Love and Misfortune

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Love and Misfortune Page 15

by Kitty Parker

  "Tess, that's terrible," Julia said with a gasp, reaching for her friend's hand.

  "It was at the time, but I had so much to think about, and deal with. I didn't have much time to waste on those thoughts. I'm glad it happened the way it did. It would have been a hard time to start a new life and family. I don't know what would have happened to my siblings had I been separated from them. My father would have taken them, and I would have gone with Lou. It could have been terrible for them. It all worked out for the best."

  Julia still wore a concerned expression, and her eyebrow rose in question, "I thought you told me you weren't looking to be married? You told me you had no intention of falling in love!"

  "And it's true now, but back then, I wanted to be married more than anything in the world. I wanted exactly what my parents had. The depression changed all that. I have other things to think about now, responsibilities."

  "Tessa, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be happy."

  "I am happy."

  Tessa knew that Julia wasn't satisfied with her answer, but she wasn't about to have another discussion about Parker, not right now anyway. She set the crate to the side and used her crutch to help her stand. "Come on, I'm sure your mother could use some help if she's expecting a house full of people. We'll figure out what we can talk to Keith about while we work. Do you think Parker could help us? Is he friendly with Keith?"

  "No! We can't tell Parker, he'll tease me for the rest of my life."

  "Maybe not the rest of your life. Just until your wedding day."

  Julia blushed fiercely, "Why do I have the feeling that you'll be no help!"

  * * *

  After helping Mrs. Sullivan and Julia get ready for the Calder's arrival, Tessa went upstairs to help Emma. She was excited at the prospect of meeting a friend that was close to her own age. When she was finished with Emma, she moved onto herself. It was easy to twist her own curls into something presentable for the company.

  A knock sounded on her door as she was pushing the last bobby pin into her hair. "Come in," she called over her shoulder.

  Julia entered through the door a timid smile on her face. "Do I look alright? Should I go put on more makeup? Maybe I could put my hair back? What about these shoes?"

  In her own mind, Julia always looked pretty as a portrait. Her hair was always elegantly pinned, and her dresses were stylish, but not overly expensive looking. She had a slender frame, but was on the tall side, much like both of her parents. From what Tessa could remember, Keith was rather tall as well. Tessa grabbed her friend and pulled her into a hug, "You look perfect. It is a picnic, no need to look glamorous. Simple is definitely the way to go."

  Both girls heard the front door squeal open, followed by a chorus of hellos. Julia turned, a terrified look on her face. Tessa took her by the arms and put on her best older sister face. "You see him all the time. He doesn't know that you have feelings for him. Act natural, and I'll help you where I can." She left a kiss on her cheek, turned her toward the door and practically pushed her from the room. Picking up her own crutch she followed after her and braced herself to meet the Calder bunch.

  Parker must have heard the door too because he met the girls on the second story landing. "How about I carry you down?" he asked at the sight of her.

  "You know perfectly well that I can walk down these stairs."

  Parker smiled, "Yes I do. I also know you'll get down these stairs much faster if I carry you."

  Tessa stood thoughtful, he was right, and Julia needed her. "Alright, but just this once."

  Before Tessa had all of the words out of her mouth, Parker scooped her up easily. The words she had just spoken seemed to melt even in her own mind. With his arms wrapped around her she felt lighter than a feather, and not only in terms of her own weight. Something about being so close to him also lightened her spirit. Normally, she kept her arms in her lap and her eyes focused on the house around her, but today, something provoked her to wrap her arms around his neck. Under her grasp, she could feel his eyes fall on her, but the one thing she couldn't do was bring her eyes to meet his. The ride seemed far too short, before Tessa knew it, Parker was gently lowering her to the ground.

  She smiled up at him and tucked her crutch under her arm. Parker took her other arm and walked her into the foyer where chaos was underway. There were six boys who were at least a head taller than Tessa. Arms were flinging around as people hugged in greeting. When Mrs. Sullivan noticed Tessa's arrival, she managed to silence the crowd.

