Stars Collide

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Stars Collide Page 7

by H. P. Munro

  Freya quickly scanned the sheet music and nodded. Jordan gave her shoulders an encouraging rub then turned to face her friends gathered around the piano. “Well I suppose since Greg here insists that I sing,” she chuckled as her comment elicited a range of groans and laughs from her friends and colleagues. “Okay, I know, like anyone could stop me singing. Okay Freya?”

  Flexing her fingers Freya started to play the introduction to the song. Her confidence growing as she played, she felt the hairs on her neck start to tingle as Jordan’s voice joined her.

  Swaying gently Freya played the instrumental piece. Completely lost in the music, her fingers danced across the keys as she poured passion into her playing in a way she had never experienced before. She was as one with the music. No longer reading from the score she closed her eyes and slowed waiting for Jordan’s voice to become enmeshed with her again.

  Playing the final chord Freya sat dazed. She had always enjoyed playing the piano but hearing her playing supporting Jordan’s beautiful voice had taken her enjoyment to a level previously undiscovered. She had never felt so connected to someone through music and was struggling to remember if she’d ever had such a connection, period.

  The partygoers stood silent, stunned by the beauty of what they had just heard, until a few smatterings of applause started what became a cacophony of noise. Freya turned shyly in her seat watching as Jordan gave over exaggerated curtseys then took her by the hand to encourage her out from the behind the piano.

  Freya joined Jordan with her own bows. She took a deep breath to center herself as the music from the stereo started up again and the crowd dispersed back around the room. She looked down at her fingers, still entwined with Jordan’s, as her co-star hugged a couple of people who were paying her compliments.

  When they were standing alone Jordan turned to her. “Thank you,” she smiled, gathering Freya into a tight hug.

  Freya felt her stomach flip as she returned the embrace. Then, suddenly overwhelmed by the emotion that she had felt during the song and from being in Jordan’s arms, Freya pulled away.

  “You’re welcome,” she smiled. Unable to say more for fear of turning into a bubbling wreck she turned and walked away leaving Jordan standing beside the piano.

  Freya made her way through the house before finding a door that led to the backyard where the soft lights shimmering in the pool were the only illumination. She breathed a sigh of relief that the party had somehow not spilled out to the back and was still contained within the comforts of Jordan’s home. She needed space and time on her own to gather her thoughts and piece together her resolve to stop her making the error of falling for a co-star who was either straight or involved with Sabrina Morales. Either way, in her experience, neither would come to any good.

  “You okay?”

  The voice startled her and she spun round so quickly that she almost toppled over in her heels.

  “Careful, can’t have you diving into the pool at every party,” Jordan said smiling. She held out one of the bottles of beer that she had in her hand.

  “Thanks,” Freya said accepting the bottle.

  “God my feet hurt,” Jordan grumbled lifting up one foot. “In fact, I’m going to liberate them now, damn the consequences. It’s my party!” She held onto Freya for support as she flipped the back of her shoes. Stepping down she groaned in pleasure at the sensation of the cool tiles under her feet. She turned slightly, the height difference between the two women now shifted in Freya’s favor.

  “Are you okay? You kind of left me hanging in there,” Jordan asked cautiously making her way over towards the stone bench at the side of her garden.

  Freya sighed and followed. Sitting down beside Jordan, she took the opportunity to kick her own shoes off, “I’m sorry. I just needed some fresh air.”

  “So Miss Easter, you do seem full of surprises tonight,” Jordan smiled tucking her hands and her bottle between her knees. “A wonderful piano player,” she nudged her shoulder gently against Freya’s, “and married?”

  Freya allowed her head to fall back against the wall behind them. “The piano playing you can thank my grandmother for. The marriage, well, I met Dan while I was studying in England. I was rooming with him and his then boyfriend,” she glanced over at Jordan to see her reaction. Not sensing one she continued, “Dan is an amazing photographer and he wanted to move here but couldn’t get a visa. I figured since marriage was unlikely for me, I could do him a favor. So we got hitched and lived together in New York for a couple of years until we could divorce and make it look authentic.” She took a long swig of her beer, “Then when Anna got sick, I moved here and Dan decided to come with me so that I wasn’t alone in dealing with the circus that surrounds my family and he stayed. I’m surprised that you didn’t read about my marriage or divorce, it was in all the gossip rags.”

