Mafia Princess (The Manning Sisters #2)

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Mafia Princess (The Manning Sisters #2) Page 9

by Christina Escue

“You sound a little angry. Did something happen to ruin your good mood from a few days ago?”

  “Fuck you,” Mike growled and Dakota laughed.

  “You’re cute and all, but you aren’t my type,” Dakota told him and chuckled when he growled again. “Now, for the reason I called. The night you had Manning killed, your men made an error. There were other people around and one was caught in the crossfire. Giovanni Moretti was seriously injured by your men and now his son, Piero, is looking for the ones responsible. He’s focused on Lis and Rachel for the moment, but I will make damn sure his focus shifts to you.”

  “You can’t scare me, Jackson,” Mike told him.

  “Can’t I?” Dakota mused and grinned. “What if I told you that the SUV you’re riding in right at this very moment is rigged to explode and I’m the one holding the trigger?”

  Mike’s audible gasp had Dakota on the verge of breaking into a fit of laughter. “This SUV has been in the garage of my safehouse. No fucking way you’ve gotten to it.”

  “Are you sure of that?” Dakota asked quietly. “Would that certainty diminish if I told you I had men in your organization?”

  “Fuck off, Jackson,” Mike told him and hung up, but Dakota could hear the uncertainty in his words and that pleased him.

  “What did you find out?” David asked from behind his twin.

  “Richardson is checking into it for me,” Dakota answered. “How’s Apollo?”

  “He’s fine. Still tied to the chair. Lis, Rachel, and James are with him. Do you think he’s telling the truth?”

  “Anything is possible, but I also wouldn’t put it past him to lie. Hell, I’d lie to save my own ass.”

  “We all would, but not in a situation where it can be easily proven,” David countered and Dakota shrugged.

  “Maybe, maybe not. It really depends on how much I think the person I’m lying to can find out. If I know for a fact they won’t be able to find out anything, then I will lie about my own fucking name.”

  “I don’t think this guy is that smart, bro,” David told him and Dakota nodded.

  “I happen to agree with you, which is why I don’t think he’s lying.”

  “Then why contact Richardson?”

  “Because I will not risk Lis’ life on a gut feeling ever again,” Dakota answered and David nodded.

  “I can understand that,” he told Dakota.

  “I have almost lost her more than once because I felt safe. I will never believe we are safe without making damn sure the feeling is backed up by facts.”

  “I feel the same way. It isn’t worth the risk.”

  “Losing Lis is never worth the risk. I will fight with everything that I am to keep her safe.”

  “And I will fight with everything that I am to keep you safe,” Lis said from behind him. “I never want to lose you, Dakota.”

  “You’re never going to, Elisabeth,” Dakota assured her. “Now, let’s go back out and wait for Richardson to get back to me. He’s checking into what Apollo told us.”

  “He’s my Godfather, you know,” Lis told them and smiled. “He’s Rachel’s too, and I’m going to ask him to give me away at our wedding.”

  “Oh?” Dakota asked and grinned. “Maybe I should ask him for your hand.”

  “Hmm, maybe you should,” Lis mused and laughed at Dakota’s expression. “I’m kidding, love.”

  “I’m not, well not completely,” he confessed and she looked at him in confusion. “If he’s going to walk you down the aisle, I need to know that he supports us getting married.”

  “I never thought I could love you more than I already did, but I do.”

  “I love you too,” he responded and kissed her forehead. “Now let’s get back outside and wait for Richardson to call me back.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Moretti,” Piero answered on the first ring.

  “Piero, its Damon Richardson, how are you?”

  “I’ve been better. My father lost his battle today and I’m going to make those who had a hand in it pay dearly.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Damon responded. “Maybe we can work out a deal for me to help you.”

  “The Manning family, for starters,” Piero answered and laughed. “I have a tail on them as we speak.”

  “Oh? How do you know they won’t turn this person against you?” Damon asked, knowing that Piero wasn’t too bright.

