Infidelity: Insider (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Infidelity: Insider (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 7

by Jillian Jacobs

  “No issue at all. Once I do a little digging of my own, Mr. Brown will be gone from this building today. I’m sure we’ll be fighting his contract, but…well, we have insurance against that, don’t we?” Oren tapped the envelope against his palm and met Aiden’s gaze.

  His blue eyes narrowed, intense like the center of a flame, burning from within. Whoa. Aiden was glad he’d chosen photography and not the boardroom, especially if men like Oren Demetri were sitting at the table.

  “We’ll look into ways to help his wife and children. But, that is all I’ll offer him. Anyone who hurts women deserves retribution. And retribution and I are old friends.” He clenched the envelope in his hand, crumpling the paper.

  Chills ran down Aiden’s spine. He had no doubt the man standing beside him would make Kellogg Brown face his reckoning. Not only here, but in a dark alley somewhere. With a bat and brass knuckles. Yet, Aiden couldn’t muster any sympathy. Not when he pictured Imina curled up on the emergency room bed, dealing with the pain of two knife wounds.

  As he left Oren’s office, he smiled. Not all blows were dealt with fists, some were much more powerful and only required a few words. As he pushed past the lobby doors out into sunshine, he considered the next steps, because now that Kellogg was outed, he’d come gunning for Imina. His ego wouldn’t allow a woman to best him. Aiden would speak to Tony and shore up security, because Kellogg Brown wasn’t ever touching Imina again.

  Chapter 11

  Kellogg heaved his box of personal items into the tiny trunk of his all-black Audi. “God damn it!” he shouted, and his words echoed through the parking garage.

  The two security guards who escorted him from the building remained standing beside the elevator.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?” They were morons who couldn’t find real jobs. Why were they staring? Laughing? They were fleas. Nothing compared to him. “You’re just dropouts who spend more time with weight sets than your dicks.”

  The blond one grinned and shook his head. “Mr. Demetri gave you fifteen minutes to leave. Time’s almost up.” He tapped his wrist.

  “I’ll leave when I’m ready to leave.” After flipping off the security guy, Kellogg opened his car door and shoved his key into the ignition. “Mr. Demetri can kiss my ass. Comes into my office. Throws photos in my face and tells me I’m out. Who the hell does he think he is? I have a contract.” He rolled down his window and yelled at the two security guards. “I have a contract, you fuckers. I’ll come back, and when I do, you two shitheads are gone.”

  “Exit’s that way, Mr. Brown.” The blond jerk pointed at the word Exit painted in black on the concrete wall.

  “That’s right, I’m Mr. Brown to you.” Kellogg revved his engine then whipped through the garage and out onto the street. Horns blared as he exited, but he didn’t care.

  Someone had talked, and he knew exactly who.

  Imina Lesedi.

  Somehow, she’d spilled to Oren Demetri. But how much had she told him? Didn’t matter. He’d sue her ass. Bury her. No. No. He’d really bury her. Six feet under. Dead. He’d already purchased a gun off one of his last tricks. The .45 remained in a plastic bag with prints from whoever else had handled it before.

  Growling, he stomped on the brakes at a stoplight. He’d worked hard his whole life. He didn’t deserve to be tossed out like a piece of garbage based on some stupid cunt’s word. He’d bring in lawyers. Sue Demetri Enterprises. Sue Infidelity. And, at the same time, expose their connection to the press. Everyone would know what kind of companies Demetri Enterprises had under their umbrella. He’d reveal all their secrets.

  But right now, he’d go home, fuck his wife, and think. Imina Lesedi had to die. No question. She held too many truths. If she was no longer around to speak them, then things might go a little easier for him. Demetri’s investigators would never find any of the other women he’d smacked around. They were nothing. Nobodies. But Imina was different. Imina fought back, and because of that, she had to die. Slowly, covered in blood, suffering, but dead. And Aiden. He’d take care of that worthless piece of shit, too.

  Nobody made a fool out of Kellogg Brown. Once he finished her, he’d return to his job, and Oren Demetri would owe him one hell of an apology.

