In The Eye Of The Moon

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In The Eye Of The Moon Page 10

by Mara Lee

  This was the second damn time that Rex had kidnapped her. She would have thought that he would have learned his lesson the first time around. Obviously he was thick-headed.

  Sheila stiffened when she heard the distinct sound of a key in the door. She straightened her shoulders and prepared herself; she would not be intimidated, not this time. Now, she knew who she was dealing with—what she was dealing with.

  Rex strode through the door; he wore low slung jeans and nothing else. His feet were bare and the scar that slashed his face seemed to catch the lamplight and shine mockingly at Sheila.

  “Very fetching, my dear,” Rex said. He let his hot eyes rake over Sheila's body.

  “This is pathetic, you know that, right? You can't find a date any other way? You've got to kidnap women?” Sheila swallowed when Rex snarled but she held her ground. He hadn't gone to all the trouble of kidnapping her to kill her, right? Oh God, she hoped killing her wasn't part of his plan.

  “You have a very brazen tongue, Sheila McKay.” Rex replied, temper now under control.

  “Well, I don't appreciate being dragged out in the middle of the night, after watching a friend of mine get torn to pieces.”

  “I didn't do her much harm, Sheila. Raquelle will heal. We all have amazing recuperative powers.”

  “That may be true. But what you did was horrid.”

  Rex laughed. “Horrid? What I did was horrid? You are so quaint, Sheila, so adorably human.” Rex came forward, smiling when Sheila backed away from him. “How far back do you intend to go, Sheila?” Rex grinned when Sheila reached the wall. “It seems you have run out of room.”

  Sheila narrowed her eyes and grabbed a heavy silver frame that was sitting on a desk near the wall. “Don't come any closer, or I'll, I'll…”

  “You'll what?” Rex was amused.

  Sheila hurled the frame at his head and was gratified when it hit, with a thump. However the admiration that filled his eyes was less than reassuring. It was almost as if he were glad that she had had the balls to hurl it in the first place.

  Sheila wished that Rex would stop staring at her like she was a luscious steak laid out on his plate. She edged the wall, desperate for anything that she could use to defend herself with. Sheila slowly made her way down the wall and screamed when Rex was suddenly in front of her, blocking her path with his arms.

  “Where do you think you're going?” Rex asked, bemused. He leaned forward and ticked her ear with his breath. “You are a fitting mate, Sheila. And I am going to enjoy taming you. I am going to enjoy taking you from Airek.”

  Sheila shook her head, spitting mad. “No one can take me away from Airek. Whatever you do to me, Rex—I will still belong heart and soul to Airek, I'm his mate for always. Nothing is going to change that fact.”

  Rex slammed his fist into the wall near her head. “You say that now, Sheila, but things have a way of changing,” he smiled cruelly, “and people have a way of dying.” Rex licked her neck and strode to the door; he blew her a kiss right before he locked the door behind him.

  * * * *

  Airek calmed himself. He could not let anger and rage cloud his senses. He had to remain clearheaded so that he could track Rex and Kristoff. Furious, he found that his heart and mind were at odds with one another. As Alpha of the Loopin he had to have more control than this.

  He sniffed the air and picked up the faint scent of Kristoff. He wondered if this was another false lead or if he had truly, finally, picked up the true scent.


  Airek's head jerked up in shock. It was Sheila's voice he had heard. He was certain of it. “Sheila?” Airek took a deep breath and cleared his thoughts completely. He centered himself and tried again. “Sheila, is that you?”

  “Airek, thank God, I didn't know if this would work. I'm still not so good at…”

  “Sheila, I can't hear you now. Please, love, try again.” Airek waited and sighed gratefully when her voice returned in his mind.

  “Sorry, I'm still not so good at this entire mind-to-mind thing.”

  “That's okay, oh love, thank God, where are you?”

  “I have no idea.” She laughed. “A hotel, perhaps.”

  “What makes you say that, Sheila-mine?” Airek asked.

  “The room is really nice, Airek. There are pictures everywhere, nice carpeting, expensive furniture, everything is beautiful.”

  “Anything else?” Airek asked.

