Dangerous In Love

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Dangerous In Love Page 30

by Alexa Davis


  Chapter One


  "You have on too many clothes," Alicia told me in a breathless voice.

  All I could manage was a grunt, but I began to work on removing my own clothing. I kept my tongue busy on her sexy body and when I was finally naked, I rolled on my back and Alicia climbed up and straddled me. She started kissing my neck. Breathing in deeply, she said, “God, I love the way you smell. It’s so…I feel silly saying this, but it’s so masculine.”

  I laughed. “Good to know,” I breathed out as she kissed her way down my stomach.

  When she reached my throbbing erection, she took it in her hand and looked up at me as she began slowly stroking it up and down. She made sure I was watching as she let her tongue come out and lick across the tip of it. She swirled it around the head before she opened up her sexy lips and engulfed it. I let out a long moan as she sucked me all the way back into the back of her throat. Then, she pulled her head while continuing to hold my cock firmly in her hand. She took the time to lick the head again before repeating the whole thing, this time letting my cock linger in the back of her throat as she worked the muscles there a few times. Fuck, it felt good.

  She took her time at first, but as we both got more excited, she began to bob her pretty head up and down faster and stroke and suck me harder. I felt my balls tightening up, and it took all of my willpower to keep from coming already. I didn’t want her to stop. It was too good. I made myself hold back for a while longer until my head felt like it was about to explode all over the wall, and then I reached for her.

  She let her soaking wet pussy slide up my body and tried to stop over my cock. I used my strength to pull her up further until that sweet, wet pussy was over my lips. I stuck my tongue out and slid it up inside of her warm tunnel. I loved the way she tasted, the way she felt, and the way she smelled. I loved everything about her.

  I moved my tongue in and out of her, stopping occasionally to lick across her clit just to hear her moan. She rubbed it against me, and I could feel how hot and swollen it was. I sucked it into my mouth and she tried to pull up off of my face. I held her down with a grip on her hips and for several long minutes, I did my best to drive her crazy. From the sounds she was making, I was doing a good job.

  “I need you inside of me,” she said in a breathless voice. I let go of her and when she slid back down into my lap, I sat up and moved her over onto the bed.

  “Get on your hands and knees, baby.” She licked her lips and turned over. I positioned myself behind her and held my rock hard cock in my hand, teasing her with it until she was practically begging for it before I let it slide inside of her. She enveloped me like a glove, and I reached down and took a handful of her hair on one side and a breast in the other hand. I held her like that, tugging gently on one and pinching and twisting the other as I pounded her from behind.

  Alicia had two full-blown orgasms before I finally felt my body tightening up and I couldn’t hold back any longer. Every time with her was like the first time, and I came hard and ended up a sweaty, shaking pile of exhaustion when I collapsed down on top of her.

  When I could talk again without shaking and gasping for breath I said, “Fuck that was amazing.”

  She rolled over and wiggled out from underneath me. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair was disheveled, and she had a gorgeous smile on her face. I pulled her into my arms and held her. For the next few hours, we didn’t talk about work, we didn't discuss Marjorie, or what we were going to do about our relationship, we just spent the time loving each other, and appreciating the fact that we had this time together. Unfortunately, about five o’clock, my cell dinged with a message. I looked at it and saw that it was from Miles,

  “Headed up the driveway, dinner will be in the formal dining room at six.” I texted him back that we would be there and told Alicia,

  “I’m afraid it’s time, love. Hannah will have dinner on the dining room table in an hour.”

  She wrinkled her little nose. “If I pout, can we skip dinner and keep having our dessert, instead?”

  I smiled. “If you only knew how badly I would love that.” I kissed her and continued, “But no, I’m afraid that Brigham, and for that matter Hannah, too, are both just headstrong enough to come and forcibly drag us to the table. We better get busy showering and dressing for dinner.”

  “Showering…oh my goodness, I didn’t bring any other clothes. Is it a formal dinner? Will he be expecting me to be dressed up? I thought it was a working dinner.”

