His: MMF Bisexual Holiday Romance

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His: MMF Bisexual Holiday Romance Page 8

by Chloe Lynn Ellis

  “Aiden Campbell,” Luke says, and I wonder for a second if he reads minds. “He’s my…” Luke trails off, then gives me a squeeze. “He’s important to me,” he says. “He belongs to me.” He tilts my face up to look into his eyes. “Just like I’d like you to belong to me,” he says softly.

  My breath catches at the heat in his gaze. Is Luke really proposing what I think he’s proposing?

  “I don’t understand,” I whisper, my heart racing.

  “Oh, I think you do, Virginia,” Luke says, and that lightning races through me again. “I think you know exactly what I’m saying, but let me be perfectly clear.” His hand slides back, his fingers twining into my hair to grip me tightly but gently. “I want you, Virginia,” Luke says, and I moan in spite of myself. “Both Aiden and I want you. He told me about your little kiss, how he was so terribly rude to you. That’s partially my fault—I’m afraid I never gave him any guidelines for how to react to you.”

  Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Luke wants me, Luke wants me! And Aiden, too—they both want me?! It’s crazy, it’s totally wild, but it’s so hot that I think I might be soaking Luke’s sheets. I must still be asleep on Luke’s couch, that’s the only explanation. But when I pinch myself, I’m awake.

  “We want you to be ours,” Luke says, tugging gently at my hair and tilting my head back.

  I would nod, but he’s holding my head fast. He’s going to make me say the words. God, he’s exactly what I want—they’re both exactly what I want. “Yes,” I whisper. “Yes, Luke. I want to belong to you. I want to belong to both of you.”

  He chuckles, and it sends a vibration through my whole body, thrilling and shocking me. “There’s my good girl,” he murmurs as his mouth settles over mine.

  Chapter 8


  My guts are in fucking knots. Been that way all through my shift, all last night—I barely slept—and now all this morning. I keep looking at my phone, expecting Luke to text me, telling me everything went to shit. What the fuck does he think is going to happen when he talks to Ginny? Does he seriously think she’s going to be into dating two guys at once?

  I can’t deny the idea’s hot, or that it would be a fucking dream come true to have Ginny and Luke. But shit like that doesn’t happen to guys like me; that’s not how my life goes. Way more likely is that Luke’ll strike out so bad Ginny’ll get restraining orders against the both of us.

  Or something worse will happen: they’ll realize that they’re good together, so good that they don’t need a fuckup like me in the mix. Yeah, kid, Luke’ll say. Been fun, but don’t need you no more, watch the door on the way out. I can see it unfolding, like a movie in my head. It makes me feel sick. The universe will see that it’s fucked up and course correct, set things back to the way they’re supposed to be. And I’ll go back to being alone.

  So when the text comes in from Luke, I brace myself. But it just reads, Come over. She’s here. And then there’s something I never thought I’d fucking see on a text from Luke: a little winking face emoji. Before I can wrap my brain around the idea that Luke texts with fucking emojis—Luke, Mr. Confident, Mr. Controlled—I’m already grabbing my jacket and heading out the door.

  I’ve gotta get over there. My heart’s hammering, and I’m half convinced he just didn’t want to break it to me over text. Fuck. No matter how this goes down, at least I’ll know. Maybe I’ll be able to breathe again. I try to enjoy what I’m sure will turn out to be my last minutes with Luke in my life.

  I punch the code to get into Luke’s building, take the elevator up to the penthouse and knock on the door of Luke’s apartment. He’s floated the idea of giving me a key, or at least leaving one with the management office of his building, but I said no: it seemed way too soon for something that good. The idea of having a key to Luke’s apartment would be something concrete that proves he really wants me, long-term, and I don’t know if I can believe that yet. Losing someone is a lot easier when you don’t let yourself believe you ever had them in the first place.

  So I knock, and Luke opens the door immediately, like he was waiting for me. I don’t even get a chance to say hi before he’s pulling me into the apartment, holding me against his brick-house body and insistently guiding my face down to his. His tongue invades my mouth, claiming, demanding, and I can’t do anything but give in. I don’t even want to. The only thing I want in the world is to have Luke keep demanding my surrender, to keep offering myself to this man. His kiss is searing, driving everything that’s not him out of my brain until it’s all I can remember to do to gasp for air at the end of it.