  “I have leverage against him,” Piero confessed and laughed. “Stupid man let me get to his family.”

  “Very nice. If you need any help let me know and I’ll gladly send a few of my men to help you.”

  “I could use a couple more guards at the safehouse I’m keeping them,” Piero told him.

  “Sure. Give me an address and I’ll send you a couple of my best men.”

  Piero rattled off the address and Damon jotted it down with a grin. This was like taking candy from a baby.

  “Thank you, Richardson. Father always respected you.”

  “And I always respected him,” Damon told him truthfully. “Your father was a good man.”

  “Mother and I will be planning a memorial for him very soon, but I need this finished first.”

  “I understand,” Damon assured him. “I’ll get those men over there now and then you can contact your man and find out what you need to know.”

  “Thanks, man,” Piero said, gratefully. “Father would be happy to know you’re being so helpful.”

  “You’re welcome,” Damon replied and ended the call.

  Before calling his head of security, Damon called Dakota back.

  “Jackson,” Dakota answered on the first ring.

  “Moretti’s man was telling you the truth. Piero does have his family. I, however, have the address to the safehouse they’re being held at and will be sending several of my men over to ensure their safety.”

  “Excellent,” Dakota responded with a smile. “Should we let the poor guy know what’s going on?”

  “Yeah,” Damon answered and grinned. “I’ll send you an address to bring him to once his family is secure.”

  “Thanks, Richardson. Before you hang up, I need to ask something a little more personal.”

  “Sure, what do you need?”

  “Elisabeth informed me that you are her Godfather. Since her Father is gone, I want to ask you for her hand in marriage.”

  “Oh, wow. I never thought THAT would be the question,” Damon chuckled. “Of course you have my blessing. You make her happy.”

  “Thank you. The wedding is in thirteen days.”

  “Okay. Send me a time and a place and I’ll be there.”

  “Pretty sure she’s going to ask you to walk her down the aisle,” Dakota warned him and grinned at Damon’s groan. “It’s not formal, so don’t worry.”

  “Okay, good,” Damon responded and laughed. “I haven’t worn a tux since my own wedding. Since that ended shortly after it began, I vowed to never wear one again.”

  “No tux required. We’re doing khakis and blue dress shirts. Informal and on the beach.”

  “Sounds wonderful. Have Lis send me the details and I’ll be there.”

  “I will, and thank you for everything.”

  “Just keep her safe,” Damon told him.

  “You have my word,” Dakota assured him and ended the call.

  “Your word on what?” James asked from the doorway.

  “That I will keep Lis safe,” he answered and smiled a little. “Seems our friend was telling the truth.”

  “Oh?” James asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Richardson contacted Piero Moretti and he sang like a bird. Even told him where he was keeping Apollo’s family. Richardson is sending men to get them now and once they’re secure I’m going to have Schaffler take Apollo to his family.”

  “Glad we didn’t kill him then,” James said and grinned. “The ladies are going to be disappointed though.”

  “They’ll be alright. I’ll let them have Mike and Piero to
make up for the loss.”

  “Michael is mine,” James told him with a snarl.

  “We will take him out together,” Dakota assured him and grinned.

  “Together,” James agreed. “Now I guess we need to go let our scared little friend know he isn’t going to die today.”

  “Yeah, we probably should,” Dakota agreed as he walked out of the kitchen and onto the patio. “Apollo, I talked to a good friend of mine and he’s talked to Piero. Wanna know what we found out?”

  “Did you find my family?” Apollo asked hopefully.

  “We did and my friend is on his way to rescue them now. Once they are safe I will have a couple of our most trusted men take you to them. For now, though, I need you to call Piero and give him this address,” Dakota told him and handed him a piece of paper.

  “Okay, but why?” Apollo asked in confusion.

  “Because we don’t want him to think you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing,” James answered and looked at Dakota.

  “We want him to think you are still under his thumb. As long as he thinks he has you where he wants you, he will keep feeling like he’s winning.”

