The Major's Wife

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The Major's Wife Page 21

by The Major's Wife (lit)

  “No, thank you. I wish to wait for them at the hotel. I appreciate your help. You are always there when I need something, it seems.”

  “Yes, that would be best. As for always being there, I will always be there for you, no matter what.” He decided a bit of attention now would go unnoticed in her fear, so he took her hand and raised it to his lips, where this kiss was real, not a gesture. He was right…she did not notice. “Shall I come in and sit with you?” He hoped not, because he had to get the whore into the bayou before dark.

  “No, thank you again. Just let me out here and I will go up to our suite to wait. It would not do for me to have a man there without my mother.” He nodded, lifted her down, and using his thumb, wiped away her tears. He kissed her forehead softly before she moved away and she did not seem to notice. He smiled, knowing he was already ahead of the game. However, the mother thing was an obstacle he had never imagined. Well, he would simply eliminate the mother and things would go as he planned.

  At his home, he found the whore sitting on the yard shed steps. As he approached, she lifted her skirt to expose her naked thighs. He felt his cock stir. “Take off your shirt. I want to cum on your breasts.” She did so and he buried his face between the udder-like bags. She giggled as he licked her nipples. “Spread your legs. I am going to fuck you first, then shoot my seed all over you.” That is what he did.

  “Now get dressed. I do not care if you wash or not. We have to hurry.” She slipped into her clothes and climbed in the back of the carriage. “Now cover yourself up. I don’t want anyone to see you with me.” She did as told and began to snore within minutes.

  She awoke as the carriage bounced along the sandy road. “Kin I sit up now?”

  “Yes. We are here anyway. Get down.”

  “Kint ya help me? I be a big lady.”

  “Big, yes. Lady, no. Get down yourself.” He left her standing in the carriage. She finally got down and followed him into the shack.

  “Hello, Bitch. I brought you some company. This here is Whore. Whore, meet Bitch. You two are going to be spending some time together, so you might as well get acquainted. She is here to make sure you do not get away.

  “Whore, there is a box of food in the carriage bonnet. Go outside and bring it in. If you want to share it with Bitch, that is fine with me. Whatever you want to do with it, I couldn’t care less. But remember it has to last you until I bring you more. It might be fun to watch Bitch starve to death. You probably should eat it all yourself. I would not like for you to get skinny on me. Anyway, Whore, lift your skirt and bend over. I want one more poke in you before I go.”

  Ruby was amazed to see Devereaux had a huge hard-on. She knew some men liked fat women, but this one was beyond fat. Nevertheless, he slid his cock into the woman and started pumping. The fat woman met his every stroke and cried out even before he shot into her. He pulled out, patted the ass in front of him, and said, “Fond adieus, my lovelies. I will be back in a few days. Now, Whore, if she tries to get away, just lay her down and sit on her face until she stops breathing, and then roll her into the bayou. The gators do not care how ugly she is. But you might want to watch out…you would make a dozen big ones happy with all your lard.”

  Chapter 72

  The two women in the shanty eyed each other. Finally, the one known as Whore flopped down on the filthy floor across the small area from where Ruby was tied. “I have been here hours,” Ruby spoke, “and I really need to pee. If you will help me stand and pull up my skirt, I promise not to try to escape.”

  Whore looked at her for a long time and then heaved herself up. “Guess it cain’t hurt nuttin’ ta let ya pee.” She pulled Ruby to her feet and lifted the once fashionable skirt. “How da hell ya goina pee with all dem other thins on? Guess ya think I can pullum down fer ya too.”

  “Actually, it would probably be easier if you just tore them off of me, or cut them off. I do not care. I just want to pee.”

  “I hate ta run such beautfil thins. If’n I cut you legs free, promise not ta run?”

  “Whatever you want. I will not run. But hurry, before it is too late.”

  Whore took the knife from inside her thigh, where she always had one taped to her. She quickly cut the ropes and slid the underwear down Ruby’s legs. Ruby balanced herself carefully and bent to relieve her overfull body.

