Knights of the Inner Rim (Beyond the Outer Rim Book 0)

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Knights of the Inner Rim (Beyond the Outer Rim Book 0) Page 24

by Reiter

“You just had to go and be likable,” Annodia complained. “Now he’s going to save you too.”

  “No one can save me,” Champanna argued.

  “Then when you speak to him next... change his name,” Annodia returned, turning off the lights. “Personally, I prefer Valian to No One... but if anyone could make it work...”

  With the sun dropping down beyond the horizon, there was an easy calm about the property... save for the souls that had been tasked with digging ditches and moving large stones from one side of the property to the other. Nothing was being built, save the means of earning a reprieve from Lady Gilestra DuZurne.

  Kyle led Champanna up a hill to where Sandra and Cedric were seated, working on their data-pads. He ushered the woman to a seat that had been prepared for her and offered her a cool, green beverage.

  Champanna looked at the glass and was very surprised to see the young boy take a healthy gulp of it before offering it a second time. She took the glass and thanked him for the consideration.

  “Not bad, Kyle,” Sandra said softly without looking up from her work. “Still need to work on using words outside of your head, kiddo.”

  “Right!” Kyle said, wincing in frustration before stomping the ground. “I almost had that one too. Frag it!”

  Sandra smiled over at Champanna who was slowly sitting down. “Geniuses. Trying to get them to relate to pieces design that’s not something they dreamt up is still a bit of a climb for them. But they’re making the effort. Hi, I’m Sandra. Kyle was your escort and over there is his older twin Cedric.”

  “We still don’t know if he’s older,” Kyle muttered.

  “It was a fair coin toss,” Sandra snapped. “You lost. Deal!” Smiling over at Champanna again, the woman continued. “How’s your melon juice?”

  “Is that what this is?” Champanna asked, looking again at the thick, near-neon green liquid. “I have yet to try it.” Putting the glass to her mouth and taking a small sip, the black-haired woman was very much surprised by the cool, rich, sweet flavor. “Oh my goodness, that’s good juice!”

  “Success, Ced,” Sandra cheered, holding up her hand.

  Cedric smiled, getting out of his chair to rush over and slap his hand into Sandra’s. “You know what this means, right?”

  “Hey, have I ever welched on a bet?” Sandra asked. Both twins sharply moved their heads to look at the woman. “Recently?! I meant recently.” The twins looked at each other and then returned to their work. “And enough of the creepy-staring stuff.” Cutting her eyes over to Champanna, Sandra whispered, “I swear they’re telepathic when they do that stuff.”

  Champanna laughed before covering her mouth.

  “Oh right, we’re the enemy,” Sandra reminded herself. “Can’t have a good time with the enemy.”

  “Don’t give me that!” Champanna snapped. “Your fearless leader tortured me!”

  “He faked you out,” Sandra said plainly, doing something on her pad that made it sound off. “Son-of-a-bitch!”

  “Language!” the twins cried out together.

  “Biscuit! I meant biscuit.” Sandra lifted her head, shaking it back and forth as she sighed in anger. She looked down with a frown, wanting to throw her data-pad away. “How in the known worlds do we get this stuff to work? And where did Val get this stuff?”

  “He said he got it at the getting place,” Cedric answered, receiving a sneering glare from Sandra.

  “And it’s not like that matters. These designs are tremendous!” Kyle added. “Most of the hard work is done.”

  “We just have to make it work,” Cedric concluded.

  “Good point, you two. Sorry, good points.” Sandra opened her eyes wide, took in a deep breath, and started again. “So... if we want to win again, sometimes we have to begin again.”

  “He faked me out?” Champanna started. Without looking up, Sandra tossed a data-pad that landed in the woman’s lap. “And what am I supposed to do with this?” The data-pad activated itself and started playing back the interaction between Valian, Annodia, and Champanna. “Oh.” She watched the fight and winced at the mistakes she had made and the nearly-flawless moves of the man she was fighting.

