The Accidental Spy

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The Accidental Spy Page 1

by Jacqueline George


  Jacqueline George


  Copyright © 2009 by J.E. George

  ISBN: 978-0-9805484-7-1

  Cover design by Jacqueline George

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2009 by J.E. George

  Authorised eBook format.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Q~Press Publications

  - 1 -

  “Thank Allah it’s Thursday,” The Virgin thought to himself as he wiggled his key in the lock of his garden door. He had escaped from the office on the dot of six o’clock and no-one from Almadi or the desert could reach him for a whole luxurious fifteen hours. Fantastic. And Thursday night was party night, because everyone could sleep in tomorrow. The lock continued to resist his probing.

  “Goddamn country,” he muttered to himself. “Doesn’t anything work?”

  He heard a click as the lever was pulled back from the inside, and the heavy steel gate swung slowly open. He found himself looking straight at Evelina through the widening gap. Dressed in her white nurse’s uniform with the absurd head piece. Evelina looking very wan and uncertain.

  “Good grief! What are you doing here? How did you get in?”

  “I climbed over the wall. I’m sorry - I didn’t know what to do.” Her lower lip trembled and The Virgin could see that he was expected to absorb a crisis. He took her in his arms and kicked the gate shut behind him. She buried her face against his neck and sobbed with great heaves of her body. He waited, making soothing noises as if she were an over-grown baby.

  Cuddling Evelina had been an exciting fantasy from the day he had first met her. Not that she looked particularly pretty. She was slim and had strong black hair, but most Filipinos could say the same. She had dark, deep eyes; that too was normal. Unlike most of the Filipinos, she had a terrible complexion. Deeply pock-marked, which completely marred any conventional beauty. But who cared? She was lively and cheerful. A natural leader for the rest of the girls and a real ice-cold, heart-breaker for the men. She preferred, as far as The Virgin could make out, not to have a boyfriend at all and he had been forced to look elsewhere. Never mind; it felt pleasant that she had turned to him when she had a problem. Slowly, he eased her up the path to the front door and they stepped out of the sun into the cool darkness of the house. He took her through to the breakfast room and sat her down at the table. He hurried to get an iced coke with a shot of flash to calm her down.

  “Come on then,” he urged. “Drink this. What’s the problem?”

  She sipped and sobbed, and sipped again but seemed unable to tell him.

  “Is it the other girls? No? Not bad news from home?”

  “No - not that. It’s Captain Zella.”

  That bastard Zella. He should have guessed. The petty tyrant who could not handle having total control of so many foreign women. He had a record of trying to blackmail girls by refusing to grant exit visas, and if they did not have his rubber stamp and signature, they could not leave the country for vacation or final exit. God knew if any of them had been foolish enough to give in and let him have what he wanted. They were all smart enough not to go into his office alone.

  “What’s he done this time? Is he trying to stop your holiday?”

  “He caught me in the store room.” She covered her face. “He forced me. I shouted but he was too strong. He - he touched me. With his finger.” The sobbing came back and she rested her head on her arms. What could The Virgin do? He stood with a hand on her shoulder. “He pushed it in. He hurt me. The bastard! I was virgin, and he’s broken me! One of the Sudanese heard me and opened the door, and he ran out. What will I do?”

  “Are you alright?”

  “No, I’m not alright!” The sharpness in her voice was a good sign.

  “How did you get here? Why didn’t you go back to your flat?”

  “I didn’t want anyone to know. I took a taxi and made him drop me over there. He stayed and watched me, so I climbed over the wall. I hate this place!”

  “Climbed over the wall? You must have been really cross; have you seen how tall it is? I can just imagine you climbing over in your uniform.”

  Evelina gave a little squeak. “Yes. And the taxi driver was looking at my legs.”

  “I’m sure he would have helped you over if you’d asked. It would have made his week. Or may be his year. He’s probably sitting in some tea-shop talking about you right now.” The thought made her smile. Just a little smile, but it helped.