  Chapter 12

  A week after he’d visited Oren Demetri, Aiden sipped his coffee while sitting in a tiny bistro’s booth beside Imina. A stubby candle’s flame flickered in the center of the wood table. The scent of tomato soup and baked bread lingered in the air. He’d finished another Infidelity photo shoot, so he’d waited around for her to be done for the day so they could have dinner.

  After downloading a location app into her phone, he pressed it into her hand. “Thank you. This eases my mind.” He smiled before popping another of her croutons into his mouth. The woman never ate them with her salad. She thought putting “stale” bread on vegetables was weird. Crazy girl.

  “I got away from Kellogg before.” Imina tapped her phone against her palm before setting it on the table. “I appreciate your concern, but as I said before, I don’t need all these security measures.”

  Aiden glanced toward the exit. While he appreciated her belief she could handle herself in another fight, he’d taken precautions. He’d finally spent some of his trust fund on a good cause. A keep-Imina-safe cause. Tony had directed him to a few discreet men who basically followed Imina around at all times, and she was none the wiser. He’d met them both and approved. They’d remain her shadow until Kellogg Brown made his move. And he would.

  No way that narcissist would let Imina get away with destroying his life. His loss of employment had been a blip in business news. Oren Demetri had likely done everything he could to keep his company’s reputation safe. The press would normally eat up a story this salacious, but the Demetri influence knew no bounds, which actually played in Aiden’s favor. The more humiliation heaped on Kellogg Brown, the more likely he’d attack like a chained dog left out in the raw elements for far too long.

  Aiden reached over and took Imina’s hand. “I believe we’ve worked out a suitable solution in the security argument. Let’s not dredge it back up.”

  She smiled and kissed his cheek. “We have. Although, I do like to argue.”

  “No. Really?” He placed a hand upon his chest. “You like to argue? I never would have guessed.”

  “Smart mouth.” She rolled her eyes then leaned closer and whispered in his ear, “I can think of better things to do with your mouth.”

  Completely on board with that idea, he gripped the back of her neck and tilted her head at the perfect angle before kissing her a little too enthusiastically for such a public place. However, they were in a back booth and the lighting was low, so he delved a little deeper, tangling his tongue with hers. He eased back and studied her wet lips then ran his thumb along her jaw. “So beautiful. And so mine.” He let his finger trail down her neck and then even farther still to brush against her peaked nipple, hidden beneath a thin red sweater.

  She shivered then slid her hand along his inner thigh before working upward and unzipping him. Slipping inside, she wrapped her cool fingers around his raging-hot erection. “I never believed I’d have this. This freedom. These feelings for you. Maybe we had to be friends first. Maybe I had to trust you. But I’m all in. You’re mine, too, and I plan on taking you home and showing you what that means.”

  Aiden’s shaft thickened at the thought. His woman was very creative and enthusiastic in bed. The perfect partner. He wrapped his hand around hers. She’d opened his dress pants enough to brush her thumb across his wet slit. “My naughty girl.” He drew her closer for a real kiss. A deep, I’m-going-to-fuck-you-into-the-mattress-kiss. His mouth slanted over hers, again and again. He arched his hips as she tightened her grip on his cock. “Finish it.” He kissed his way down her neck. “Right here.” He nipped her earlobe.

  She squeezed his cock then worked her hand up and down. “This what you want?”

  Groaning against her neck, h
e gritted his teeth. “Yes, please.” Pure pleasure shot from his cock and travelled through his body. He looked around the small restaurant. Only two other diners were inside, as this was more of a lunch destination.

  One of the two men met his gaze then winked.

  Somehow, that made the moment that much hotter. He knew what they were doing.

  Aiden tugged on Imina’s hair and met her gaze. “Someone’s watching.”

  She laughed. “I hope so.” Pulling her hand free from his slacks, she licked her index finger before switching her gaze to the men in the other booth.

  The blond grinned and shook his head before whispering to the man at his side.

  Imina grinned back then cupped Aiden’s chin before kissing him. While sucking on his tongue, she pressed her hand against his crotch, rubbing back and forth.