  “Okay, so just tell him you’re at the address on this paper, right?” Apollo asked and Dakota nodded. “I can do that.”

  “Good, because if you don’t I will let the girls kill you. Your family will be safe though, no matter what. I will not allow anyone to hurt a child if I can stop it.”

  “Thank you,” Apollo told them and took the cellphone Lis handed him.

  “It’s the one I took from you when we wrecked your car earlier,” she explained when he looked at it in confusion.

  “Oh, okay,” he said and dialed Piero’s number.

  “About time you called,” Piero said in way of greeting.

  “Sorry, boss. They took many twists and turns to get to where they were going. I watched the house for a while after they arrived. They are all inside,” he informed Piero then rattled off the address on the paper Dakota handed him.

  “Good,” Piero told him and chuckled. “I’ll take you to your wife and kid as soon as I verify the information you gave me. At the moment, just watch the house and make sure no one leaves.”

  “Sure thing, boss.” Apollo replied and ended the call.

  “Good job,” Lis told him and smiled softly. “Now let’s get you ready to go to your wife and daughter.”

  “Thank you all for helping me.”

  “You’re welcome. Once you’re all safe, be sure to choose a different kind of employment,” Dakota advised.

  “I will,” Apollo promised and smiled. “I will do whatever work I can as long as my girls are safe.”

  “Good, now go get cleaned up,” James told him and smiled when Apollo disappeared into the house.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “James,” Rachel said quietly as she entered the bedroom Dakota had given them.

  “Yes, love?” James answered from the adjoining bathroom.

  “Do you think Moretti is a threat?”

  “Not really, but he may have a card up his sleeve.”

  “And if he does?”

  “If he does we will deal with it. We will face anything life throws at us together.”

  “James, make love to me,” she told him and pressed her lips to his chest.

  “Rachel,” he said breathlessly and scooped her into his arms. “You dismantle me.”

  A smile of satisfaction crossed her face just before she bent her head and nipped his collar bone. “And you bring out something in me that I never knew was in there.”

  “Fuck, I want to be inside you,” he told her as he carried her to the bed.

  “That’s exactly where I want you,” she replied and wiggled out of his arms. She quickly discarded the tank top and pajama pants she wore before laying on the bed and looking at him through her eyelashes.

  “God damn, woman, you bring me so close to the edge without even touching me.”

  She smiled in response to his words and spread her legs apart. When she trailed her hand down her stomach, he groaned loudly.

  “James,” she breathed out as her hand trailed lower. When she slid her hand between her legs, he licked his lips and watched her stroke herself.

  “Fuck,” he whispered as he watched her dip one finger inside before sliding it up her slit and circling her clit. Her soft whimpers were almost his undoing.

  Not being able to take it any longer, he joined her on the bed and followed the trail her finger was making with his tongue. Her orgasm ripped through them both as he latched his lips around her tender clit and sucked it into his mouth.

  Flicking his tongue across it he sucked gently, causing her to orgasm again. Her cries bouncing around the room as he slipped a finger inside her and stroked in and out.

  “James,” she panted as he built her up again.

  As her orgasm hit he rose above her and slipped deep inside. Her juices surrounded him as she cried out his name.

  Gripping her knees, calves, he raised her ankles to his shoulders and slid deeper into her.

  “You are so beautiful,” he breathed as he slid in and out, increasing his pace with each thrust.

  When she came again, he smiled and pulled out of her. Her whimpers of disappointment made his smile widen before he rolled her over and pulled her to her knees, licking her from clit to asshole before sliding into her from behind.

  “Fuck,” he grunted out as she gripped him tight.

  “James!” She cried out as her body started shaking.

  “Come for me, love,” he ordered softly and grinned when she exploded around him again. “That’s it, baby. Don’t hold back.”

  “Fuck, James,” she cried out over and over as she came repeatedly.

