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Revenge of the Mistress

Page 8

by Cydney Rax

  Varnell shoved his hands in his pockets. “Hey. That sounds good to me. If I’m lucky that day will come, young lady.”

  “But not anytime soon, right?”

  “No one really knows if any day is coming.”

  Alexis switched subjects. “I think I want to look at a few more sets before picking one that I absolutely want to buy. Seeing that I’m all on my own on this one. Welcome to the life of an independent woman, huh? That’s what I get for wanting to be grown-up, right? Can’t get no type of help around these parts.”

  Varnell pulled her off the mattress. He tickled her under her arms until she screamed and begged for mercy. As they calmed down and started acting like civilized people, she realized she enjoyed his gentle way with her.

  “I like you, you know that?” she said.

  “I don’t know anything.”

  “Oh, you know how I feel about you and you know you know.”

  “Okay, I’m cold busted . . . because I’m feeling you, too!”

  They held hands and rounded the corner to see what other offerings the store had, when they ran smack into Nicole.

  “Well, if it isn’t Nicole Greene.”

  “That’s Eason. Mrs. Rashad Eason.” She flashed her wedding ring triumphantly even though Alexis had already seen it ten times.

  “That’s right. I do remember hearing about a wedding,” Alexis said. “Nice rock, by the way.”

  “It is, isn’t it? You want to try it on? See what it feels like to wear a wedding ring?”

  “Um, no thanks.”

  Nicole eyed Varnell with mild curiosity, then started cackling.

  “Is that a downgrade or what?” She tried to speak in a low voice, but Alexis heard what she said and calmly asked Varnell to excuse her.

  She gently grabbed Nicole’s elbow and led her a few yards away.

  “Mrs. Eason, please don’t act like you’re the only woman who sports a nice rock.”

  “Oh, I know I’m not. But it’s pretty sad when another woman can have a man’s baby but can never get the man himself.”

  “Girl, please. Rashad and I are no longer together, but when we were he wanted my ass day and night.”

  “None of that matters right now.”

  “And since it does not, stop trying to wave your fake-ass happy marriage, look at your jewelry in my face. It takes way more than silver and gold to make a relationship work.”

  Nicole grinned. “It feels soo weird to get marital counseling from a baby-mama, single-ass bitch. How should I pay you for your advice? With an EBT card?”

  “Watch your mouth. You sound stupid and look even more stupid. First of all, I’m not low income you stupid-ass bitch. And I may not be married right now, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t felt the love of a man in my life. I’ve had good love many times. And I will have it again. With a nicer ring than what you’ve got.”

  “Who cares?”

  “Obviously you do since you all up in my business. I’ll have a better life than you one day.”

  “Dream on, Alexis. You wish you could get a man to do you like Rashad does me. Remember my nice-ass Jeep he bought for me? And that was before he even proposed.”

  “You are a miserable little soul and I hope you get everything you’ve schemed for.”

  “Sounds like the words of a true hater. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”

  Alexis raised her hand, ready to slap the shit out of Nicole’s bragging mouth.

  “The game means you got my leftovers,” she told her as she patted her hair instead of slugging the woman like she wanted to.

  “Your leftovers sure taste good. They taste damn good.”

  Even though it seemed childish to her, Alexis was tempted to flash a piece of jewelry that Rashad had given her years ago. She still carried it around in her handbag, undecided whether she should pawn it or keep it just because of its pure beauty. Nicole would die if she knew Alexis still had a pricey ring that Rashad bought for her. But Alexis resisted the urge to stoop to Nicole’s miserable level. She didn’t want to act the fool in front of Varnell and make him think she was ratchet and out of control.

  She tried to take the higher road, and told Nicole, “I’m glad you know what good leftovers taste like and that you’re enjoying them. And I hope you two will be really happy.”

  “We are happy and we are gonna stay happy.”

  Alexis was done. This chick was impossible to deal with.