  Sliding his fingers into her hair, he took over the kiss, using slow, long strokes of his tongue. Then, he changed the pace and went from frantic to easy and languid before pressing his hand against hers. “I’m close.”

  She licked her lips before slipping her hand inside. Her hand worked up and down his cock once more. “Are they still watching?”

  Aiden glanced over her shoulder. “Yes.”

  Her breath hitched. “Then finish. Look at them as you finish.” While kissing his neck, she increased her pace with her hand.

  Pulse racing, his muscles tight, he bit his lip and met the gaze of the blond.

  The man’s eyes widened then he smirked before nudging his friend.

  “You like that, don’t you? People watching,” Imina whispered against his ear. “I’m punishing you when we get home. Only I should see your pleasure, but you’re sharing it, aren’t you?”

  His balls tightened, and he gasped. “Yes. They’re kissing now.”

  “Are they?” Imina trailed her tongue along his ear. “Then give them a final show. Come for me, Aiden. Let them see.”

  His hips arched into her hand. One more, he only needed one more hard…

  A throat cleared. Then the waiter stood between him and the blond. “I think you two are ready for your check. This is a public place. And your little display is…well…it’s not right.”

  “But…no. We’re not done,” Aiden choked out.

  Imina laughed and kept her hand moving against his flagging dick.

  Heart thumping, Aiden swallowed hard and glared at the waiter. “Come back with the check.”

  He rolled his eyes, and then walked away, mumbling, “I’m in the middle of a very bad porno.”

  The damn woman had removed her hand and placed it on his thigh. His voyeur friends were gone. A jittery waiter with black pants and a stained white button-down shirt had ruined the whole moment. “Not funny.” Aiden groaned. Then, dropping his elbow against the table, he pressed his head against his palm. He rubbed his eyes as a wave of dizziness struck. Not a normal reaction to being cock-blocked. “Imina…I-I’m not feeling so well.”

  She chuckled. “I imagine.”

  “No.” He blinked again and raised his head to meet her gaze, even though the motion seemed weighted down by a ton of bricks. “Something isn’t right.”

  Imina stiffened, gripping his thigh like a vise.

  He shook his head, trying to clear his blurry vision. “Wha iss siiit?” His tongue felt heavy in his mouth. “Whhha?”

  Gripping the table, he glanced at Imina, but her gaze was locked on the waiter.

  No, not the waiter.


  Was Kellogg Brown the waiter?

  What? No. Not the waiter.

  Aiden shoved to his feet, but his legs were like two wet noodles. Instead, he shifted forward and jostled the table. His coffee tumbled and poured dark liquid across the table. The salt shaker landed on the floor, spilling white across the tiles.

  Imina had to run. Had to run…

  “Coffee.” He spoke, but the word seemed to come from far away. Someone had drugged his coffee. His food. Something. “Imm…” He tried to scream her name. Tried to reach for her hand, but it was moving away from him, locked in another man’s hand. No. Stop.

  Head spinning, he blinked once more then crumpled to the floor and saw nothing but black.

  Chapter 13

  Sink or swim. Those words kept repeating over and over in her mind as Imina followed Kellogg. He had a gun pressed to her side, and he’d already shot a round into a dishwasher’s chest back at the restaurant. She’d been kicking and screaming, but once that gun fired, reverberating through her body and ringing through her ears, she’d stopped. He’d lost his fucking mind. He was willing to kill, so she had to get in the same mind-frame and fast.

  She had a gun, too. Something Aiden didn’t know. She’d taken to wearing her bra holster for her .22. The smaller gun fit snugly at her side, just beneath and to the side of her left breast. She knew how to use it. Would use it.

  She blocked all thoughts of Aiden’s glassy eyes and wobbly legs as he’d tumbled against the table. He’d be all right. He was safe. Had to be. Better to be blacked out than following a psycho to some secret lair. However, since Kellogg was dragging her though a back alley, he might not reach his secluded spot. Alleys in New York City weren’t nice places. Where was a nasty mugger when you needed one?