  He wrapped her long, dark hair around one hand and pulled her up so he could nibble on her shoulder as he slid deeper into her. “I’m going to fill you with my come, then I’m going to eat you again until I am full of us both,” he whispered in her ear before he grunted deeply and spilled inside her.

  Once he was emptied, he flipped her over and licked their mixture from her. When he felt her tug gently on his hair, he looked up and saw her lick her lips. “Kiss me,” she whispered and he smiled.

  “Gladly,” he responded and locked his lips on hers. Their individual flavors mixed in their mouths and the hardy taste caused him to grow hard again.

  “I’m going to take you again,” he told her just before slipping back inside her.

  “Oh, God,” she cried out as he moved inside her hard and fast.

  “Rachel,” he called out as the intensity built around them. The passion and emotion in the room so thick it was impossible to see through it.

  “James,” she responded as her short nails dug into his shoulders.

  The little bites of pain caused him to lose control.

  Locking his lips on hers, he reached between them and pressed against her clit, causing her to grip him tight as she came around him. The force of her orgasm pulled him over the edge again.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he rolled to his side and trailed his fingers across her stomach.

  “I love you too,” she replied and smiled. “That was intense.”

  “I didn’t mean to lose it like that,” he told her as he rolled off the bed and walked into the bathroom.

  “You losing it like that was completely my intention. I wanted to see your tight control snap,” she told him as she walked into the bathroom behind him. “Now I think we need a shower then sleep.”

  “Sex, shower, sleep,” he said and grinned. “Sounds like the perfect night to me.”

  “Does to me, too,” she responded and looked over her shoulder at him. When she saw the little droplets of blood on his shoulders from her nails, she tensed.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked, picking up on her sudden mood shift.

  “I made you bleed,” she told him and walked over to where he was standing. “I’m sorry.”

Hey, baby, don’t be sorry because I’m not,” he told her and pulled her into his arms. “Now let’s get cleaned up and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be another long day.”

  “I love you, James.”

  “And I love you, Rachel.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “Baby, it’s time to wake up,” James whispered softly as he gently stroked the inside of Rachel’s thighs. When moisture started seeping from her, he smiled and licked his lips.

  Locking his mouth over her, he pulled her between his lips and teased her with his tongue. Her cries surrounded them as she woke to the most intense orgasm she’d ever felt.

  “Good morning, baby,” he told her softly as he laid beside her on the bed and watched her body tremble as it settled back down.

  “Waking up like that makes for a very good morning,” she told him and he smiled.

  “You flush from head to toe when you orgasm. It’s so fucking beautiful.”

  “You just like knowing you’re the only one who has ever made me orgasm,” she teased and his smile faded a little. “What’s wrong?”

  James shrugged and looked away from her for a second before turning back and sighing. “It pleases me that I am the only one you have ever been with, but it worries me too. You have absolutely no basis of comparison.”

  “Seriously? That’s what worries you?” Rachel asked, confusion and hurt filling her words. “I had multiple opportunities to have a basis of comparison and chose not to because it didn’t feel right to me. You are the only one I have ever felt comfortable enough with to open myself up like this. Fuck you for throwing it back in my face.”

  “Rachel, baby, calm down. There’s no need to be this upset. I’m sorry. I love you.”

  “Calm down? No need to be this upset? You just basically threw my lack of sexual experience in my face and you want me to calm down? Go to hell, James,” she told him as she got off the bed and grabbed her clothes from the suitcase.

  “Baby, please,” he said softly as he came up behind her. “Let’s talk about this. Let me tell you why I feel this way. Please, baby.”

  “Fine, talk. You have until I get dressed.”

  James sighed and sat back down on the bed. “When I was in my last year of college I had a bit of a reputation for being a playboy, and I had earned it honestly, but then I met this girl. Her name was Carmen and she was absolutely nothing like the other girls I had been with. She came from a good, solid family. I finally got her to go out on a date with me, just dinner and a movie, but it was the best date I’d ever had. At the end of it I dropped her off at her dorm, kissed her cheek, and left her there.”


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