  “Calm down, gorgeous. Your amazing man is always prepared,” I told her with a grin. Bouncing out of the bed and strutting naked over to the armoire, I flipped open the door and hanging there was the elegant black cocktail dress that I’d had sent over in her size from a boutique I knew she liked to shop at. They knew her well and they’d also sent over shoes and undergarments. “You’ll find the new underwear and bras in the drawers,” I told her. “Now, chop-chop; we don’t want to be late.”

  “I haven’t been spoiled like this in…well, except by my parents, ever. Thank you! I feel like a princess.” She got up and gave me a big hug. I tried to follow her in the shower and she said, “Uh-uh. This gigantic castle has to have more than one. If you get in here with me, I’ll never get ready.” She had a point, but I was still disappointed.

  “Okay, but we haven’t done the shower thing in a long time, you owe me one,” I told her.

  I reluctantly left and went to the bathroom down the hall to get ready. An hour later, I met her in the hall. She looked gorgeous, as usual, and the things they’d sent over for her fit perfectly. “I’m glad I found you,” she said. “I have no idea where the dining room is.”

  “I’m glad I ran into you, too. I needed another one of these.” I pushed her back into the wall and put my hands on that little silk dress she was wearing. I was so tempted to rip it off of her and fuck her right there up against the wall. I was good, though. I gave her a long, deep kiss and let her up for air before saying, “Tonight, I’m going to have you every which way.”

  She giggled. “I can’t wait,” she said. I loved her enthusiasm, too.

  When we made it downstairs to the formal dining area, Miles was already seated at the head of the table. To his right sat his son. He looked like Miles IV minus about twenty-five years. To his left was a young woman. I assumed it was his daughter, but I’d never met her. She looked annoyed to be there. Next to her was Alex, my best friend and our political contact at the moment.

  “Well, there y'all are,” Miles said as we walked in. “Have a seat, I’ll introduce you.”

  We sat down and Miles said, “This young man is my son, Miles V. My daughter, Celia, and you folks already know Alex?”

  Alicia told Miles V and Celia that she was pleased to meet them and said hello to Alex. Miles V was polite, but Celia sat sulking like a spoiled child waiting to be excused. Hannah came in then and began serving soup. The group was quiet as we ate. When Miles IV had finished his, he looked at Celia and said,

  “Celia, now is probably a good time to get this over with.”

  “Daddy, I really don’t need to be the one to tell them. Why don’t you do it, please?”

  I could tell by the way that Celia looked at Miles – she was used to getting her way. Miles V rolled his eyes in a very subtle way, but I caught it, nonetheless.

  “Baby girl,” Miles IV said in a soft tone, “I really think we need to hear it from you…please.”

  Celia sighed. She picked up the flute in front of her and drained the wine from it before she began. “I met Vick Landon at a fundraising rally two years ago. I was there with Dad and my boyfriend, David. Vick was very personable and charming. He and David seemed to have a lot in common, and by the end of the day we were chatting like old friends. I feel so stupid now; I really didn’t see it…”

  She looked up then, in Alicia’s direction and asked, “Did you read Daddy’s file? The one with Vick’s disgusting sexual exploits?” />
  I felt bad for her, and I could tell by the look on Alicia’s face that she did, too. Only moments ago, I’d judged her as spoiled and selfish. Alicia nodded and took a sip of her water to lubricate her dry throat. “Yes, I did,” she said.

  With a deep breath, Celia went on, “Then you know, they became more than friends. Daddy tried to get me to stop seeing him without telling me why. I wouldn’t accept his advice. I wish I would have listened now. I’d rather not have known. Anyways, my disgusting boyfriend was having a sexual affair with this man, and we have pictures to prove it.”

  I could tell that Alicia didn’t know what to say. She finally said, “I’m sorry,” but the words hung in the air hollowly until Hannah came in with the main course and Miles IV broke the silence.