  Nicole flashed her wedding ring again. Then she began to peruse the furniture displays, the marvelous bedroom sets and leather recliners built for a king. When you had money, you could get all kinds of things to make yourself happy. And Rashad had money. She enjoyed every penny he spent on her.

  Alexis stood a close distance away, unable to take her eyes off her coworker. Nicole stopped to look at every piece of furniture, touching it and commenting on its beautiful craftsmanship. She acted like she could afford anything she wanted.

  But Alexis felt not one twinge of envy.

  She knew that people pretended like they had it all when, in reality, they didn’t have much of anything.

  “Good luck being his wife,” she told Nicole. “I really mean that.” And she grabbed Varnell’s arm and turned and walked away.

  * * *

  That Saturday, Kiara asked Rashad to come over to her house. Their daughter, Jahzara, would turn one during the first week of April, just two short weeks away. They sat at the breakfast table. Kiara offered him some blueberry muffins and breakfast blend tea.

  “Thanks for the hospitality,” he said. This was Kiara’s first time taking a good look at him since he got remarried. Instead of appearing haggard and beat down like she thought he would, he seemed refreshed and self-assured.

  “I try to be cordial to all of my visitors, Rashad, so don’t get any strange ideas.”

  “But I’m not just any visitor,” he reminded her, feeling indignant. “You haven’t done with other visitors the things you’ve done with me.” He winked and took a big bite out of his muffin.

  “And I hope you haven’t done to other wives the things that you did to me.”

  “Okay, Kiara. Let’s not start with all that.”

  “I’m just saying,” she retorted.

  “I’d like to enjoy a nice little visit with you, Miss Lady. If I have offended you in any way, either in the past ten minutes or in the past ten years, please accept my sincerest apologies.”

  Kiara decided to ease up on her ex and get down to business.

  “Look, I know you recently got married and I really didn’t want to bother you since you’re probably still on your little honeymoon and all, but I wanted to discuss Jazzy’s first birthday. I believe you should be included.”

  “That’s very thoughtful of you.” He munched on his muffin and scanned his surroundings. The place looked the same but felt different. “Thanks for thinking of me. But, um, why isn’t what’s-his-face here?”

  “Eddison does have a life, in case you weren’t aware. I told him in advance that you and I would probably plan a little get-together for the baby and that I’d share those details with him later. He was perfectly fine with that.”

  “Whoa, he sounds like a real gem.”

  “That he is.”

  Rashad set down his food. “C’mon, Kiara. You’re talking to me. Eddison Osborne is a man. Not a saint; not a knight in shining armor, or anything close to that.”

  “Are you assuming these things, or do you know them for a fact?”

  “I’m just saying,” he told her and started eating again. “Every man has flaws. You know all of mine. I’m sure he has them, too.”

  “Nope, he actually has no irritating personality quirks. He is responsible, attentive, nurturing, we never argue, we have debates but they are always respectful—”

  “Stop. Enough. Okay, then tell me this. Does his shit smell like shit, or roses?”

  “Funny. He’s considerate enough of me to use the upstairs toilet, and from what I can
tell, he always sprays afterward.”

  “Fucking amazing.”

  “My man is not too good to clean a toilet, which was something you always expected me to do even though it was you who messed it up half the time. In fact, Eddison does a lot more great and wonderful things, and he has no problem doing them—”

  “I’ve heard enough. I really don’t even care. But, Kiara, your boy ain’t what you think he is.”

  “And I think you’re jealous.”


  “Please, Rashad. You just admitted that I know your flaws. You get jealous if another man gives me attention. Remember when we got engaged? And you thought this man at the tire shop, a man I didn’t even know, was trying to push up on me. He saw me in the lobby and he was talking to me while you were in the restroom. When you came back out and saw the guy sitting next to me, you near ’bout had a fit. And later on you started pointing out everything that didn’t look right to you about that man—a man you didn’t even know.”

  “Oh, um. I don’t remember.”

  “Well, I do. I knew right then that you have a jealous streak. You hate competition, or is it that you thrive on competition? I don’t know. But I do believe your envy of my man makes you look like a sore loser.”

