Loving Luc (Selkrian Tales)

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Loving Luc (Selkrian Tales) Page 6

by Gabriella Clark

  Satisfied with my appearance I straightened and headed into the restaurant. Shooting the hostess a smile I pointed towards the bar and she nodded at me. I settled on one of the bartenders and caught the bartender’s eye. Wiping the counter with a towel he removed from his shoulder, he walked up to me and smiled “ Good Evening, What can I make for you today?”

  I wanted something light I didn't intend to be knocking back drinks tonight and needed something to last me “ A strawberry daiquiri please” The frozen drink was delicious and light on alcohol, plus it was a tall drink that should be enough to last me through the date. The bartender nodded at me and moved away to start on my drink. I took out my phone while I waited and went to one of my favorite news sites, looking to see if there was anything interesting in the news. I smiled a thank you at the bartender when he placed my drink in front of me and slid a ten across the bar towards him, murmuring for him to keep the change. I was fully in to a article about Autonomous’s launch date for the Assist, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I saw a tall slender man standing to the side of me.

  “Hey I'm sorry to bother you” he began “but is your name Arianna?”

  Nerd I thought he was about 5’11 with long boy band hair he kept brushing out of his dark eyes. He was dressed like a hipster with rolled cuff jeans tight on his thighs and a graphic tee that looked two sizes too small. He looked like the jock type, the one who had been a quarterback in high school and kept talking about the glory days.I scolded myself for my thoughts, even if it was accurate it was still mean. I smiled at him “ Yes I'm Arianna are you Danny?”

  He smirked and nodded “Yes I am you’re welcome. The hostess has a table ready for us this way” gesturing to his left he started walking without waiting for me to hop off my bar stool. Rolling my eyes and holding my drink in one hand I started walking towards where I could see the hostess standing next to a booth. I slid into the booth and murmured a thank you as the waitress laid a menu down in front of me. Danny slid in across from me, his eyes sliding down to lock onto my chest for a moment before looking down at his menu. I frowned internally but shrugged it off, my breasts were not huge but I did wear a d cup and had gotten my share of glances before. I didn't pick up my menu as I already knew what I wanted, so I just folded my hands on top of it as I looked at him with a smile.

  “So Danny Mia told me you just moved here, where were you living before?”

  “I was born and raised in Washington, I was transferred here when a promotion came available at our office here. Thought it would be a nice change of pace.” He opened his menu on the table and perused it. I couldn't be sure but it looked as if his lip curled slightly. Maybe he didn't like Italian food? “Do you see how many calories these dishes have?” he asked incredulously. My brows rose at that usually it was women that were complaining about the calorie count, not men.

  “On a diet are you?” I asked jokingly taking a closer look at the man sitting across from me. At first glance he had appeared thin but I could see the muscles in his arms and chest now. While he did not look bulky, he obviously spent some time in the gym.

  “I don't consider it a diet, more of a way of living” he replied loftily. Running his eyes down my body he smirked saying “ Looks like you prefer a more...richer lifestyle”

  I cocked my head at him, feeling as if he had just called me fat in a subtle way. I was happy with my body shape, sure I had curves with my hips and behind deciding to keep my breasts company as they grew in, but my waist curved inward giving me a nice hourglass shape that I was proud of. I sucked in my bottom lip so that way I wouldn't give in to my first inclination of cursing this fool up and down the restaurant before stalking out with my head held high. Maybe he didn't mean it that way..just give him a little more time I gritted my teeth in a smile and replied “Yes some of us actually like some flavoring in our food”

  I looked up as the waiter came to a stop at our table, stalling whatever he was opening his mouth to say. “Welcome to the Italian Spot, may I start you guys off with a appetizer this evening?”

  “No thank you not for me” I said quickly, deciding to order my food so if I decided to leave what was looking more and more like a train wreck at least I would have my food. “ I would like the steak gorgonzola alfredo with extra steak please” This was the only thing I ever ordered when I came here. Oh sure I’m positive they had lots of other yummy food, but once I discovered this I haven't been able to tear myself away from it. It was a mound of fettuccine pasta covered in a white sauce with spinach, steak and drizzled with a balsamic vinaigrette and crumbles of gorgonzola cheese. Mmmm I could already taste it on my tongue.

  “ Are you sure you want extra steak? Maybe the vegetarian version would be better” he sounded disapproving looking at me with lowered brows from across the table. He turned towards the waiter and said “ Cancel that she’ll have a salad, no croutons, dressing on the side a half cup” He gestured to my drink on the table “ And bring her a cup of water no ice and no dessert”

  I cut my eyes at him and could feel my head tilting to the side in what my friends call my hoodrat slant this fool done lost his mind! I thought incredulously. “Ew what’s wrong with your head?” I looked at him for a moment like that before straightening up and looking back to the waiter. He had his lips rolled in but from the twinkle in his eyes that was from trying to hold in his laughter. “ Let me have MY order to go please..oh and add a slice of the carmel butter cake to that too please” I turned back to Danny and stuck out my tongue at him before saying “ For the calories of course”

  Your on punishment Mia for a to be seen amount of time! I texted once I had gotten home from that disastrous date. After I had placed my order I had picked up my daiquiri and moved back to the seat I’d had at the bar and waited for my food there. I had heard a huff behind me as I was moving and assumed that Danny had left with his feathers ruffled. The waiter had brought my food out about ten minutes later, I had paid but the waiter had winked at me as he had brought me my change saying the cake was on the house for providing him with such awesome entertainment. I sat down at my little two seater table in my small kitchen digging into my pasta.