  “I’m not big on gossip. So how come you didn’t think you’d ever marry?”

  Freya mentally chastised herself for that comment. However, before she had a chance to respond Sabrina opened the door to the garden and stepped out. Spotting Jordan she waved, “There you are, it’s almost midnight. We’re working up to the biggest rendition of Happy Birthday for you. But only if you get your ass back in here.”

  “Aw crap,” Freya muttered as she lifted her shoes up. “I don’t think there’s any hope of me getting my feet back into those.”

  “I’ll go commando, if you do,” Jordan smiled, lifting her own shoes.


  They walked towards Sabrina who was holding the door open, as they reached the door Sabrina touched Freya’s arm gently, “Sweetie I’m not sure that I should be the one to say this but you do realize that your ex-husband is gay don’t you?”

  Freya looked shocked and rocked back on her heels, her face then morphed into a bemused smirk, “You know, that would explain all the anal sex.”

  She shook her head and walked past a gasping Sabrina.

  “She’s messing with you Sabrina,” Jordan smiled entering her home and using the tip of her finger to close Sabrina’s mouth.


  Jordan stretched out across her bed, opening her eyes slowly to test whether her alcohol consumption from the previous night had caused any damage. Relieved that her head appeared to be clear, she lay thinking about the previous evening. Almost immediately, her mind drifted to Freya. When she had left the room after their duet, Jordan had had only one thought, to follow Freya to check that she was okay. As she pictured Freya in her outfit, she remembered the gift she had brought. Jordan sat up suddenly and sprang out of bed to retrieve the box from the hallway where she had placed it the previous evening.

  She picked up the box and carried it back to her room. Sitting cross-legged on her bed she opened the lid. On top of the tissue paper was a handwritten note.

  Something for your toilet

  Happy Birthday, love Freya x

  Smiling Jordan lifted the note, placed it beside her, and pushed the tissue paper to the side revealing a simple silver frame. What was behind the glass made her gasp. She was looking at a photograph of herself on the night she won her TONY, meeting Anna Conor. Jordan didn’t even know that anyone had taken a picture of the meeting, but what surprised her more was the letter in the frame beside the photo.

  Dearest Jordan,

  I was humbled and honored to find out that I played even the smallest part in your desire to pursue a career in acting. I watched you perform on Broadway in awe and with admiration and was pleased you were so rightfully recognized by our industry for that role.

  I wish you continued success in the future.


  Anna Conor

  Jordan allowed her fingers to trace the outline of the letter, still unable to believe what she was looking at. She brought her top lip into her mouth as she felt tears well up and start to spill down her cheeks. Sniffing, she swiped her hand across her cheek and reached across to her nightstand to pick up her cell phone. Blowing out her cheeks and
releasing the air slowly, she selected Freya’s name from her contact list. She laughed as the photo that she had taken of Freya appeared on her screen.


  Freya sprinted along the trail, reaching a pile of rocks she threw her arms in air in triumph and jumped on the spot, spinning back around as Dan reached her.

  “I beat your ass!” she shouted punching her friend on the shoulder as he leaned over trying to catch his breath.

  Dan hacked a cough as he tried to catch his breath, “God I have got to stop smoking.”

  “Yes you do loser,” Freya pummeled her fists on his shoulder, slowing and stopping as Dan looked up glaring at her. “Sorry, I got carried away,” she shrugged.

  “You’re annoyingly perky today,” Dan said placing his hands on his hips and stretching his back. “I mean you’re usually annoying but the perky is a new addition.”

  Freya stood on one leg pulling her other leg up behind her stretching out her thigh.

  “I had a good time last night, what can I say.”