  “I’m not admitting to being completely jealous, but yeah, he got what used to be mine. And that bothers me.”

  “Your fault, dude.”

  “Maybe so. And I think you should keep your guard up, because everything that glitters ain’t gold. Sometimes it’s scrap metal. A cheap imitation. Made in China.”

  Kiara laughed like he’d said something hilarious.

  “Thanks but no thanks, ex-hubby. I don’t want or need your advice. At least not about my love life. Now. Let’s talk about the baby’s upcoming party.”

  And Kiara laid out the plans of what she wanted to see happen at the party while Rashad listened, nodded, and nursed his emotional wounds.

  * * *

  “This domestic life stuff really agrees with me,” Nicole told her husband. They were shopping at H-E-B, one of her favorite grocers.

  “Domestic life agrees with you, Mrs. Eason? Oh, really?” He laughed at her. “You’re lucky I have some rare free time on a Sunday.”

  “Rashad, I know the old you worked almost every Sunday. But I’m hoping this is a new era.”

  “A new era?”

  “I didn’t stutter, babe. I don’t want you to revert to your old ways. Working way too much and rarely being home.”

  Rashad stopped in his tracks. “I’m glad you told me this before I signed a big fat contract for a new house.”

  “Oh, um, wait.”

  “No. Too late now, Nicky. You can’t have it both ways. If you want me at home in your face all the time, then common sense says that’s gonna affect the pockets.”

  “Shit. I-I gotta figure out something.”

  “Yeah, you figure it out.” Rashad quietly stormed away from Nicole.

  She desperately wanted to remain calm. And for a second she wished she’d taken Shyla’s advice to get marital counseling. She didn’t realize how much hard work this relationship would be, and she yearned to be a better wife.

  Nicole grabbed her shopping cart and began to push Emmy down the aisle. She hurried along in an effort to catch up with Rashad, who was making his way toward the meat department.

  “Honey, wait up. I-I want both of us to figure out things since we are a team now. It isn’t always about what I want.”

  “That’s not how you tell it.”

  “It came out wrong. That’s all. We can sit down tonight, lay it all on the table. Okay?”

  Rashad pretended to inspect packages of steak. “What? This little packet costs almost twenty-two bucks.”

  “Shh!” Rashad’s loud voice made Nicole feel mortified. She didn’t want the other shoppers to think they couldn’t afford to buy prime meat.

  “Forget this. Where’s the chicken?”

  “Over there.” She walked to a freezer bin and pointed out a family pack of wings.

  “Eleven dollars? When Kiara and I were married, these things cost five bucks. You gotta be rich to eat these days.”

  “Oh my God, Rashad, please don’t make a scene.” Nicole tried to ignore the curious stares she was getting. “He’s just joking,” she explained.

  “Isn’t that the businessman with those commercials?” she heard someone ask. She whisked Rashad away from the large open area to a more private part of the store.

  “Look,” she told Rashad when they got settled in the coffee aisle. “Try not to stress over things like the price of food. I will help pay for it.”

  “What?” he said in mock surprise. He knew exactly what he was doing. Some of Rashad’s behavior was designed to test his wife. Was she ride or die like she claimed, or was she riding as long as times seemed favorable?

  “Yes, babe. I will pay for all of our groceries. You never have to hand me over any cash or a credit card for our meals. It’s the least I can do. That sound fair?”

  “Hell, yeah. Kiara usually paid for groceries, and I handled the special holiday meals.”

  “Rashad. You don’t have to remind me what she did.”

  “Well, she did. Don’t expect me not to ever say her name again. That’s unrealistic. Kiara is the mother of two of my kids. I love them.”

  “But do you still love her?”

  “What you talking about?” He started walking again and left her alone.

  “I’m not done talking to you.”

  When he suddenly abandoned her, Nicole felt disrespected. Where was the love? Although she hated herself for running after him, she did it anyway. She finally caught up with Rashad and felt like bursting into tears. Why did he have to mention Kiara? Just last night he’d accidentally called her by his ex’s name. She nearly punched him squarely in his chest. He apologized, but she wondered if he’d made an honest mistake or had he really been thinking about that woman?