  “…think you can just ruin my life.” Kellogg continued his verbal rampage. “My wife left me. My kids hate me. We’re finished. And all because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. Well, I’ll to shut it for you.” Kellogg wrenched her arm farther behind her back.

  Maybe she could enrage him enough that he’d act out on the street. She had no idea where he was taking her, but she didn’t want to get in a car or be alone in a hotel room with him. She’d been there, done that, and such scenarios weren’t on her to-do list. Ever. “You deserve to wallow in shit.” Imina screamed the words. “What you did to me…what you did to those girls. You deserve to lose everything. I let you manipulate me into signing that contract. Big mistake. I won’t make it again. Everyone! Everyone will know that Kellogg Brown can only get it up if he’s beating a woman!”

  He couldn’t gag her. Not without causing even more of a scene. As it was, a few New Yorkers glanced their way and arched their brows. They were out of the alley now and walking down a street lined with cars.

  Yanking on her arm, he bent his head and spoke in her ear. “They don’t care. They’ve got their faces in their phones. Say whatever you want, bitch. Soon, your mouth will be too full to speak.”

  Imina gritted her teeth. “Full? From you? Not with that pencil dick.”

  He slammed her against a black car on the side of the street. “Shut your filthy mouth.”

  “Make me.” She glared.

  He grinned. “I won’t. I won’t. No. No. No. Not here. I’ll wait.” Sweat poured down the side of his face. “I’m taking you back. You’ll learn the lesson I didn’t teach you before. But you won’t go slow…oh, no…you need extensive study, and I’ll give it to you.”

  “Stupid.” Heart racing, Imina met his wild-eyed gaze. “Taking me back to the same hotel is stupid. It’s the first place they’ll look. You’re not real good at this capture and torture thing.”

  “Aren’t I? We’ve arrived.” After stuffing the gun in waistband, he reached around her to open the door. “Get in the car.”

  “No.” Imina lifted both hands by her face, taking a boxer stance.

  “I won’t go down this time.” He reared back with his fist and fired forward.

  She slipped to the side, and his blow landed on her bicep. Bouncing on her feet, she threw a couple jabs.

  He grabbed her hand, twisted her arm, and punched her in the ribs twice.

  That was the ticket, because she hadn’t healed completely after his stabbing. Grunting, she shoved him away. But not far enough…

  He delivered one perfect uppercut, striking the right spot on her chin.

  Her head rocked back, and stars formed behind her lids. Rubbing her chin, she blinked back the pain tinglin
g down the side of her face. “That’s enough!” Eyes narrowed, she charged forward.

  He stepped back, pulled out his gun, and shot her in the leg.

  Fire seared through her thigh. “You stupid jackass!” Glancing around, she caught sight of people staring and pointing. A few were even taking videos. “Help! He shot me! Call the police.”

  Kellogg fired wildly into the crowd then shoved her inside the car.

  People screamed and scattered.

  Blood pooled on her black pant leg, making the fabric darker. Clenching her jaw, she shoved against the car door.

  “Stop.” Clutching a fistful of her hair, Kellogg wrenched back her head. “Let go of the handle, or I’ll fire into the crowd again.”

  “Go ahead. You’re out of bullets.” She wasn’t one hundred percent sure of this, but he might be stupid enough to believe her.

  He aimed the gun at her head. “I’ve got enough to finish you off right now.”

  “If you say so.” Heart racing, Imina drew in a long breath. She still had her phone. She had her gun. She had resolve.

  Sires blared in the distance. Videos were taken. She’d been shot.

  Every action she took from here on out was justified.

  Sink or swim.

  Pressing a hand against her leg, she breathed through the throbbing pain. Down, but not out.

  He’d put up a good fight, but she wasn’t going down. Not again. Not ever.

  Chapter 14

  Aiden rubbed his aching temples while sitting in the passenger seat of Tony’s squad car. The pungent spices from the Asian restaurant beside the hotel fired up his nose and added to his throbbing headache.

  Tony hung up his phone and heaved a long sigh. “The dishwasher was DOA.”

  Aiden’s stomach sank. “So, Kellogg’s officially a murderer now.”

  “Exactly, which is why you’re staying in the car.”


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