Billionaire Protector

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Billionaire Protector Page 9

by Kyanna Skye

  Jesse tried to get at Charlie again. “Hey, come on man,” Kiefer pulled Jesse’s arm. “We can’t question him if you’re just going to kill him.”

  “Something tells me this one isn’t going to help us out by killing himself like the first guy did,” McConnell said. “You want to tell us who you’re working for?”

  Charlie shook his head.

  “I could just let my friend at you,” Kiefer prompted.

  Erika slapped Charlie’s face. “I don’t know about these guys but I don’t have all night while you try to figure out how screwed you are. Who are you working for?”

  Charlie cursed in his native tongue.

  “Back at your mom,” Erika snarled.

  It took a moment for Charlie to catch his breath. Erika had busted his lip, and blood dripped down his chin. He spits on the floor. After a couple of deep breaths, he closed his eyes and nodded in defeat. “I’ll tell you who’s paying me, though I don’t know how much good it will do you right now. He wants her and he’s not going to stop until she’s back in his clutches. That’s not a threat; it’s just the way he operates.”

  Chapter Ten

  Amira looked down at her tablet. Omar’s words left her with a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach:

  I’m not stopping until you come back to me. Maybe you’re not worried about your own life but there are others close to you I can reach.

  Amira almost dropped it on the bathroom floor when the next picture came up: a picture of her brother Jamaal eating with his wife and son at café eating breakfast. She checked the time stamp and did the math in her head. It would be morning in Stockholm. Someone was watching her brother and his family at that moment. They were blissfully unaware: Jamaal laughed at something his wife Hannah said, while their son, Travis, drank from a sippy cup.

  It took a few moments for her hands to stop shaking long enough to type an answer.

  What do you want me to do? Where do you want me to go? Amira asked.

  He gave her instructions on where she should go. Omar wanted her to surrender. Whatever happened she couldn’t allow him to hurt her brother or her nephew. They had to come before anyone else. He sent her instructions. She was to come alone, by herself. And if she alerted anyone to where she was going there would be consequences.

  Amira grabbed her handbag. Alec was downstairs, and she had already told him she would go to bed for the night. There was no way she could get past him and out the front door.

  But there might be a chance she could get past him if she climbed out the window.

  Amira wondered how long it would be before Alec realized she was gone. Once she shimmied down the roof she ran down to the street. It seemed forever just to get there, and by the time she reached the main street near the edge of the enclave, she was already winded. If she followed the same trek they’d taken up, she would end up walking through a residential street long before she reached a busier thoroughfare.

  Her plan was to get to a public place; a convenience store, a supermarket, somewhere she could call a taxi to take her towards the airport.

  She thought of Jesse and felt a heaviness in her chest. Of all the men she met, she truly believed he was the one she could see herself having a future with. No one had made her feel so loved and secure, and so cared for. He brought out the side of her that was deeply a woman; the part of her who knew and understood her needs and wants, who didn’t feel the need to have to hide her passion behind a mask of propriety. He reached her in ways no one else could.

  Going back to Omar meant a host of things for her future, all of which weighed heavy on her. It meant a loveless marriage, a traditional life which she wasn’t seeking. And this would be a marriage not entered in good faith but instead built upon lies and manipulation. She could only imagine the kinds of things Omar would be capable of once he was in the seat of power. She would have to wage a perpetual fight with him. Her life would become a tug-of-war between several untenable options.

  Unless she found a way to kill Omar herself. She wasn’t given to bloodshed, but when push came to shove, it was something she might be desperate enough to consider.

  Amira had made mistakes which couldn’t be fixed without going home-- and now it was time to right them. Omar wanted her back, and he wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted. It meant going back home, and getting up close and personal with Omar. She would kill him before she allowed him to hurt anyone she loved.

  After a walk that must have been at least two miles, she came to a gas station. She went inside and bought a bottle of water. Just as she turned away from the counter, she bumped into a tall, blonde man. He was standing behind her, arms crossed.