  “So… What are we going to do with you? You want a shower, right? What about clothes?” His ex-wife had left a few things, but she was shorter and fatter. He checked them off mentally; a couple of satiny evening tops, slightly used underwear, a winter coat. Not promising. “Look, I’ll leave a pile of things in the bathroom. Some of Maria’s things and a sports suit. A tee shirt. Just help yourself. Take a bath, that’s better than a shower if you’re upset. I’ll put some water on the stove and we’ll run a bath.”

  He remembered a sachet of bath gel, whatever that was, tucked in behind the aspirins and this seemed the occasion to use it. While they waited for the water to boil he ran around collecting bits and pieces from Maria’s old room, clothes and cosmetics, his newest tee shirt and his track suit. He left them together with his one fluffy bath towel and called her in.

  His wife had refused to eat anything he cooked as a matter of principle, which had suited The Virgin well enough at the time. Unfortunately, it left him sadly out of practice when she threw him onto his own resources, and he had been surviving on microwaved snacks and eating out. Cooking something for a distressed Filipino nurse would be a challenge. He settled on a mild chilli and set a piece of frozen steak in the microwave.

  Evelina spent a long time in the bath. He heard her emerge from the bath room to disappear into Maria’s room. The sound of the hair-dryer followed. Dinner was already in reasonable shape and he was chopping the tomato salad when Evelina appeared at his elbow. She looked relaxed. The sports suit did not look too ridiculously big and she had made herself up, even painting her finger and toe nails with Maria’s varnish.

  “Wow! You look pretty. Are you good at rice?” A stupid question to ask a Filipino.

  She snorted and went over to the pan. “It’s not ready yet - I think it’s not right...” He searched for excuses as she tried it with the wooden spoon.

  “OK. You go and sit down, and I’ll finish. Where’s the rice?” With relief The Virgin showed her around. While she was hustling the food along he went in search of the table cloth that should have been in the breakfast room but was not. He ran it to ground neatly folded amongst his winter shirts.

  The food tasted good - surprisingly good really. Evelina was hungry enough to eat and seemed to enjoy it. As she finished she looked up with the germ of a smile on her face. “That better?” he asked hopefully.

  “Yes. I feel much better now. Not sore at all. There was no bleeding, so perhaps I’m still virgin.”

  The Virgin was stumped. Medical people seemed to discuss anything anywhere. And as for twenty-eight year old virgin girls, he had no experience at all, no frame of reference. He would not know what to look for if the opportunity had ever presented itself. “Of course you’re a virgin,” he reassured her. “You didn’t make love, so you’re a virgin.”

  “But his finger went inside - I felt it. He must have broken me.”

  “That’s nothing. Plenty of girls don’t have anything to break. And you play sports...”

  “Not that sort of sport!”

  “No, but they say... I’m sure I read that sport could break it in older girls. Anyway, you didn’t make love, so you’re a virgin. That’s all there is to it. And if anyone ever asks, just tell them lots of virgins are like you.”

  She was not convinced. “I don’t believe any girl who says that.”

  The Virgin was rapidly getting out of his depth. “I’m sure I read it somewhere.”

  “Oh yes? You didn’t just find out by experience?”

  Now he was certainly in trouble. He suspected Evelina would not approve of sex without marriage. In fact he was sure she would not, or she would have tried it by now. “Well, no. I never made love with a virgin. I think.”

  “So all the girls you’ve had were experienced? Very experienced?”

  “There’s not that many, honestly.” It was true. He had tried counting them once and had not even run out of fingers.

