Loving Luc (Selkrian Tales)

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Loving Luc (Selkrian Tales) Page 10

by Gabriella Clark

  I let out a breath and held on to his forearms, feeling ridiculously stuffed full by him. I didn't know if I could handle it if he started moving, maybe we could just stay like this forever? Oh shit I thought as he drew his hips back his cock pulling back before coming back in. Nerve endings I didn't even know I had sparked to life as he pushed deeper than anyone had before.

  His thrusts slowly sped up until you could hear the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing through the room. I gasped clutching his arms as pleasure spread through my body, taking me higher than I'd ever been before. He brought his hand over and using his thumb began to circle my clit. My moans filled the room as I approached that cliff then with a pinch of his fingers I jumped off it.


  My head went back as I felt Arianna clamp down on me. I fought to keep thrusting as her channel tightened almost unbearably around me. I had to fight the urge to lean down and sink my teeth into her neck and start the bonding process. Just the thought that I had finally found the person that was meant for me was enough to find my release. I thrust as deep as I could and held myself there, feeling my cock jerk as I spent myself inside her.

  I stayed that way for a moment, savoring the feeling of completeness moving through my body. I brought my head back forward and looked down at her, loving the sight of her looking well loved. Bending down I kissed her deeply feeling her tighten her legs around my waist and raise her arms to my neck. I stood up with her like that and moved towards the bed. Leaning down I used one arm to pull back the covers. I put her down on the bed, my chick slipping out of her and I mourned the loss of her warmth even as I reveled in her moan at the action.

  I stepped away into the bathroom and wetting a cloth I wiped myself down before grabbing another and wetting it as well. Taking the cloth back out into the main room, I went to the bed and wiped her off gently before covering her up and taking it back into the bathroom. I avoided looking in the mirror knowing I had a silly grin on my face. I was beyond overjoyed and couldn't wait to tell everyone my news.

  I got into the bed next to my ke’ola and gathered her tight into my arms. She murmured a little in her sleep but settled down against my chest, her arm around my waist. I would tell her in the morning what she was to me. I knew I had a fight ahead of me to get her to accept it. With school and the internship I knew she wasn't looking for a serious relationship but I could be patient. The prize was definitely worth the struggle to get it.


  I woke up slowly, blinking my eyes open and looking around. My head lifted and fell slowly and I realized I was laying on a hard chest. I was still in the hotel room I realized. I bit my lip worried for a moment but then shrugged it off. He probably had one night stands all the time, this wouldn't be a big deal to him. I would like to avoid the awkward morning afters though, that would be too embarrassing. I started to ease away from him carefully, lifting my arm from his chest and scooting backwards in the bed. He shift next to me and I stopped, cringing in reaction but he slept on. I turned and scooted to the edge of the bed before standing up. Looking around the room I collected my clothes one at a time and resolved to jst go commando home, thankful my clutch was big enough to stuff my underwear into. Holding my clothes to my chest I stepped into the bathroom. I used the facilities and washed my hands quickly before redressing.

  I looked at myself in the mirror and winced. My god my hair could double as a winter home for a family of mice. I thought quickly but my options were limited, I didn’t have a comb or brush with me and the little thin one the hotel provided would break just as soon as it saw my hair. The two twists in the front of my hair was fine but the back… I wet my hands and ran them through my hair, trying to do my best to detangle it. I grabbed a ponytail holder out my purse, thankful I made sure to add a couple of these to every bag I owned and quickly gathered my hair into a bun. Glancing again into the mirror I shrugged as good as it’s gonna get I thought wryly and turned towards the door. Opening it I peeked out into the room and looked towards the bed. Luc was still asleep, breathing deep and easy. I couldn’t help but to stare at the sight in front of me. He had one arm tossed above his head and his biceps looked like two grapefruits held together. The comforter had slipped down to his waist and his muscled chest was on display in the early morning sunlight. I loved the way his beard shadowed his jaw and his lashes lay full against his cheek bones. He was really a spectacular looking man and I felt a little awed that he had been interested in me no matter how fleeting those feelings might have been.