  “Now you know why I hated the son of a bitch. There were other things also. Things you can read about in the files, too. For one thing, that whore that he set up at the Plaza was living off of stolen money, money that rat bastard had stolen from me, money that was intended to go towards electing a President.”

  Alicia looked at me. I’d already been told all of this by Miles, but it was new and shocking information to her. I reached over and took her hand in her lap and squeezed it.

  She looked at Alex then who had sat silently through all of this. I could tell Alicia was wondering why he was here. She was too tactful to ask at the table, but I’m sure she would the second we were alone.

  Her eyes scanned the table, and I saw them land on Miles V. I could almost hear the wheels turning in that intelligent brain of hers. He was the only one eating, and he was doing so with a gusto that implied he was completely oblivious to his sister’s pain or his father’s anger. Miles IV had his eyes on his son too and they held a look of disdain. His eyes softened when he looked back at his daughter. He put his hand on hers and said,

  “You did a good job, baby. You can go now if you like.”

  Celia smiled and jumped up from the table like a child that was excused without eating her vegetables. I could tell by her waif-like appearance that it probably wasn’t the first meal she had missed. The girl planted a kiss on her father’s cheek and said goodnight to everyone, except her brother before bouncing out of the room.

  I looked back at the younger Brigham, who seemed to not have missed a bite. I glanced at Alicia and she was looking at me with a look that practically screamed, “What have you gotten me into here?”

  We finally all began to eat. Dinner was delicious, and thankfully, the rest of it was spent in pleasant small talk and conversation. I think we had heard enough for now regarding the scandalous nature of the people we worked for and their associations. There would be time later for more.

  After dessert, Miles V excused himself and the rest of the party followed the elder Brigham into the sitting room. Hannah had his Bourbon ready, and both Alex and I both accepted a snifter, as well. Alicia chose sparkling cider. She rarely drank, save for the occasional glass of wine with dinner or champagne celebration. I could tell she was impatient as Miles IV talked on and on about his passion: big game hunting. I don’t think he was finished, but he made the mistake of pausing for breath and Alicia interjected,

  “Alex, if you don’t mind my asking, what is your connection to all of this?”

  Alex looked at me, as if looking for permission to divulge information to her. I saw her bristle at that. If she was going to be the lead defense attorney in this case, she would need to learn how to get past hurt feelings and outright command more respect.

  I nodded slightly at Alex. He looked back at her and said, “Miles has been grooming me as Vick’s replacement for a while now. We were going to make the announcement after Vick had been given the news. There was a press conference scheduled for Friday to announce his resignation and my appointment. Now, I assume, it will just announce my appointment in the wake of this, uh…tragedy.”

  Miles IV nodded and then drained another shot of Bourbon. Sitting down his glass, he said, “Yes, Alex here is up to speed on all things Brigham and Presidential, so to speak. He’s going to make an excellent campaign manager, as well as a valuable ally for my company.”

  “So, there was a plan in the works to fire Vick?” she asked

  “Yes, little lady, that was the plan,” Brigham said

  “And, you expected him to resign once you told him about it?” she asked, I knew she would put it all together quickly. She’s one of the smartest people I know. The only small area she was lacking was in her confidence.

  “That was also the plan,” he said while lighting a cigar,

  “Let me ask you all this,” Alicia said, looking at each of the men individually before speaking, “How many other people, besides those of us in this house, knew what was going on with Vick? By that, I mean, the love affairs, the illicit spending sprees of campaign monies, and the fact that he was perilously close to losing it all?”

  We all looked at each other and I finally told her, “We don’t know, exactly. The affairs weren’t well disguised by any standards. The stripper was only a plaything to Vick, she was interviewed by our people, and we believe she really didn’t know anything about what Vick was up to. As long as he paid her bills and allowed her shopping sprees, she gave him what he wanted in the sack when he wanted it and didn’t ask any questions. Cindy McGuire is being heavily protected, of course, by her family and refuses to have a conversation with us about Vick. And David; he’s somewhat of a wild card.”