  "Time for introductions," Mrs. Sullivan announced. "Now, get in a line to make it easy for me."

  At her instructions, everyone adjusted, forming an arc in the front of the house. Audra went around introducing each of the boys that spent their days with the Calders. Keith was the oldest at 21 followed by Patrick, Douglas, Timothy, Robert, Mark and Tony. Their ages ranged from 13 to 18 and looked incredibly different from one another. Then there was Aaron, Laura and Allison, Olivia and Quinn's natural children. She remembered Mr. Calder from the day he drove the women to the movie theaters, and he gave her a good natured smile at their reintroduction.

  "And this is my sister, Olivia Calder," Mrs. Sullivan said with the pride of an older sister.

  Olivia smiled at Tessa, but could not stay put. She rushed forward and pulled her into her arms. She was a good deal shorter than Mrs. Sullivan was, but had the same kind expression on her face. There were very few similarities between the two sisters, and yet, Tessa could tell without a doubt that they were sisters.

  "I've heard so much about you! My sister is quite taken with you and your family. I've been wanting to come over and visit, but these boys keep me rather busy." She playfully swatted at the boys who lived in her home. They laughed at the gesture and took it as their permission to leave the foyer. Parker smiled at Tessa before leaving with the troop of young men.

  Julia remained with Tessa, her mother and Aunt Olivia, but Tessa could tell she was anxious about what had just occurred. "I've heard a lot about you too, Mrs. Calder. I'm glad to finally meet you."

  "Tessa, perhaps you and Julia could go and see to the food table outside. I would like a word with my sister before the festivities begin," Mrs. Sullivan smiled, taking Mrs. Calder's hand in her own. Tessa noticed a sly smile spread across Mrs. Sullivan's face as she spoke the words.

  Julia didn't need to be told twice, she reached for Tessa and practically drug her outside. "Careful, Julia!" Tessa laughed, "I am still on crutches you realize."

  "Oh, I'm sorry!" Julia exclaimed, smacking herself on the cheek. "I'm just anxious to be outside with Keith."

  Tessa nodded with understanding, "Before we go out, did you speak to him when he came in?"

  "No, I couldn't manage any words! He smiled at me and tipped his head in greeting, and I just stood there like a mute fool. You have to help me!"

  "Alright, I have an idea, but you can't let yourself get flustered at the prospect of it."

  "Okay, don't tell me about it then, because I'll get myself worked up."

  Tessa laughed and led the way outside. She scanned the guests outside and met Parker's eyes immediately; it was almost as if he was waiting for her to come outside. A frivolous giggle came out of her at the thought. "I am getting far too caught up in Julia's predicament with Keith. Why would Parker be looking for me?" she asked herself seriously. She wished that he knew of Julia's anxiety, for surely that would make the day more entertaining. But, Tessa had promised not to speak a word, and she would not. Pulling her thoughts from Parker, she searched for what she needed to put her plan in place.

  Seeing what she needed, she began to move. Keith was easy to find, being one of the tallest gentlemen outside, "Keith, I was wondering if I could ask for your help with something."

  "Of course, Miss Tessa, what can I do?" he answered politely, with a smile. Tessa could understand why Julia was so infatuated.

  "Mrs. Sullivan put me in charge of getting the food in order. I just now realized that part of that task
is husking corn. Normally, I would be quite able to do the job, but with my collar bone not fully healed, I think it would prove rather difficult. Would you be able to help Julia with that?"

  A huge smile crossed his face, "I would like nothing more than to help Julia."

  "Excellent! I believe the box is under that tent over there. After they're husked, they'll need to be put in that large pot. Jessie will probably ask you to fill it with water as well."

  "Nothing I can't handle. Where is Julia?"

  Tessa couldn't help but smile at the innocent look on his face as he asked the question. "I'll go get her."

  He nodded and headed toward the tent. Tessa moved as quickly as she could to Julia, who was working under a different tent, placing serving spoons in each of the dishes Jessie had prepared. "Julia, I need you to go husk the corn. I can't do it, so I've gotten someone else to help you."