  “Poor Virgin,” she said sympathetically. “You should get a Polish girl-friend.” That was true too. Most of the activity around town centred on the Polish nurses working for the Government. They were a generous, open-hearted bunch who like to dance and party. The trouble was that they were mostly older, divorced or had husbands back in Poland. And some were just too desperate. Well-off Western bachelors with oil-field salaries were prized catches, and the prospect of being grabbed by a large, fortyish Polish mama terrified him. The other major group of nurses, the Filipinos, lived in such a close group that they could not do anything without the entire community knowing. For them gossip and the shame of having an active foreign boy-friend far outweighed the advantages his relative wealth would bring. The Virgin inwardly complained at his lot again.

  He tried to change the subject. “What would you like to do now? Go home?”

  “Why? Are you busy?”

  “Oh no. It’s just that I thought... I mean, you’ve never come here by yourself before.”

  “But you’re different. I don’t mind visiting you. Everyone knows you wouldn’t do anything bad.”

  Well, there’s an insult, he thought. Am I really such a harmless character? He felt quite crushed. “Would you like to watch a video, then?”

  “That would be good. I’ll wash up while you shower, and we’ll watch a video. You don’t mind if I stay tonight? I can use Maria’s room.”

  The Virgin swallowed his fantasies. “Oh no, you’re always welcome. I’ll look out some sheets for you.”

  Evelina jumped up and started to tidy the table. “You shower then. Don’t worry about the sheets, I already took them.” He went off to the shower thinking to himself that she must know the contents of his house better than he did himself. He had loaned his house for parties a couple of times, and left the girls there during the day to get things ready. They must have gone through all his things, every cupboard. He had nowhere to hide anything embarrassing. If he took it to the office his secretary would find it; if he left it at home Nancy the Filipino lady who did his cleaning would soon discover it. Oh well; who cared? They probably thought him a complete screw-ball. Anyway, he liked nice to have women around the house. It forced him to be a bit neater than his natural inclination. He often found himself giving the house a quick tidy before Nancy came.

  When they turned in that night, the click of Evelina turning the key in her bedroom door depressed him. He left his door ajar, just in case she changed her mind.

  Next morning was Friday, and The Virgin had only to visit the office for a short time. Almadi did not work on Fridays, so he simply checked the telexes and telephoned Bill over at TAMCO to see what the rigs were doing. A quick chat with the desert to relay the news, and he drove back home for breakfast by nine o’clock. Evelina was waiting for him with breakfast ready to heat. Very civilised. He could grow to like the idea.

  “So what would you like to do?” he asked over his fried rice and eggs. “Shall I take you home?”

  “You go to the beach today, right? OK. You can take me home after ten o’clock, when the others are at church, and I’ll get changed and go with you.”

  The Virgin was struck dumb. Filipino girls did not go to the beach, especially with foreigners. For a start, they were afraid to go brown. A complexion and skin colour that European girls would murder for, and they wanted to stay as white as possible. And any girl mixing with Europeans on the beach without a substantial Filipino escort would be hopelessly compromised. He hurried to agree.

  The gaffir at the gate held them up. It was always difficult to predict what would happen with gaffirs. Some days the gate was pegged wide open and everyone drove in and out while the gaffirs kefalikked with their friends in the gatehouse. Other days the gaffirs guarded the nurse’s quarters like a harem. Today was easy; the old man simply wanted a closer look at which nurse was in the car alone with a man. As he bent to peer in, his curiosity was met by a stony-eyed Evelina. She had changed back into her uniform and looked capable of subduing an army of gaffirs. The old man backed off mumbling and went to open the gate.

  “We’re lucky,” ventured The Virgin.

  Evelina said nothing, but kept her General’s face on until they had passed the gate. “Now they will talk about me,” she said peevishly.

  “Never mind. It’s nice to have a reputation. Better than being boring.” She did not seem to agree.

  The time of their arrival at the hospital avoided her friends. They pulled up at the staff house and The Virgin waited outside. There had been a time when he had made a determined assault on Evelina and he imagined some signs of interest. She was attractive; lively, cheerful, endlessly competent. A very desirable lady, but he had never made any impression. Everyone must have known he was chasing her; her friends pushed her to him at dances, made a big deal of sitting them together. The truth was that Evelina had always kept him at arm’s length, never visited him alone, never sat in his car a moment longer than necessary. He had taken the hint in the end and left her alone - though he never understood just what she had wanted of him.