  “He was toying with me,” she thought, looking more closely at his technique. “Look at that brace-lock. I know some masters that can’t pull it off that fast.” When Valian advanced, holding up his hand, Champanna frowned. “Where’s the fire?!

  “This playback has been edited,” Champanna claimed.

  “Not it hasn’t, darlin’,” Sandra assured the woman. “Val’s just not up to fooling machines yet.”

  “Fooling?” Champanna thought as she looked at Sandra.

  The former Marine could feel eyes on the side of her face and she looked up from her work. “FantasioR is the Energy our young KnighT has chosen to wield. Well, it’s the one he declared to the Nexus of Wonder, anyways.”

  “The what?”

  “Never mind,” Sandra waved it off. “That’s not the important part. All you need to know is that he planted the image of the fire, the light in his eyes, all of it... he put it all in your head. Around these parts it’s better known as an illusion or DreamCasting.”

  “More like nightmare-casting,” Champanna offered.

  “No, that is something quite different,” Gilestra said as she walked up the hillside.

  Kyle was quick to get up and pour her a glass of the fruit drink. “Milady?” he said, offering he glass.

  “Thank you...”

  “Kyle,” he smiled.

  “Kyle! I’ll get it down sooner or later, I promise.”

  “You already have it down,” Kyle said, “... you’re just waiting to see if we’re going to try and fool you.” Kyle turned and ran back to his chair as the smile fell away from Gilestra’s face. She looked at Sandra who eyes flared wide.

  “Is he right?!” she asked.

  “I’ve yet to know a set of twins that didn’t try such a prank,” Gilestra admitted. “Figured I’d catch them in an attempt and be that much more intimidating.”

  “Sweetheart, they’ve seen you put Valian down on his back... almost at will! Trust me, you own intimidation!”

  “Yes, on his back,” Gilestra thought. “But only the first time was at my will. It’s been work ever since, and it seems he gets better during our training sessions! Just half an hour ago, I had to press myself to get my shield up in time to protect my head against a beautiful counter move that I taught him two days ago... and it wasn’t that good-looking when I hit him with it!

  “And you must be Champanna,” Gilestra said, walking over and offering her hand. “Lady Gilestra DuZurne. I am the trainer of Valian and his retainers.”

  “And his retainers?” Champanna asked.

  “Master Valian simply won’t have anyone in his service unable to defend themselves,” Gilestra shared. “It is not a common position, I’ll grant you. But I feel it’s a sound one.”

  “Well, if you’re up here... what are they doing down there?”

  “They’re saying ‘I’m sorry’,” Gilestra said in a lower and colder tone. “It’s an unsound practice: forgiving those who would attack either him or those in his service.”

  “All of those people attacked him?” Champanna asked, getting up out of her chair. She started counting heads but stopped when she saw Kayjoe join the ranks of those hauling stones. “All of them?!”

  “Just the ones wearing the ribbons on their arms,” Gilestra stated. “They either aided in the attempted coup or they were complicit in dodging their exercise regimen responsibilities. They owe me an hour before class and an hour after... for five days. After that, I will consider their apologies and render my decision to his lordship.”

  “And the others that are out there working?” Champanna asked.


  “You didn’t volunteer?” Champanna asked, looking at Sandra.

  “We all did,” the woman answered. “Somebody,” she said, gesturing toward Gilestra, “... would
n’t let us help. Said we had work in our field to get done. Can’t really argue the point... because here lately, we certainly do.”

  Champanna looked back at the people who were working. She could see an older L’Konno among them. He was huffing and puffing with the rest of them, but he had a smile on his face as he led the group in a song. He got out the first line before everyone joined in with him... the work pace did not increase, but the harmony in which they toiled certainly improved.

  “By the Stars!” Champanna gasped, finally getting a look at one of the dirtier laborers. “Is that Valian?!”

  “The Lord of a house is responsible for all of those in his household,” Gilestra stated with an air of pride. Her shoulders squared as she stuck out her chest. “If one falters, the house falters, and the lord is responsible. He’s reported thirty minutes before the rest of them do and he has stayed to clean up after they’re done.” She could not disagree more with keeping Larry and Ereena. Yet, at the very same time, she could not be more proud of one she could ever claim she instructed.