  Kiara Eason haunted Nicole. Everything that Nicole did she wondered if she did it better than her boss. Nicole was confident that she could cook her ass off. And when she served it up sexually to Rashad, she knew that he couldn’t possibly want any other woman after she got through with him. And she tried to stay interested and involved in whatever he talked about: his business, his competitors, his kids, anything.

  Those were the good parts. But just then, in that grocery store, it felt like her relationship had hit a brick wall.

  Nicole thought for a minute. She walked over and grabbed Rashad’s hand and squeezed it. “I love you, Rashad Eason. You believe that?”

  He shrugged.

  “Wow. Just wow.”

  “Don’t try to read into my mood. I’m actually thinking about the NBA game that’s on right now. Warriors versus the Cavs. I wanted to see Steph Curry shoot the lights out the place. But I’m missing it.”

  “No problem. We can just get a couple of items and go home to watch the game. I’ll go shopping for the rest of the items tomorrow after work. On my tab.”

  “You’re too sweet.” Rashad finally cracked the smile she wanted to see. He caressed her cheek. She felt much better. The love was there.

  As they stood in line to pay for the food, Nicole thought she’d better explain her actions.

  “Babe, you gotta teach me what you want, just like I must learn to teach you some of the things that I want.” She glanced around and noticed some twenty-something chicks who wore their shorts up their butt in the middle of late March. Even though the temperature was fairly pleasant that day, the girls still stood out and looked like hookers. Nicole frowned when she saw them pose for a selfie.

  “Now, look at them,” she complained. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about. That was me only six or eight months ago. My priorities were all screwed up. I feel like the biggest goal of my generation is for someone to get a first like on Kim Kardashian’s Instagram. That ain’t shit. And that ain’t me anymore.” She gave her husband a serious look
. “I want way more out of life than that. I may not always explain what I want in the nicest way, Rashad, but I mean well. I’ve come from nothing and wasn’t expected to be anything. So achieving success in life is very important to me.”

  “When you put it like that, it makes you the same as most every other adult in America. I get it.” And he gave her a sexy grin.

  Rashad’s words bridged a gap and gave Nicole the hope she desperately craved. And she was able to leave the store feeling better about her man as well as their future.

  Chapter 6

  It was Tuesday evening and a little over two weeks since he’d gotten remarried. Rashad and Jerry, his right-hand man, were the last ones at the Eason & Son office building. They’d just locked the door. An elderly, no-nonsense guy with a good heart, Jerry was rushing toward his car filled with apologies. “Sorry, Boss Man. I gots to run to the house and help out my old lady. The grandkids are puking all over the bedroom; they have a fever and don’t want to eat anything. We’re going to the ER, but I will drive them instead of calling the ambulance.”

  “No problem, Jerry. Hope everything is okay.”

  “Yeah, maybe my two little cuddle bugs got the flu. They better not have the Zika virus. I know that much.”

  “Think positive, man. Take care. See you tomorrow or whenever you get back.”

  Jerry waved, leaving Rashad alone. This meant that Rashad would be responsible for making the bank deposit. He decided to go to a Wells Fargo near his neighborhood. He drove along the darkened streets, constantly checking the rearview mirror. He did not notice anyone following him. When Rashad reached the building, he brought the vehicle to a stop and turned off the ignition. The parking lot appeared empty. He looked both ways before exiting the car.

  Rashad walked up to the depository and punched buttons on the keypad. Seconds later, a large brick caught him on his head. The deposit bag got violently snatched from his hand. Stunned and dazed, he massaged his head and frantically turned around. He noticed a man running. Instinctively, Rashad took off after him. But the thief swiftly rounded a corner and disappeared into the darkness.

  “Fuck!” Feeling angry and frustrated, Rashad stopped chasing the guy and started for his vehicle. “Damn, at least I still have my ride,” he said to himself, remembering how he had a bad habit of leaving his keys on the car seat.


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