  When she stood, she said, “I cannot thank you enough. I have no money to pay you, but I would if I did.” She laughed thinly. “Did you understand any of that? And what is your name? If we are going to be here together, I guess I should call you by your name.”

  Whore looked at her and nodded. “Kin I have ya thins…da thins round yer feet?” She never took her eyes off the silken garments on the floor around Ruby’s ankles.

  “Of course you can.” Ruby carefully stepped out of them and watched in amazement as the other woman grabbed them and tried to pull them on under her skirt. They were far too small, but she did not care, even as they ripped and tore.

  She smiled at Ruby. “Names Claralee Holcomb. Ain’t nobody call me dat fer so long, I might not know it was me they be callin’.”

  “Claralee, that is a beautiful name. My name is not so grand as yours. I am Ruby Clanton…er, Sawyer. My friend just adopted me yesterday and I am not used to the name, so if some called me by that name, I might not answer either. Say, we have a lot in common, Claralee.”

  The fat woman’s face clouded. “Me, I be a whore.”

  “Well, so was I.”

  Claralee laughed. “A lady like ya are cain’t be no whore.”

  Ruby replied, “Oh, you are wrong, I was a whore for most my life until a john did this to me.” She stepped toward Claralee. “Lift my veil and see, then let us sit down again and get acquainted.”

  Claralee lifted the veil and drew in a sharp breath. “Da sum mean critter dun dat to ya. I heared of men like dat, but never fucked one. My good luck!”

  Ruby backed up to the wall and slid down so she could sit. Claralee flopped her big body on the side wall, so they were closer together. They talked of men, pain, and lives of misery and children they lost and loves never returned. It was no different from the way other females conversed, except for language that was never heard in a parlor or polite company.

  Claralee was silent for a time before asking, “Why da gentleman do dis ta ya?”

  “First, let me tell you he is no gentleman. He is a scoundrel who wants my daughter and her money. I stand between him and that, so it was necessary for him to get rid of me. I am not sure why he did not just kill me in the first place, but as he said, maybe it is just that he wants to share his success and let me suffer as my Lucretia will suffer once he gets his hands on her. As I said, he is a very bad man. Very bad.”

  “Well, he fuck purty good. An’ he give me dis purty dress, too. But, I dunna like him call me Whore all de time.”

  Claralee opened the food basket and found fried chicken, shrimp salad, and a dozen sandwiches. “How ya going eat? I know…I hol up a samwich and ya bite inta it.” Ruby ate a small bite at a time, relishing every bite of ham and relish. She wanted something to drink, but did not ask. Claralee sat back, holding a fork in one hand and a drumstick in the other. She consumed all the salad and most of the chicken before she was done. “Betta stop now. No tellin’ when he brin’ us more.”

  They talked for hours like old friends until sleep overtook them. At least, overtook Claralee. Ruby heard every animal cry, the snorts of the gators, hoots of owls, and a myriad of unnamed creatures.

  She was ready for daylight, but not for the return of Devereaux LaClaire, who arrived even before the mosquitoes. Ruby was glad her dress was long and covered her free ankles. He checked her wrists and gave her hair a hard pull before he dropped his pants. “Bend over, Whore, I want a little cunt before I go back to town, I would do the Bitch, but she is too ugly to look at.” Without another word, he pulled up Claralee’s dress and grabbed for her ass. “What the hell is this? Where did you get these things?”<
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  “Ruby dun give em ta me.”

  “Ruby, is it? You two on a first-name basis now? How did she take them off?” He reached over and lifted Ruby’s dress. “You stupid whore. I told you not to even get near her.” He swung and slapped her across the face with the back of his hand. He tore the under things from her body. He pulled up her skirt and pummeled her body with his fists, hitting her breasts, stomach, and face as she cowed and tried to pull away from him. When she fell, he turned her on her stomach and, lifting her hips, pushed his throbbing penis into her. This time she did not respond. He did not notice nor care. Claralee was unconscious. “Thanks, Whore, I like it better and better after beating you.”