  Julia's head popped up and searched for the place her mother had left the corn. "Keith?" she asked, nervously.

  "Yes, but you'll be fine. He seemed quite excited to help you."

  "Oh please, Tessa!"

  "I'm serious," Tessa said, reaching for Julia's arms. "Now, there are at least thirty ears of corn over there, that should keep you very busy. So, you look down at the corn you're working on, but try to talk to Keith. It can be about anything, the weather, the picnic, your Aunt Olivia. I think once you start the conversation, he'll be very willing to talk."

  Julia stood where she was hesitantly. Tessa couldn't help but laugh, "Come on, Jules, you'll be fine. Go over there, husk the corn and have a little conversation. If you find yourself in need of my help, just tell Keith you need to ask me a question about something."

  "Alright, but what if I make a fool of myself?"

  "I've already considered the possibility, which is why I have you husking corn instead of pouring lemonade," Tessa laughed. Julia giggled with her, which seemed to loosen her apprehension a bit. Tessa gave her a shove in the direction of the corn and watched as Julia settled herself in the chair that Keith had brought over for her. Not wanting anything to look obvious to anyone else, Tessa got to work herself.

  Chapter 23

  It seemed like Keith and Julia were taking their time with the corn, which was exactly what Tessa had anticipated. Each time she looked over, either Julia or Keith was laughing. From where she was standing, she could see that Julia's cheeks were stained with a light blush throughout the conversation. Tessa was trying her best to get the lid off of the mason jar that contained pickles, but her collar bone was preventing any success.

  "Can I help?" Parker asked from behind her.

  "Please!" she smiled, thrusting the jar into his arms. With a quick twist, the lid popped, pronouncing that it was now open. He smiled as he handed it back to her. She removed the loosened cap and worked on taking the pickles out and slicing them for the platter she was working on.

  "Can I ask you something?" Parker asked softly.

  "Of course," she answered, easily.

  "I've noticed that you are paying very close attention to Keith. Might I ask why?"

  Tessa blushed, she had tried so hard to remain discreet as she watched her friend. "I can't really say," Tessa answered, remembering her promise to Julia.

  "Then let me advise you as a friend. My younger sister has had her eyes and heart set on that boy since she turned fifteen..."

  Tessa didn't let him continue, she spun toward him, excitement widening her blue eyes, "You know!"

  Parker looked puzzled for a moment, "Know that Julia likes Keith?"


  "Yes, I've known for a while. Julia's never said anything about it to me, but her actions are all the evidence I need to know her feelings."

  Tessa laid a hand on his arm gently, "I'm so glad to have a confidant. Julia made me promise not to say anything to you; she thought you'd tease her if you knew her feelings. Obviously that's not true."

  Parker laughed, "Well I wouldn't say that. If she had told me of her feelings, I probably would have teased her. It would be my duty as an older brother," he said seriously.

  "Well, since she still hasn't officially told you of her feelings, your teasing comments are still off limits. She asked me for help today. You know how she gets when he's around."

  "Do I ever!" Parker laughed. "She's positively flighty when he's around. It's like she doesn't know how to talk, and she gets really clumsy. In all honesty, I think Keith likes her too, but doesn't know how to approach her. Why wouldn't he like her, she's the prettiest girl in town."

  "Well aren't you the kind older brother. Has Keith talked to you about his feelings?"

  "No, not at all," Parker answered, stealing a pickle off the tray Tessa was building. "I think he's too afraid to mention it to me; he knows I'm protective of Jules."

  "Now that you're in on the secret, you can help me with them today. I set them both to corn husking; it looks as if that is going fairly well, don't you think?"

  "I think you are a brilliant match maker, Miss Evans."

  Tessa laughed and swatted at him, "I can't believe you thought I was interested in him. He's handsome, but he's also quite young. If I was looking for a husband, I'd be looking at someone a bit more mature."

  "Dr. Parker!" Lucas yelled, running up to Parker and Tessa. "Come play with us!"

  "Do you need anything else, Tess?" he asked before allowing himself to be pulled away.

  "No, thank you, you two go and have fun."