  “Nice to see you again, Princess,” he said.


  When Jesse’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket, he ignored it. McConnell had taken over the questioning of their suspect, and he was too busy listening to the details to pay attention.

  “I’ve been on Omar’s payroll for a few years now,” Charlie said. “At first, he made it seem he really just wanted to socialize with the royal family. I mean, he is of the same class within his own country. He started out wanting just general information. Things like where the family would be vacationing, whether or not Jamaal would be traveling to the States anytime soon. Of course, it was not the kind of information I would have given to just anyone…”

  “Not without them giving you money anyway,” Erika interjected.

  “He already had a relationship with the Sabines,” Charlie narrowed his eyes at Erika. “It wasn’t like they were strangers. And yes, Omar did offer me money. A lot of it. And to be honest I didn’t care at the time what they used that information for. But when he started I thought what he really wanted was access to the family for his own political reasons.”

  “How did Amira figure into the picture? Did he say that he was interested in her romantically?”

  “I hope you know that whole thing was bullshit at least on her part. He was actually more interested in becoming buddies with Jamaal at first. I didn’t know where that was going until he started blackmailing him.”

  “Blackmailed him with what?”

  Charlie smiled. “Pictures of a sexual nature of him of a woman who was engaged to someone else at the time. He wasn’t supposed to be messing around with anyone who was not from his own nation, or at least a neighboring part of the world, who would share the same religion and similar culture. The idea that this Crown Prince was messing around with some Catholic, European girl Jamaal was scandalous. An inappropriate pick for his woman in every way.”

  He paused, licking his lip. He grimaced, tasting the copper of his own blood.

  “Omar threatened to have the pictures released. Jamaal planned to get him in deep enough trouble with his father that the old man would strip him of his title. Rebellious children, the both of them. Jamaal was always displeasing his father in one way or another. But he did something no one expected. He went ahead and abdicated the crown, and married the woman in question. Who knew he really loved the little dumb blond enough to give up his life for her? It played right into Omar’s hands. He always wanted to get Jamaal out of his way so that Amira could inherit the crown and he could marry her.”

  “You’re disgusting,” Erika hissed.

  “And why are you still talking? You never told me who you were.”

  “The woman who’s going to break your nose in a minute,” Erika answered.

  “Alec never said you were this violent,” Kiefer said. “I kinda like it.”

  She shrugged. “A girl has to have outlets.”

  “You’ve got bigger problems than worrying about her,” McConnell focused on Charlie. “So why didn’t things work out with Omar and Amira?”

  “Who knows? No chemistry? Maybe she could smell the desperation for her crown on him. He’s rich and from the proper class, any other woman in the nation would have gone for him—other than Amira. These last few months she hasn’t even wanted to attempt to keep up the f
ront. And I guess that’s why he decided he needed to get rid of her.”

  “Only he was never really going to kill Amira, was he?” Jesse asked. “The shooter at the hotel was probably intending on injuring her, but he wasn’t expecting to get out of there without being hauled to jail. And I’m sure he knew he would not be allowed to give Omar up; there was probably someone else who would have killed him at the hotel if he hadn’t been apprehended by the police first. Maybe he was even given the poison unknowingly. This has all been set up to scaring her to going back to him.”

  Charlie nodded. “I was going to take him out, and it was to look like I was defending the Princess. But you got in the way, showing off,” he snarled. “Once he was tied down it was easy enough to slip something into his mouth. The capsule was poison, slow release. We know that the American police haven’t got the best reputation when it comes to handling suspects and that people would look at the incident with doubt.”

  McConnell grumbled. “I’m going to have something extra to charge you with on the account of that.”

  Jesse felt his phone vibrate again and this time he picked it up.

  He looked at the screen and realized it was David calling.