  So many Lords... so many Ladies... so many would-be pillars of the Imperial Courts... how many could actually be counted upon to demonstrate the qualities that seemed to be in abundance in Valian Styrke? It was for that alone that Gilestra believed she would forgive all of their transgressions, while telling herself to keep an especially sharp eye on Larry.

  Stepping to the edge of the hill, Champanna looked at Valian as he hefted one of the larger stones and put it on his shoulder. He sang with the rest of them, slaked his way through the mud with the rest of them. And when the person in front of him faltered, he caught them with his free hand and helped them to stand.

  “Your marker is in your leather, my Lady,” Champanna stated.

  “It is.”

  “Yet you present yourself as Lady Gilestra.”

  “At my Lord’s insistence,” Gilestra explained.

  “Because he will not see you as anything less,” she said softly.

  “No, because he will not have me see myself as anything less,” the KnighT corrected.

  Champanna nodded her head once, watching Valian hand his stone to another man. The two made eye contact and the work stopped for a moment. The man receiving the rock was exhausted, nearly on the verge of collapsing. Valian did not release the stone he had been carrying. The tired man, with pressed lips and flaring nostrils, nodded at Valian who returned the gesture and handed up his stone.

  “Who is that man?”

  “The architect of the insurrection,” Gilestra answered. “His name is Larry.”

  Valian turned to make the trek back to get another stone. After Larry stacked the stone he had been handed, he looked at Valian’s back and stared for a moment, finally shaking his head and reaching for the next stone.

  “Lady Gilestra, are you a person of honor?” Champanna asked.

  “To my dying breath and at least one moment thereafter.”

  “Would you die for this man?”

  “If I was called to it... and Valian was to allow it... it would be the ultimate grace of this station and the greatest service I will have rendered.”

  Champanna turned to look at the KnighT. She put down her glass and took the hand of Gilestra, putting her forehead to the back of the hand. “Then I too am sorry, Lady Gilestra. Please add my name to those you are considering.”

  “If it is my lord’s will and grace, it will be done.”

  “Excuse me,” Champanna said, turning to make her way down the hill.

  Only when the young woman was out of earshot did Gilestra turn to face Sandra. “Did you plan all of this?”

  “Nope,” Sandra said as she lifted her glass well over her head.

  On the far side of the work area, Quilori stood with Kethgeegan and Annodia as all three had been forbidden to participate in the toiling. The Olasson female looked up at Sandra, received the signal and smiled, nodding in acknowledgement.

  “Not my plan,” Sandra admitted. “... but it was a plan.”

  “What can she be working at?” Gilestra inquired.

  Sandra shrugged her shoulders. “I can’t say for sure. It could be just the fact that Valian said something about liking her. But I do know this: we’ve got ourselves a fine batch of fanatic stew brewing up here.”

  “You say that with an almost satisfied quality to your voice, Sandra,” Gilestra pointed out.

  “Never forget, your ladyship... I’m Truebreed ... born, raised, and reborn in the fires of the Ardrian Marine Corps. We’ve never been the brightest, and most of the time we’re not the best. But one thing you can never say we lack... and that’s gumption.

  “An Ardrian looks at the word ‘impossible’ and sees a typo!” Sandra declared. “Valian never served in the Corps, but both of his parents did... and like me they put in their time two or three times over. Seems they raised him in a pretty blend of Ardrian Marine beliefs and an explorer’s sentimentality. Now that’s a bitch of a mix!”

  “Language!” the twins exclaimed.

  “Exception to the rule!” Sandra fenced with them before resuming her conversation with Gilestra. “Yeah, fanatic stew. People see wannabes all the time. They talk a great talk, but can’t walk half a meter. Well, here’s one who doesn’t speak unless he’s spoken to... and he’s three klicks down the road! That’s an awful pretty pot.

  “Smart money is that we’re all going to be cooked, sooner or later,” Sandra shared. “And if I have to go, I’d like to go in a pretty pot... no sticking to the bottom or the sides. Top that off with a cook that’s willing to jump into the soup with you... delicious!”