  “Well, there aren't any windows, so there isn't any view, I don't know—it's weird.”

  Airek thought on Sheila's words. He hit on something. “Sheila-mine, what sort of pictures?”

  Sheila's voice was now frantic in his head. “Are you nuts, I've been kidnapped and all you can ask are what sort of pictures are there in my prison cell?”

  “Sheila, take a calm breath. Tell me, what are the pictures of?”

  “Uh, there is one of Rex and a young girl, pretty, with long brown hair. Another picture is of an older couple; the man is handsome with silver-streaked hair and a handlebar moustache. The woman has long blond hair and silver eyes. The gilt frame holds a picture of…”

  “Stop, please, Sheila, does the picture of the older couple have an inscription on the back of the frame?”

  “Yes, it says 'forever and always', does that mean something to you?”

  Airek grit his teeth. He knew where his mate was. “I am coming for you Sheila.”


  “Do not worry, my love. I am coming, and I will deal with Rex, this time Rex does not get off.”

  * * * *

  Airek growled low in his throat. The city sounds assaulted his sensitive ears and the smells bombarded him. He hated the city. He always had. He rarely ventured into the city; the last time had been to keep an eye on Sheila. He did not understand how people could live in such close proximity to one another. How could they bear the polluted skies, mass hysteria and the lack of nature? Airek could not survive for long away from the forest. He found that he was unable to breathe.

  It seemed that Rex didn't have such a discriminating palate.

  Airek stared up at the large brownstone and frowned. The house had once belonged to his parents. They had, out of the generosity of their hearts, left it to Rex. Airek's parents had been good people. They had felt for Rex—especially after his father had been defeated in challenge and killed. Airek had watched as his parents had taken Rex under their wing, desperate to help him. In the end their kindness had not mattered. Rex had chosen a different path, a dark path. “It ends tonight.” Airek whispered.

  * * * *

  “I've brought you a guest.” Rex strode into Sheila's room, dragging Sira behind him. He pushed her forward and she fell to her knees, limply. “I thought perhaps you would like to see a friendly face.” Rex laughed and bent down to nip Sira's ear. “I know firsthand how friendly Sira can be.” Rex stood up. “I will see you shortly, Sheila.” He laughed when she scrunched her nose up in disgust.

  Once he was gone, Sheila rushed over to Sira's side. She gently cupped Sira's cheek. It was so cold. “Sira, are you all right?”

  Sira looked up into Sheila's worried face and smiled. “A little bruised and broken, but I will heal.”

  Sheila's expression was fierce. “What did they do to you?” She glared daggers at the closed door. “I'm going to kill that bastard.”

  Sira laughed and patted Sheila's hand comfortingly. “Truly, I am fine. They roughed me up a bit, but I've taken worse.”

  Sheila ran her hand down Sira's matted hair. “What did Rex mean?”

  Sira fidgeted. “What?”

  “What did Rex mean, before?”

  Sira sighed. “When Rex was still part of the Pack he shared a bed with Thane and me,” Sira shrugged, “It was only for a short while, a trial of sorts. Thane and I found that Rex did not suit.”

  Sheila understood that. Rex didn't seem to suit anyone.

  Sira was suddenly concerned. “Are you all right, Sheila?”

sp; “Yeah, just royally pissed off,” Sheila said. Sheila saw Sira's arm lying limply against her chest. “Oh my God.”

  “It's nothing. It's just broken.”

  “Just broken?” Sheila was disgusted. She looked around the room for something to use as a sling but found nothing. Sighing, Sheila realized it was time to get naked—again. She pulled the gown over her head and began to tear it into strips. She cleverly tied the largest piece of the dress around Sira's shoulder, securing it into place with a double knot. She wrapped two more pieces of the torn fabric around Sira's middle to hold the sling up and in place. She pulled back, pleased with her first-aid skills. “Not bad.” Sheila said with a critical eye.

  Sira wasn't paying any attention to her now bound arm; she was staring at Sheila's full, jiggling breasts avidly. Sira reached out with her good arm and caressed the underside of Sheila's breast. She sighed in appreciation when Sheila's nipples tightened beneath her hand.

