Dangerous In Love

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Dangerous In Love Page 45

by Alexa Davis

  “Wanna rip it off?” he said with a grin.

  “Absolutely,” I whispered as I stood on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. Even in three-inch heels, he towered over me.

  My father was waiting for us when we went into the sitting room. He looked quite dashing himself in a black suit and bow tie with a crisp white shirt underneath. We sat and waited for Lady Winston then. Alicia’s father said,

  “I can’t remember a time before I sat around waiting for this woman,”

  “But it’s always worth the wait, isn’t it?” My mother’s voice floated into the room before she did. Adam stood up, and taking her hand he bowed slightly at the waist to brush his lips to it, “You look stunning, my lady,” he told her.

  I almost laughed out loud when Mother blushed like a school girl and thanked him. “Are we ready?”

  We agreed that we were and we all got our coats and headed out to the car.

  When we arrived at the large conference center, I was once again in awe of what Marie could accomplish. The decorations were Christmas themed, but subtle and elegant. The buffet table was layered with foods that both looked delicious and exuded a mouth-watering aroma. There was a very large Christmas tree, dressed up with red and white satin bows and ribbon, with a delicate silver star adorning the top. Marie had somehow managed to buy gifts, as well, and they all looked professionally wrapped and covered the floor beneath the tree. Adam and I sat our gifts underneath the tree before taking our place at the large table in front of the room.

  Our table had been reserved for senior and junior partners and our guests. I was thrilled to see Kyla. We hadn’t had much chance to spend time together lately due to both of our busy schedules. I introduced Kyla to my parents, and after we were seated, Kyla whispered,

  “Your mother is beautiful. I see why you’re so pretty now. And your father, he’s quite the silver fox himself.”

  I laughed and said, “You really need a date.”

  “Shows how much you know,” Kyla said. “I happen to have a date, and here he comes now.”

  I thought that I was seeing things when I looked up and Jack was approaching our table.

  “Hi,” he said, taking the seat next to Kyla,

  “Hi,” I said back, “You’re Kyla’s date?”

  “You needn’t sound so surprised,” Jack told her. “Kyla and I met at the courthouse one day. We had lunch, and have gone out a few times since. I just found out today when she asked me to come to this dinner tonight that you and she were good friends.”

  “Yes,” Kyla said in a hushed tone so that the others at the table couldn’t overhear. “I really didn’t know the two of you had a history. If this is weird for you….”

  “No, no, of course not,” I said, “I was just surprised, that’s all.”

  Kyla smiled, she looked happy that I wasn’t upset with her. I felt bad. I would have to tell Kyla that Jack was involved in some shady business. I couldn’t risk her getting hurt. I would wait until after the holidays, though, so as not to ruin them for her. I saw the look on Adam’s face when he noticed Jack at our table. He motioned his head at me and stood up. I stood up as well, and Adam excused us both. I followed him to a small alcove that led to the restrooms.

  “What is he doing here?” Adam asked.

  “He’s Kyla’s date,” I said with a pained expression.

  “Oh Jeez, that’s just what Kyla needs! I hadn’t had time to tell you yet about my afternoon. I suppose now it’s imperative that I do.”

  Adam told me about going to Alex’s and the conversation he had eavesdropped on between Alex and Jack. He also told me about meeting with David and discovering the bugs in the office.

  I was appalled. “Jack was in on the murders? I knew he was into some risky business, but I never would have imagined…murder? Oh my gosh, Adam, we have to warn Kyla.”

  “I know,” he said. “Let’s wait until tomorrow, though. She’s here with all of us tonight so we know she’s safe. Kyla has no stake in anything that has been going on. Jack would have no motive for wanting to harm her.”

  “Okay,” I agreed. “But if she tries to leave with him, I don’t know if I can sit back and just watch it happen.”

  “Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it, okay?” I nodded and he kissed my forehead softly. “Let’s go eat, drink, and make merry for now. I’m postponing the espionage until after the holidays. Care to join me?”