  * * *

  Parker let Lucas drag him toward the large empty area of their back yard. It looked like teams were already made for a game of soccer. His father and Uncle Quinn were standing guard of the two goal posts, and the rest of the boys were divided into the two teams. Parker took a position that would cause him to remain stationary through a good part of the game. Though his shoes did a great deal for the difference between his legs, it was still difficult for him to run.

  The game was fun, but was cut short by the call for lunch. The boys didn't complain at all over having to leave their game; they had all built up quite a hunger. Lucas walked with Parker to the tent where all of the food had been laid out. When everyone had congregated around it, Parker's father said grace for all of the blessings that surrounded them.

  "Dr. Parker, will you sit with me?" Lucas asked.

  Parker smile and ruffled the nine year old's hair playfully, "Of course, when you get your food go and find us a spot. I'll ask if Tessa wants to sit with us too."

  "Alright!" Lucas said eagerly, grabbing a plate and filling it with a mountain of the food that was spread out for them.

  Parker fixed his own plate then went to find Tessa. She was maneuvering a plate for herself and Emma. He could tell that her collar bone was causing it to be more of a struggle than it might usually be. "Can I help?" he asked, loving that he was able to come to her rescue more than once in a day.

  "Thank you," she said on an exasperated sigh. Without any hesitation, she shoved one plate into his open hand. He followed her around the table as she loaded the plate with small portions of her sister's favorite food.

  "I have to go sit with Lucas and I was wondering if you'd like to join us."

  She looked up at him with a smile, "That's very thoughtful of you, but I've already had several invitations for lunch. I'm sitting with your Aunt Olivia and your mother, they asked first."

  Parker hid his disappointment, "You'll enjoy eating with them, when Aunt Olivia and mother are together they're very funny."

  Tessa laughed, "I'll see you and Lucas later, make sure he doesn't waste any of his food, would you? Sometimes he takes far more than he should; I'm trying to teach him responsibility. Perhaps if he has a belly ache or two it will remind him to take less."

  Parker nodded and handed Tessa the plate that was for Emma. She took it and walked carefully to the table where his mother and Aunt Olivia were already seated. He tried not to think about her as he ate with Lucas, who was telling him all about the fun he was having so far. He
enjoyed the interaction with all of the older boys.

  "I wish I had an older brother like you," Lucas said, with a mouth full of potato salad.

  Parker laughed, "Don't talk with your mouth full, your sister would be mortified."

  Lucas smiled sheepishly, then swallowed what was in his mouth. "Sorry."

  "Doesn't bother me, but I know your sister thinks manners are important, which, they are. And, I think you've made out pretty good with your older sisters."

  Lucas nodded, "I wouldn't trade them for the world, I just wish I had an older brother too. Sadie is pretty good at playing soccer with me, and she runs real fast when we play tag, but it's not the same as playing with a boy."

  "Well, now you've got my brothers to play with, and me too."

  "Only until we leave," he said sadly.

  Parker couldn't hide his shock, did Lucas know something he didn't? "What do you mean, until you leave?" Parker managed.

  "Tessa says we aren't going to live here forever, because it's not our house."

  Parker was ready to argue, and tell the little boy that they would be welcome for the rest of their lives, but knew that it wasn't Lucas who needed to hear it. He also didn't want to create any animosity between Tessa and her younger brother. It was obvious that all of the Evans children wanted to stay at his parent's home, except for Tessa. For some reason, she seemed to be reluctant to their kindness. He knew that Jerry Poteck had hurt her in a way that he couldn't even imagine, but surely she didn't compare his family with that man.

  Lucas continued to talk and Parker struggled to pay attention to the little boy, knowing how much the attention meant to him. He watched as Lucas finished all of his lunch, every last morsel and didn't seem to be affected by the amount of food he had eaten. As soon as he was done, he joined the other boys who had eaten their food quickly. Parker spent the rest of the day with various members of his family. As the sun began to go down, Uncle Quinn relaxed in the chair beside Parker.

  "Good picnic," his uncle said simply.


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