Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance

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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance Page 87

by Bella Winters

  It was nearly half past four by now, and his employees were beginning to wind up to start going home. Devon decided that he was going to stay in the office longer than necessary tonight. He could go over reports, maybe even go over Belle’s reports!

  He shook his head and stood up from his chair. In a moment of panic, he pulled out his personal phone and dialed Alisha’s number. She answered soon enough and sounded like she was delighted to hear his voice.

  “What’s happening with you?” she asked when she answered the call.

  “I nearly fucked her,” Devon said, pressing his temples.

  Alisha was laughing.

  “When have you nearly fucked a woman? You’ve either fucked someone or not fucked them,” she said and Devon shook his head.

  “I don’t know what’s happening to me. She’s driving me crazy. I had her in my office today. I kissed her and things got a little heated up,” he said and he heard Alisha take in a deep breath.

  “And who put a stop to it?” she asked.

  “I did. Well, kinda…we were interrupted, but I pretty much pushed her away after that,” he replied and there was silence between them for a few seconds. Alisha wasn’t saying a word. It was as though all of this was coming as a shock to her.

  “I really don’t know what to say, Devon. You’ve never behaved like this before. Is it just because she has a boyfriend? She wouldn’t have kissed you back or allowed things to escalate if she didn’t want it too,” Alisha reasoned and Devon stood up from his chair.

  He walked over to the glass wall behind him and looked out to the busy Hudson River below.

  “Maybe she’s just confused. I think she’s a virgin. So it could be that she doesn’t know what she wants,” he said.

  Alisha was thinking again.

  “A virgin girl in a relationship, who is much younger than you. This girl has clearly pulled a number on you,” she said finally, and Devon let out a deep breath.

  “I know, it’s insane. I can’t stop thinking about her, and when I do I get turned on,” he replied.

  “And you still can’t tell me who she is?” Alisha urged him.

  “No, I don’t want to jeopardize her position. I’m putting an end to this,” he said.

  “How?” Alisha asked and Devon shook his head.

  “I’ll figure out a way,” he said and then ended the call.

  Staring out at the dimming light outside, Devon knew he didn’t want to go back to his empty apartment. He wanted to spend some more time in his office, he could still feel Belle’s presence here. Besides, he knew that if he want back to his place, he would only end up fantasizing about her, and might masturbate to her and that wasn’t something he wanted to do. He wanted to try everything he could to push her out of his mind.

  Devon licked his lips as he thought. Something needed to be done. Something substantial, to put some distance between themselves. Even if it meant that it might hurt them both for now, it would have to be done for their own long-term welfare.

  For the first time in his life, Devon was beginning to feel like he needed companionship. Not the kind that Alisha provided, but something deeper. He knew that he had found that connection with Belle, but they had met under the wrong circumstances.

  Devon shook his head and walked back to his desk and sat down. He would need to come up with a solution, and fast, before things got out of hand.

  Chapter 10


  Belle was back in her apartment by half past five. She was desperate to come back home, to find some time to think. She could still feel Devon’s mouth on her, between her legs, as she walked up to the apartment. She had felt like that the whole day, fantasizing about him. The way he had made her feel. But now, as she pushed open the door, a wave of guilt hit her.

  Thankfully, Jesse wasn’t at home. She went straight for the shower. She felt like maybe if she washed herself she could also wash the guilt off. She had wanted Devon Rymer so badly, so desperately in that moment that she hadn’t thought about Jesse. But Belle had always believed that she wasn’t the type of person who would ever cheat in a committed relationship. She had committed herself to Jesse, and they might be going through a rough and rocky start, but she owed it to him and to herself to give the relationship a chance.

  Besides, it didn’t even seem like Devon wanted more. It appeared that it was one moment of weakness, on both their parts and he had very quickly changed his mind. Why would a powerful, successful man like Devon Rymer want her in the first place? She thought as she scrubbed herself. When he could have any woman he wanted, what made Belle so special?

  She dried herself and changed into casual home clothes, and walked out of the bathroom to find Jesse home.

  “How was your day?” he asked her, as he unlaced his sneakers.

  Belle gulped before pasting a smile on her face. Just facing Jesse had brought back that wave of guilt in her. She could barely look him in the eye any more.

  “How was yours?” she asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

  “Unsuccessful,” he said and walked over to the kitchen area to pour himself a glass of water.

  “Have you eaten already?” she asked him, drying her hair with a towel.

  “Yeah, you?” he asked her and Belle clenched her jaw. What was happening to them? Weren’t couples supposed to eat together?

  “No, but I’m not hungry I guess,” she said and watched as he walked over to the couch and sat down with a thump.