  Oh come on! It couldn't have been that bad! She messaged back with a little sad face.

  I forked up some more pasta and savored the taste as I sent her several periods in a row and waited. This is a excellent example of why I haven't dated in so long. If they didnt feel like I wasn't paying them enough attention because I was always volunteering for overtime at work, it was them trying to subtle suggest I lose weight and when that did work it went from subtle to outright demands. They always said at first that they liked curvy girls until we got around their friends and their toothpick girlfriends. If you couldn't handle the pressure of having your own likes separate from what everyone else liked, that was your problem and I had no time for that.

  Alright tell me what happened she sent back and I could just picture her rolling her eyes.

  He was some type of health nut and kept commenting on the calorie count in the menu and my weight. I lasted maybe 20 minutes before I gave up.

  Wow your weight? No wonder you left I would have too. Alright I will accept my punishment

  I laughed a little at that I knew she would understand. Mia was a curvy girl herself but lucky for her she had found someone who loved that about her. I thought wistfully about their relationship wishing that I had something like that. Someone who understood me and loved me for me, wide hips and all.


  I steepled my fingers together under my chin as I looked over the report Lael had brought to me about the Noctis he had been observing. I was troubled by what I was reading, it seemed some of the Noctis had stayed on earth even the majority of them had cleared out in the early 80’s. In the years before when we knew they were here there had been a lot of power struggles. Rival companies trying to beat each other with the hottest products,Thousands of acres of land bought in an attempt to increase our territories. The
Noctis had stolen property and equipment and when theft was not possible, damage was done to the property instead. We had even participated in human wars as a way to kill each other without drawing too much attention to ourselves for doing so. It had slowed down though the attacks started to get less frequent and we had drawn back as well. We had never struck first at the Noctis, we had only ever defended ourselves from their attacks at least since our last Lakai and now with Kale. Then the advances had stopped completely and we’d had reports that they had left the atmosphere. Our ship in orbit even had record of seeing their ship depart.

  That they had remained here under our noses, not even 50 miles from us was troubling. If there was one here then it stood to reason there were more elsewhere. The question remained what were they doing here? What were they planning? We had a lot of our fingers in different businesses and was influential in the United States, but only had a small presence in other countries although we were in contact and on an amicable basis with the other hales in europe and asia. I smirked to myself, wondering if Kale had told Mia that he was the Lakai of not only our hale but of all the hales in this country. I doubted it and wished I could be a fly on the wall when that discussion happened.

  I turned the next page and looked at the photos that Lael had captured, I paused on the third picture. Squinting at it, I brought it closer to my face it couldn't be I thought to myself studying the picture closely. It was though and I swore savagely in selk, it was the Noctis prince Lautaro Ager. The Noctis was different from selkrian’s in many ways but one of the most notable is that unlike us, instead of holding the rueba which were the trails that determined the next Lakai,it was an inherited position with them. Passed down through the generations of the ruling family. The Ager’s had taken control of the Noctis during a particular bloody coup that was staged during Lautaro’s great grandfather’s time and they had held control with an iron fist ever since. The prince had kept a quiet presence but his father… this was a problem. If he was here it could only be at his father’s orders. I needed to inform Kale of this right away, I pulled out my phone and called him, waiting impatiently as the phone rang.

  “Hey Luc what’s up?” Kale answered on the third ring sounding cheerful. I could hear what sounded like the ocean in the background and guessed he had taken Mia to one of their favorite spots for the weekend.

  “Kale I have news from Lael. The Noctis are still on the planet, right now it’s a group of about 6 but the problem is it looks like their leader is Lautaro Ager” the other five Noctis weren't a problem, while we were of a match with the same strength, speed and agility, the noctis had developed claws to help them with their side of the planet. There are a lot of cliffs where they lived and many choose to make their homes and the caves that littered them. In addition they had larger predators that roamed the forests of their homeland so they had taken to climbing the massive trees and natural wooden walkways that was created by the branches growing intertwined. We had numbers on our side though that would cancel out their natural weapons but Lautaro… It was rumored that the ruling family dabbled in the dark arts and had powers that were passed down to them. In fact the Agers had been the second in command before they had overthrown the previous ruling family.

  “ Drak ” Kale cursed and blew out a heavy breath. “ Does he know what they are up to?”

  “ Not yet he was just taking a count of their numbers although he did say they had split up. He is tracking the one group now and has been updating me on their stops. It seems like they are headed towards Bucket List though”

  Kale was quiet they only sound I could hear was the roar of the ocean. I understood his concern and waited patiently before adding “It also appears as if they have set up their base in Jessup. Looks like they wanted to be close enough to keep an eye on us.”