  If he was trying to get my attention, mission accomplished.

  “I’m so pleased that you’re here,” Luke says as we break away. “Very prompt, very responsive. Well done, Aiden.” That jolt goes through me, straight to my dick; if you told me being bossed around was what I needed in my life, I would’ve told you I’d gotten enough of that growing up with the most tightly-wound family in Maine. But Luke’s orders, Luke’s praise, they click in me. Turning myself over to him makes me feel safe, secure.

  Like he’s making me feel now, his hand tight in my hair as he kisses me again, soft this time. “She’s here,” Luke says softly, and he steps to the side so that I can see Ginny, sitting on the big leather couch. I think about the first time I came home with Luke, how I blew him on that couch, how he jerked me off while making me watch myself, and my mouth goes dry.

  I don’t even know where things stand right now, but Ginny on that couch is doing all kinds of shit to me. She looks amazing, her hair all messed up and sexy, a pair of men’s boxers barely covering that hot ass of hers, and the giant sweatshirt not doing much to conceal her awesome tits. I can see she’s not wearing a bra, and the idea that I could just slide my hands under that sweatshirt and have my hands right there on her skin is insane to me. She’s looking at me, looking at Luke, looking at both of us with a kind of hunger, one hand idly toying with a nipple through her sweatshirt, and I realize that she was watching us kiss. Hot on the heels of that realization is the one that tells me she liked what she saw, really liked what she saw.

  So much for worrying about her thinking less of me for being with a guy, or thinking we were perverts like my parents claim. She’s clearly into the idea of dudes together. But is she into the idea of dudes together with her? Fucking dying to know.

  “Virginia and I had a little chat this morning,” Luke says, his smile wicked. “About how you belong to me, Aiden.”

  There’s that electricity again, shooting through my whole damn body and making it hard to stand. “Yeah?” I manage to choke out.

  “Oh, yes,” Luke smiles as he guides me toward the couch, backing me up so that I have to trust he’s got me. He pushes my chest, sending me backwards so that I have no choice but to sit down on the couch next to Ginny.

  She looks at me, her eyes sparkling. We’re so close together, it’s making me a little crazy—I could just reach out and touch her, pull her onto my lap. Up close she looks even more disheveled, but in the sexiest possible way. I think about the fact that Luke must have been touching her like I want to before I got here. I can’t tell if I’m jealous of his attention or hers; I just know I wish I’d been there to see it, whatever it was they did together.

  Luke looks down at both of us, his muscular arms crossed over his chest and that sexy smile on his lips. “Now,” he says. “Both of you know what I want: I want you both to belong to me.”

  I look up at him, trying to make sure I understand. “You said you didn’t want to share,” I remind him. “That you wanted what was yours to stay yours.”

  He raises an eyebrow at me and I fall silent. “Interrupting me,” he says, and a note of steel creeps into his voice. “Not my favorite habit of yours, Aiden.”

  I feel a flush spread across my cheeks and glance over to Ginny. She’s biting her lower lip; she must love seeing Luke get bossy as much as I do. Fuck, he’s got us both eating out of the palm of his hand. He
wants us to belong to him? Pretty sure we already do.

  “Finished, Aiden?” Luke asks. His voice sounds severe, that hot strict teacher voice, but his eyes are laughing. I nod. “Excellent,” he says. “If you remember, Aiden, I also said that having you both belong to me, having all three of us belong to each other, wasn’t the same as sharing what’s mine with the rest of the world.”

  My heart is racing—this is too good to be true. I turn to Ginny. “What do you think?” I ask her. “Are you okay, with all of this? Is this… are we…” I can’t finish the question. It’s too much like a dream, just too much.

  Luke reaches down, tilts Ginny’s face up so she meets his eyes. “Aiden needs an answer to his question, my beautiful Virginia,” he tells her. She groans softly, the sound almost too quiet to hear, but all the same it seems to light up every nerve in my body. I feel electric, I feel amazing; fuck, I feel like a damn superhero. “I already know what you want,” Luke says. “Now, tell Aiden exactly. What. You. Want.”