  “Meaning what, exactly?” Alicia asked.

  “David has disappeared, physically that is. He’s gone pretty deeply underground. He hasn’t been seen since Vick’s death; however, he has made several phone calls to both Celia and her father. He’s looking for money, and thinks he’ll be able to cash in on this in a big way. He uses disposable cell phones and has asked for money to be wired to an offshore account. So far, our investigators, and Miles’, have been unable to find him.”

  “Why does David think that Miles or Celia would give him money, considering what we now know to be true?”

  Miles sighed and said, “I’ll take that one, son,”

  He stood and walked across the room towards the massive stone fireplace. Next to the fireplace stood an enormous blue spruce, all decorated for Christmas with professionally wrapped presents already underneath. Miles stopped next to the tree and seemed to be admiring the twinkling of the lights for several minutes, before finally turning to Alicia.

  “He has something on my son that he has threatened to go to the authorities with if I don’t send him the money he wants by midnight on Friday.”

  Alicia raised an eyebrow, but didn’t speak. Miles turned towards her and continued, “My son was in the mountains the day my wife died ten years ago. The authorities never had that information, so he was never questioned regarding her death. I don’t want him questioned, and I have gone through great pains to make sure that never happens. My son is weak. He couldn’t stand up to an interrogation. He would crack like an egg in five minutes or less.

  “My daughter, she was cursed only by naivety. She was thinking that she could trust this man-whore she was seeing, and she told him some things that she never should have, things that should have remained in the family. That little gay boy wants to use that information now to destroy my family. If I thought he would go away, I would just pay him the damn money. I don’t believe for a second though that he would stop there. That boy would keep this shit up until he bleeds me and my family dry.”

  “May I ask why it’s so critical that the authorities not know Miles V was there the day your wife died?”

  Brigham looked at her, and with his next words, I think Alicia had begun to understand the disdain he held in his eyes when he looked at his son.

  “Because, little lady, my son killed her.”

  Chapter Two


  I looked at Adam and saw that he wasn’t shocked by any of this. He walked over and put his hand on my arm and said,

  “It’s alrig
ht. When Miles hired us, his son also paid to retain us as his legal counsel. What Miles just told you was disclosed to us after he hired us as counsel.” Adam looked at Miles, and then back at me and said,

  “We did, of course, suggest the possibility of Miles V turning himself in. Neither he nor his father here were interested in that suggestion, however. Until now, it had not really become an issue. Our concern at this point is that David will in fact tell the authorities what he knows.”

  I dropped down on the plush beige couch that I was standing next to. I watched the lights on the designer tree twinkle while I gathered my thoughts. Looking towards Adam, I said,

  “So, my job is to keep Miles IV from getting arrested in relation to Vick’s murder, right?”

  Adam said, “Yes, that is a large part of it.”

  It suddenly dawned on me why he really wanted my criminal law expertise. “You expect me to defend Miles V also if what David is saying he did ever comes into play.” Adam gave me a nod and I went on, “Okay, then, what else do I need to know?” There was really no going back now.

  The men spent the better part of the next hour filling in the blanks for me before I had enough and excused myself to turn in for the night. I had barely made it back to our room when Adam followed me in.

  My mood had significantly darkened from earlier in the evening. He tried to touch me, but I told him I was too tired and rolled away from him. I wasn’t really angry with him, but I was pretty annoyed about what he’d gotten me into here. After a while, I felt him snuggle into me and press his hips into my behind. He draped his arm across my waist and pulled me into him tightly. I moved forward and he followed me until I was on the edge of the bed and couldn’t move any further.

  I finally rolled over to chastise him, but before I could get any words out he covered my mouth with his. I didn’t resist the kiss and as usual, my entire body responded to it. My stress and fatigue was suddenly replaced by desire, and as he pulled me up on top of him and lifted my nightgown up over my hips, I didn’t protest. Instead, I made love to him and him to me until we were both so truly exhausted that neither of us could stay awake a moment longer.


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