  “Alright, 007,” I teased, “We’ll resume the spy vs. spy routine later. Let’s go get a plate before all of the lobster is gone, it looks delicious.” Adam smiled and put his arm around her waist, “I’ll never figure out how you eat like you do and keep looking so hot.”

  “Good genes,” I said. “Look at mother.”


  Dinner was excellent. After it was over, Mac and Adam took the small stage and microphone at the center of the room. We thanked all of our employees for coming, and for all of their hard work and dedication over the past year. Envelopes were handed out one by one then, with bonus checks inside for all.

  When they finished, the gift exchange took place, and then the live band started playing music for dancing. Adam and I danced to a slow song, and as we swayed slowly to the beat, the party and the rest of the room disappeared for a while. We both knew this was right, and couldn’t wait for the day when we were husband and wife.

  While we were taking a break from dancing, I noticed Jack and Kyla on the floor. She looked radiant in her red dress with the plunging neckline and her dark, blonde hair pulled up high and small curls falling down around her face. I felt another pang of sadness that I would have to dash my friend’s hopes about this man.

  I looked around the rest of the dance floor. My parents were dancing together, holding each other and in perfect step. I hoped that mine and Adam’s marriage was still that strong after so many years. I saw Adam’s partner Mac and his wife dancing. They looked happy, as well. Christmas was a magical time of year, no doubt about it. It had a way of erasing all of the bad things that had happened the year prior, if only for a little while.

  I looked back at Adam and noticed him watching Jack and Kyla. He looked as if he could hardly control his emotions. I knew that he was thinking of Marjorie and what Jack had done or had arranged to be done to her. I reached out and put my hand on his arm. He slid it around me and pulled me in close to his side.

  “When this is all over, I’m going to punch that SOB in the mouth,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Me, too,” I agreed, making him laugh.

  The evening was a big hit with everyone. I put my parents into a car around midnight and they headed back to the apartment. Adam and I stayed until two am, when the party finally started breaking up. As I hugged Kyla and said goodnight, I couldn’t help it I said,

  “You’re not taking him home with you, right?”

  Kyla looked at me with a raised eyebrow and said, “What kind of loose woman do you think I am? We’ve barely started dating. There will be no sex for a few more weeks.”

  I smiled. God, I loved this woman. “Be safe,” I whispered to my friend. “We’ll see you tomorrow, right?”

  I was having a brunch at the apartment for my family and close friends. “Of course, see you then. Merry Christmas, friend.”

  “Merry Christmas, Kyla, I love you.”

  “Love you, too,” Kyla told me before taking Jack by the arm. Jack wished me and Adam both a Merry Christmas and as they walked towards the exit, I wanted so badly to yell “stop” and make him leave Kyla there with us. I glanced at Adam’s face, and realized that he was having a hard time not acting on the same impulse.

  “Let’s get you home,” Adam said, taking me by the hand. “Santa Claus will be here soon.”

  I giggled, “You mean Father Christmas?” I said, referring to the jolly man who visited me on Christmas as a child.

  “Before we get married, you’ll have to sign over rights to teaching our children the proper names for things here in America. Yo
ur English is not so good.”

  He said our children. I felt a warm glow flood my veins. I laughed then and said, “My English is perfect, just not mixed with grammar and made-up sayings like yours.”


  I slept amazingly well that night. I dreamed of being married to Adam, living in a big house in the suburbs. In my dream, we had three children. Two of them were boys and had their father’s dark hair and handsome smile. The youngest was a little girl with her mother’s auburn hair and dimples. We were barbecuing as a family in the dream, and were all just about to jump into the large blue swimming pool when I woke up. I wasn’t sure what had woken me at first, but then I took a deep breath and the smell of my father’s famous Belgian waffles reached my nose. I could also smell fresh brewed coffee. I reached for my robe and slipped on my fuzzy slippers and went out to join him.