  Placing his hands against the rocks Dan stretched his calf. “I gathered,” he replied in a withering tone. “You need a new agent.”

  Freya rolled her eyes, “We’re not having this conversation again Dan.”

  “We’re going to keep having this conversation until you see sense Egg,” Dan sighed.

  “Can we leave it please?” Freya pleaded. “Can’t we just run?”

  They started to run back down the track.

  “Are you going to tell her that you’re gay?” Dan huffed as they jogged together.

  “You know that I can’t,” Freya shook her head knowing immediately that Dan was talking about Jordan.

  “Won’t,” Dan corrected. “I know that you won’t. I still don’t get it Freya. I know this isn’t just about you being worried about your privacy. You’ve been out to your family since you were eighteen. You were out and happy when I met you and then your mum’s agent takes you on and you believe him when he tells you that your career will get ruined. It won’t Freya.”

  Freya stopped running, “How many out men or women do you know with regular spots on primetime TV?” she asked as Dan kept running.

  Stopping Dan turned and walked back to Freya, he frowned as he thought. “Four, no five,” he looked unconvinced as he answered.

  “Now, how many in the closet actors do you know appearing on TV?”

  Dan closed his eyes, “More than that.”

  “And there’s a reason for that Dan. It might not be right, but it’s what happens. I was out of work for eighteen months when I arrived back here. I didn’t like it, Dan. I’m thirty-four and I don’t want to be supported by my family. It is hard enough being the Golden Child and being compared to my parents! I don’t want to give anyone a reason for not giving me a job and I like this gig,” Freya started to jog away.

  Dan quickly puffed his way back alongside her shoulder, “Can’t you at least come out at work, keep it low key?”

  Freya felt her phone buzz on her arm, she stopped running and looked at Dan as she reached up to press her bluetooth earpiece to answer the call.

  “The less people who know the tighter control I have.”

  “Control freak,” Dan snarked, as she answered her call.

  “Jordan, Hi,” Freya’s eyes widened and she started to flap her hands at Dan as he made swooning faces.

  Jordan rested her fingers on the picture now sitting on her lap, “Hi, I hope you don’t mind me calling?”

  “No, not at all.”

  Freya turned her back on Dan who was batting his eyelids and fluttering his hand at his chest.

  “How are you? Oh and happy birthday again.”

  “I’m…” Jordan took in a deep breath, “I’m so touched, I can’t believe you remembered.”

  Freya pulled her lips into her mouth, her smile still obvious thanks to her dimples and twinkling eyes.

  “Weeeell, I was at your party and it was only last night. I know my memory can be a bit hazy but I think I’d remember.” Especially when you were dressed that way, she added silently.

  Jordan smiled at the playful tone in Freya’s voice, “I meant my present.”

  Freya swallowed hard, lowering her voice and in a serious tone, she smiled as she answered, “I knew what you meant and you’re more than welcome.”

  Jordan picked up the picture and studied the image and letter behind the glass for the umpteenth time since she opened the gift, “I have no idea. I mean, how did you?”

  Freya kicked her shoe into the dirt and put on her best Humphrey Bogart voice, “Let’s just leave it that I know people that know people.”

  Jordan chuckled, “Well I know that it’s your grandmother and all but I meant the photo. I know I was having a fangirl moment when I met her but I don’t remember any press around taking photos.”

  “There weren’t,” Freya said quietly. “I was there with Anna that night. I took the photo.”

  Embarrassed that she had not remembered seeing Freya, Jordan’s brain almost exploded at the thought that she had been in Freya’s company before without realizing it. This fact was almost inconceivable to her now, especially in light of her experience the previous evening when she was conscious of being zoned in on Freya’s every movement.

  “I am…I can’t tell you what I am. I’m overawed. Thank you.”

  “Did you like the other part of the gift?” Freya asked, suddenly nervous that she had gone too far.

  “There’s another part?”

  Jordan turned the frame over to study the back. Seeing nothing she pulled the box across her mattress and buried under the tissue paper until she found another smaller flat box. Opening it she gulped loudly as inside was a script from Monday Girl.