  I opened the door and tiptoed to the foot of the bed to grab my shoes from where I had left them last night. Lucky for me the room was carpeted and wouldnt make a sound as I walked out, so I put on one and then lifted the other to put on. My purse were I was holding it in my arms slipped from my grasp and hit the floor. My keys jangled loudly on impact. I hunched my shoulders towards my neck and held my breath. Slowly I looked over my shoulder towards Luc, fearful that the noise had awaken him. He turned on his side and I tensed but he didn’t rouse. I blew out my breath slowly and put the shoe on quickly. Swiping my purse up from the floor, I walked as fast as I dared towards the door. Easing it open I took one last glance at him from over my shoulder and slipped out the room.

  I walked up the steps to my apartment building, juggling my purse, cup of hot chocolate and my breakfast I had stopped and got from the diner down the street from my house. I felt that this morning deserved a belgian waffle, two link sausages and some scrambled eggs. I managed to get the door unlocked and walked down the hall to my apartment. I could feel my phone buzzing and could tell I had about a million text messages waiting for me. I had promised Sophia and Mia I would let them know how the previous night had went and...I may have a text from Luc. I couldn’t help the flutter of excitement in my belly at the thought and sternly down myself to not get my hopes up.

  I opened the door and stepped into my apartment, dropping my purse on the side table by the front door. I kept walking to my little two seater table set up in my kitchen already tasting my waffle. I placed my take out container and cup on the table and took a seat. I opened the container and started to cut up my waffle and sausage, trying to think what I should tell them about the previous night. I’m sure Kale already told Mia about the mysterious man since I heard Luc on the phone with him last night. I wouldn’t tell Mia about what Luc and I had done, I'd just say I’d had a nice time. I didn’t want her making more of this then what it was, it was entirely possible that he had gotten what he wanted from me and was done. I tried to ignore the little voice in my mind telling me that that’s why I ran this morning. Instead of maybe having to deal with him rejecting me or acting like last night didn’t matter, I got out to save my feelings.

  It scared me a lot to realize how much I actually liked Luc. He was smart and funny and I loved the tiny dimple he got on the corner of his mouth when he laughed….. I shook my head at myself as I forked up some food, jeez next thing you know I’ll be asking Kale to pass him a note for me in gym class I thought derisively. I pulled out my phone and opened my messaging app, seeing that Mia had indeed texted me asking how the previous night had gone. I texted her back saying that I’d had fun and that Luc had been a complete gentleman. I also saw that Sophia had texted me last night, something silly about having seen superman’s twin jumping tall buildings last night as she walked home. I texted her back and told her to lay off the vodka and to call me when she got up.

  I sucked in a sharp breath though as I saw a message from Luc. My thumb hovered over the thread before I pressed down and opened it. What if it was something dismissive? Like thanks for the fun see you at work Monday? Or what if he didn't mention it at all?

  You should never run from a Selkrian...we like the chase

  I couldn’t help but to laugh, this alien was crazy I wanted to spare us the awkward morning afters.

  There would have been nothing awkward about it. You like sausage in the morning yes? I would have had a nice one ready for you

; I blushed and what would you have liked me to do with this...sausage?

  Oh you know the usual. I can see it now your hair trailing down my chest as you move down my body. You licking your lips before opening your mouth wide and swallowing me whole.

  My cheeks burned hotter, this is what we were doing? Really? I guess he wanted to play...I could play too. Mmmmm I would need to taste it first, so I would start by licking it up and down so that I could savor the taste before swallowing the head whole. I would suck on it gently before moving down and sucking your whole cock into my mouth. I would try to deep throat it but I don’t know...it might be too big for that. I sent the message off with a naughty smile, continuing to eat as I waited for his reply. I frowned as I eat the last bite of my eggs and still hadn’t received a return message from him. I tried to shrug off the stab of disappointment I felt and stood up to throw away my trash.