  “Where are you?” David asked. “I’ve got some news about Amira.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Alec brought Amira back to Edgewater’s office, and Jesse met them there. He arrived first. Amira’s heart jumped when she saw him, standing in the driveway, arms crossed over his chest. She didn’t know what to expect. Would he scream at her? She knew what she did had to have him worried and upset, and she had possibly caused problems with his boss. As soon as she got out of the car, Jesse rushed over, and without a word took her into his arms. She hugged him, fighting back the urge to cry. Whatever was about to happen now, she was determined to steal herself against the worst.

  “You’re safe now,” Jesse whispered against her ear. He thanked Alec, who simply nodded and drove back out onto the street. He took her by the hand and led her into his house. As soon as the door was closed behind them, she turned to him.

  “Before you say anything,” Amira turned to him. She still fully expected his rage.

  “Stop,” he said, putting a finger to her lips. “I love you. Don’t you understand?” his voice was a whisper, his eyes wide and filled with pain. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. And don’t tell me it’s just my job because that isn’t it. I don’t care what Omar was to you, only that he’s trying to hurt you now.”

  His words broke her. Tears fell from her eyes. “I love you too,” she said. Her next words were forced over the lump in her throat. “He threatened to hurt my brother and his family…”

  “We found out about that. Jamaal and his family are under our protection right now, and your parents have been alerted to the situation as well. You’re not going to have to worry about him anymore, very soon.”

  Jesse explained how he and the others had caught Charlie, and he’d confessed to being part of the whole plan to begin with. She was both angered and saddened to know that he was involved. She shook her head. Through the years she had fond memories of the man who was tasked with protecting her. But that was all gone.

  When Jesse finished, he gave her a half smile. “So you love me too, huh?”

  “Yes,” she said, cupping his face in her hands. “Yes, I do. What happens now? Omar expects me to be on my way back to Demani tonight.”

  “We have a plan in place,” he said, his hands resting on her shoulders. “Until then, we have tonight.”

  He kissed her mouth, and Amira felt her whole body grow warm. She leaned into him, feeling the warmth of him against her. He caressed her back, and soon she felt his warm hands against her skin as he pulled off her top. She reached for his shirt too. Soon they were moving together, with Jesse leading her down the hallway, clothes coming off and being thrown haphazardly as they went. By the time they reached the bedroom, they were both naked. Amira shivered in anticipation. He was hard and ready for her. She licked her lips. When he drew her into his arms this time, they moved towards the bed.

  They sat down. Jesse pressed his chest against her back. He held her waist, one hand seeking the warmth between her thighs. A long, deep sigh escaped her lips.

  “Baby,” he said against her ear, his breath hot against her skin.

  He reached to touch one of her breasts, and she felt the nipple harden beneath his palm. Amira closed her eyes as they kissed again. She felt the softness of his full lips, the stubble on his face. She breathed in the scent of his aftershave, something as cool and ocean blue as his eyes.

  “No one has said they loved me before,” she said, thinking aloud. So few men were allowed in her circle and those that were never shared anything with her other than the coolest acquaintance. The only one who had come close to her was Omar and he’d been all about what he could get from her. They’d shared a few kisses. But she had never allowed him to really touch her, to feel her naked skin and to make love with her. She’d never felt this soul deep connection with anyone. It overwhelmed her. Her heart beat hard and fast. Jesse ran a hand through her hair. He smiled at her, and when he spoke his voice was full of affection.

  “Darling,” he said. “Let me show you just how much.”

  Jesse slid off the bed. Kneeling, he grabbed her thighs and drew her towards him. When he bent towards her, she cradled the back of his neck with her hand. He parted her body with his tongue, licking her clit and then her core. Each kiss, each stroke was deliberate. He didn’t stop until climax shook her body, making her buck and cry out for him.

  “Uh, please baby,” she whispered, her hands trailing down his abs. He got back onto the bed with her. There was a thin sheen of sweat on his chest and at his brow. She touched his thighs. His manhood had grown even more erect, and she thought about taking him in her mouth. But he had other ideas at the moment.