  I found him in the sitting room before a roaring fire with a platter of waffles, butter and maple syrup, and a carafe of the wonderful smelling coffee. “Good morning, and Merry Christmas, sweetheart. Sit down and I’ll pour you a cup of coffee.”

  “Good morning, Daddy, and Merry Christmas to you,” I said, giving him a kiss on his cheek before sitting down. He poured me a cup of the steaming coffee from the carafe and after I took a long, very satisfying sip I said,

  “It’s been so good having you and Mother here for the holidays. I’m going to miss you so much when you leave next week.”

  My father took my hand in his. “I’ll miss you, too. I’m glad we came. It was not only good to see you and meet Adam, but to see how well you’ve done for yourself makes us so proud. It sets our minds at ease that you are okay way over here by yourself.”

  “Aw, Daddy, I’m not by myself. Adam is always close by.”

  “Until I met him, I couldn’t be sure…”

  “Are you sure now?”

  “Yes, I think you’ve made a good choice there for a husband. I will still reserve the right to worry, though. I am after all your father. That never changes no matter how old you get, how successful you are, or how many husbands you have.”

  I smiled and laid my head on my father’s shoulder. “You know no matter how many husbands I have and for the record, I only plan on having the one, you will always be my first love.”

  My father kissed my head and we sat there like that in silence for a bit. Mother came in a while later, and the silence was broken. “Let’s give her our gift now before everyone gets here,” Mother told my father.

  “Shouldn’t we wait for Adam?” he asked.

  Mother had always been the one to give out gifts early and not keep secrets until Christmas morning. I imagined the wait for today had been especially hard on her being that we had been living together for the past couple of weeks.

  “He’ll be here soon enough and Alicia can tell him all about it. Besides, if she doesn’t like it, then it will be easier to exchange if Adam hasn’t yet seen it.”

  Daddy laughed. “You just can’t stand the waiting, that’s all,” he said to my mother. She nodded in agreement.

  “Yes, that’s true. We’ve already been waiting for some time. Let’s give it to her now.”

  My father got up and went over to the tree. He rummaged around for a moment and came back with a white and gold envelope. He handed it to me and said, “Promise me before you open it that if you don’t like the gift, the idea of the gift, or think we’re being intrusive you’ll tell me.”

  “I promise,” I told him. I had no clue what it could be. I took the envelope and slid the sealed portion open with my finger. As I pulled open the envelope a document came into view. It said “Deed of Trust” across the top, and listed both mine and Adam’s names under heading “owner/s”.

  “Oh, my,” was all I could manage to get out when I realized what it was, “This is way too much, we can’t accept this,” I said to my parents.

  “Don’t be silly,” Mother said. “Of course you can accept it. It’s what parents do and it made us very happy to do it. Look it over and take Adam out to look at it and if it is not what you both want, we will make other arrangements.”

  I was holding in my hand a deed of trust to a home and the five acres that surrounded it. I couldn’t believe my parents had done this. There was a picture of the house in the envelope. I looked at it once and then again. It was almost identical to the home I had dreamt Adam and I lived in with our children. I got up and threw my arms around my mother first, almost knocking her over. She hugged me back tighter than she usually did. I let go of her at last and hugged my father.

  “I don’t even know what to say, thank you.”

  “Take Adam out to look at it. If it’s not perfect for you both, let us know, we mean it. Your home has to be special to you. It’s another part of a good marriage, stability.”

  “I will,” I said with tears of happiness in my eyes. I couldn’t wait to tell Adam. I knew he would be as happy as I was.

  Chapter Eight


  Christmas came and went in the blink of an eye. I was at the office the day after Christmas and still in a mild state of shock over what Alicia’s parents had done for us. I tried to tell them both that it was too much, but they insist that it’s ours and they won’t take it back. It looks perfect in the photo we have of it, but I couldn’t wait to see it in person. Alicia and I were driving up tomorrow afternoon while her parents spent the afternoon with some friends at their club.