  He tied Ruby’s ankles again, this time so tight they hurt. “Listen, Bitch, your little Lucretia is so devastated by your disappearance that she has already let me kiss her. I will have her in my bed within a week. I wonder if she will like a few slaps on the ass or bites on her tits. I will let you know; then I will kill you and give your ugly face to the gators.” He laughed as he climbed into his buggy and bounced off in the direction of town.

  Chapter 73

  Devereaux was sexually drained, but mentally consumed by plots and plans. Intellectually, he knew he should kill both women in the bayou shack, but he wanted Ruby alive to hear of his conquest of Lucretia. The whore he wanted because he could beat her and fuck her with no reprisals. When he tired of her, she would become gator food, too. In the meantime, he needed to focus strictly on Lucretia.

  He arrived at her hotel to find her in the lobby talking to two policemen. He put on his most concerned face and walked briskly to the threesome, slipping his arm protectively around the distraught young woman. He knew she was distraught because she wore the same dress she had on the day before…the yellow satin that was so shiny and beautiful was wrinkled and soiled today. Her face was haggard and her eyes red from crying. Oh, yes, she needed him. He would make sure.

  “Tell me, officers, have you found any sign of the lady’s…mother?” He hesitated using the term, but was glad he did when Lucretia gave him a wan smile.

  “Not a clue, Mr. LaClaire, I am afraid. We are checking the riverbanks and have boats in the nearby bayous. Oh, sorry, madam, I know even thinking of such a thing is painful, but it is part of our missing person’s search.”

  Lucretia felt faint, picturing the creatures in the bayous. The menacing monsters she had seen from the train. She shivered and did not object as Devereaux drew her close. He turned her slightly to rest her head on his shoulder, making it easy to kiss her head and forehead.

  “Come, Lucretia. When was the last time you ate? Probably not since Ruby… Well, let us have some light breakfast here in the dining room.”

  “No, thank you, Devereaux. I am a mess. I just want to go to my room now.”

  “Of course. I understand.” He led her to the elevator and stepped inside, thinking that this was perfect. Better even than he could have hoped.

  Once in her room, he rang for a bellman and ordered orange juice, beignet donuts, soft-cooked eggs, and milk—for two, delivered in one hour. “Now, my dear, while we wait for breakfast, why don’t you take a long soak in that magnificent tub. I will draw your water while you find something to wear.” He steered her into her room, closing the door behind her as he rushed to the bathroom and started the water. He added a generous amount of perfumed salts and laid out a huge white towel, then as an afterthought, a second towel.

  He took a third towel and rapped on her bedroom door. “Here, wrap yourself in this. I promise to turn my back.” He opened the door a crack and stuck his arm into the room, holding it out until she finally took it. He closed the door softly. “I will wait in the sitting area. Call me if you need anything.” He stood so that the room reflected in the windows and watched as she moved gracefully from her bedroom to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  He closed his eyes, picturing her dropping the towel and stepping naked into the bubbly water, where she lay back, eyes closed, breasts floating, one trim leg bent above the water, knee showing. Dear God, that he could kiss that knee and all the way up to her forbidden womanhood. That was not something he particularly liked to do, but for Lucretia, if she wanted, he would do anything.

  He had the drug he bought from the illegally and wanted to use it immediately. But common sense told him to wait until she trusted him. She must feel secure with him before he used the liquid that would guarantee her compliance with whatever he wanted. He would have to wait for that until they were married. The man warned him that too much might kill her, so if that happened after they exchanged vows, then he would be a very wealthy man. With or without the lovely lady.

  He waited by the door until he was sure she was asleep, probably for the first time since Ruby the bitch had disappeared. He carefully opened the door and crept to the side of the tub. She was so beautiful he had to restrain himself from touching her as she lay like an angel in the cooling water.

  He opened one of the towels and spread it wide, holding it so he could not see her.

  “Lucretia, darling, wake up. The water must be cold by now and it will not do Ruby any good to return to find you down with pneumonia.”

  He heard her moving in the water. “Devereaux, what are you doing in here? Get out!”

  “Darling, you are freezing. Here, I cannot see you, so it is safe to stand and let me wrap the towel around you.”