  That was all over now. He had taken a field-break, a couple of weeks touring in Turkey and tried keeping away from her when he returned. That suited her. She just kept on with the old distant friendship and seemed quite happy. It was just as well The Virgin did not take the brush-off too hard. He would have lost a friend if he had. She bounced out of the staff house in baggy tee-shirt and jeans, dropped a bag on the back seat and they set off.

  The road to the beach, like all the country around Sabah, was flat and boring. Centuries of damage by wandering goat and sheep flocks had reduced the summer vegetation to unpalatable camel-thorn and clumps of heather-like scrub. The bare bones of the country showed through. In some places the Government had tried to kick-start real agriculture by ripping up the thick rocky pavement that shielded the surface. This left ragged embankments of limestone slabs around the few cultivated areas.

  The blacktop headed south, parallel to the coast. As they left town the amount of rubbish lining the road decreased, and soon they saw little beyond dead tyres and the odd junk truck parked in its last resting place at the roadside. The horizon stretched brown and flat to the east but to the west, just beyond the sabkha, lay the Mediterranean. He sometimes thought the Mediterranean was Tabriz’s only likeable feature. Complain as much as you liked, Sabah was still a Mediterranean sea-port and rich Europeans paid a fortune just to spend their holidays on the opposite shore of the same sea. The Virgin, on the other hand, was paid for being here and paid fairly well.

  The word this week was that everyone would go to fifty-nine kilometres. Foreigners liked to keep together to avoid young local men harassing the ladies, and so they packed on a short stretch of the one thousand kilometres of empty beach. The turning to this week’s beach was marked by the remains of an ancient Russian truck and when they reached it, they swung right and dropped off the blacktop. A bumpy track brought them to the
edge of the sabkha and the wheel marks fanned out over its sun-baked surface. The Virgin headed for the glare of car windows in the dunes. Keeping his speed up he bounced over the narrow sandy track and came to rest next to a long line of parked vehicles with foreigners’ registration plates.

  Over the low dune was the sea and a solid wall of beach umbrellas, each pitched just too close to its neighbour to allow an intruder to settle in between. It was a cosmopolitan spot. East Europeans with names like Zdzislaw and Ivan rubbed shoulders with Alfredo from The Argentine and Bola from Ghana. John could be from UK, or America, or anywhere in the Commonwealth. The Greeks, both the mainland and Cypriot varieties, were present as they had been for at least the last three thousand years. There were even a few Korean construction workers, cut off from the rest by culture and language. They frolicked in the sea, barbecued fish and took photographs, but no one else had any idea what they said to each other.

  The Virgin searched for the rest of the Hash and found them around an ancient Toyota four-wheel drive with its cassette player turned well up. A crowd of boisterous, boyish men sizzling in the sun and sipping home-brewed beer. They had a fair sprinkling of girl-friends with them, mostly Hashers in their own right. Heads turned as the two of them walked up and he thought he heard Evelina groan.

  “Hey, Virgin! You’re late - what’s been keeping you? Here - have a beer.”

  “Don’t stop over there - come here - we want to talk with your friend.”

  “No chance of that. She won’t want to talk to you...”

  The same old crowd. Good hearted, noisy, like kids out of school. And why not? The wife and family were back home and the men worked here earning the salary to keep them in bread and butter. So why not enjoy life when you could? The disadvantages of Tabriz were enough to make the simplest of pleasures glow. The Virgin headed for the edge of the crowd where the ladies lay working on their suntans. Including Danka, assistant matron in the hospital, a short, plump fire-cracker of a woman with traditional Polish red-tinted curls and badly repaired teeth. Evelina ran for her company and protection.


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