  I wondered if Luc had a point when he said that maybe I was something special, someone important. Why else would that man have chosen me to speak to? He could have easily spoken to someone from the hale or to Luc himself. I didn't know if Luc was right that I was someone special to him. I mean don't get me wrong, I think I'm a plate of fried Oreos covered in caramel sauce and topped with ice cream, sprinkled with good vibes and a sparkling personality…… ahem. But I truly couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Luc would want me on a permanent basis.

  I was moving from the trash can to get my laundry together to wash when I heard a brisk knock on the door. Frowning I moved to the door wondering who it could be and how they would have gotten into the building without a key. I stood on my tiptoes and peeked through the peephole, giggles bursting out of me uncontrollably as I saw Luc standing there. I opened the door a crack and looked out at him, my giggles starting up again as I saw the impatient look on his face.

  “Yes? May I help you young man?” I asked solicitously

  “You little tease” he growled stepping into the door jam and pushing a little against the door. I stepped back and allowed him to enter. I closed the door after him and leaned back against it smirking.

  “ So what brings you here? And how did you get into the building?”

  “Your neighbor let me in on her way out once I let her know I was here to see you. She pointed your door out to me and also said that if you weren’t willing, she certainly was” Luc frowned looking a little disconcerted “ She was 80 if she was a day, I felt vaguely threatened”

  I laughed hard at that, he was talking about Mrs. Johnson a feisty senior lady who lived on the same floor as me. I could just see her telling Luc that and his reaction to it. I tried to beat down the excitement filling my chest at seeing him here in my space. He actually came to see me! I needed to play this cool.

  “As for what I’m doing here” Luc stepped closer to me so that his chest brushed against mine. “I wasn't nearly done with you, I had plans for the day” my eyes went heavy lidded as my coolness went up in smoke.

  “Oh yea?” I asked huskily stepping closer to him so that not even air could past between our bodies. “And what's that?”

  His eyes began to glow as he locked his gaze on my mouth. He licked his bottom lip and bent his head closer to mine. He placed his nose in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply. I started to pant as he moved up to my ear, gently nibbling on my ear lobe.

  “Movies” he whispered huskily

  “Mmm mmm hmmm” I hummed happily completely lost in what he was doing. Hr swirled his tongue around my earlobe before straightening abruptly. “Alright cool I'm going to head home and get dressed and come back to pick you up. Say around 1?”

  “Say what??” I asked in shock but then narrowed my eyes at him. Tricky tricky alien I thought admiringly, oh he was good. “ really, I said dryly “ this what we doing now?”

  He smirked smugly as I rolled my eyes at him and stepped away from the door. “What? You don't like the movies?” He dotted his hands in front of him innocently.

  “Sure Luc hi ahead and seduce my body to get what you want” I said jokingly but then frowned “ by the way” I said hesitantly “what do you want?”

  He looked at me consideringly, obviously weighing his words before replying “ did Mia tell you anything about the mate bond with Selkrians?”

  I remembered he had asked me that last night but we had gotten a little….distracted. Besides I fish b know what that had to do with anything. This want anything serious...right?

  “Well not to much really, she just mainly invited me to the bonding ceremony and the wedding” I thought it was nice they were doing both so that way the would be bonded in all ways with both cultures.

  Lic sighed “ so as you know we Selkrians live quite a bit longer than humans as we age differently. In fact I'm almost 100 and Kale is going on 120”

  I goggled at him almost 100!? He only looked to be about thirty! “Wow” I breathed out.

  He nodded “ do over our long life their it's only one mate, one person that completes us. This person is perfect for us in every way designed straight from the universe to match us and for us to match them. Our Ke’ola or as you would probably say soulmate. Only it's much more than that.”

  That was so romantic, imagine finding that one person that would be your everything. You would never have to worry about them leaving you or charging on you. I let out a wistful sigh “ that's beautiful” i said dreamily.