  “Lovely” Kale muttered before saying louder “ Tell Lael to keep with that group that is headed towards Bucket List. They may have some plans about disrupting our newest attraction. I assume you have someone in place for the group that remained in Jessup?”

  “Of course. It doesn't appear as if Lautaro has left with the others so I have a couple agents in place keeping an eye on him”

  “ Good. I don't want this to turn into a problem, we're already under enough scrutiny as it is. Keep me apprised of the situation” We said our goodbyes and then disconnected the call. I stared at the wall across from my desk for a moment and then heaved a sigh, This was very troubling news but at least we were aware of the situation and would be able to take the necessary steps once we discovered what their plans were. If those plans included harm to us or the humans....well… we would do what was necessary.


  I sat with Jenny on Monday at the little sub shop down the street from Autonomous. We had finally got a day where we were going to lunch at the same time and decided to take advantage of it. We were waiting on our order and Jenny was going on about a project she was helping her son with for school. I was only paying her half my attention, the other half was going over Friday night again for what must have been the millionth time since it happened. I had Googled Luc over the weekend and all these pictures had come up of him out on dates. He had dated actresses and models, I had even seen one of my favorite singers hanging on to his arm. I know I was pretty and I was very proud of my shape sense I spent a lot of time trying to keep my tummy tame and my behind firm. But I just couldn't see myself measuring up to some of the women he had dated in the past.

  Comparing myself to those women was bringing me down so I forced myself away from the subject, it wasn't like he was interested in me in that way anyways. I tuned back into what Jenny was talking about and realized she was staring at me. I realized abruptly that she had stopped talking a while ago and I had just now noticed.

  “Sorry” I said grimacing slightly “ I was just thinking about work.”

  Her lips curved slightly “ Work huh? You sure you wasn't thinking about bright green eyes and wavy hair?” she said teasingly

  I laughed “ What? What makes you say that?”

  ‘Everyone was talking about when he came to the lab on your first day. From what I heard you must have steel cojones in them pants of yours girl” she looked at me admiringly “ I don't know if I would have talked to my bosses bosses bosses boss like that”

  I laughed again at that and shrugged my shoulders “He asked for my honest opinion and I gave it to him. Besides why would I be thinking about him like that anyways?” I took a bite of my sandwich and tried to look natural. It wouldn't be good if office gossip started circulating saying that I had a crush on Luc. Which I dont I told myself sternly, I was sticking to what I had told him on Friday. I didn't have time to date let alone whatever it is he wanted from me.

  “ Oh come on Arianna!” she exclaimed “I saw you in the garage with him on friday night and it looked as if you guys had plans” she bobbed her eyebrows up and down comically, making me laugh hard.

  “ He asked me to go with him to meet Mia and Kale. Said he didn't want to be a third wheel and asked me to save him from the lovey dovey. It was completely in innocence” I replied deciding not to tell her about him asking me out afterward.

  “Uh huh” she said skeptically before putting down her sandwich and giving me a serious look. “Look Arianna, I don't mean to be all up in your business or anything but just be careful. What you guys do is between y'all but I dont think Luc does serious relationships. Anytime I see him in the tabloids its always with someone new after a few dates. Just be careful ok?”

  I nodded my head, taking no offense that she was warning me. I had the same thoughts myself and honestly if it was as clear to her that I was developing a crush on Luc it would be apparent to other people. I definitely didn’t want Luc to know about it and resolved to try to keep my distance from him.

  I was back in the office after lunch, staring intently at the monitor in front of me. I loved working with coding, everything here had its proper place and a purpose. It all made sense her
e, a computer can only understand two distinct types of data. Anything a computer, phone, or tablet can do basically comes down to a unique combination of some transistors being on and others being off. The trick with programming the device or the the program or app is to make sure that that combination is correct for what the user is trying to do. Which is where I come in on this project. Majority of the coding for the Assist was already created and embedded, what I was doing now is working out the kinks they had found when trying to use the tablet.

  I heard the door to the lab open behind me but didn't look up from what I was doing to see who it was. I frowned at the screen, there was something wrong here but I couldn't quite figure out what it was. I went back to the previous screen and studied it closely, maybe it started at the beginning and got further twisted as it went along. I felt someone come to a stop beside me and glanced up distractedly to see who it was. To my surprise Luc stood next to me staring at my screen, he looked down as he noticed I was looking at him and smiled briefly before pointing at the screen.

  “I believe this is incorrect here” I looked to where he was pointing and read the line below and on top of it. I nodded my thanks and went to work correcting it as he stood quietly beside me. I glanced up at him and asked “ You read code?”

  He nodded “ It was something that I learned in the early days and I have refreshed my knowledge over the years. I occasionally have ideas for certain apps and programs and like to contribute to the effort to bring them to life” Made sense although I didn't think many other COO’s or Ceo’s held the same view. He continued to watch until I was finished, I turned to him when I was done and smiled up at him. “ What’s up? Is there something I can help you with?” he stared at my mouth as I spoke his eyes darkening a bit before he looked up into my eyes. “ If you could step out with me for a moment please?” he asked politely.


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