  “Jesse,” Belle said, placing a hand on her left hip. He looked up at her, while he plugged in the controls of his playstation.

  “Yeah?” he asked, and he looked away, like he wasn’t expecting her to say anything important. Now that she looked at him, she realized that she felt nothing. None of the emotions she had felt when Devon had looked at her. Even without touching her, he had managed to make her bubble with excitement. Something that Jesse had never been able to do.

  “What are we going to do about next month’s rent? I won’t be able to afford the whole thing,” she said and gulped. She had so much more to say, to ask him, but his attention was drifting already.

  “We’ll manage. I’ll figure something out,” he said distractedly. Belle rolled her eyes and breathed in deeply. Her cellphone on the kitchen counter beeped and she walked towards it. She was feeling mixed emotions of guilt and anger, and they were all directed at Jesse.

  On her phone, she saw that she had received an email, from Devon Rymer. Quickly turning her back to Jesse, with a flush of guilt rushing to her cheeks, she opened the email.

  Hello Belle,

  I’m sorry about what happened in the office earlier. It was entirely my fault and I take the blame for it completely. But I don’t think we should allow for it to happen again. I’m going to ask Susan to move you to our Brooklyn office. You’ll keep your role, but just be out of my way. I wanted to warn you myself.

  Devon Rymer

  Belle read it again, three times over and then Jesse’s voice interrupted her thoughts. She hadn’t been able to believe what she was reading. She had expected things to get awkward between the two of them now, but this was the last thing she saw coming.

  “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he said and she jerked her head up to look at Jesse. She could feel her nostrils flaring.

  “I’m being moved to the Brooklyn office,” she said, as she stared at him with unblinking eyes. She still couldn’t believe it.

  “That’s great isn’t it? Your office will be closer to us that way,” Jesse said, still tapping away at his playstation controls. He was speaking robotically, just with mild interest in what she was saying. He was more engrossed in his game.

  “No, I want to keep working at the Manhattan office,” she said, suddenly snapping out of her dazed thoughts.

  “So, what are you going to do about it?” Jesse asked.

  “I’m going to go speak to Devon Rymer. I know he doesn’t leave his office before seven. If I go now, I can st
ill make it,” she said and looked expectantly at Jesse. She wasn’t sure why she was staring at him. Perhaps she was hoping that he would stop her, that maybe they might sit together and discuss the situation and he could give her some support. Perhaps she was waiting for some sort of sign from the Universe that would tell her that she shouldn’t be going to see Devon.

  But nothing happened. Jesse continued to play his game and Belle licked her lips. She knew that was not what Devon wanted. That would be exactly the opposite of what he wanted. But if he was going to move her from the Manhattan office, she wasn’t going to go out without a fight. She was going to face up to him. After all, he was wrong; he wasn’t entirely to blame. She was just as much at fault as he was and he needed to know that.

  Chapter 11


  Devon had the lights dimmed in his office. He was aware that apart from the security personal downstairs, there was no other soul in the building. It was nearly eight now, but he continued typing away at his computer. Keeping himself engrossed in work had helped him to distract his thoughts from Belle and what happened earlier that day.

  He was also glad that he had found the strength to send that email to her. Once she moved to the Brooklyn office in a few days, he wouldn’t be in danger of bumping into her in the elevator or the corridors. He’d be able to take the temptation away of calling her to his office too.

  The soft ping of the elevator doors opening outside alerted him, and Devon looked up from his typing. A few moments later there was a sharp rap on the door.

  “Come in” he called out, thinking that it might be Lily and that she had forgotten a file or something. The door opened, and instead of Lily, Belle was on the other side.

  She was panting, giving him the impression that she had been running.

  “I wasn’t sure if you would still be here but I decided to take my chances,” Belle said, stepping in confidently.

  She was dressed much differently than she usually was for work, and that took Devon by mild surprise. In a pair of distressed boxy jeans that just about reached her ankles, and an oversized t-shirt; Belle looked casual chic and fashionable. Her waist length bronze hair was left open and was still a little damp, and he wondered if she had just had a shower. She usually tied her hair in a bun or plaited it for work, so seeing it open like that made Devon shift in his seat.

  “How can I help you, Belle?” he asked, in a curt voice.

  She entered his office and shut the door behind her.

  “You can help me by explaining why you want me gone from this office,” she said, striding confidently towards his desk.

  Devon took the glasses off his face and placed them on the desk. He then steepled his fingers in front of him, and confronted her directly. Belle’s brown eyes were even more darker than usual and her pink glossy lips were stretched in a thin pursed line. She didn’t look amused.