  “Please?” he asked, teasingly, his fingers touching her where his mouth had been only moments before. She was hot and wet, her body so sensitive that the slightest touch sent her trembling again. For a moment he moved his finger in a come hither motion, setting her hips rocking in a slow motion. Passion made her bold, even as her body grew weak for him. He was beautiful, a golden Adonis leaning above her. She wanted everything at once: to feel him inside her, to kiss him, to hold him so tight that their bodies writhed as one. She wanted to taste him on her lips. She needed to feel his heartbeat pounding against her chest.

  “Yes,” she said, meeting his eyes. The heat building inside made her feel crazed. He was driving her mad and he knew it, took pleasure in every shiver and twitch. She could see he took great pride in how he aroused her.

  “As you wish,” he said and thrust deep into her body.

  She sank her nails into his shoulder blades, moving to the rhythm they made together. He was all heat and muscle. She lifted her legs up alongside his hips. She moaned. The movement allowed him better access, and he used it to his advantage. Her back arched. Every time she felt herself coming near the moment of crisis, he slowed down just a little, prolonging her aching pleasure that much longer. How was it that the more he did to her, the more she wanted?

  Amira’s hands traveled downward to grip his firm ass. He grinned at her, picking up the pace again. The shivers began deep in her core and up along her spine. Like two strikes of lightening the two met, making her shiver. She held him tight. A moment later he groaned. She felt the evidence of his climax inside her.

  They lay side by side for a time, waiting for their breathing and the pounding in their chests to settle into a normal pace. He held out his arm and she settled against him, supported by the crook of his arm. He pressed his lips to her forehead. She stroked his pecs, enjoying the feeling of his hard muscle.

  “If there’s anything I can ask you,” he said. “It would only be that whatever happens, we don’t keep things from each other,” his voice was soft, loving. He touched her face. She turned to look at him.

��That’s something I can do,” she told him. “As long as you do the same.”

  “There’s a lot I haven’t told you about my life,” he admitted. “There are a lot of…ugly things I’ve seen and experienced.”

  “In time, when you’re ready,” Amira replied. “I trust you. It doesn’t have to be all at once.”

  He sighed. She felt his body relax. It was an exhalation of relief.

  “One of these days,” she said dreamily. “We’ll know each other inside and out.”

  “I look forward to that,” Jesse whispered. “Knowing such beauty through and through.”

  Amira smiled. She drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep, still wrapped in his arms.


  Three Days Later

  Kiefer, David, and Alec were in the office, watching the large screen television in the conference room.

  “Well this is gonna be good,” David said. “I should have brought popcorn.”

  McConnell had promised that there would be breaking news on the afternoon local broadcast. Sure enough, the detective was shown in front of a bank of news cameras, wearing a brand new suit. He sported a new suit, and his hair had a new cut.

  “You took him shopping?” Alec asked.

  “Someone had to,” Kiefer replied. “I told him he couldn’t possibly wear one of those same three suit jackets he’s always got on. This is an international story after all.”

  McConnell cleared his throat. Other than a brief pause before he began to speak, he seemed well assured. He laid out the facts for the journalists, who apparently had been waiting outside his precinct for this statement.

  “We called this conference today to let you know of the developments in the attempted shooting of Princess Amira Sabine. While Princess Sabine was being kept in seclusion for her safety, the Los Angeles Police Department was assisted by an outside agency contracted for the purpose of finding out if the shooting was a single incident, or if it was indeed a part of a larger plot to endanger a member of the royal family of Demani. Through a shared investigation, we were able to find out the latter was true. Omar Soren, a member of royalty in Lakfar, is suspected to be behind a scheme to harm Princess Amira. Law enforcement here was able to reach out to the government of Demani, where Soren was waiting at the airport. He was taken into police custody, and twenty-four hours ago, was transferred into our custody. He will eventually stand trial for his crimes here in the States.”


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