  She glanced up from her computer screen and said “You won the lotto? You're running away to Nashville to be a country music star? Your sex tape with the guy who plays Batman leaked on the internet?”

  I paused in front of her desk and eyed her. “Noooo” I said slowly “ Although the day is young so we'll see how it goes”

  She laughed and shrugged “well you did tell me to guess”

  I shook my head “I wanted to tell you I got all the paperwork turned into Mia. She says she'll send me a email with all the details and the start date.”

  She clasped her hands together “ That is awesome! I'm so happy for you! I know you'll do great.”

  “Thank you and thanks for speaking on my behalf”

  “No problem you deserve it” She waved her hand at me and turned back to her computer “Now back to work,those assignments are piling up”

  Grinning, I gave her a mock salute and left the office.


  “I can see why you two are friends” I said turning to smile at my brother's Ke’Ola. I couldn't help liking her, she made my brother happy, was smart and funny. I was helping her with her role as Pilia and she was proving to be warm and considerate. The hale was already half in love with her and it hadn't been a full month yet.

  “Hey keep your paws off her mister” Mia wagged her finger at me and scowled mock threateningly. “She’s been through alot and I really like her. She’s not a K’la ok?”

  “Alright alright”I held up my hands in surrender and grinned at her, pleased when she pressed her lips together tight against a smile.

  “Any ways” she drawled going over to her copier and putting in the papers Arianna had given her. “ I'll get everything added to the system but in the meantime here's a hard copy. I'm thinking next Monday would be a good start day?”

  I nodded taking the sheaf of papers and tucking them under my arm. “Sounds good I'll make sure r&d is ready for her” I headed towards the door pausing to say over my shoulder “ I'll see you guys at the hale this weekend.” I started walking towards the elevator mentally reviewing everything I needed to get set up so R&D would be ready on monday. It wasn't work I typically involved myself in, but for Mia I would do it. I paused when I heard Kale call my name. I turned around and waited for him to catch up.

  “Hey “ he said slowing in front of me. He glanced behind him really quick and then murmured in selk. “ how are the plans going?”

  I knew which plans he meant, ever since he had privately claimed Mia, he had instructed me to launch an investigation to see if there were any Noctis on the planet with us. As I was my brother’s second in command, it was my job to assess potential threats to the hale and do what I can to neutralize them. For all intents and purposes they appeared to have left this planet years ago when the sunlight, much younger and brighter than ours, kept most of them in extreme discomfort.

  “I have started looking into it but so far have not seen any traces of them. I have several people deployed checking out the places they frequented before but so far nothing”

  He nodded thoughtfully “ Alright keep me informed. I will be having the discussion concerning the Noctis with Mia after our bonding ceremony. I don't want to stress her unduly about it now.”

  I turned back towards the elevator and pressed the call button “ Sounds good. I'll keep you posted on anything I find out” I stepped into the elevator when it came and faced back towards the doors. I waved at Kale as they closed and flipped through the papers Mia had handed me. I raised my brows when I saw the compensation package that was included for the intern and thought it was a little odd as a lot of interns were unpaid but shrugged it off, Mia did her job well and she knew what she was doing. I stepped out the elevator and walked across the lobby, pulling out my phone as it began to vibrate. I checked and it was a call from Lael. He was the third in command of the hale and acted as our enforcer. He was working on seeing if any Noctis were on the planet.

  “Hey Lael, hope you got some good news for me”

  “Not so much. I’ve discovered some activity”

  I cursed silently to myself, Kale wouldn't be happy to hear this, I knew he really worried about Mia. We selkrians were harder to injure as our bones were denser and we had increased stamina and strength. We also healed much faster than Humans did. Mia even though she had bonded with Kale, wouldn't have the natural defenses that we had.

  “Alright keep on it but don't approach. I just want to know what they are doing, who they are seeing, things like that. Report back to me next week and we’ll see what Kale wants to do from there” I ordered as I slid into my car and started the engine, starting the ride back to Autonomous.“Will do” the call disconnected and I slid my phone into its charging base. This wasn't good, I had really hoped that they had all left, but couldn't say I was surprised that some had lingered. While the sun here was very bright, the planet itself was lush and teeming with life. Besides we were here and we had forever been at odds with the Noctis. Kale had discussed the issue with me before and I hadn't taken him very serious, scoffing at the idea that they would still be here. Like him I only knew what our father had told us about them but felt like there but be more behind the reason for our age old rivalry. I thought to myself a little more on that puzzling over what it could be that they wanted here on earth. I took out my phone again and sent a request to our ship orbiting outside the planet. We had kept one on stand by since we first came here, it rotated out the crew staying for the duration of a year before switching with another ship. There was no way we were leaving our people without backup on this planet. Humans were decent for the most part but they definitely had the propensity for violence and destruction against their own kind, what would they do to us?

  The message I sent was a request for ship crew to ask the archive elders to send me the accounting of the first war between the selkrians and the noctis so that why I can try to puzzl
e out exactly what they were up to here and maybe we could perhaps work out some sort of cease fire, at least where this planet was concerned. Maybe they were here for completely benign reasons like the livestock or vegetation. I shook my head at the completely naive and hopeful thought.

  My thoughts turned towards Arianna. She seemed to be a curious mix of bold and shy, I couldn't help but be intrigued by. I also couldn't help my surge of interest in her body. When she bumped into me before I hadn't been able to see much before she sped off in a rush, But I was definitely seeing clearly now. She was about 5’5 and rounded in all the right places. Her skin was a dark chocolate and her hair was an ebony cascade of corkscrew curls to just below her shoulders. Her eyes were inky pools complemented by thick lashes, a button nose I found adorable and full pouty lips. I wasn't looking for anything serious. Maybe a few dates, a little adult fun. My mouth curved up into a wicked smile, I couldn't wait till next Monday.


  Monday morning dawned bright and early. As I dressed for my first day at Autonomous, I couldn't help but think back to the email I had gotten from Mia. The internship begins Monday at 9am sharp. You are to report to research and development and will be working with Andrew Clark, one of the supervisors. Your mission should you choose to accept it, will be assisting with fixing several bugs they are experiencing with one of the new tablets programming… .

  I couldn't wait to get started and actually get my hands on some of their equipment. To have a hand in the actual process of bringing something new to the public. I checked myself out one more time in the mirror, wanting to be sure I looked professional enough on my first day. I had chosen a pair of khaki pants and a red polo shirt with some boots. I had wrestled my hair into a ponytail and I felt as ready as ever for the day ahead of me. I walked through my apartment and let myself out, locked my apartment door behind me and hurried outside.


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