  Ginny closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and turns to me. “I—” she begins, then swallows hard. I can’t help but watch the way her breath makes her amazing rack rise and fall. “I want you both,” Ginny confesses. “I want… everything.” Her eyes are intense, her voice a hot, husky whisper that hits me somewhere deep inside, in some animal place. Every fantasy I’ve been having since yesterday, every filthy thought wound in with the worry; it’s all possible. It’s all right here, right in my grasp.

  “Your turn, Aiden,” Luke says, smiling at me. He knows how I feel, knows how bad I want this, but he’s gonna make me say it. He’s gonna make me ask for everything I want. He always does. “Tell her.”

  I swallow hard, then reach out and take Ginny’s hand. “I want you,” I tell her softly. “Wanted you the second I saw you, the minute I heard your voice. Be ours, Gin,” I ask her. “We both want you so bad.”

  Her breath hitches, and the look in her eyes is like a dream come true. I see Luke place a hand on her back a split second before I feel his touch on the back of my neck. “Kiss her,” he orders softly, his voice low and rumbling through me like thunder. And then I’m gathering Ginny up in my arms, pulling her hot, soft body against mine.

  She almost melts against me, her arms twining around my neck, and Luke watching makes it a million times hotter. My heart is racing; I feel so alive it’s insane. Luke is here with me, Ginny is here with me. We belong here, we belong to each other, and it feels so incredibly right. It’s like we managed to stumble onto a secret way into paradise. My folks made it real clear that they thought I’d never get to see heaven. Now, with Ginny in my arms, Luke’s touch on my back, I’m already there.

  “Her shirt,” Luke says. “Slowly.”

  I obey eagerly, slowly slipping Ginny’s sweatshirt up over her head and tossing it to the side, revealing her perfect tits to both of us. She moans softly, her arms moving to cover her nakedness before Luke makes a soft tsk noise and she immediately pulls them away. Her nipples are hard, tight and pink, and my mouth waters at the sight of them. I’m dying to suck them, to kiss my way down her body.

  “Good girl,” Luke growls, and Ginny moans, the sound going straight to my cock. I’m painfully hard, my jeans choking me. “Now yours, Aiden.” I obey, almost ripping my Henley in the process, I’m so damn excited. Luke and Ginny’s faces as they watch me strip aren’t helping me calm down. “Lie back for Aiden, Virginia,” Luke says. “He’ll help you.”

  I take Ginny in my arms, wrapping one around her shoulders and the other around the curve of her waist, lowering her onto her back on the couch. Her breasts feel amazing against my chest, and it’s hard to let go of her. She nestles into the pile of throw pillows, her hair spread out over the cushions. With her bare chest and slightly parted lips, she looks like some sex goddess from a painting. Even in the penguin boxers.

  Luke settles into the leather armchair next to the couch, close enough to the armrest where Ginny’s head is pillowed that he could bend over and kiss her if he wanted to. “Now her shorts,” he tells me. “And your pants,” he adds, his tone casual, like me being naked is an afterthought. Then he winks at me and grins, and the crazy way he wants me is all over his face.

  I look up at Ginny’s face, her eyes heavy-lidded with lust. Yes is written all over her face; the little nod she gives me is just icing.

  I don’t waste any time reacting, even if I do take my time pulling the boxers down her soft, lovely thighs, down her sexy legs. She lifts her hips to help me, and I somehow manage not to look up at her before I drop the boxers on the floor. I like the way she’s squirming, the little noises she makes as we make her wait, and I can see why Luke digs this kind of thing.

  My jaw doesn’t drop, but it’s a close call. Ginny’s the hottest woman I’ve ever seen, let alone seen naked and up close like this. She’s looking at me like she can’t stand to not be touching me, like she’s starving and she wants to devour me.

  “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” Luke asks. I nod, speechless, as Ginny blushes with pleasure at the compliment. “I think you need to thank her for letting you see how fucking gorgeous she is, Aiden.”

  I nod again, my brain barely making sense of the words. I’m so turned on that it’s hard to focus, looking at Ginny and knowing Luke is watching.