  “Once bonded the parties lifespan will match and they will be able to speak mind to mind and read each other's thoughts. They will also take on similar traits such as I'm a lot harder to injure so you would develop that strength as well.”

  I nodded m it made since. If there was only that one person to match the other it wouldn't do for one to outlive the other, the pain would probably be unbearable. I looked at him askance though because it sounded like He was saying I would be developing these traits.

  “The couple privately bonds when the Selkrian has the urge to….mark them” he walked closer to me and reading his hand, touched me in the crook of my neck, on the swell of my breast and finally in the crease where my thigh met my groin. Holding my gaze with his he whispered “ I almost couldn't stop myself from doing it last night”

  I gawked at him in surprise did he just say? I thought in total shock. I couldn't believe what i had just heard. It sounded like he thought I was his soul mate! “ what are you saying?” I asked slowly

  He slid a hand behind my neck and dropped his forehead to mine “ I'm saying your my Ke’Ola” we stood like that for a moment, him giving me time to process what he was saying. On the one hand I was beyond excited, I mean what girl wouldn't to hear from the guy they were seriously crushing on, that they were the one for them. I've never really had a serious relationship, never been exclusive with anyone. In high school sure I'd had a couple of boyfriend but it was high school and then in college it was about having fun and getting out there. Add in the homework, class assignments, frat parties and general goofing off, it wasn't an environment to foster serious relationships.

  Then mama got sick again and I rushed home. I was taking care of her and dealing with doctors visits and payment plans and trying to convince her to eat when she was so sick from the treatments. Then after….it was a whirlwind of pain and loss. I was so caught up in my grief and so stressed out from the bills, I'd dropped thirty pounds without even knowing it. It wasn't until Sophia sat me down and had a serious talk with me that I realized I couldn't keep going that way. We'd cried buckets of tears that day but in the end I resolved to get myself together and keep my promise.

  It’s been so hard for so long and I didn't know if I could truly trust what he was telling me. I needed to concentrate on the internship and I need to get my degree. Besides what if he was wrong? What if we did this and he realized later that he'd made a mistake and wanted to be alone? What if he decided he wanted a Selkrian as a mate and not a human? I wanted to reach out and grab what he was offering but I just couldn't. The feelings I had for him now could be built
upon with proper care but I needed more convincing before I jumped wholeheartedly into this.

  “Luc” I began reluctantly, knowing he wouldn't like what I was about to say and hating that I was about to hurt his feelings. “I can't deny that I have feelings for you. Feelings that I would love to explore”

  “But?” He murmured

  “ I need to finish my degree I made a promise to my mother that I would. I need to do great at the internship. I’m not saying no and I'm not saying we can't see each other. I just don't know about the forever thing” I searched his eyes with mines willing him to understand what I was telling him. I still wanted to see him if he was willing but i just needed time to figure this out.

  He smiled a little “ I understand this is something new to you and not a part of earth’s culture. I'm willing to wait for however long you need me to” he kissed me softly putting his other atm around my back and bringing me in closer to him.

  I was grateful he had understood what I had been trying to explain. Maybe in time I would get the reassurance I was looking for but for now I was happy he was still here. He pulled back and peered down at me “ Still on for the movies?”

  I nodded and smiled at him. Going up on my tip toes I pecked him on the lips before turning him around and swatting him on his butt. “Yep I’ll see you later...gotta clean now and get sexy” I waggled my brows at him when he looked at me over his shoulder. He shook his head before opening the door and leaving. I crossed the room and locked the door behind him before turning around and blowing out a deep breath.

  It was 12:30 and I was in the bathroom finishing up my hair before Luc arrived. I had decided to dress a little flirty for the date and had on a red skater skirt with a black crop top. There was about a inch of exposed skin peeking out from between the shirt and the skirt. I paired this with a high ponytail and my usual mascara and lip balm. I tightened my ponytail and thought back to the conversation I’d had with Sophia earlier that day.


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