  “I will not move an inch until you leave. Get away from me.”

  “If that is what you wish, I will do so.” He turned and took two steps before dropping the towel. She stood, stepped out of the cold water, and reached for the towel. He quickly grabbed the third towel and wrapped it around her as she stood from retrieving the other one.

  “There, now you are covered. Let me dry you.”

  “Devereaux, that was a rotten trick, unbecoming a gentleman. I am disappointed in you. I thought you were different from other men, but you are all alike.” She struggled to get away from him, losing the towel as she did so.

  “Oh, my dear. I am so sorry. Here …” He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom. He had already turned down the bed, so it was easy to lay her down on the crisp white sheets.

  “If you touch me, Devereaux, I promise I will kill you.”

  Quickly, he covered her delectable body with a blanket. “I would never touch you against your wishes, Lucretia. I will do nothing until we are wed and go to your marriage bed as husband and wife.”

  She looked at him as if seeing him for the first time. Pictures flashed through her mind. On the train, where Ruby had warned her not to trust him. In his carriage, in the dining room, and here in the suite. Ruby was right. The idea of being in bed with him made her slightly nauseated. “Thank you, Devereaux. I am feeling a bit unwell now, and would like to sleep. Please go and I will meet you for supper at seven in the dining room.” She had to get rid of him before she did get sick.

  “But, my darling, I want to stay with you. To help you, to nurse you.”

  She cut him off. “No, Devereaux. I must insist you leave. How will it look for us to be alone together? My reputation in this town will be ruined even before I have been here long enough to have one.”

  Devereaux frowned, but agreed to leave to appease her and her anger. Her anger was the last thing he needed. He knelt to kiss her forehead and tucked the blanket tightly around her soft form. “Breakfast is waiting for you in the dining area and I will lock the door behind me. I plan to spend the day searching for Ruby. I am so looking forward to dining with you tonight.”

  Chapter 74

  “Claralee, can you hear me? Claralee, wake up. Honey, listen to me. It’s Ruby. Oh, may God strike that cretin dead. Claralee, oh please wake up.” She could hear the labored breathing of the unconscious woman, and suspected that she was badly injured. Ruby scooted on her butt toward Claralee. She turned herself again until her hands tied behind her felt the fabric of the skirt. She used her fingers to pull it up a
nd up until Claralee’s legs and hips were exposed. She looked over her shoulder and down until she spotted the knife taped to the inside of the huge thigh. It was so far down that her fingers could not reach it.

  Her only chance was to sit on the woman’s legs above the knees and lie back on her prone body until her fingers and hands finally found the hilt of the knife, which she pulled away from the tape. Careful not to cut her own fingers, she rolled off of Claralee. She lay on her side with the mucky floor against the side of her head. She tilted the knife until it made contact with the rope.

  It seemed like an eternity until one strand gave way. Then another, then another. She pulled her swollen hands free and quickly cut the ropes binding her ankles. She tried to stand, but her feet would not support her. She ignored her own misery and with much difficulty rolled Claralee onto her back. She cleaned the filth off her face and forced her mouth open.

  “Oh, Claralee, I think you have breathed in so much of that stuff, you are drowning in it.” She forced Claralee’s mouth open and pressed her own against it. She began to suck and spit. The taste of what came up into her mouth was beyond imaginable. She sucked, spit, sucked, and spit for what seemed like hours. When exhaustion began to take over, she heard a small sound from the comatose female.

  “Claralee, can you hear me? Listen carefully. I am going to try to sit you up on your side. I want you to help me if you can. Then you need to cough out the shit in your lungs. Here is my hand. Squeeze me if you can hear me.”

  She felt a tiny movement, but it was enough. She was crying as she rolled Claralee over on her side. “Come on, girl. Cough, even if it is a little.” Her reward was a small barking sound. “Hooray, you did it! Now, again. Yes and again. Oh, Claralee.” She hugged the filthy woman and kissed her cheeks. “You are going to be all right. Now, let me help you sit up. Good, now cough some more.”


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