  “Oh my,” she said breathlessly. She flipped open the script, pausing as she saw handwritten notes in the margin, “Oh my god, this was your grandmother’s actual script from the movie?”

  Freya smiled at Jordan’s reaction, “It is. I hope you like it.”

  “Like it? I love it! Oh Freya, this is too much.”

  “Nonsense, she’d prefer it go to you than being sold off. So what’re your plans for the rest of the day?” Freya asked as Dan tapped her on the shoulder and indicated with his head that they should start back. She rolled her eyes but jogged lightly alongside him.

  Jordan flopped back against her pillows and studied her ceiling, “Nothing much, I was going to be doing something with Sabrina but she’s got some promo work to do for some make-up company she’s working with. What are you doing? It sounds like you’re on the move.”

  “I’m out at Griffith Park with Dan, we’ve just been running. Listen, we’re just heading back to the car now, if you give me a couple of hours I’ll be free if you want to go grab lunch or something?” Freya winced as she finished speaking. Way to sound desperate, she thought as she waited for Jordan’s reply.

  Jordan chewed on her top lip her mind picturing Freya in running gear, beads of sweat running down…woah! She sat up abruptly on her bed, stopping her brain from continuing the trajectory it was on.

  “Jordan, are you still there?” Freya asked turning her arm to see the screen of her phone in case she had lost signal, mentally kicking herself for putting Jordan into the position of having to turn her down.

  “Sorry. Yeah I’m here, that would be great. I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” she replied mechanically. Her mind still reeling from the image she had conjured up, she dumbly hit the end button on the call.

  “So, still not going to come out at work hey?” Dan asked as he noted Freya’s expression as she pressed her earpiece.

  “To use a British vernacular Dan, naff off,” Freya stuck her tongue out and sprinted off at full speed down the trail.

  “I give you three weeks Egg,” Dan shouted as he picked up his pace and gave chase.


  “The Yard?” Freya stopped and pushed her sunglasses up onto her forehead as she looked at the open gates leading into
the courtyard of the best-known gay bar in West Hollywood. “This is where you want to get lunch?”

  “Have you had their all-day breakfast quesadilla?” Jordan replied as if her response fully justified her choice of restaurant. She entered the bar, walked across to an empty table in the courtyard and sat down.

  Freya scrunched her eyes closed and pulled her sunglasses back onto her nose as she shook her head. She followed Jordan into the bar and sat down, quickly scanning the bar’s other patrons. She picked up her menu and started to read the content intently. Jordan frowned at Freya who had buried her face in the menu as she played with her hair nervously as if trying to bring it down in front of her face.

  “Are you embarrassed to be seen in a gay bar?”

  Freya’s head shot up her green eyes wide as, from behind the safety of her sunglasses, they raked back and forth as she scanned the courtyard quickly again, “No, no. I’ve been here loads, with Dan.”

  “Okay then,” Jordan’s face relaxed and she smiled broadly at Freya then dropped her gaze to study her own menu.

  After they had ordered Freya relaxed and finally removed her sunglasses in the shaded courtyard. They were chatting animatedly when Jordan suddenly leaned forward and whispered, “Incoming eight o’clock.”

  Before Freya had a chance to turn, she heard a voice behind her shoulder.

  “I’m so sorry to bother you.”

  Freya felt a hand placed on her shoulder, “But we’re from Chicago and we’re big fans of yours and the show and I wondered if…”

  Freya turned round to look at the owner of the hand who was looking at Jordan in awe. She smiled at the small balding man who was now standing stooped over clutching his hands between his thighs. He glanced at Freya, then did a double-take that Hanna Barbera would have been proud of.

  “Oh my god, you’re Freya Conor, I mean Easter,” he exclaimed turning back to his partner who was standing looking embarrassed mouthing a sorry in their direction. “Look Jerry, it’s Georgia and Emily,” the bald man stage-whispered.


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