  Sheila moaned and shook her head. “This isn't really a good time for this,” Sheila murmured. Her breath came in small pants.

  Sira smiled and tweaked Sheila's now-taut nipple. “What better time? Do we not need a distraction?” Sira's eyes smoldered. She bent down and licked Sheila's hard nipple, rolling her tongue around the taut flesh. Sira inched closer and continued to suckle at Sheila's breast, then trailed her hand down Sheila's belly. “You have the softest skin, Sheila.” She ran her hand between Sheila's thighs and gently inserted two fingers into Sheila's pussy. She located her hard clit and rolled it between her fingers.

  Sheila let out several short moans. She was on fire, her pussy clenching around Sira's talented fingers. She pressed her body closer to Sira's and moved desperately against Sira's hand. She felt need—like a hot flame—crawl through her. “Oh God,” she threw her head back and moaned.

  Sira continued to press and tease Sheila's clit. She sped her fingers up and began to scissor them in and out of Sheila's pussy. “Yes, just like that, Sheila. You are so beautiful.” Sira bit Sheila's breast and rubbed Sheila's clit simultaneously, causing her body to spasm and tremor. Sheila screamed as the pleasure built like a tidal wave. Sira leaned up and kissed Sheila passionately on her mouth, catching each one of her cries. She continued to stroke Sheila's pussy until each spasm settled and slipped away.

  Sheila blew a damp strand of hair away from her face. She focused glazed eyes on Sira's knowing face. “Uh, that is one hell of a distraction technique.”

  Sira laughed and hugged Sheila to her, bound arm and all. “I'm very good at what I do.”

  Sheila swallowed heavily. “Oh yeah, you are.” She scooted down until her head was resting in Sira's lap. She had to admit that the thought of Sira, Thane, Airek and herself together had its definite possibilities; she thought to the explosive orgasm she had just experienced by Sira's hands. Very strong possibilities indeed.

  Chapter Ten

  Airek dug his claws into the uneven stone and hauled himself over the second-story landing of Rex's townhouse. He sniffed the air and caught Rex's scent—it was strong—Rex was close. Airek crouched low to the ground and padded quietly into the house. It was not difficult to navigate; he remembered his way from childhood. He slipped down to the first floor and quickly melted into the shadows.

  It was quiet. And it was not the quiet of the forest. Airek felt the silence eating over him. Where was Sheila? Where could Rex have hidden her? He could hear nothing but his own heartbeat.

  “I can smell you, Airek.” Rex called from above.

  Airek moved deeper into the shadows.

  “So glad that you could join us,” Rex said. “Sheila and I have been having a cozy time together. She is truly magnificent. Her hair is crackling fire, her eyes can see your soul, and those breasts… Well, they are magnificent.”

  Airek felt hot fury coil in his belly. His mind was consumed with images of Rex with his mate. He could barely see past the red haze covering his eyes. If Rex had harmed his mate there would be nowhere Rex could run to escape his wrath.

  * * * *

  Rex smiled evilly. He knew what his words did to Airek. Airek might be strong, he might be intelligent and respected, but he was still a man. He was still a man who foolishly loved his mate. Rex knew that Sheila was Airek's Achilles heel. It was why he had abducted her; that and he couldn't wait to fuck her. As long as he could bait Airek with Sheila, he had the advantage over his hated rival. Rex walked down the staircase slowly.

  “Can you hear her, Airek? Can you hear your beloved mate?” Rex grinned in the darkness. He knew that Airek could not hear Sheila. But smell her, that was a different story all together. “Perhaps you should try scenting her; perhaps you would learn something interesting about your mate.” Rex continued down the stairs and could not suppress the shiver of desire that rushed through him. Even he could smell Sheila, spent desire, her sex, was heavy in the air. He had thought that Sira would only talk to Sheila about her situation. He had never imagined they would find pleasure together. Although why he was surprised he didn't know. Sira had a wide appetite for sex and it seemed that Sheila shared Sira's nature. Once Airek was destroyed he would join the girls in their room. He longed to fuck Sheila while Sira watched, bound and unable to participate. The fantasy was so strong his cock stiffened.