  Gilestra finished her glass and was about to speak when Kyle moved quickly to fetch the pitcher and pour her a new glass. “Thank you, Kyle.”

  “My pleasure, milady.”

  “Sandra... you and I will have to engage in more of these talks. I like the sound of these Marines.”

  “Beware the human heart that finds itself a noble cause,” Sandra said softly.

  Looking down the hill at the people working as they accepted Champanna into their ranks without losing their harmony, Gilestra snorted a laugh. She lifted her glass and smiled. “To the stew and the master chef preparing it.”

  “To the stew!”

  “What bread goes best with fanatic stew?” Gilestra asked.

  “Oh, that’s easy,” Sandra said with a bright smile. “Cornbread! It’s an Old Earth recipe that I’ve got–”

  “I don’t need to hear it,” Gilestra notified. “I just need you to know that if he’s the stew... that cornbread is yours to make and bake. Best of skill to you, Marine!”

  Sandra gladly lifted her glass to clink it against Gilestra’s. “To us all, Lady KnighT. Because the cook here is scary.”

  “Scary?” Gilestra questioned. “What do you mean?”

  “Valian,” she stated. “He’s young... full of fire... and he’s willing to wait before going after what he wants. Not your normal combination.”

  “I’ve heard that when the stew simmers slowly, it often improves the taste of the broth.”

  “That it does,” Sandra said before frowning at her data-pad. “Cripes! How the hell do we work in a hundred projector ports on a human body?!”

  “Studs,” the twins said together.

  “Work it into the design of the armour,” Cedric stated.

  “People will think it’s just there for show,” Kyle added.

  “And what are we to this stew, Sandra?” Gilestra pressed, amusing herself with wondering how far the stew metaphor could be taken.

  “First of all, we’re not together,” Sandra quickly clarified. “You’re the seasoning. Just the right spice to tenderize the meat and bring out the flavor.”

  “And you?”

  “Sweetheart, you’re looking at the stove. I’m talking a grill–top with six eyes and two ovens! But only one of those ovens is being used to make the bread.”

  “What are you making in the other oven?”

Somebody’s got to make a bowl that will hold this concoction!”

  The two women laughed as the horn sounded, signaling the end of the extra work time. Many dropped to their backs, others put hands on their knees and stood still, panting for air. Valian took a moment to stretch before he started collecting the digging tools. When he reached the shed, he was pleasantly surprised to see he had help with the collecting. Champanna put down all the buckets that were used and the two shovels he had missed. The two looked at each other for a moment and Champanna started to kneel. Valian was quick enough to catch her arm and lift her up. He then guided her to take hold of his right forearm as he took hold of hers. The two nodded and Valian brought her in for an embrace.

  Sandra looked at Gilestra who was shaking her head in disbelief. The look on the woman’s face was easy to see, even from such a distance. Sandra snorted a laugh before speaking.

  “Looks like we just added some cat to go with the main meat.”

  Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the rough.

  Mary McLeod Bethune

  (Rims Time: XI-4808.26)

  Valian emerged from his room and stopped to see so many of his retainers waiting for him in the corridor. They now wore the uniforms which had been made for them. Each wore the tan, brown and glaucous that were the colors of the House Jhormynn. Just over the heart, blank gold badges waited for the coat of arms of their lord and KnighT. The face of the group had become more uniform... but each person was still their own.

  “Pay up, suckers!” Larry shouted. “It was good news on the home front!”

  “You were taking bets?” Valian asked.

  “And why not?!” Larry said without the slightest hint of reservation.

  “Small steps, Valian,” Annodia suggested as she slowly approached. “You just got him to walk upright a week ago.” While most laughed at the quip, Larry feigned his laughter.

  “Hah, hah, haa, very funny... all the way to the bank,” he said, opening up his purse. “Pay up!”

  Valian’s eyes gaped wide open as Kethgeegan made his way across the hallway, dropping credits into Larry’s bag. He then looked up at Valian and shrugged his shoulders.


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