  Today, I was stuck in meetings all day. The first one found me and Mac locked up in his office with Kyla, Nico and three paralegals. We were drawing up motions for the civil trial and making sure that we’d collected copies of everything we could to replace what was taken in the robbery. I felt like I was seeing double by the time we broke for lunch at noon, but I was in the middle of a brief and I didn’t want to stop. I told the rest of them to go on and I’d step out and get a sandwich or something later. Knowing me the way that she does, Marie didn’t wait for me to go out and get my own lunch. She appeared at the edge of my desk with a sandwich and chips and a cup of coffee. She sat them down in front of me and I said,

  “Thank you, Marie. I have no idea what I would do without you.”

  “Sir, I’m not sure you could do it without me,” she said with a wink.

  “I think you’re right, Marie,” I agreed as I took a sip of my coffee. I sat it down and once again said, “I think you’re right.”

  “Miss Winston came in a little bit ago. She’s in her office. She asked me not to disturb you, but if you took a break she’d like to see you.”

  “Thank you, Marie.”

  “You’re welcome, sir, and don’t forget, you really would never survive without me.”

  I laughed. “I know I wouldn’t.”

  After Marie left, I ate my sandwich and finished my coffee, all the while reading the files in front of me. I went into the executive washroom and brushed by teeth before heading down the hall to find Alicia. Carla was still on vacation for the holidays so there was no one at her desk. I tapped softly on Alicia’s door before hearing, “Come in.”

  “Hey,” she said, standing up from behind her desk,

  “Hey, yourself, I thought you were taking the day off?”

  “I tried,” Alicia said with a tired smile. “Jack showed up and ruined my mood.”

  “What?” I said, suddenly alarmed, “While you were alone? What did he want?”

  She went around the desk and put her hand on his arm. “I’m okay, you can calm down. Let’s sit and I’ll tell you about it.” We went over and sat on the sofa and she said, “First of all, please don’t be mad but I talked to Kyla last night about Jack. I didn’t tell her why, but I told her he wasn’t the right man for her. She trusts me and because of that, she told him she didn’t want to keep seeing him.”

  “I’m not mad,” I told her honestly. I actually prefer Kyla know something if it kept her away from him. “He’s pissed?”


  “He came to the door t
his morning when my parents’ were out and when I opened it, he pushed his way in. He asked if I said something to Kyla about him. I was caught off-guard because I knew Kyla would never tell him anything I said. I played dumb and he said she just abruptly broke things off and he suspected it was because I said something. He scared me, not because of anything he said or did; it was the way he was looking at me. I told him to leave and he finally did. The FBI agent from downstairs checked in on me and I told him I was fine and he said he’d watch out for him and not let him up again.”

  “I want to punch the S.O.B. in the mouth.” My fists were clenching on their own. If he’d been there right then, I don’t think I could have controlled myself.

  “Me, too,” she smiled and went on, “But we can’t so I say we put our energy to better use.”

  My cock twitched in my pants and I smiled and said, “What did you have in mind?”

  She looked at her new watch and said, “That all depends on how much time you have, and how you feel about this couch.”

  I jumped up and almost ran to lock the door. I came back and took her into my arms, kissing her full on the mouth and massaging the small of her back with my fingertips. She responded with a moan that only egged me on. In one swift motion I had her blouse unbuttoned and the snap that held her bra released. I kissed her neck, paying special attention the side just below her right ear where I knew she loved it.

  While I did that, she wrapped her fingers through my thick hair. I used my lips and tongue on her flesh until she was biting her lip to keep from screaming. She didn’t cry out and let whoever might be in the office today know what was going on inside her office.

  I pulled away from her and got undressed and then I spread my shirt out on the couch and sat on it. I pulled her down so she was sitting backwards on my lap facing away from me. She used her legs to push herself up and I took my hot cock in my hand and rubbed it against her sensitive, wet bud. She was biting her lip hard and whimpering.


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