  “Well?” Luke says. “Thank her, Aiden.” I look at him questioningly; the blood definitely isn’t all in my brain at the moment. Luke’s eyes narrow, and I see a smile quirk the edge of his mouth. “I see you need instructions.” He walks to me, puts a hand on the back of my neck in that hot, possessive way. “Lie down between her fucking sexy thighs, hook them over those nice, broad shoulders of yours, and eat her out until she fucking screams.”

  Holy. Shit.

  Ginny makes that whimpering noise again, her eyes going wide, and I feel like I’m going to lose it right there. How Luke can stay so under control saying shit like that, staring at her like he is, is beyond me.

  I do as Luke says; hell, it’s what I’ve been aching to do since I met Ginny. I climb back onto the couch and slowly lower myself between her thighs, kissing up the insides of them. I keep that up, my cock throbbing against the couch cushions, until she’s lifting her hips and writhing, desperately trying to get me to touch her where she really needs it. I look up at Luke and his eyes are like a blue spotlight on us. He nods, his eyes narrowing.

  And then I get to work. I’ve never gotten to do this before, but I’ve always liked seeing it in porn; the good stuff, where the girl seems to be really having a good time, not the stuff where the guy barely puts his mouth on her. But doing it in real life? Porn doesn’t stand a chance. Ginny’s delicious, indescribable, and the heat and wetness of her are… I can’t do it justice. My arms wrapped around her thighs hold her in place, and it’s a good thing they do, because she’s bucking and twisting and making the hottest noises I’ve ever heard in my life as I lap at her, licking and teasing.

  And all the while I’m aware of Luke’s eyes on us, watching me go down on her while stroking himself. I glance up at the mirror and see the two of us on the couch together, Ginny’s face like something out of the best porno ever. I can’t keep myself from grinding against the couch, my aching cock desperate for some kind of friction.

  “Please,” Ginny whimpers. “Please, Aiden, please! I need you, I need—” Her breath hitches as I circle her clit with my tongue. She feels like she’s close, but she’s not there yet, which means I have work to do. After all, Luke gave me an order.

  I shift my hands under her plush ass and pull her tight against me, no room for her to wiggle as I lap at her faster and faster, my tongue moving in circles the way she clearly loves. She’s got her hands digging into my hair and her whole body is trembling as she makes noises that drive me crazy.

  “Right there, please!” she whimpers. “Aiden, yes, please—Luke—” And then her whole body arches, going taut like a live wire as her hands tighten in my hair and she screams. My mouth is full of her sw
eetness, flooded with her taste; I can feel her muscles contracting as she comes against my mouth, sobbing with her release.

  I kiss her sensitive thighs, her belly, gently stroking her sexy, pale thighs. There’s a soft, rosy blush spreading across her cheeks, the tops of her full breasts, and she’s so relaxed that she looks almost boneless.

  I let my head rest on her thigh, savoring the cool feel of her skin against my cheek. I’m dying to touch myself, my balls aching, but I don’t have permission yet.

  “Please,” Ginny murmurs, looking down her body to me. “Fuck me, Aiden.”

  Luke leans over from his armchair and digs his fingers into Ginny’s hair, giving it a sharp, firm tug that makes her give a sharp little moan. “You aren’t calling the shots here, Miss Lawson,” he says, in that firm teacher voice that turns me on so much. She moans again, pushing her head back into his hand, and I can see that turns her on, too. Luke turns to me, his blue eyes blazing. “Fuck her, Aiden,” he orders.

  A shiver runs through my whole body at the look in his eyes. I can’t believe this is really happening to me, can’t believe this is really something I get to experience. But Ginny is reaching for me with both hands, and Luke is staring at me with that look in his eyes and his hand around his own cock. This is real. This is all real.

  I manage to clear my head enough to wrap up in a condom, then crawl onto my knees, positioning myself between Ginny’s thighs. I look at her, meeting her eyes, my last attempt to make sure this is something she wants before I can’t hold myself back anymore.

  She smiles at me and arches her hips, grinding herself against my cock, and my last bit of self-control totally unravels. She’s soaking wet from my mouth, hot and tight, and my eyes almost roll back in my head as I push into her. “Oh, fuck, Ginny,” I groan, grabbing at the back of the couch to steady myself. I’m so close already, and the noises Ginny’s making, the short, sharp way that Luke’s breathing, aren’t doing anything to help me last longer.


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