  “I explained in my email why, Belle. I thought I made myself quite clear,” Devon said, trying to maintain an authoritative persona.

  “You didn’t explain it at all. You apologized for what happened and then said that you want me out of your way,” she said, walking up close to the desk. There was still the obstruction of a desk between them, and Devon was glad for it.

  She looked sexy when she was mad, and a new side to her sweet delicate personality was revealed, which was only succeeding in turning him on more.

  “That was precisely my point. Because of what happened today, I think it would be best if we kept some distance between us,” he said and moved his chair, shifting it father away from his desk.

  Belle squinted, looking at him fiercely.

  “It wasn’t just your fault you know. I wanted it too,” she said, after a few moments of silence. Her voice had softened a bit. Devon looked at her and then slowly nodded.

  “Sure. You’re right, it takes two hands to clap. However, I believe it is my responsibility to put an end to this before it goes any further,” he said and now he slowly stood up from his chair. Belle was following him with her eyes, watching him like a hawk. It amazed him that she didn’t budge or flinch. That she wasn’t intimidated by him in the least.

  “You’re talking about responsibility like you’re in some kind of guardian position. We are both adults here, Devon. I’m a grown woman and I know how to take care of myself,” she snapped. For the first time, Belle looked like she had taken offense.

  Devon raised his hands, palms forward in a defensive position and breathed in deeply.

  “I don’t mean to upset you, Belle. In fact, I want the exact opposite of that. Which is why, I think to avoid another conversation like this happening, and so that you don’t have to find yourself in a situation where you’re unfaithful to your boyfriend…I believe it would be best if you move to the Brooklyn office,” he said.

  Belle was watching him with interest, with her eyes narrowed and no softness on her face.

  “So, is that what it is? This is about the fact that I have a boyfriend? You don’t have to worry about my relationship,” she snapped at him and Devon pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants. Just when he thought this was all finally over, that he had taken the crucial step necessary for them to move on…he was in the same position again. Just watching Belle speak, looking at her delicate body and fiery brown eyes were enough. He wanted her again.

  “I’m not worried about your relationship. I’m worried about ours. We effectively ruined it this afternoon, and all I want is your professional success. So in order to keep this purely professional, you have to move away,” Devon said and clenched his jaw.

  He could see that she was thinking, she licked her lips and stared at him. He wasn’t sure of exactly what she was thinking, but he hoped she wasn’t thinking of coming any closer to him. One more step and it would be impossible for him to resist her. He was doing everything in his power to hold back.

  For her own good, and his own sanity - Belle Freedman needed to get out of his office right now.

  Chapter 12


  Belle couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She couldn’t fathom how Devon was so calm and composed when she was experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions herself. Everything he had said till now had made complete sense, but she had only snapped at him in response because she didn’t want to hear him say those things.

  “What if I told you that I won’t let this ruin my professional pursuits?” Belle asked, softening her voice. Devon arched his eyebrows and took in a deep breath.

  “I’m one of the partners of this agency, I’m your Boss…you’re my employee. Belle, this could end disastrously for both of us,” Devon said and she took a few steps towards him. She saw that he had clenched his jaws, he was holding his ground. But the other thing that she could sense, was that his resolve was beginning to crack. She knew that the closer she got to him, the harder it would get for him to control himself.

  “Why are you being so negative, Devon?” she said, slowly, maintaining eye contact with him. Now she was sure of what she wanted. She wanted him inside her. She wanted the whole thing. She knew that she wouldn’t truly be satisfied till he had taken her completely, till he finished what he started.

  “I’m being realistic Belle. For your sake and mine,” he said and Belle came even closer. She could feel her fingers trembling as she took each step. She had never been this forward with anybody, especially not with someone who was this attractive or this powerful. It was thrilling to see that she had an effect on him. Devon’s eyes were glazing over, his gaze kept dropping to her heaving breasts under her t-shirt. He couldn’t look away.

  “Can we worry about all that later?” she asked and stopped in her tracks, when she was directly in front of him. She had to crane her neck to look up at him, and Devon was looking down at her with weakness in his eyes. He wasn’t going to make the first move, not this time, she was sure of it.

  He only clenched his jaw in response and Belle sank to the floor.

  She wasn’t su
re what she was doing. She had no experience in the art of seduction, but all she knew was that she wanted to see him naked. It was his turn now.

  On her knees, Belle looked up at Devon. He was towering over her, and she suddenly felt an electric shock run down her spine when she realized how powerful and muscular he actually was. She looked up at him with expectant eyes, begging him to tell her what to do next.

  But she wasn’t surprised when he slowly pulled the zip down on his pants. Then he unbuttoned it and the pants came tumbling down to the floor.


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