  Airek felt his nostrils flare. He did smell Sheila and he smelled sex. Airek narrowed his eyes. Sheila and Sira had been together, the scent did not lie. Airek was not disturbed by the fact that Sheila and Sira and been together. Indeed, he hoped to join them in bed, eventually. He had thought perhaps that Sheila was not ready to be initiated in 'sharing'; he was glad to be proven wrong. Now to find her.


  Rex reached the bottom of the steps and stopped to scent the air.

  “I thought that I would kill you quickly,” he said. “But now I think that I have a better idea. I believe I shall let you watch me fuck your mate. Let you see what a real wolf can do. I am sure that Sheila has not been screwed properly. You have always been too tender. A hard fuck, yes, that is what Sheila needs.” Rex caught Airek's scent and slowly moved toward his prey.

  Airek saw Rex's shadow moving slowly toward him and smiled slightly. Rex was overconfident, he always had been.

  “Have you lost your tongue as well as your mate, Airek?” Rex drew closer.

  Airek felt his skin tauten and stretch. His heart thudded as adrenaline began to course through him. He was changing—the heat of the oncoming fight was forcing the shift. Airek took a steadying breath and forced the energy back. He could not shift before he was ready.

  “I am done playing hide-and-seek with you, Airek.” Rex partially shifted his hands until they were hooked claws, deadly sharp. He let Loopin energy crawl off his skin and pour through the room. He knew that no matter how strong Airek was, he would not be able to ignore the 'call'. Rex's heavy pheromone-laced energy would call to Airek and force his beast to answer. Airek would have no choice but to shift and face him.

  Airek clenched his jaw. His muscles were beginning to spasm and his heart was beating impossibly fast. Rex had called his beast and he had no choice but to answer. His body was beginning to morph and he knew that the shift would soon be complete. Airek let out a howl as his body hunched over and his bones melted into place. Within moments he stood, a large silver wolf ready to face his enemy.

  * * * *

  Sheila pressed her ear to the door and swore. She could hear nothing, but she knew something was wrong. She knew in her heart that the storm was coming.

  “Our Alpha is here,” Sira said.

  “I know. Something is wrong; we've got to get out of this room.” Sheila slammed her fist against the door and screamed out her frustration. “Goddamn, I need a stronger fist.”

  Sira came forward. She touched Sheila's knotted shoulder and gasped when electricity jumped from Sheila's skin to her own. She had known her Alpha's mate was powerful, but this was unexpected. Now she knew how they would escape from this place. “If you
call on the power of the Loopin, tap into your beast, then together we can get out of here.”

  “I don't know how to do that! I don't even know what you're talking about.” Sheila cried.

  Sira wrapped her arms around Sheila's middle and focused outward. She felt Sheila's nerves dampen and dissipate.

  Sheila was shocked. “How did you do that? I …I feel much calmer.”

  Sira nodded. “I tapped into the power of the Loopin. I forced your energy down, I calmed you. You can do the same, Sheila.” Sira saw the disbelief in Sheila's eyes and continued. “It doesn't matter that you have not had the full change yet, you can still use the power that is inherent in all of us. If you focus, you can draw on your animal power and together we might have enough strength to escape.” Sira felt her heart race from being so close to Sheila as the power fluxed within her. “Indeed, I believe you may have more power than all of us. There is something in you, Sheila, something that is wild and untamed, something waiting to be unleashed.”

  Sheila took this all in. She had been able to contact Airek mind-to-mind. Perhaps she did have the power to tap into even deeper reserves. “Okay, what do I have to do?”

  Sira smiled. It was a wolfish smile.

  * * * *

  Airek was down. Blood ran in deep, dark rivulets down his flesh and caked into his fur. He growled and struck out. He felt fangs tear into his leg and it buckled beneath him. His silver eyes were stormy when they met Rex's.

  “Ah, how the mighty have fallen.” Rex said with a snarl.

  Airek grimaced. “You cannot even face me in a fair fight, Rex. You have to bring your minions with you.” Airek shot a dark look in Kristoff's direction. The other wolf had attacked Airek from his exposed side.

  Kristoff growled. “It matters little how we bring you down, as long as we bring you down.”


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